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Translation in Progress

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Up till now..there is no translation for the game. Well. Now is the time to get this game translated shall we...Mm..hmm. Leave it up to Aya the great to come to the rescue. :awesome:

This is for you importers out there. Chris is referred to as "My Unit".

Tranlation: Opening-Prologue 3 finished. Grammer fixed.

Opening Hen a meeting last Sun



[Katrina] Was

[My Unit] Are you all right?

[Katrina] Please, I'm sorry.

I'm not in a hurry ...

Oh, Could you also

aim to Aritia knight

to the castle?

"BGM 075: joining forces together."

[My Unit] Oh. The knight test here

came to be heard and received.

I'm My Unit.

Came from the village of Serra

's knight candidate.

[Katrina] Chris,

is a nice short name.

Well, it is with us.

My name is Katrina.

I want to serve to Marth and

I like what

we have been doing here.

However, applicants are people of

so many that it is.

It is also so people there, and beyond ...

[Luke] Cool, but from here.

I'll start my shining knight of legend!

name of a knight and Aritia after

I expected to be sung,

as a knight the first step right now!

[Rody] Here we go ... Luke destination.

[Luke] Finished, Rody wait wait!

It sure put a buddy!

[My Unit] We're also the same as those two


[Katrina] Jagan head of the Knights??

Jagan Yes, that is another story.

Start mock battle

"Only a certain advance BGM 045"

[Jagan] Gentlemen. In the code honor of Ariteia,

we shall hit this gate today.

Aritia knight's, if the talented

are chosen regardless of parentage.

However, that road is not easy.

more than one hundred names are here now,

who can become a knight to break through the test

will name a few.

[Katrina] Trees, I get nervous.

[My Unit] Could ask for nothing better.

To this day, We've been training in the village.

[Jagan] So, for today gentlemen

have been trained to self, or how much,

'll let you show it.

Apprentice knight is familiar with the two pairs!

Aritia Knight's are positive, like partners!

[Katrina] Picture! ?

I am suddenly fighting?

Chris, please.

Can you have not teamed with me?

I wish I a strategist.



Advice of battle I can do,

without any power to fight.

[soldier]Two people there!

They've already arrived with weapons at the ready position.

Hurry up!

[My Unit] Okay, let's go Katrina.


And Thank you.

Start fighting


«First turn army at the start of phase (normal only)

a first step

[Katrina] Chris, first

let's us move to that position.

«When it reaches the specified position

(normal only)» first enemy

[soldier]Assume the position.

I'll do to your opponent in.

Love to attack from anywhere! (Can't fix this. Help.)

«When defeated soldiers (only normal)» play with Jagan

[Jagan] : Oh. Now,

the eagle (translation error named Eagle) will become the next opponent.

I look down this eagle beautifully!

Defeat the hero when †

[My Unit] Do ...... ......

[Katrina] Chris! ?


Opener when Jeigan

[Jagan] Now,

I will show you the power!

Destroy when Jeigan

[Jagan] What ... painted!

After clearing

Mock battle victory

"Only a certain advance BGM 045"

[My Unit] Somehow, I have won.

[Jagan] Impressive ... Yes!

Apprentice of the year we

can expect. Yeah.

[Katrina] I did.

... However,

I haven't done anything...

It is all thanks to My Unit.

Word of the Mars

[Jagan] Who has won a battle is set case.

There is a word as from Marth himself.

[Marth]Everyone, thank you for coming.

[Katrina] Oh, Marth.

I have dignity. No matter how you look at it from a hero

from the previous war.

story of Mars-like activity,

I love me.

You know Chris? (Crap can't fix this part. Help)

[My Unit]Of course.

Only Mars like

a hero because he ended the war before.

[My Unit] I, uh of course.

Only. Because I want to be like Marth to put an end to the war like he did before.

[Katrina] Yeah. Until Marth arrived

the dark dragon Medith and Gharnef

overthrew peace to the world ... ▼

[Jagan] There, I Tsutsushime word!

I like some in the sight of Mars! ▼ (Can't make sense of this sentence)

[Katrina] Oh, sorry ... ▼

[Marth] Everyone. Leaders of the future of Aritia have

gathered me that way so many,

think that the district is happy.

The war is over, now is a peaceful era.

But if peace is to live simply

not something that can be enjoyed.

is peace,

We who govern the country, the

thing have to defend with their life.

I alone, can not do anything.

Everyone, as a knight So now

with your power, please help me.

[Katrina] Yes, I like to hear those words.

[My Unit] You're right. I will work very hard, like Marth.


And Good luck with that.

Prologue 1 Hen we last Sun従騎two young professional

Narration †

Once, there was a fight which was called The Dark War.

Medith who was a formidable dark dragon,

suddenly starts to invade "The kingdom of Akaneia" until a young man

of the continent with his army fought off Medith's army,

... helplessly in front of overwhelming force.

However, Princess Nina, did make a good escape to neighboring countries of

Akaneia and try to help the kingdom, the allies

of Aritia however have stood up after Medith's defeat in glory.

The king died, ... during the destroyed Kingdom of Aritia

However, Mars Prince Of Aritia's young

oath reconstruction homeland, exile to the frontier,

Prince Marth will not forget the oath, of after a few years,

soldiers from the island Talys cited. It

beginning with the Princess of Talys named Caeda

Marth gathered up many colleagues

to protect Princess Nina and Hardin

Learning the secrets of Akaneia

entrusted Marth with the "Fire Emblem"

Mars was led by the allied forces of

Akaneia homeland of Nina, and to recapture Marth's homeland of Aritia.

After the battle with Medith

after a long end of a fierce battle

the world comes back to peace.

of the one event a year ago.


Five of the platoon

(The hall)

[Katrina] My Unit,

that we are the seventh platoon.

It was great to be together with you.

[My Unit] Yeah, the other members too.

[Luke] I'm Luke!

Luke and Holy Knight of the Dawn

'll called me!

[Loti] I"m Rody.

[Ryan] Ah, well ...I am called Ryan.

[My Unit] Might do all of this in five missions. What is today's mission?

[Katrina] There was an instructor named Jagan who decided to lead

Today's mission of this platoon.

[Luke] Captain? I know!

If you're going to say that

I'll become captain someday!

[Rody] I did not say anything.....

[Katrina] Please wait.

I recommend Chris.

[My Unit] Katrina?

[Katrina] It is how Chris is really strong,

I was not abandoned nuisance,

since we were both fighting.

[Luke] If I win, right! If you win Chris, I

'll may be recognized as your leader.


Eg, How do I become so?

[Luke] Match of man to man.

Chris will fight.

[Katrina] For example, please do not fool.

Chris does not lose, or to you.

[Rody]So, how to decide in the game.

If you look at adaptation, the captain

would be better fought with each others troops.

[Katrina] I'm sorry, Chris. I, ... whatever your

demos, and being made ​​fun of. You had

me, frustrated ...

[My Unit]I don't care. I trained with

old grandfather and his saying goes "Man to meet in the face of the enemy will be trading the most blows."

[Katrina]He is your grandfather...? Luke and Rody are daring the enemy.

New Corps here is Ryan that now just joined us.


I will do my best.

Start fighting

Strategy of Luke


[Rody] Luke. What strategy would you do?

[Luke]Rody is waiting behind me.

I fight alone!

Children and over there is My Unit.

I'm good enough alone.

However, I'm in and I show you my power.

[Rody] How do I go again ... without permission.

However, if you underestimate your opponent and lose.

I will think to cry.

When Luke first game (hero VS)

[Luke] Chris, you heard the rumors!

Like Jagan Who has had outstanding talent!

[My Unit]Did that really happen? ...?

[Luke] I'm right!

My activity

and therefore stands out!

I will defeat you here,

I have become the most prominent man!

Prepare yourself!


When Luke first match (vs Ryan)

[Luke]Children were resting in the back.

My partner is just My Unit!

Destroy when Luke


For example, this stupid ...

Knight of St. Luke...

Play against Rody (Rody appears)

[Rody]Luke alone still does not stand a chance to win.

Can not be helped, but I am trying to fight.

Opener when Rody (hero VS)

[Rody] Chris,

you had heard rumors, too.

You want to make sure that the power within you draws out.

If you want become a captain of Aritia,

Rody is one professional that can handle that.

Rodyvs Ryan

[Rody]An archer as an opponent. I shouldn't waste my time fighting him.

Destroy when Luke

[Rody] !

See ...

more than the power of imagination ...

After clearing

Captain decided

[Katrina] That was good ...

The winner is Chris.

I had believed.

[Luke] A man was found, too.

Promised to protect.

Chris is a captain now.

But not funny.

Why I lost ... but I had to arm himself Even me?


Fighting with friends, because it was not possible.

even if Luke and I fought one person at a time,

it is not just a force of one of us.

So we can not win to Chris.

[Ryan]My brother ...also said

if you cooperate with fellows

You will one day become stronger to stand on your own.

[My Unit] Oh.

Fight with friends,

It is a battle of the knights of Aritia.

[Luke] ... I see.

If I'm a stronger person. I

thought I was not so good.

But, I was not different.

The most important thing is, we'll

fight the combined forces of all ...

[Katrina] Luke ... was good.

I knew it.

[Luke] Oh, I know!

What leaders do surprisingly troublesome.

It was left to My Unit!

I will be working under the direction of Chris.

Nice to meet you, My Unit!

[Katrina]Really know...

What was possible?

Cool nickname

[Luke] All right, My Unit!

You become a captain, and

I'm gonna put a cool nickname!

[My Unit] Nickname?

[Luke] Oh. The legendary hero

dubbed the amazing people.

Well, I see what you mean.

Taken from the eyes of you ...

[My Unit normal!

[My Unit] I didn't know ...well

wasn't so thrilled. ▼

[Luke]Nice to meet you!

Prologue 2 Hen we last Sun従騎two young professional †

Opening †

For practical †

(The hall)

[Jeigan] Seventh Platoon,

following Captain Chris

I have all of everyone? ▼

gentlemen today than

in units of this platoon

and training to perform full-fledged knight. ▼

training of the first half, it is primarily practical.

To introduce a knight and a positive instructor. ▼

[Cain] Responsible for the practical

Aritia knight's Cain! ▼

practical is done the game in the form of combat.

Sorry I hurt pull in and out! ▼

[Jeigan] Cain is also in Aritia knight

with the power of leading man.

He put the power found in Cain. ▼

Cedar appeared †


[Cain] So, from this

practical to do today! ▼

opponent, and our knight Aritia

it is our fellow warriors. ▼

depending on the competence of each platoon

will be determined opponent.

Seventh platoon partner ... ▼

[Cedar] Everyone of apprentice knight,

I will ask your hand softly. ▼

[Catalina] Oh, is like Cedar.

