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Mystery of Paris.

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Not really, because those were based on actual similarities found between other characters, more than "omg look a cap and hair must be ----."

We had plot, similarity in portraits, and in-game data which connected the characters. This newest sprite is just getting a lot of fan jerking >_>

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Also, we know he's a free agent and therefore viable to marry the female MU (thus proving once and for all that his relationship with Soren was only ever brotherly).

That'd be an amazing amount of win. It'd be dangerous, as concentrated awesome causes... well... it's dangerous. We know that.

Am I the only one who shipped Lethe x Ike? unsure.gif

Maybe... I shipped Ike x Elincia. gee_wiz_emoticon.gif

Edited by Airship Canon
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If Paris is Ike, will he wear a mask and look just like Ike, that'd be quite an interesting development. I think it's a pretty big jump of a conclusion though...

Edited by Shun One
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If Paris is Ike, will he wear a mask and look just like Ike, that'd be quite an interesting development. I think it's a pretty big jump of a conclusion though...

A bit of speculation can't hurt anyone. I think it'd be great if he pulled a Sirius, but I'll be just as pleased if the character isn't Ike.

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A bit of speculation can't hurt anyone. I think it'd be great if he pulled a Sirius, but I'll be just as pleased if the character isn't Ike.

True, true...I'm thinking that if Paris is Ike, he'll wear a mask and pretend that he's not Ike...Not that anyone would know who he was in the first place.

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Personally, I think it would be totally badass if it were Ike. It would cement him in as a more important Lord, I feel..

Also, that would explain why it's taking so long to get him as a DLC character... Odd that we get Elincia and Micaiah before him, eh?

Of course, the amount of "evidence" that it's Ike is more so just a bunch of situations that would fit if it were Ike, nothing to actually conclude that it was. In the end, as long as he's badass, I don't care who it is.

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I just hope Paris is a lance specialized foot unit. If we can't have soldiers, at least give us an AU Halberdiers :'(

Yes, I know knights and great lords wield lances. You know what I mean.

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You forget what alt you're on or something? :p

Looks more like he was oblivious to the edit button.

Since Olivia X Donny supports prove that the Kakusei's time comes after PoR's (and most likely RD's) time and that Tellius is on the same planet as Archanea, Paris is looking more and more like Ike to me. Though I would still put money on it being Ike's descendant rather than Ike himself.

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If Tellius is in the same universe of Archanea then it would have to be at the beginning of the FE timeline since it describes how the world began so it would have to take place thousands upon thousands of years before Kakusei, so it can't be Ike. And if it was Ike via time travel, why would he change his name? Who's he hiding from? Everyone he knows would be long dead and his name would've long since been lost to history. And there's no way Ike would be voiced by Daisuke Ono.

Ooh! What if Paris is Lucina's son from even further in the future! Being a lord would explain the cape

Edited by Mysterique Sign
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And there's no way Ike would be voiced by Daisuke Ono.

Really? I'm not super familiar with voice actors, but if this is the same Daisuke Ono http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Daisuke_Ono (which I assume it is), then it doesn't seem too unlikely. Right away, I recognize that he did Casshern from Tatsunoko vs. Capcom, and quite frankly that voice would seem to fit Ike perfectly well.

Also, seems like he did the voice of Frederick from the same game. Doesn't seem too unfitting to me, really..

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Really? I'm not super familiar with voice actors, but if this is the same Daisuke Ono http://en.wikipedia....iki/Daisuke_Ono (which I assume it is), then it doesn't seem too unlikely. Right away, I recognize that he did Casshern from Tatsunoko vs. Capcom, and quite frankly that voice would seem to fit Ike perfectly well.

Also, seems like he did the voice of Frederick from the same game. Doesn't seem too unfitting to me, really..

Edit button yo! We got enough double posts already.

I know that in Tellius, Ashunera created the world and all that but could it be that she created the continent and life on it while other goddesses created other continents in a similar way? If so then it could be plausible that Tellius was created much later than Archanea and that the events in the Tellius games didn't happen in the so distant past.

It sounds more likely that the Tellius games took place a long time ago but here's to hoping?

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I personally don't want it to be Ike. It's not a big deal if it is, but I want someone new.

...hmm. Well, if it is someone new, there definitely isn't much time to develop them. Well, then, I hope its either a character from a future FE, or Ike, I guess. They're obviously going to have some significance...

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I definitely am getting a lord vibe from the silhouette, especially if you look at celice's fe4 sprite. But at the same time, if you look at Leaf's class in fe4 a slightly stronger similarity can be drawn, if only a little, perhaps hinting at a return of the prince, and by extension, master knight class? The best comparison of stances would be when the leaf gif has the sword closest to his chest, making the sword "disappear" just like in the fe 13 sprite. it's almost exact when like that, but that's just my two cents...

junior_lord.gifprince.gif (credits to Feplanet for gifs)

the link's back here if you need/ want it for comparing.

Edited by Eriad
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