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Do dead characters stay dead for you?


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99.9% of the time I restart if a unit dies. There are two main reasons for this:

1) The unit is almost always a unit being actively used; I see no reason in bringing units just to fill the available slots to capacity when they aren't going to be used. As such, unless I'm just using a character for a short time (i.e. Matthew if planning to use Legault, Serra if going to use Priscilla, etc.), my team is most often made up just of the units that I intend on using. Therefore, when one of them dies, that tends to put a significant dent in the team's intended setup (supports, class/weapon balance, etc.). And...

2) Most of the time, deaths occur because of completely random strings of numbers that produce an unlucky result, like getting hit by three consecutive attacks at 25 Displayed Hit that end up killing a given unit that, on average, would have stood up to the onslaught. That's not even factoring in stuff like low hit, low critical attacks that do proc the critical, surprising the player to no ends. Stuff like this often isn't the result of faulty strategies, so it's not really "fair." (Though, to be honest, if I realize that a particular placement/strategy is going to screw me over, I'll often restart and come up with a better one instead of trudging on, even if it's at the cost of getting lucky with level ups.) EDIT - And, for the GBA titles, there's a layer beyond the strategy part; with the fact that the game doesn't generate a new seed of random numbers on a restart, a completely viable strategy may need to be thrown out of the window because the outcome would end up the same without RNG manipulation (which I often am too lazy to do, especially since I mainly play on the cart).

Edited by Lord Glenn
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Like everyone else, it depends. Typically if I've got a solid roster set up I'm gonna start over if my unit dies. In the early game, though, if a unit dies, it was just foolishness on my part, and I should live with the mistake.

I'm currently doing my first run of FE6 and, with one exception, deaths have been permament. (I went into the Armads chapter with no characters who could kill the boss from a distance, so i had to save scum a bit till he didn't crit my guys.)dry.gif

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but I avoid it in the harder ones, like FE13

Complleetely off topic, but how hard exactly is Fe13?

Anyway, Dead characters get the reset treatment and special protection for me :P

unless they don't mean much to me. (coughcoughDolphcoughcough)

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I always reset if someone dies.

Also, @ Lord Glenn: There's also the fact that in certain FEs, getting items in base conversations requires units to stay alive.

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Me. Depends. I let units go if I don't plan to use them throughout the game, or not feeling like starting over.

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Well, I usually reset the chapter if someone died in the chapter and plus, there are some bonuses if you keep someone alive like Delmud can be recruited if Nanna is still alive in FE5, some of them required in the base conversations in FE9 and FE10, FE6 Gaiden Chapters can be required to have someone alive like Linina for Chapter 8x to have her alive, and I did cleared Lyn's story in FE7 with an A bonus without any deaths. And I am nearly finishing up on the FE8 in the 3DS Virtual Console without any deaths and all of them are recruited.

Edited by King Marth 64
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Only if I don't press the reset button or use the resurrection staff of the week.

I tend to do that a lot.

Edited by Refa
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I'm going to be against the norm here, and say I never let anybody die - the one exception being the forum choice run in FE8 I'm doing, where anyone I'm not allowed to use can die (Even then, I've still tried to recruit or save people to get items).

I just like to have everyone there at the end, whether I used them, or benched them straight after recruitment.

I've also not played the games many times through yet though (I've done 3/4 runs of FE8, and 3 runs of FE7 before my cart corrupted, and thats it), so I may settle into the habits of the rest of the forum - keeping alive the really powerful units, or my favourites.

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My first FE7 run was permadeath pretty hard...there were a few times I restarted but mostly I let people (good people) stay dead.

Now I usuaully restard, but there will often be at least once per run where someone weak will die and I won't bother to restart.

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In my first ever playthrough of FE7, I left Dorcas and Canas dead. Dorcas died on chapter 16 of Eliwood's story... Whereabouts Unknown. Canas died at Light. Irony?

Matthew also died sometime before The Dread Isle, so I had no idea about Leila until my second playthrough...

Edited by Samias
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Then again. I only keep everyone alive only when I'm playing for rank.

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  • 2 months later...

I always restart, WITH the exception of Shadow Dragon (and that's only if I'm going for the side chapters...). I get too attached to the characters, so I feel bad when in the epilogue it says... "so and so died here..." it's just so sad! D:

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I always restart, even if I'm not going to use the character or even if I don't like them. Call it a completionist thing, I guess. dry.gif

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  • 7 months later...

On some runs, I use the "Everyone must live" rule to rework my strategies and make each victory hard to get. I sometimes make the rule of random enemy fatal crits actually killing off units for good. The thrill from the fact that anyone can die (Except main characters, duh) sometimes adds to the experience.

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> Posted 27 August 2012 - 08:24 PM

one day somebody is going to have to tell me how people find these threads and why they think posting in them is a good idea.


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