I like is the fiancee of Mars.

It is how clean ... ▼

Cedar that I like to fight, and then pounding. ▼

Start fighting †

Koteshirabe of Cedar †

[Cedar] Force, you get to show of you guys.

First, I will partner Thalys mercenary corps. ▼

Map †

Knows how to fight are (at the time of appearance Cedar) †

[Cedar] The battle seems to have more knowledge.

So, my next opponent will be. ▼

Cedar opener when (usually) †

[Cedar] Concern is useless,

it rang with the intention of the practice. ▼

Cedar opener when (hero mercenary VS) †

[Cedar] Chris is a mercenary · I No

Hehe. Reliable. ▼

Come on, show your power. ▼

Cedar opener when (hero vs Armor Knight) †

[Cedar] Chris

Knight armor ... tough defense

and fight normally, I have my disadvantage. ▼ I do not lose any easily.

Now, show me your power. ▼

Cedar opener when (hero vs Social Night) †

[Cedar] Chris is a social night I,

and I am going to be a good game.

Now, show me your power. ▼

Cedar opener when (hero warrior VS) †

[Cedar] Chris is a warrior I No.

With a spear and ax, ax ... favor

that I may a little disadvantage. ▼

easily I do not lose any.

Now, show me your power. ▼

Cedar opener when (hero vs Archer) †

[Cedar] Chris,

an Archer No you! ?

Natural enemy of our ... ▼ Pegasus Knight

is, but

I do not lose easily.

Now, show me your power. ▼

Opener when Cedar (swordsman hero VS) †

[Cedar] Chris and I No woman swordsman.

Hehe. I kind of frame is a sense of intimacy.

Let 's get along now. ▼

But, I'll pull no punches in battle.

Now, show me your power. ▼

Cedar opener when (hero vs Pegasus Knight) †

[Cedar] Chris, Well you also

a Pegasus Knight No it the same as me.

Hehe. Great sense of intimacy ... ▼ somehow

, but I'll pull no punches in battle.

Now, show me your power. ▼

Cedar opener when (hero Mage VS) †

[Cedar] No Chris that I Mage.

But we

are strong in magic Pegasus Knight. ▼

I do not lose.

Now, show me your power. ▼

When defeated Cedar †

[Cedar] · ~Tsu! ▼

After clearing †

Tomboy princess †

[Cedar] It was a good fight.

Donzel beat me

the first time you guys. ▼

soon become a fine knight,

I help the Mars-like. ▼

[Hero] Ha, like Cedar. ▼

[Cedar] Training practice in the future

if you need help call me if you.

I fight as a friend of you guys. ▼

[Hero] What?

Thankfully it is a story,

good Why? ▼

[Catalina] Will not do?

I, I have asked you to like Jeigan. ▼

Style of Aritia  †

[Jeigan] Admit it.

If you obtain the assistance as a friend

may be borrowed its power. ▼

[Catalina] Was good. Encouraging colleagues to become more

so is available. ▼

[Hero] But how good?

So we're in training

they should not ... ▼

[Jeigan] Hmm. In the previous war, like Mars and we

've been fighting to do and how

I was a sonata is still not know it? ▼

«Select" Yes "branch ー»

[Hero] Yes, I do not know in detail. ▼

[Jeigan] Let me talk in the presence or absence. ▼

victory in the previous war, in fact

we only Aritia

is not achieved. ▼

beyond the position and status,

both fellow ... fight all together

That's how to fight like Mars. ▼

«Select" No "branch ー»

[Hero] However, we Zonji.

Mars is not only like Aritia,

as coalition forces have exceeded even the country or friend or foe ... ▼

[Jeigan] Produce. That victory

only Aritia our knight

that was not without a thorn. ▼

(Common here)

[Jeigan] Even if the subscriber when any fellow

can fight together.

But also you need to do it Aritia knight. ▼

[Hero] I see ... and it is

training of a knight Aritia.

Was OK. ▼

[Catalina] If the combined strength to fight,

we can be sure.

I I Yes, Chris. ▼

[Hero] Oh, I see what you mean. ▼

Prologue 3 Part three training start last Sun †

Narration †


there was a fight was called dark war. ▼

is Mediusu formidable dragon dark,

suddenly start to invade. ▼

kingdom Akaneia leader of the continent to protect the people

fought with the army of Mediusu, ▼

... helplessly in front of overwhelming force

is the destruction Akaneia kingdom. ▼

Akaneia Princess Nina, the

other did not make good one's escape to neighboring countries. ▼

Akaneia and try to help the kingdom, the allies

have stood up a kingdom Aritia, ▼

Mediusu defeat in front of the still.

The king died, ... ▼ was destroyed Kingdom of Aritia

However, Mars prince Aritia young

oath reconstruction homeland, exile to the frontier, ▼

Prince Mars will not forget the oath, after a few years,

soldiers of reasonable Dark Dragon from the island Thalys cited. ▼

beginning with the princess Cedar Thalys,

Mars is the basis of many colleagues gathered. ▼

to protect the princess Nina Hardin both public

and both fight each other, ▼

from Princess Nina, secrets of Akaneia

are entrusted with the "Fire Emblem", ▼

Mars is

commander was led by the allied forces. ▼

Akaneia homeland of Nina, and

recapture the Aritia homeland of Mars, ▼

Mediusu with the army of the Dark Dragon

... ▼ long end of a fierce battle

... Mars is destroyed the dragon dark

comes back again to the world peace. ▼

it is the one event a year ago. ▼

Opening †

Five of the platoon †

(The hall)

[Catalina] Chris,

that we are the seventh and the platoon.

It was great to be together with you. ▼

[Hero] Yeah, too.

The other members? ▼

[Luke] I'm Luke!

Luke and Holy Knight of the Dawn

'll call me and said! ▼

[Loti] I Lodi. Ask regards the future.

What everyone in this? ▼

[Ryan] Ah, well ... that almost effortlessly.

I. , Is called Ryan.

Archer is ... ▼

[Hero] Do all this in five.

Is, today's mission? ▼

[Catalina] There was an instruction from us like Jeigan.

Today's mission is

to decide the leader of this platoon. ▼

[Luke] Captain? I know!

If you're going to say that everyone there

I'll become captain! ▼

[Lodi] I did not say anything anyone ... ▼

[Catalina] Please wait.

I recommend Chris. ▼

[Hero] Catalina? ▼

[Catalina] It is how Chris is really strong,

I was not abandoned nuisance,

since both were fighting me. ▼

[Luke] If I win, right! If you win Chris, I

'll may be recognized as a leader you. ▼

[Catalina] What?

Eg, How do I become so? ▼

[Luke] Match of man and man is massaged like that!

Chris will fight, and I'm

afraid I'm not saying I? ▼

[Catalina] For example, please do not fool.


does not lose or to you. ▼

[Lodi] So, how to decide in the game.

If you look at adaptation of the captain

would be better fought with each other troops. ▼

[Catalina] I'm sorry Chris. I, ... whatever you

demos, and being made ​​fun of you

me, frustrated ... ▼

[Hero] I do not care. Me trained me

was saying-old grandfather. Man

to meet and know it is the most blows. ▼

[Catalina] Us, it is your grandfather ... ▼ daring

the enemy is Luke and Lodi.

Corps here is Ryan

now that joined us. ▼

[Ryan] , Yes.

I will do my best. ▼

Start fighting †

Strategy of Luke †


[Lodi] Luke, the strategy would you do? ▼

[Luke] Lodi is waiting behind me.

I fight alone! ▼

Children and over there is will Chris.

Then I'm good enough alone.

I'm in and show my power. ▼

[Lodi] How do I go again ... without permission.

However, underestimate your opponent and

I think to cry. ▼

When Luke first game (hero VS) †

[Luke] Chris, are you'll rumors I have heard!

Like that is striking about Jeigan

What have outstanding newcomer talent! ▼

[Hero] Did that really happen? ...? ▼

[Luke] 'm Was right!

Jimau hazy about my activity

and therefore stand out! ▼

defeat you here,

I have become the most prominent man!

Prepare yourself! ▼

Map  †

When Luke first match (vs Ryan) †

[Luke] You better children were resting in the back.

My partner

just Chris! ▼

Destroy when Luke †

[Luke] Ribbit ...! ?

For example, this stupid ...

Knight of St. Luke tomorrow ... ▼

Play against Lodi (Lodi when appearance) †

[Lodi] Luke alone still do not win.

Can not be helped, I am trying to fight. ▼

Opener when Lodi (hero VS) †

[Lodi] Chris,

you had heard rumors, too. ▼

want to make sure the power of you.

If you become a captain, not much more. ▼

従騎Aritia professional Lodi,

a desired one hand. ▼

Lodi when opener (vs Ryan) †

[Lodi] Archers opponent ...

I should not fight the approaching. ▼

Destroy when Luke †

[Lodi] !

See ...

more than the power of imagination ... ▼

After clearing †

Captain decided †

[Catalina] Was good ...

is the winner of Chris.

I had believed. ▼

[Luke] A man was found, too.

Promised to protect.

Chris is a captain. ▼

but not funny.

Why I lost ... but I had to arm himself Even me? ▼


Fighting with friends, because it was not possible. ▼

even if Luke and I fought one person at a time,

it is not just a force of one of us.

So we can not win to Chris. ▼

[Ryan] My brother ... was also said

weak in humans, if you cooperate with fellow

does become stronger Even ... ▼

[Hero] Oh.

Fight with friends,

It is a battle of the knights who Aritia. ▼

[Luke] ... I see. ▼

If I'm a stronger person I

thought I was not so good. ▼

But, I was not different.

The most important thing is, we'll

fight the combined forces of all ... ▼

[Catalina] Luke ...

was good.

I know it was me. ▼

[Luke] Oh, I know!

What leaders do surprisingly troublesome.

It was left to such Chris! ▼

I will be working under the direction of Chris.

Nice to meet, Chris! ▼

[Catalina] Really know ...

What was possible? ▼

Cool nickname  †

[Luke] All right, Chris!

You to become a captain, and I will

I'm gonna put a cool nickname! ▼

[Hero] Nickname? ▼

[Luke] Oh. The legendary hero

dubbed the amazing people

I'll have a Mon. ▼ Well, I see what you mean.

Taken from the eyes of you ... ▼

[Chris's normal! ▼

[Chris] I do not know ... well

not so thrilled. ▼

[Luke] Nice to meet!

[Chris normal! ▼

To be added....

Edited by リズ
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Okay, first of all, there is a translation being worked on already.

Second, I must ask, is this supposed to be borderline unreadable?

Finally, despite the above two things, this really is the best translation of FE12 I have seen up to this point in time. Keep doing what you're doing!

