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New DLC content revealed for May 24th, 2012

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I always imagined Celice as a Paladin...

...ah well, he still looks pretty slick.

I'm wondering if they are trying to make each lord a different class. Thus far, we've gotten:

Star Lord (Marth)

Mercenary (Roy)

Trickster (Leaf)

Dark Mage (Micaiah)

Demon Fighter (Alm)

? (Ephraim)

Swordmaster (Celice)

I'd need to see some lord that could get the same class first, but thus far I think the pattern fits pretty well.I originally thought Lyn (if she got a DLC) would be Swordmaster, but seeing how Assasins can use Bows now...

Edited by Shun One
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Looks like a swordmaster, but Celice's face just looks AWFUL here.At least his swordmaster armor makes him look sorta regal.

Eh, eventually it'll grow on me.

Edited by SilvueWolf
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I'm really surprised Yurius didn't come with Loputousu, considering we now have Torhammer, FalaFlame, and Holsety, and I think a form of Narga...Why wouldn't they include Loptousu?

I think the reason it wasn't put in is because it would be a pretty overpowered weapon, since it would cut the enemies attack in half, and in the hands of the already powerful Sorcerors, that's a terrifying prospect. At least that's what I think. They may decide to include it at a later date. Also don't forget that the Valkyrie Staff still hasn't made an appearance yet either.

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Hm... Celice in the King vs King map was a swordmaster already, so I guess this shouldn't have been surprising. They probably made him an unmounted class to differentiate him from the inevitable Sigurd. You can just class change him into a Paladin anyway.

I don't think this rules out Lyn as a Sword master though. They seem to be avoiding repeating classes, but in Lyn's case there's a gender difference, so her design will end up pretty different from Celice's anyway.

I think the reason it wasn't put in is because it would be a pretty overpowered weapon, since it would cut the enemies attack in half, and in the hands of the already powerful Sorcerors, that's a terrifying prospect. At least that's what I think. They may decide to include it at a later date.

Every holy weapon had its boost tonned down in order to fit FE13 though, becoming just a single +5 stat. I could see it becoming something like +5 def & +5 res.

Edited by NeonZ
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Hm... Celice in the King vs King map was a swordmaster already, so I guess this shouldn't have been surprising. They probably made him an unmounted class to differentiate him from the inevitable Sigurd. You can just class change him anyway. I don't think this rules out Lyn as a Sword master though. They seem to be avoiding repeating classes, but in Lyn's case there's a gender difference, so her design will end up pretty different from Celice's anyway.

This is a good point. It does make a question of whether or not they choose classes based off of their appearance or their utility for their original class. Micaiah could've easily been a Sage, but the use of Dark Magic is another thing entirely.

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Hm... Celice in the King vs King map was a swordmaster already, so I guess this shouldn't have been surprising. They probably made him an unmounted class to differentiate him from the inevitable Sigurd. You can just class change him into a Paladin anyway.

I don't think this rules out Lyn as a Sword master though. They seem to be avoiding repeating classes, but in Lyn's case there's a gender difference, so her design will end up pretty different from Celice's anyway.

Every holy weapon had its boost tonned down in order to fit FE13 though, becoming just a single +5 stat. I could see it becoming something like +5 def & +5 res.

Lopotousu didn't have a big boost at all originally (only +5 Res). The main issue is Lopotousu's second effect, which is cutting attack in half. It's a pretty powerful effect to have on a weapon, and so far the only thing similar to it is the skill Evil Dragon Scale, which has the same effect, and is reserved for

Gimle and Lunatic+ Fauder

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Also, we still have Eirika too, another sword user. If they really attempted to avoid repeat classes completely, I don't see what they could do with her. Make her an hero? Likely not possible because we still have Ike who's pretty certainly taking that class. Paladin? There's still Sigurd... and also Eliwood.

So far, both Lyn and Eirika seem to be swordfighters/Sword Masters in the DLC chapters, although the DLC version might still end up different (See Micaiah, who is a Mage/Sage as a NPC, but Dark Mage as DLC), I think forcing both to alternate classes like Assassin wouldn't work well at all. I mean, what's going to be left for Eirika if they're going for only one character per class? Something completely random like Dark Knight? I think it makes more sense if they're more worried about the visual variation of the characters. So, someone like Eirika could end up as a female Paladin even if there's already a male one and Lyn would be a swordmaster like in the DLC chapter.