It looks to me like they took a script at a fan site and ran it though google translator >_> Some of the contexts are weirdly hanging and improper.

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It looks to me like they took a script at a fan site and ran it though google translator >_> Some of the contexts are weirdly hanging and improper.

No way. Look at this, it's legit.

[Lodi] Chris,

you had heard rumors, too. ▼

want to make sure the power of you.

If you become a captain, not much more. ▼

従騎Aritia professional Lodi,

a desired one hand. ▼

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Er, I appreciate the help I guess?

But in all seriousness, and I'm not trying to be harsh by saying this, but this translation isn't going to help anybody.

If people don't mind waiting they've already waited so long anyway, the fan translation is going to be finished in around a couple of months' time. And, it's going to be goooooood.

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Don't use Google translate, it's the devil ;_;

There are always exceptions to the rule.


I'm amazed.

A VC3 Japanese-Chinese-English Translation up to Chapter 16.

...with google Translate and Bing Translator.

The author doesn't speak either language, but with passion and persistence... he created a DAMN GOOD product with the tools he had. He played the game side by side with what we usually call crappy translation sites using the Chinese script he obtained... and fixed up the English and still got the meaning of almost everything in the script in a coherent manner.

The errors are there, but they can really only be spotted by people who can read the original Japanese script.

... and maybe a few grammar errors... but that's to be expected.

I gotta say, I am DAMN IMPRESSED.

And I mean DAMN impressed.

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Grammer for Opening to Prologue to 3 is now fixed.

Edited by リズ
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If people don't mind waiting they've already waited so long anyway, the fan translation is going to be finished in around a couple of months' time. And, it's going to be goooooood.

Even Vincent is hype.

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Even Vincent is hype.


Who wouldn't? It's such an awesome gem.


Titles translation to Prologue-Prologue 3 finished.

EDIT: Prologue 4-Chapter 2

Prologue 4 new companions last Sun †

Opening †

Healer †

(The hall)

[Luke] Is ー. ▼

[Ryan] , What 's the matter

Luke? ▼

[Luke] Somewhere

beautiful and gentle and cute young Sister

I there? ▼

[Ryan] Eg, What happened

Luke ... ▼

[Luke] Into the knights'll need romance.

Gently I was injured in battle

, such as heal ... ▼

I, Chris normal.

Sister Crelle if such can have

a fight I'll rise! ▼

[Hero] Romance ... but I do not know

who to cure injury

healing hand if there are not grateful. ▼

But even so,

the hand is not healing in us.

Although I may be a help to someone Tanomere. ▼

[Catalina] Chris,

please ask everyone,

is good news. ▼

somebody to help in this platoon


I seem to become healing hands. ▼

[Luke] Has come!

My Sister!

Let me meet soon! ▼

(Scene change)

[Riff] I, monks riff.

Although you can not fight

you can use the cane of treatment. ▼

[Luke] ............ ▼

[Riff] The talk I heard from Jeigan buttocks.

If it is good, as a healer

I'll lend you the power. ▼

... parent,? did you do

It seems poor complexion ... ▼

[Hero] Oh, yea ... ▼

[Catalina] Luke is OK if that.

Thank you now,

Mr. riff. ▼

«Select" No "in the previous chapter» Georges appeared †


[Cain] So, start a training practice.

All ready, I would have done! ▼

practical, but today,

the instructor on how unusual

was that you served. ▼

Akaneia from the kingdom

had been visited in our country

that General Georges. ▼

[Georges] Although I came to teach bow to Gordon,

I think it interesting to hear the story.

I have been participating impossible to say. ▼

[Catalina] Saint-Georges ...

called the use of a continent bow

bow is an expert in it. ▼


Good luck! ▼

«Select" Yes "in the previous chapter» Athena appeared †

[Cain] So, start a training practice.

All ready, I would have done! ▼

practical, but today,

the instructor on how unusual

was that you served. ▼

in the battle before

foreign swordsman me to cooperate with us,

Athena's temple. ▼

[Athena] Athena was indebted to, in this country.

Return-on is received.

This matter of course as a person. ▼

Athena, not good teaching.

If you use a sword but not defeated. ▼

[Catalina] Athena's is

an excellent swordsman speed,

is the person whom you do not go If you do not beware. ▼


Good luck! ▼

Start fighting †

Map  †

Opener when Georges †

[Georges] I bow Akaneia Georges knight.

I've bought one or Professor Goshen. ▼

Destroy when Georges †

[Georges] Beautiful ... ... ▼

Opener when Athena †

[Athena] Emergency, the game! ▼

Athena defeated when †

[Athena] Uncle .... ▼

After clearing †

Friends of the Georges †

[Georges] Amount to much.

Was a brilliant way of fighting.

You, the name what would you tell it? ▼

[Hero] Chris.

Chris is certified従騎Aritia. ▼

[Georges] Remember Chris, its name. ▼

... I can not help but

instead I can ask Gordon, of me? ▼

[Gordon] Yes.

But instead I

will be their strength. ▼

[Georges] Chris, you guys some day and

I want to fight together thing.

Are looking forward to the day we meet again. ▼

Exotic girl swordsman  †

[Athena] You guys, strong. ▼

especially you.

You, that does a name? ▼

[Hero] Chris.

Chris従騎Aritia professional. ▼

[Athena] Chris and remember.

You, friend of Athena. ▼

Athena lend force, to you guys. ▼

(Common here)

[Cain] Today's training is finished.

Here, up to now in the

middle of you guys to announce the results. ▼

[Hero] Middle grades ...? ▼

[Cain] Until now from the time of the first test,

were evaluated for the first time you guys fight. ▼

The greater the fellow that has left injured,

it'll get bad evaluation.

Prepared to listen to! ▼

[Hero] Yes. ▼

[Cain] Length of the seventh platoon Chris!

Platoon in従騎some twenty professional

results you guys are (branch from here) ▼ ...

Part A †

[Cain] I first place.

Chris're great!

But you guys are the best! ▼

[Catalina] Vinegar, amazing!

Did, Chris You did it!

It is thanks to Chris. ▼

[Cain] However, not let grass grow under one's feet.

Training is still on the way,

Do not drop the results now. ▼

Part B †

[Cain] S third-largest.

Chris was wonderful!

Considerably higher grades and say. ▼

[Catalina] Did, Chris You did it!

It is thanks to Chris. ▼

[Cain] However, not let grass grow under one's feet.

Training is still on the way,

he now aims to further heights. ▼

Part C †

[Cain] Ranks tenth.

Chris was right in the middle.

At this rate and is not good. ▼

[Catalina] I'm sorry Chris,

from what I can not ... ▼

[Cain] But, Do not give up.

Training is still on the way,

do I now make further efforts. ▼

Part D †

[Cain] S the lowest.

Chris ...

you guys are not about bad results ... ▼

[Catalina] Vinegar, vinegar, I'm sorry Chris,

from what I can not ... ▼

[Cain] But ..., Do not give up.

Training is still on the way,

do I now make further efforts. ▼

(Common here)

[Cain] S or more!

I will return to castle in! ▼

(The hall)

[Hero] But ..., this castle is not large.

House and home is very different ... ▼

Well, the

room of the seventh platoon

or where was I ...? ▼

[Ellis] Oh ...

you are, it is more professional従騎. ▼

[Hero] Ah, yes. Chris is certified従騎.

Toward a knight Aritia,

we were here. ▼

Are you ...? ▼

[Ellis] I Ellis.

Is the sister of Mars. ▼ [Hero] !

Sister of Mars like you ...

we rude. ▼

[Ellis] Is good. Chris ...

that came for Mars

I think reliably. ▼

[Hero] Mars-like hero king

can become a force that the tail

is an honor. ▼

[Ellis] What a hero ... king.

Amongst the people

see you are so called. ▼

However, the real Mars ...

is a child very weak and vulnerable ... ▼

[Hero] Mars is like, weak ...? ▼

[Ellis] Yeah.

Indeed, before that child in the war

was won the battle with the Mediusu. ▼

that girl is the ideal and the high,

continue to have the ideal

has a strong will. ▼

However, the real world,

... as you also know that

just is not ideal Rescue. ▼

[Hero] Yes ... ▼

[Ellis] In the meantime now

somewhere we do not know

the life of the people may have been lost ... ▼

Mars is

to save the people that can not be. ▼

[Hero] However, it is ...

no matter how good the king,

not a universal God. ▼

a human being more than the king,

that you can is limited. ▼

[Ellis] Yeah, you are right

Most people know the reality,

we come to terms with reality and the ideal. ▼

But, to that child ... it can not be

and we want to save all the people

I hope that in all sincerity. ▼

in the war, even one person will fall

for that girl ... ▼ intolerable that

even pressing down with the power of strong will,

in my heart that was damaged,

have shed blood ... ▼

[Hero] ...... ▼

[Ellis] In this harsh world

that she will continue to embrace the ideal is

very difficult ... ▼

Chris, if

you ... ▼ When you become a knight

if, that child

to protect her, please.

The ideal of a child that ... ▼

Prologue 5 Mission March Last Sun †

Opening †

Get lost in the Aritia †


[Luke] Nice ...

What 's forest, I wish I'm peaceful. ▼

[Hero] You're right. ▼

[Luke] When I walked in such Toko

I wish I may be healed. ▼

[Hero] You're right. ▼

[Luke] Hey, BTW.

We're now

I'm lost on the road? ▼

[Hero] ...... ▼

[Luke] Hey, Chris normal!

Even here you have a shortcut

, you said! ? You said! ? ▼

[Hero] I'm sorry.

I've been silent ... until now

actually lost. ▼

[Luke] ーWhat did you say!

Do not you be kind to you!

Anyway if I! ▼

[Catalina] Everyone, quarrel is not allowed.

If you do not help each other when what kind ... ▼

[Lodi] You're right. Even arguing can not be helped.

Look for the way back from it. ▼

march of this mission,

it is aimed to return to the castle Aritia.

Can not help wondering forever. ▼

[Luke] I would have others ahead of us.

What is lost in Aritia knight Aritia

'll be killed like this ... ▼ Jeigan

[Hero] Nest, I'm sorry ... ▼

[Catalina] All right.

If you march through the night now

... ▼ Take Back the delay even from now

... Oh!

Please wait! It ... ▼

[Ryan] Eg, What did you do? ▼

[Catalina] There!

Village has been attacked! ▼

A mysterious mask †


[Rogue] Gyahaha is!

Mon Chimae Ubaeru is robbed everyone! ▼

Heide wrapped seen guys run away,

Let's Spend from it! Gyahaha is! ▼

[Ro-ro] Yeah, manー.

Ukiki. ▼

Abarere ... if you guys,

work plans of us.

Ukiki. ▼

Subdue bandits †


[Hero] Village, to pirates ...!

Alone will not put.

Let's go! ▼

Start fighting †

Map  †

Kadain Mage (at start of second turn) †

[Malik] Bandits ... or

like when the Mars know

I will be sad. ▼ [Hero] !

Are you?

But does not appear to be a fellow of 'em ... ▼

[Malik] The same hair color ... like the blue hair ... Mars

the captain or do you? ▼

want to help you too.

I want to give the instructions. ▼

I Malik.

I Kadain Mage. ▼

When the first round of rogue boss †

[Rogue] Gyahaha is

scree and Kutabari ▼

Defeat the boss when rogue †

[Rogue] Ah noes ... ▼

After clearing †

Directions ...? †


[Malik] Was good be safe.

What do you guys Aritia knight? ▼

[Catalina] That, Chris,

What Mr. Malik

▼ friend ... Did you mean like Mars

is so sure, Malik Mage of the wind.

In the previous war

fought along with the like is how Mars. ▼

trees, I get nervous ... ▼

[Malik] To help the training of the Knights of

the way to the castle Aritia,

I got lost on the road. ▼

Aritia to the castle when it is good

and can you tell directions? ▼

[Hero] See, directions ...? ▼

Kill, the Mars  †


[Ro-ro] Ukiki.

This, according to plan reasonable. ▼

[Kleine] Ro-ro. ▼

[Ro-ro] There? Have Kleine.

Another job

were not you there? ▼

[Kleine] Hey I annoying.

Like that, I'll brought an end long ago. ▼

I will like you guys

is it different with the lout. ▼

Eine and also you

'll quickly end No.

Will be an easy job? ▼

[Ro-ro] Aiai.

I need to work standing up properly.

According to plan properly ... ▼

kill, Mars. ▼

Anxious †


[Luke] Did ...

but Aritia Castle.

'll Finally came back. ▼

[Hero] ...... ▼

[Catalina] ?

Did the matter, Chris?

Also anxious something? ▼

«Select" Yes "branch ー»

[Hero] In the Desperados ... that

was a strange mix of The Man in the Iron Mask. ▼

We'll be defeated

in the rogue was not.

That is not who will? ▼

[Catalina] The Man in the Iron Mask ... What?

I'm sorry.

I did not notice anything ... ▼

But we rogue

since it was defeated,

it is all right now, surely. ▼

stomach was like ... Once you have peace of mind

Chris, let's go. ▼

«Select" No "branch ー»

[Hero] No, just

thought I was hungry. ▼

[Catalina] Oh, is not good then.

Stomach was also ... I love

Chris, let's go. ▼

Konoe Knight †

[Mars] Please, entered me. ▼

[Hero] Professional platoon従騎seventh,

Catalina and captain Chris, we were.

And What, like Mars. ▼

[Mars] Oh, not so much tension

it gives me the good easy. ▼

[Catalina] But like Mars

... I called

one of the punitive expedition of bandits What? ▼

Did you mean, we are in violation of the rules

to be punished? ▼

[Mars] No, I'm the opposite.

You guys are for the people

fighting the bandits me. ▼

as the person who is to protect the people,

are grateful to you guys. ▼

[Catalina] Well so far as

it is not to be trained.

Hot ... ▼

[Mars] Chris,

it ... ▼ Catalina

capacity, you

are from Jeigan

have heard are very good. ▼

[Hero] Why is that so?

However, from our Jeigan is

has just been scolded every day ... ▼

[Mars] The fight you guys too

by looking at it,

felt the same thing. ▼

You guys are the military Aritia two people

have a knack for tactical suitable. ▼

If you guys have topped the exam,

if accustomed to the knight, ▼

to two people you guys

and I want you to become my knight Konoe

think that ▼

[Hero] Konoe knight? ▼

[Mars] I am from people who

have been Matsuriage but as a hero,

it is not a fact. ▼

I was only one person I can do.

I own it is known ▼

previous victory in the war,

that fellow who has the same aspirations and I

can but I'm excited from the stomach. ▼

I'm also on the battlefield even in peacetime so

that young Konoe support me, correct me

had wanted. ▼

[Hero] However, Konoe knight

always be with the king,

an important position ... ▼ observe the body that

is such a big part,

I'm surprised those of us who will? ▼

[Mars] Oh, I am to you guys

and wish you were hoping so.

Have you guys also press the Jeigan. ▼

... but it says that the sweet,

you guys are not bad person

thinks. ▼

So I ask you. ▼

answer is no and it does not matter now.

Why do not I think? ▼

Prologue 6 ties last Sun †

Opening †

Lectures †


[Luke] Hmm ... ▼ [Ryan] What happened again?

Luke. ▼ [Luke] Everyone, I wish

my hair, what do you think? ▼

[Lodi] Hairstyle? ▼ [Luke] Romance for

voice over I've been to other girls of platoon,

Na I do not even have dev. ▼

[Catalina] Indeed, among the girls,

Luke is so light What

I'd like have been considered. ▼

or, cute Ryan

What, Lodi is looking good

even people who say that you want. ▼

later, Chris

is like I secretly popular. ▼ [Le - [Network] Yeah, not so!

'S not convincing.

What's no good for me? ▼

I thought I was there.

It's not enough to me, and hairstyle. ▼

[Hero] Well I do not know the conclusion ... ▼

[Luke] S For example,

I also like Chris

's to hair. Then ... ▼


I also like Chris

would be it seem like, nice and quiet? ▼

[Ryan] Eg what if ... ▼ [Catalina] Luke has changed the behavior of the usual way

I think is popular with girls with Dell. ▼

Oh, is about time.

Jeigan like today from before training

is so there is a story. ▼

Afro hairstyle in the case of a man hero †

[Luke] Hmm ... ▼

[Ryan] What happened again?

Luke. ▼

[Luke] Everyone, I wish

my hair, what do you think? ▼

[Lodi] Hairstyle? ▼

[Luke] Romance for

voice over I've been to other girls of platoon,

Na I do not even have dev. ▼

[Catalina] Indeed, among the girls,

Luke is so light What

I'd like have been considered. ▼

or, cute Ryan

What, Lodi is looking good

even people who say that you want. ▼

later, Chris

is like I secretly popular. ▼ [Le - [Network] Yeah, not so!

'S not convincing.

What's no good for me? ▼

I thought I was there.

It's not enough to me, and hairstyle. ▼

, no, no Yappa.

Chris' s hairstyle

or'll turn away a girl ... ▼

[Hero] Guy ... I guess it's rude.

I wrong? Of this hairstyle. ▼ (This volume Catalina has been talking for some reason. Bug?)

[Catalina] I, I think I'm nice, ... ▼ hairstyle Chris

Oh, is about time.

Jeigan like today from before training

is so there is a story. ▼

(Common here)


[Jeigan] From the date of gentlemen came to here for the first time,

three months has passed. ▼

platoon escaped could not stand in the training,

platoon have failed due to poor results ...

those who remain, but only 20 names. ▼

[Catalina] And, very Yappari

it is not severe. ▼

[Hero] Oh.

But we're still remains.

If Tsukuse the best from now on ... ▼

[Jeigan] Practical of the future

will become more severe.

The lecture will also be new. ▼

[Hero] Lecture? ▼

[Frey] Frey's knight in charge of a lecture.

The lecture,

learn the necessary knowledge worthy knight. ▼

[Jeigan] From here, but the production of training.

I braced it take. ▼

[Frey] At the beginning, in the

conduct of the battle before

going to talk about preparation. ▼

on the battlefield of fact,

before the fight with the enemy

will require adequate preparation. ▼

to select the person enters the battlefield,

weapons and items to organize ... ▼


but your role is captain. ▼

[Hero] Was OK.

Try to prepare for battle. ▼

[Frey] Another important thing there is.

S conversation with the fellow. ▼

by talking with colleagues,

a clue to the battle

We will be able to get. ▼

The greater the Stars, but important conversation.

When you come to a new battlefield

would be a good idea to check the first conversation. ▼

Preparation sortie †

★ ★ ★ for Fire Emblem: †


[Frey] Today's lecture,

Treasures of the Akaneia

it on [Fire Emblem. ▼

[Hero] [...] Fire Emblem:

Mars is to get it like

I did before fighting the war. ▼

[Frey] Yes, the previous war dark,

dark dragon Mediusu Imawashiki that

began in that invaded to Akaneia. ▼

Akaneia is

defeated by troops led by Mediusu left,

survivor of the royal family person like Princess Nina. ▼

like Nina, like Mars where

Akaneia testimony of the royal family

was entrusted the [Fire Emblem. ▼


[Nina] So, you

can entrust this Emblem. ▼

... this Emblem,

Fire Emblem "emblem of fire" is ▼

Akaneia royal family on behalf of the

person to save the world to give

proof of the champion. ▼

(End flashback)

[Frey] In this way, and my Aritia

Akaneia relationship is very deep.

To remember. ▼

★ ★ regard to a new platoon †


[Catalina] Oh, Chris!

I, I will have a little go. ▼

[Hero] Catalina?

, What happened

in such a hurry? ▼

[Catalina] In the other platoon, made ​​to fellow

person who seems like he is not found me.

You have from now talking about. ▼

by a woman named Cecil, is certain arm.

The fellow I have escaped everyone,

It is said that a person troubled her. ▼

[Hero] I see.

Then become a friend if Moraere

▼ Thankfully I

also like the battle of the future Jeigan

are said to be more severe.

Forces many people want one. ▼

[Catalina] Yes, I will do my best.

Then, if possible

I want to have even raised his strong arms. ▼

[Hero] Weapon?

How can I get such a thing? ▼

[Catalina] Well, as a matter of fact ...

I is not the case there is a secret.

Immediately but is not be available now, ▼

Chris managed to

make do so before the next fight

because I will do my best. ▼

[Hero] The situation is well ... I do not know

that is dangerous

is unreasonable I do not have to. ▼

[Catalina] All right. Please leave.

I, even a little

I want to be to help Chris. ▼

Well, I'd better I'm going. ▼

★ ★ For Chris †


[Hero] Chris, we were.

Jeigan like, You wanted to see me? ▼

[Jeigan] Not for much, what to say. ▼

I went with Chris.

Sonata, where it trained the Moo? ▼

[Hero] I originally

was a child of the merchant of the journey, then divorced ... parents

grew up in a small village called Serra village. ▼

they lived together in that village,

is my grandfather.

I was trained by his grandfather. ▼

grandfather is a very strict person,

has been squeezed every single day.

Really was dying a few times ... ▼

[Jeigan] My grandfather's name? ▼

[Hero] This is called Makuriru.

Aritia once was a knight

I have heard. ▼

[Jeigan] Makuriru?

I see, that Makuriru buttocks ... ▼

[Hero] Why do I know my grandfather? ▼

[Jeigan] Produce.