Lopotousu didn't have a big boost at all originally (only +5 Res). The main issue is Lopotousu's second effect, which is cutting attack in half. It's a pretty powerful effect to have on a weapon, and so far the only thing similar to it is the skill Evil Dragon Scale

That's why I think it could be limited to a +5/+5 boost. You'd still have a defensive ability, but it wouldn't be nearly as powerful as it was in FE4.

Edited by NeonZ
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Also, we still have Eirika too, another sword user. If they really attempted to avoid repeat classes completely, I don't see what they could do with her. Make her an hero? Likely not possible because we still have Ike who's pretty certainly taking that class. Paladin? There's still Sigurd... and also Eliwood.

So far, both Lyn and Eirika seem to be swordfighters/Sword Masters in the DLC chapters, although the DLC version might still end up different (See Micaiah, who is a Mage/Sage as a NPC, but Dark Mage as DLC), I think forcing both to alternate classes like Assassin wouldn't work well at all. I mean, what's going to be left for Eirika if they're going for only one character per class? Something completely random like Dark Knight? I think it makes more sense if they're more worried about the visual variation of the characters. So, someone like Eirika could end up as a female Paladin even if there's already a male one and Lyn would be a swordmaster like in the DLC chapter.

It also brings up the question of who all will actually get DLC. I'm sure that no one expected Elincia for starters, and Celice today made me stop and think that maybe everyone won't get DLC. I think Othin had a theory of each title getting two characters with FE4 being split between gen1 and gen2 to total out at 20 DLC characters. As far as classes go, I think they're choosing them more on utility as opposed to how the class looks.

It's just a thoguht however. There's no real proof either way and if Nintendo wants lots of DLC, they'll add as much as they can.

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Considering the fact that her Ultimate Weapon the Sol Katti is available in this game as a weapon exclusive to Myrmidons and Swordmasters, I somehow doubt Lyn would be anything but those two classes. If Nintendo's planning on putting her in there for DLC.

Edited by Fancy Grunt
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Ike, Sigurd, Eliwood, Eirika and Lyn are all very likely to get DLC versions though, they're in the Spirit Talisman chapters which is what Othin is using for his 20 characters speculation (It'll be pretty weird though if we get more secondary characters like Diadora and Hector is just ignored in spite of being a lord). However, at this point, I don't see how you could fit all of them without repeating classes.

Edit: Good point about the Sol Katti. It'd be completly senseless if they gave her a class which made her unable to equip it.

Edited by NeonZ
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Considering the fact that her Ultimate Weapon the Sol Katti is available in this game as a weapon exclusive to Myrmidons and Swordmasters, I somehow doubt Lyn would be anything but those two classes. If Nintendo's planning on putting her in there for DLC.

The other option is that Lyn has a special, possibly female-only class, that counts as a Myrmidon for the Sol Katti and Amatsu weapon locks. It shouldn't be hard to do, because they just need to add one byte or something to the class data.

Although, with the timetable they're throwing out DLC-exclusive classes, I don't personally think my idea will happen : P

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Considering the fact that her Ultimate Weapon the Sol Katti is available in this game as a weapon exclusive to Myrmidons and Swordmasters, I somehow doubt Lyn would be anything but those two classes. If Nintendo's planning on putting her in there for DLC.

Good point. It does bring up a question for me though. Can Marth still wield Falchion if he's not in Star Lord Class? Same question for Krom as well. If so, it wouldn't be hard for them to code in an exception for Lyn to always be able to equip Sol Katti regardless of her class.

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Although, with the timetable they're throwing out DLC-exclusive classes, I don't personally think my idea will happen : P

I think it's pretty likely we'll see Celica with a female counterpart for Alm's class. The reason they chose Alm for that kind of thing in the first place was likely Gaiden's lack of popularity, so he needed a big extra to sell. The same probably will go to Celica.

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I really don't understand why they didn't just edit existing classes and switch a few weapon proficiencies around. Sure, it would've still been cheap to essentially have copies of classes, but at least they would've been more like their original counterparts.

Considering the fact that her Ultimate Weapon the Sol Katti is available in this game as a weapon exclusive to Myrmidons and Swordmasters, I somehow doubt Lyn would be anything but those two classes. If Nintendo's planning on putting her in there for DLC.

considering we've seen a break from that. . . we can only assume that they are not caring about character-specific weapons

For example; Elinica doesn't have swords available to her; even though in both FE9-10 she only had swords and staves (and a unique sword to boot). All they really needed to do was just switch her lance for a sword and it'd be done.

Edited by StrategistPockystix
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