Chris grandfather, the Sonata

was a friend of many years of an eagle. ▼

retired the line in the original, but wounded,

loyalty to the royal family Aritia is

stronger than the man who was. ▼

I see, Sonata is Makuriru buttocks

to become a knight Aritia

So he was trained. ▼

[Hero] "I Chris, familiar with the sword of Aritia.

Tsukeyo to acquire power and unexpected loyalty never broken "▼

words of my grandfather who died the other day.

I much

wish that I grew up under. ▼

[Jeigan] I see.

Ability of the sonata, went consent. ▼

ability of the Sonata is surprisingly high.

In young people aspired to fight yesterday and today is

the power of worn until there is unexpected. ▼

from a young age,

've been training intently

from what would be. ▼

Chris, ask from the eagle.

He strive to discipline in the future.

Its power, always will be a force of Mars like. ▼

Start fighting †

«Select" No "in the previous chapter» Koteshirabe of Oguma †

[Cain] In, perform the practical skill of today!

Opponent from here is further

're tough, throw it in the fighting spirit! ▼

platoon partner of the seventh ... ▼

[Oguma] I will serve. ▼ [Catalina]

Picture. Oh, Mr Oguma! ▼

Chris, Mr. Oguma is

one of the heroes of the war ... before

it is a formidable enemy. ▼

[Oguma] Soldiers are here first

opponent of you guys.

If everyone was beat, and I will fight. ▼

«Select" Yes "in the previous chapter» Koteshirabe of Doga †


[Cain] In, perform a mock battle of today.

From here you guys up to now

according to the proper grades, to prepare an instructor. ▼

platoon partner of the seventh ... ▼

[Doga] Aritia heavy knight Doga.

I am trying to opponent. ▼

[Catalina] Doga is Mr.

Knight is a heavy rigid defense.

Chris, it is a formidable enemy. ▼

[Doga] First here are the men that

try to partner organizations. If you want to fight with me,

he defeated all the micelles. ▼

Map  †

Female knight †

[Cecil] Ha Ha ... You, We made ​​it.

Hey, the captain

who Where is Chris? ▼

[Hero] Chris is me, you? ▼

[Cecil] Cecil I will, I従騎professional!

But short notice, are invited to Catalina

I was supposed to enter the Corps of you guys. ▼

[Hero] Sure ... I guess it steep.

But it is more and more grateful fellow.

The full story is after the fight. ▼

[Cecil] Yes, I talk fast and survive. ▼

Oh, prepared by the Catalina after me

carrying weapons came from the strong!

I in turn can be passed to you guys. ▼

My opponent is (at the time of emergence Oguma) †

[Oguma] I do.

As promised in my opponent is. ▼

Opener when Oguma †

[Oguma] I think the training.

Come on in trying to kill. ▼

Destroy when Oguma †

[Oguma] I ... do.

But good arm. ▼

I pretty good (at the time of emergence Doga) †

[Doga] The power of pretty.

But I

'll not beat easily. ▼

Doga opener when †

[Doga] Power of you guys have heard the story.

Whether it's the real

'll let you lets make sure. ▼

When defeated Doga †

[Doga] Children, this armor

has been pierced or ... ▼

After clearing †

Veteran †

[Oguma] I much power.

Aritia good knight is

blessed Yeah, ▼


if you need my power if you

call me at any time. ▼

[Catalina] I did it, Chris. ▼

Heavy knight Aritia †


[Doga] What ...

I was beyond the protection of the

attack I was furious. ▼

captain Chris,

if you need a heavy force of knights if you

call me and say. ▼

[Catalina] I did it, Chris. ▼

Imagined future   †


[Catalina] That, Chris,

Do you want a little? ▼

[Hero] ?

Oh, What happened? ▼

[Catalina] From Mars like

Konoe was told story of a knight.

What do you think? ▼

... I

along with Chris if

I want to become a knight Konoe. ▼

joined forces with two of us,

like to help your ... ▼ Mars together

to imagine the future and such

will be a happy feeling. ▼

... that, How is Chris?

Chris and me ... ▼

«Select" Yes "branch ー»

[Hero] Oh, it so desires, too. ▼

[Catalina] Sail, Do You Really?

I'm glad ... ▼

Somehow ... you shy, do

it again I go to bed. ▼

night, Chris.

Good luck tomorrow. ▼

«Select" No "branch ー»

[Hero] No, there yet

, but clearly do not think ... ▼

[Catalina] Is that so? ..., Resona. ▼

I I Yes, ... I

was flying high in a person. ▼

I'm sorry.

Good night, Chris. ▼

Chapter 7 of the last test last Sun †

Opening †

Final test †


[Cain] The seventh platoon, led by Chris!

Have fought well until today.

I'm also happy as an instructor! ▼

[Jeigan] Frey, Cain,

I have heard talk from both sides.

But distinctive, excellence is no doubt. ▼

with the practical skill of today

and the final test.

He Kokoroshite begin to prepare. ▼

Preparation sortie †

★ ★ ★ Akaneia about the Kingdom †

[Frey] Today's lecture,

followed by the last

royal family was about Akaneia. ▼

specially today is

talk about us like Mars.

Please, like Mars. ▼

[Mars] It was, for Akaneia. ▼

Akaneia kingdom is

Aritia for our

country that falls on my husband. ▼

royal family that is a person like Nina,

on whether you ruled the country who

had been made ​​but that discussion, ▼

people near Hardin

as emperor Akaneia

have heard to the throne. ▼

[Catalina] .......

Hardin is like

Why do people like? ▼

[Mars] I'm a great person.

Hardin in the previous war

I was a fellow of encouraging us. ▼

Oreruan brother the king of country of grassland,

was Ochinobi to Oreruan

was fighting to protect the Princess Nina. ▼


[Hardin] That your Settlement vie with each other and I

like Nina is

going to be happy can not have. ▼

for Nina like

trying to join forces and together. ▼

[Mars] Hardin Hall of ...... is an honor. ▼

Hardin Hall and I also

found this way to see you. ▼

you too also

have the same feelings.

We thing that fellow. ▼

(End flashback)


[Mars] Hardin has a suitable vessel to the king.

In sum the Akaneia he

would surely go well. ▼

[Catalina] ...... ▼

★ ★ For Cecil †

[Cecil] Once again, I get me to introduce myself.

Cecil I will,

I certified the ninth platoon従騎yuan. ▼

I tell you clearly in the beginning

when I think licking woman

because I'm not allowed! ▼

[Luke] Isー.

More this way, What a sexy adult woman knight

of Na I feel good like your sister. ▼

much trouble ... but that more women

of all things, a woman famous for violence

or Yo Cecil of the ninth platoon. ▼

[Cecil] I woman who this violence!

This! This this! ▼

[Luke] Bukkake, during, wait!

I hit from buckwheat are saying!

And, be gentle ... ▼

[Hero] Was bad.

Luke's rude I apologize. ▼

[Cecil] I Takumo ~Tsu.

Well I say, captain Chris.

I is I could be the subordinate of you. ▼

entered the Corps're with this,

I will fight under you.

Life of me, because deposited in you. ▼

★ ★ About Catalina †


[Catalina] ............ ▼ [Hero] Catalina,

I was in a place like this to do? ▼

[Catalina] Oh, Chris ...! ▼

[Hero] I was looking for.

Let's go. ▼ final tribulation soon ...



you, or are you crying? ▼

[Catalina] Ah ... that ... we

is not anything ... ▼

[Hero] What happened?

Me talk to me.

What was something to someone? ▼

's our fellow.

Are you guy cry

I is not permitted. ▼

[Catalina] Chris ...

that, they are not.

This is just sad ... ... ▼

The reason is, properly speak later ...

So, now let's hurry to the test.

I, from the fine. ▼

[Hero] What really all right? ▼

[Catalina] Yes ...

just that feeling, I am happy.

Thank you, Chris ... ▼

★ ★ About Mars †

(Grassland and mountains)

[Mars] Hi, Chris.

Unusual for it to meet in a place like this. ▼

[Hero] Yes, like Mars.

Where are you traveling somewhere? ▼

[Mars] Yeah. This earlier ...

soldiers who died in the previous war

cemetery I have to sleep. ▼

[Hero] What was so ... ▼

[Mars] Father ... even

before the war to Aritia in

a number of victims came out. ▼

I, them Rescue did not ...

I can not never forget. ▼

[Hero] Mars ... ▼ like

from when I aimed a knight,

is on the ready to die in battle. ▼

... even people who fought a war before

us prepared to bet their lives for the country

or will it was not. ▼

is a painful thing,

one person is like Mars

that mountain to worry about ... ▼

[Mars] ...... ▼

Thank you.

Me to say so I'm glad. ▼

... But I'm not bitter.

Lying wounded companions are going,

painful helplessly ... ▼

... even though surreal figment

I do not even want to let it die a human companion. ▼

[Hero] Like Mars ... ▼

[Mars] It is said that well ... I also Jeigan.

"What led by a person, If you do not see the big picture,"

What. ▼

If you save the many at the expense of the minority,

but the decision is correct.

It is also known to me. ▼

Am I ... is not like the demo.

▼ ... I at the expense of someone else

... maybe not the king's vessel

may have a thought ... ▼ spoiled

, but my true feelings This is.

This heart is not Itsuware. ▼

[Hero] Like Mars ... ▼

[Mars] Oh, sorry ...

then suddenly this story.

I had puzzled. ▼

[Hero] ...... ▼

No, you know. ▼

I also, you know.

Feelings of like Mars ... ▼

[Mars] Chris ...? ▼

[Hero] The fellow you do not want anyone falling, ▼

I want you to be safe everyone ...

even me, I think so. ▼

like Mars ...

To that end, I

want to be like the power of Mars. ▼

[Mars] Chris ... ▼

Thank you, Chris ▼

Start fighting †

«Select" No "in the previous chapter» est appearance †


[Cain] I prepared that can

start in!

I become a partner of the final test ... ▼

[Est] I est yuan Macedonia Pegasus knight.

Because I pull no punches! ▼

«Select" Yes "in the previous chapter» appeared Cain †


[Cain] I prepared that can

start in!

With whom it is ... ▼ final test

this myself, but Cain Aritia knight!

The knight fight seems hot

Show me! ▼

Map  †

Est warning (at start of turn 1 enemy phase) †

[Est] It seems chock-full motivation.

However, only enemies are seeing

do not think I'll be better and everything. ▼

Word of command of est (at start of turn 3 enemy phase) †

[Est] I now.

Reinforcements, the sortie! ▼

Est when the first match †

[Est] Here we go.

The children for this movement? ▼

Est when defeated †

[Est] Hanging ... strong ... ▼

Warning of Cain (at start of turn 1 enemy phase) †

[Cain] It may pose.

However, only the enemies are visible

at all I do not. ▼

Cain's word of command (at start of turn 3 enemy phase) †

[Cain] Right now!

Reinforcements, case sortie! ▼

Opener when Cain †

[Cain] Here we go!

Throw it fired up! ▼

Destroy when Cain †

[Cain] Brilliance ...! ▼

After clearing †

Pegasus knight yuan †

[Est] Indeed ...

Though it is mortifying, but was strong.

You guys are apprenticeship 's not anymore. ▼

(continued from the words of Jeigan immediately below)

Nekketsu Knight †


[Cain] You win you guys!

The other thing that we teach

nothing. ▼ (common here)

[Jeigan] Produce.

I platoon, led by Chris in the seventh.

Convey the results of the second half of training here. ▼

fewer withdrawal was injured,

become a good rating.

Kokoroshite to hear. ▼

performance of these sonatas ... ▼

(Branch from here)

Part A †

[Jeigan] Brilliance!

We also certified in the past従騎Aritia

Corps of evaluation is not so high. ▼

by ... ▼

Part B †

[Jeigan] Well, quite a thing.

Also compared with those who past, became a knight positive

evaluation was excellent. So ... ▼

Part C †

[Jeigan] · Whether it would difficult place.

All injured people up here · · · There are many

that deserve to earn invitations have been evaluated. ▼

by ▼

(Common here)

[Jeigan] Platoon, led by Chris seventh,

and pass the final test results! ▼ [Ryan] ▼ pass

Well, we ▼ [Luke] Oh, Great!


I can become a knight Aritia! ▼

[Cecil] I did.

▼: After buying a sword and spear in this

Fufufu Fufu. ▼

[Lodi] Scary ... I Cecil.

Anyway, I am happy.

Long-held wish finally came true. ▼

[Catalina] Everyone is happy.

It is as it Aritia become a knight.

I did it, Chris. ▼

[Hero] Oh.

Aritia knight is

my grandfather and was the earnest desire. ▼

for Aritia,

able to work for like Mars.

Glad it ▼

[Catalina] Yes.

I'm glad ... ▼

Catalina and Headband   †


[Catalina] ...... ▼

Oh, Chris.

Why did you do in the middle of the night like this? ▼

[Hero] Do not sleep somehow.

Only Catalina, What happened? ▼

[Catalina] I ... that

a lot thinking. ▼

... Chris.

I was born in the town that

did talk to you? ▼

[Hero] Well, the story of his hometown that you mention it

I had never heard.

Aritia Why not? ▼

[Catalina] I is not born of Noruda.

Do you know that that town?

Well ... I know. ▼

in that town,

I was oppressed like cattle,

pigs for fun and was a certain something. ▼

hate it hurt because, when such is

not thinking about anything with your eyes closed,

is no escape. The back of the mind ... ▼

[Hero] Catalina ... ▼

[Catalina] But ... me, such

I was the person who saved me. ▼

gave me a sense that people live to me.

I if it is for that person

is not wanted to What did you say. ▼


you are such people in? ▼

[Hero] Oh.

Piercing our own age, the loyalty for his master,

It is a figure of a knight of my aim. ▼

[Catalina] It is so we.

Chris ... ▼ for someone

... it is just around the corner we are

Aritia soon become a knight.

If that happens ... ▼

Good night, Chris. ▼ (castle, door)

[Hero] Well, I go to bed soon ... ▼

[Catalina] Oh, that Chris!

I'm sorry, ▼ ... I forgot one

this, please if you like. ▼

[Hero] What is this?

Headband? ▼ [Catalina] , The new platoon leader from Cecil

had said that I have custody. ▼

Headband and to this,

it is likely that fighting spirit enters.

Is that of want give it a try. ▼

[Hero] With this,

I also like Cecil

Does that mean that hairstyle. ▼

But, I'll man.

Through copying the Cecil

Would suit? ▼

[Catalina] It looks nice kit.

Yes, once

Why do not you try? ▼, when was weird to try

if it is not good also revert to the original hairstyle. ▼

[Hero] Yeah ... ▼

[Catalina] What should we do?

Do you try to change her hairstyle? ▼

«Select" Yes "branch ー»

[Hero] Oh, Let's try it.

Cecil is emulating

Try different hairstyle. ▼

[Catalina] Was good. Cecil will be very happy also.

New form of Chris,

I have I look forward to. ▼

Chris tomorrow, then. ▼

«Select" No "branch ー»

[Hero] No, I'll quit.

I remain this good. ▼ [Catalina] Is that so. Unfortunately a little.

New form of Chris,

but it was a fun ... ▼

Oh, Headband will

I return from my place.

Chris also tomorrow, then. ▼

Prologue 8 hero king assassination last Sun †

Opening †

«Select" Yes "in the previous section» ... If you Headband †


[Catalina] Good morning, Chris.

Oh, is not changed hairstyle?

Also new hairstyle, is Kakkoyoi. ▼

[Hero] Resona, yeah? ▼

[Cecil] Oh, Chris!

Not a very good hairstyle!

That contains yell! ▼

much going on it now? ▼

[Hero] Oh, no, I just try.

Might be back again. ▼

Well, that hairstyle is

then about this, trying to set.

It 's too important day today. ▼

Those happy days †

[Luke] Chris, usually

have been waiting for today

I'll Jukun day knight! ▼

I came up here is

not normal thanks to Chris.

'll Ceded the captain was good to me! ▼

[Cecil] It 's awfully noisy until the end. Another.

Maybe but certainly as Luke says.

Chris from me well, You're The ... ▼

[Hero] Not just me.

The power of all of us. ▼

[Lodi] However, Chris is captain

but I'm excited about what you can from me stomach.

Thank you. ▼

[Ryan] , Yes. Also ... I'm


Thank you ... ▼

[Hero] Uh ...,

and be praised so much

, but I do not calm down ... ▼

[Cecil] It is shy, what?

Toko not some surprisingly cute.

I, Catalina? ▼

[Catalina] Yes. Chris ...

until now from Chris and I met and

I was Attoyuuma. ▼

I do not forget.

That it was unnecessary to be with you until now ... ▼

[Hero] What happened?

So formal suddenly ▼

[Catalina] Oh, ... I, I'll certainly is strange.

I'm sorry. ▼

is about time.

Everyone, let's go between the ritual.

Jukun expression is likely be held there. ▼

Conferment formula †


[Jeigan] Chris, to before. ▼

[Hero] Ha. ▼

[Mars] Henri and the founder of Aritia

in the name of Mars ... ▼

to appoint Chris Knight, thee. ▼

... you guys are in this

knight's Aritia positive.

I worked really hard so far. ▼

[Luke] Knight ... or

I was not long until now. ▼

[Lodi] There were various things ... Oh. ▼ [Ryan] Melting pot, I, ... happy

tears came out ... ▼

[Cecil] Oh, I will

because I'm not crying! ▼

[Catalina] Years ... ... ▼

[soldier] Ma, like Mars!

Jeigan like! ▼

[Jeigan] Honors the divine in the midst of expression

or what? ▼

[soldier] Death, attack!

This is someone

to break into the castle Aritia! ▼

[Jeigan] ! ?

Thief is a man ... What did you say anything! ? ▼

[soldier] I do not know.

Once I realized the castle ... ▼

[Jeigan] Eagle to take the leadership.

You guys here in

case observe the like Mars! ▼

[Lodi] Ha! ▼

Betrayal †

[Luke] ......

Hey, Is not it a tapir?

What we're also good not have to go? ▼

[Lodi] Do not worry.

The castle is a lot of soldiers are defending.

When it comes to ... ▼ [Catalina] Is a soldier ... I can not move.

Mora has been from the drug. ▼

life is alright but,

barely a few days can not move ... ▼

[Hero] Catalina? ▼

[Catalina] If there are traitor move freely the castle,

also serve to lull soldiers, the companion guide

can also easily to. ▼

until the credit, so

wait for an opportunity to spend many days for many days.

It was a such instruction. ▼

[Hero] ! ▼ [Cecil] Catalina!

Cho, a little of Dokoiku!

Cha out without permission ... ▼

[Catalina] Is not a Catalina. ▼

[Cecil] What? ▼

[Catalina] I'm sorry, everyone ... ▼

Eine my real name.

I do have to kill like Mars. ▼

Preparation sortie †

★ ★ For enemy †


[Cecil] Hey, hey!

Like that in mean?

Catalina is why ...! ▼

[Hero] I also do not know. ▼

But if becoming ... Now Omoiokose

point was hit.

No way I thought, but with ... ▼

[Ryan] That, Chris ...

What do you do? ▼

... we

Catalina with acid

Do you fight? ▼

[Hero] ...... ▼

's our knight.

I like to observe the Mars

mission of us. ▼

★ ★ about Mars and the seventh platoon †


[Mars] Chris ......,

we seems to have fitted into the trap of the enemy.

This remains a decent fight too dangerous. ▼

it, you guys are ... middle of an expression conferment

, the future those who are

do not want to lose in a place like this. ▼

I leave it to me here. I will attempt to escape alone.

You guys are impossible without a ... ▼

[Hero] Further, please do not Osshara.

Like Mars. ▼

will fight together, too. ▼

[Mars] But ... ▼

[Hero] Mars is like before,

told me that to me.

Fellow and I do not want to die. ▼

is the same too.

I want to protect us is like Mars

▼ to encourage you to think

, too,

want to protect like Mars.

I think so. ▼

[Mars] Chris ... ▼

[Luke] Wait, Chris!

Bakkari you

dress is not gonna be good! ▼

[Hero] Le Area - ... ▼


I agree with Luke's. We knight,

served as master of the knights defend it. ▼

[Ryan] Yes, well ... I

want to observe Mars ... the like. ▼

[Cecil] That's right. Platoon ... We are the seventh,

everyone has won any opponent Even.

I'll do with it! ▼

[Hero] Everyone ... ▼


Everyone, I prepared to do then? ▼

[Luke] Oh! ▼

[Hero] Along with the seventh platoon fight like Mars!

Some people without a fall

I survive by all! ▼

Start fighting †

Attack hero king  †

(Castle, corridor)

[Ro-ro] Ukiki,

that is Mars.

Up to this point once again as planned. ▼

for poor villagers,

bandits and fought in the desperate ...

Sure, Mars is trust. ▼

Eine, minions were brought. Mars will do to you.

Because I have seen, kill Yo firm. ▼

[Catalina] ...... ▼

Map  †

Opener when Catalina (hero VS) †

[Catalina] Chris ... ▼ ...

Yes, all lies.

I was deceiving you.

I'm sorry ... ▼

Catalina first game when (usually) †

[Catalina] ...... ▼

When defeated Catalina †

[Catalina] ~Tsu ... ▼

ro-ro ... I will retire.

In this force

can not win in Chris ... ▼

[Ro-ro] There? Is that so?

Then also try to kill this time.

Chickie chickieー. ▼

After clearing †

Shadow of conspiracy †


[Jeigan] Okay, I got away ...

However, it Nanitaru.

To have been an assassin, and through Catalina. ▼

like Mars.

Jeigan all to blame for this.

Is also prepared to receive any punishment. ▼

[Mars] No, not because of Jeigan.

Besides, I absolutely

have to people she did not look bad. ▼


you have an eye for Catalina

was very nice. ▼

to her,

something unavoidable circumstances

might have had ... ▼

[Hero] ...... ▼

[Jeigan] What would you tell it · like Mars ...

to that of songs aimed at yourself

and be cared for is ... ▼

However, the Dark Dragon is destroyed,

the world toward peace

▼ ... to say Nikki as I tried to walk

, so who on earth

like Mars such as the assassination of ... ▼

At this Mars is like

an assassin time and again

that will let Tsukenerawa. ▼

specially like Mars

if the dorsal root provides a person to escort ... ▼

[Mars] Want to leave that role to Chris.

As I said before, as a knight Guards

can be safe with me if Crelle. ▼

[Jeigan] Ha. ▼

[Mars] Chris, Catalina ...

she will come again someday. ▼

to you is, I want you to escort me.

If you can ... and if

I want fried saved her. ▼

It is surely,

that you can not only to you ...... ▼

Headband to quit? †

[Cecil] Chris,

I still can not believe ...

I become the enemy ... ▼ Catalina

this morning ... Even

Chris and three people

had met to laugh together ... ▼

[Hero] ...... ▼

[Cecil] I'm sorry ....

Can not be helped or even upset.

▼ per knight who is, I have to switch

Chris, but to do that Headband Come to think of it?

Yappari back to the original hairstyle? ▼

«Branching choices - Yes»

[Hero] Oh, I see what you mean.

I'm also doing,

not likely to suits like Cecil. ▼

[Cecil] So. Well I'm afraid a little,

well I'll forgive. ▼

«Branching choices - No»

[Hero] No, we stick with this.

Because I liked this hairstyle. ▼

[Cecil] So?

I say so grateful if you would. ▼

«End branch»

[Cecil] Chris, ... We are

all friends of the seventh platoon.

It 's the same in the future. ▼

in their per ... the fellow together

let's Catalina regained.

Someday ... ▼

Now (est) †

[Est] Chris, I am, you're going home.

It seems to have worried about Abel. ▼

[Hero] I dono ... Abel? ▼

[Est] Oh, Did not know that of Abel?

I Abel, knight Aritia yuan,

old buddy was gonna Cain's. ▼

now quit the Knights,

they are living with me. ▼

Oh, if you like if

I come to my house now, welcome. ▼

Now (Cain) †

[Cain] Chris!

Me well to observe the like Mars, respectively.

Knight's first job as a positive spectacular! ▼

[Hero] Ha.

Thank you! ▼

Now (Oguma) †

[Oguma] Chris,

I'm leaving you here. ▼

from your father like king ... Cedar Thalys

has received a new request.

I must go to Gurunia does. ▼ [Hero] It is a shame.

Oguma dono, the more

we wanted to tell me the fight. ▼

[Oguma] Of them and you are

going to be we meet again.

Until then, so do not die. ▼

Now (Doga) †

[Doga] No way but ... The assassins and

the future is to defend the castle

I shall further Katamere ▼


later also means you

want to be consulted. ▼

[Hero] Yes, sir Doga. ▼

Now (Malik) †

[Malik] Chris,

I go back to the magic city Kadain. ▼

like that of Mars, also want to ask me.

Also important for me because people ... ▼

[Hero] Ha!

The warnings must be followed. ▼

Now (Gordon) †

[Gordon] We also like to protect the Mars

I do not work hard and do not.

Chris, forward to hearing from you. ▼

[Hero] Ha! Is an honor! ▼

Now (Athena) †

[Athena] Athena is also a journey.

Mars aimed at the enemy, to look for.

Chris meet again, but. ▼

[Athena] Athena ... dono

whether, take care.

I also want to meet with you. ▼

Now (riff) †

[Riff] Chris Hall,

I will continue to set out on a trip for a while.

I Thank you for everything until now. ▼

[Hero] No, you to!

I was going to help builders riff. ▼

[Riff] Edge if there is, somewhere one

will be able to meet you.

Flying back on ... ▼

Now (Cedar) †

[Cedar] Chris, thank you.

Protect me like Mars. ▼

But I ...

it is still uneasiness. ▼

like Mars is now

more in danger ...

such feeling does not disappear ... ▼

want to protect like Mars,

but in I will not serve you,

and it is hard helplessly ... ▼

[Hero] Fine, like Cedar.

Mars like us is safe. This even if it costs me my life

and then observe the like Mars. ▼

[Cedar] Thank you, Chris.

Well, ... if you can have Crelle

I'm sorry, Chris.

Mars and I both like

to just ask you. ▼

But ... surely if you

and I both like Mars,

because you believe so. ▼

Chris, now much

like raising to have around Mars ...

that help the people ... ▼

Chapter 1 An Expedition Gurunia †

Narration †

Once (dragon), was called "the dark war"

there was a fight. ▼

heroes and led by Prince Mars

battle, ▼ Dorua fierce with the Empire

of Mediusu Ryuo ground it

came to an end with the disappearance. ▼

Gathering under the emblem of flame

warriors return to their respective countries also, ▼

to rebuild the desolate homeland

made ​​efforts. ▼


and the Kingdom of Akaneia seven

of the countries was called ▼

Gurunia destruction and is already ground. ▼

Aritia, Oreruan, Macedonia,

Thalys will leave a deep scar, ▼

Akaneia power also

was on the road reconstruction also. ▼


such, in the Metropolitan Palace king unexpected cold war still do

one significant event has occurred. ▼

is the king's brother, Hardin of Oreruan

tied with Princess Nina, ▼

and king of the die 24 Akaneia

is became. ▼

▼ Hardin went to the throne

in a way that brute force and also seem

to recover the national power quasi -, ▼

attracted many soldiers

had built a mighty army. ▼

declare the revival of sacred Akaneia empire, and

became emperor himself is. ▼

(Mountains and clouds)

[Narration] Years is over a fight with Dorua. ▼

world, when gently

looked as if carved. ▼

However, the gears of fate somewhere

were going crazy. ▼

After 1 year after the end of the war dark (Castle and terrace).

Kingdom of Aritia rough to war, ▼

through the efforts of the prince from Mars,

had begun to take a calm finally returns. ▼

Cedar prince and princess of Mars

is also announcing wedding, ▼

Aritia people are happy for two people

shared the joy in the figure. ▼

But, ... but

one day reached to close the wedding, ▼

suddenly, from the Imperial Palace

through an instruction manual has been brought. ▼ <of Aritia Dear Mars ▼ pour into a prince in the kingdom under the occupation Gurunia Akaneia pattern large-scale rebellion occurred. ▼ For Gurunia to your country you would like to request the help of punitive ▼ Prince led the whole army of Aritia immediately sallied forth, ▼ I will subdue the rebellion of Gurunia > ▼ emperor Akaneia Akaneia kingdom is, for Aritia country the Father. That instruction is absolute. ▼ Mars is forced to defend the homeland from Cain ordered knight, ▼ and Alan, and Holy Knight Jeigan with his new young knight was appointed, ▼ was and left it to Gurunia expedition. ▼

Opening †


[Mars] Chris,

is a destination soon.

You really have it for this first battle. ▼

fight in the future, and until now are different.

That fall on the battlefield means death. ▼

ally is lost never to return ...

It is a battlefield.

Be careful if you want earnestly. ▼

[Hero] Was aware of, like Mars. ▼

[Mars] Also you folks also,

to anyone if you can not die

When you're finished good fight ... ▼

[Hero] Like Mars ... ▼

[Jeigan] Prepare like Mars, the convoy was ready.

Also, merchants who sell the weapons

seem to me to accompany our army. ▼

ready for battle in their favor

I now fairly convenient. ▼

[Mars] Thank you, Jeigan.

So, immediately

I Kakaro to prepare for battle. ▼

Preparation sortie †

★ ★ ★ Gurunia about the Kingdom †


[Mars] Chris, you are of Aritia

You do not know how to fix it was the first time abroad. ▼

[Hero] Yes.

Mars is like the war earlier,

also Gurunia? ▼

[Mars] Oh. In the dark of the previous war

Gurunia is I was the enemy of us.

But sin is not in the future and our people. ▼

do not want to fight,

were also a number of upstanding character.

For example, ... ▼ General Lawrence

Lawrence generals in the war before

me fought as allies of us. ▼


[Lawrence] Mars Hall

is trying to ally us to your Settlement eagle.

Tomorrow for my homeland. ▼

(End flashback) ^


[Mars] After the war, Gurinia torn

the kingdom Akaneia now

under control but, ▼

Akaneia under the permission of the

Lawrence General has ruled. ▼

He is a good leader I think the people.

The people of his Gurunia if

I can live in peace. ▼ [Hero] I see.

However, why such rebellion

What happened? ▼

[Mars] I do not know it.

What is happening on earth ... ▼

About Expeditionary Force †


[Jeigan] Chris,

how the Knights rookie? ▼

[Hero] Ha!

Everyone, but motivated. ▼

[Jeigan] Produce. ▼

... but this time the military force of the expedition of

the eagle Mobara old bones,

fight in the front line role Tsutomara unexpected. ▼

rookie from the Sonata and the knights,

the Knights of St. Alan, Doga, Gordon.

The above will become the main force. ▼

In particular it will force most of

Alan's Holy Knight.

Let us also introduce Sonata. ▼

[Alan] Guards Chris Knight,

the first time that I speak directly.

I've Allan. ▼ [Hero] Chris is.

Alan Hall of the Most High and Holy Knight honor

is an honor to fight together. ▼

[Jeigan] Alan. Reports from the battlefield, the

enemy is our thief.

Sonata I is not the enemy of Holy Knight. ▼

[Alan] Is, of course. Jeigan buttocks, Desuga

if possible, a knight from rookie Chris

Please give us the playing field. ▼

I now

strongly not leave any more unexpected.

However, they are not so young. ▼

Chris will go through our practice,

one is about more than I

should help to grow. ▼

[Hero] !

Alan Hall ... ▼

[Alan] Chris,

with a force on the battlefield,

he more than me as soon as possible. ▼

Supporting the future of the army Aritia is

not me. Roh's your Settlement. ▼

[Hero] Ha!

Aritia weight of the Knights,

will bear in mind. ▼

Start fighting †

Counter-insurgency (sortie hero)  †


[Jeigan] Like Mars,

the commander of occupation forces

is seen General Lang tail. ▼

[LANG] This Hall of Mars Oh,

come by now and

is not carefree. ▼

Well much trouble because

of rebel leader, General Lawrence of

apologies is trying to leave it to your Settlement. ▼

[Mars] Picture! ? It has led the rebel forces

General Why is Lawrence! ?

Rebellion and why he is ... ▼

[LANG] Well ... not

eagle is such a thing, I do not know. ▼

Mars hall, killing the Lawrence

guy is harboring

Gurunia catch the children of the royal family. ▼

We shall, in the meantime

of those who took part in the revolt

to kill the family, burn down the village. ▼

[Mars] Stupid!

Without anything to go that far ... ▼

[LANG] For example, I will have a fool!

You ... Cardinal, according to the instructions in the eagle

's good if you work! ▼

or, also Aritia

Akaneia against my

cause in the rebellion and why they say! ▼

[Mars] No way! Such a thing ... ▼

[LANG] Hall of Mars,

it is conceited trouble. ▼

If the power of the empire my Motte,

at any time, such as your Nurishi

Tsubuseru do not forget to beat! ▼

[Mars] ... Jeigan. What on earth is this

- What does it matter. Hardin is

what this country was left to man like that ... ▼

[Jeigan] Prince, I understand your feelings.

Revolt of Lawrence Desuga fact.

Must first dorsal root him somehow. ▼

General Lawrence himself prince and

try to find how the story is. ▼

eagle meets the prince of soba

served as a strategist let me

let top. ▼

I Konoe Chris Knight! ▼

when in peril on the battlefield is like Mars,

to charm 's Sonata.

I'm counting on you. ▼

[Hero] Ha! Was OK. ▼

[Mars] If you are encouraging Crelle Chris, is you.

We defeated the Pirates,

will head to Lawrence under the General! ▼

[Hero] Ha! ▼

Counter-insurgency (sortie non-hero)  †


[Jeigan] Like Mars,

the commander of occupation forces

is seen General Lang tail. ▼

[LANG] This Hall of Mars Oh,

come by now and

is not carefree. ▼

Well much trouble because

of rebel leader, General Lawrence of

apologies is trying to leave it to your Settlement. ▼

[Mars] Picture! ? It has led the rebel forces

General Why is Lawrence! ?

Rebellion and why he is ... ▼

[LANG] Well ... not

eagle is such a thing, I do not know. ▼

Mars hall, killing the Lawrence

guy is harboring

Gurunia catch the children of the royal family. ▼

We shall, in the meantime

of those who took part in the revolt

to kill the family, burn down the village. ▼

[Mars] Stupid!

Without anything to go that far ... ▼

[LANG] For example, I will have a fool!

You ... Cardinal, according to the instructions in the eagle

's good if you work! ▼

or, also Aritia

Akaneia against my

cause in the rebellion and why they say! ▼

[Mars] No way! Such a thing ... ▼

[LANG] Hall of Mars,

it is conceited trouble. ▼

If the power of the empire my Motte,

at any time, such as your Nurishi

Tsubuseru do not forget to beat! ▼

[Mars] ... Jeigan. What on earth is this

- What does it matter. Hardin is

what this country was left to man like that ... ▼

[Jeigan] Prince, I understand your feelings.

Revolt of Lawrence Desuga fact.

Must first dorsal root him somehow. ▼

General Lawrence himself prince and

try to find how the story is. ▼

eagle meets the prince of soba

served as a strategist let me

let top. ▼

prince, I will continue in! ▼

Map  †

Village †

(In house)

[Villagers] · Oh if

only this child forgiveness purchase decisions.

Just turned 10 years old yet. ▼

[Mars] Grandma, please rest assured.

I came to take away is that the child

does not have. ▼

[Villagers] For example ...

people like you in the empire? ▼

[Mars] The difference ... the house.

We are to fight

does not come. ▼

Please say something if there is what you need.

Is also a little food

will keep. ▼

[Marishia] Wait ...


take me too ... ▼ [Mars] Well ...

you ... really 10 years old? ▼

[Marishia] The truth is already an adult ... I can

be bad and be taken to the soldier

told a lie it is Obaa Chama. ▼

like beast soldiers of the rung

just man. But you are different.

Things have a very gentle eyes. ▼

it, please.

Tsuredashi from this country and I

'd take you to your country. ▼

[Villagers] Younger tail,

to ask from the eagle.

Do Kudasara doing to protect this girl. ▼

If, like if you want

I may be doing to marry. ▼

This child is similar to the eagle

may be natured with a beautiful woman.

Surely, she'll get a good wife. ▼

[Marishia] Yada, if your bar chan

Yo still too early.

Marishia would trouble. ▼

A private house †

(In house)

[Villagers] At the end of the previous battle, like Nina is

left to the generals Lawrence this country

it was allowed to autonomy. ▼

However, Hardin is the emperor

was expelled as soon as General Lawrence was

rung troops came. ▼

Lang, from us and

she said, grabbing everything. ▼

money as well as

food and clothes

to families and also ... ▼

· Oh

well even if purchase decisions General Camus

, such as fear not to Lang. ▼

2 houses †

(In house)

[Villagers] General Lawrence

Tallis to be had on the island when he was young

It is said that there. ▼

At that time, Thalys

not yet been unified

several tribes had been fighting. ▼

General is a young patriarch

lent force, the island that he

likely helped to unify. ▼

Since then, the generals and their patriarch

and the king of Thalys now means that

apparently followed by socializing. ▼

3 house †

(In house)

[Villagers] General Lawrence, from Wendel like

pick up the children

I was going to raise in the Gurunia. ▼

The emperor was told to hand over the two people

were afraid to be killed by

the generals he hid the princes. ▼

is banishment and general

commander Lang came. ▼

rung, in order to find the prince

made ​​a very terrible thing.

We're So I stood up. ▼

However, it's also the other end.

Everyone in this country who

was killed in the Languedoc! ▼

4 house †

(In house)

[Villagers] The king had died of illness is Gurunia

had two children. ▼

called princess and prince Yubero Yumina

of 13,4 years old yet

Well cute twin children. ▼

those kids were afraid the devil Ganefu

Kadain sent to the city by the King Mage ▼

much as a hostage in a dark room

so I was trapped. ▼

like Wendell priest was rescued when the

point of death seems to have jack. ▼

priest, so the two people

are not in the monastery of Kadain

Well sure it was watching. ▼

5 house †

(In house)

[Villagers] In this country,

the other is a young girl not stay still. ▼

soldier of the empire to take everyone

was gone. ▼

especially beautiful daughter

that General Lang

I say that to herself. ▼

the world absurd

thing I was Well. ▼

6 house †

(In house)

[Villagers] (Aunt)

I glanced saw

that Mr. Alan Knight Tokayuu

Hey bad complexion. ▼

's it, even if much fought

sturdy is

familiar but I do not think ... ▼

Advantage of the chaos ... (at the start of the second turn enemy) †


[Rogue] What ~A? Or fight?

Ya just right, while you can

or I'll hit the village! ▼

Last resort (when approaching the castle) †


[Lawrence] Longer. So far ... I guess it

Oguma involving buttocks, until your Settlement

sorry for myself. ▼

[Oguma] I'm from Thalys king

to help the general

is said to have come here. ▼

if possible to me

that it is what told me. ▼

[Lawrence] Ask ... if so?

These children into Macedonia

want forwarded. ▼

... these children

prince and princess Yumina Yubero is

Gurunia memento of the king. ▼

ask. Of Macedonia to these children

under the priest to Wendell

bran delivered me. ▼

[Oguma] Was found ...

two people even if it costs me my life is that I

try to charm. ▼

[Lawrence] I see, ... ▼ Sumanu

Now, Yubero prince, princess Yumina

Oguma you guys, along with builders

to escape it. ▼

[Yumina] No way! I do not go.

If you get away

with it I Lawrence. ▼

[Lawrence] Yumina princess ...

I'm sorry but unexpected escape. ▼

wounded in this body is no longer

even walk he remains grave. ▼


without having to worry about that I

'll escape with only two people. ▼

[Yumina] In order to protect us

but was very hurt so much ... ▼

why you put only

say get away! ! ▼

I do not go absolutely.

The near Lawrence

I do not away! ! ▼

[Oguma] He to do, General? ▼

[Lawrence] · Troubled existence.

If I had Yumina is like once

asked how unexpected ... ▼

[Oguma] If, I

will become a force capable of by me. ▼

... kill the guy that finds a rung

in this my sword

I'll bury him. ▼

General Lawrence, until it is

me holding up somehow.

Do not ... die! ! ▼

Opener when Lawrence †


[Lawrence] What! ? You guys ...

Why Aritia army. ▼

until Aritia, my people

what that afflict ... ▼

Destroy when Lawrence †


[Lawrence] Permitting, you peoples ... ▼ Gurunia

Conversation (Lawrence enemy → Mars) †


[Lawrence] Hall of Mars!

Why Us ... ▼ Nurishi

Unfortunately, the military and Aritia ...

and I must fight with the prince ... ▼

[Mars] Please wait.

I'm with you

there is no fight going. ▼

from the villagers, how occupation forces

to hear that a disservice

I am surprised. ▼

I, this fact

communicated to the emperor Hardin

We promise to save Gurunia and always. ▼

So, whether

containing a sword, please. ▼

[Lawrence] Prince ...

courtesy, thank you. ▼

However, it is impossible.

The prince do not know anything. ▼

Hardin for no good reason a man of about

the man, such as our secrets rung

or if you think your commander? ▼

He invited the rebellion of us

completely crush the kingdom Gurunia

they're going to the territory of the empire. ▼

[Mars] No way! ?

Hardin is such a thing

when you can not believe so. ▼

[Lawrence] Immediately would not believe.

But after becoming the emperor and his

people had changed. ▼

another, the prince knows

that he is not Hardin. ▼

Only one prince, at the end

there is a favor. ▼

to this fort, the royal family Gurunia

young prince and princess are

being sheltered. ▼


you want to help these children. ▼

even if it Kikitodoke me

, I have no more regrets. ▼

[Mars] ! ?

Lawrence Hall, what are you doing ...! ? ▼

[Lawrence] Hall of whether Mars ...

in exchange for my life ... to these children

... ask whether ... ▼

(Self-determination in front of the screen below)

[Mars] General Lawrence! ! ▼

stupid ...... ...... ▼

After clearing †

(When the conversation with Lawrence) Gurunia heart †

[Village headman] Mars ... like

you like Lawrence

was entrusted with the all. ▼

rather than avenge you like Lawrence,

who heard the story of how that.

Thank you Gurunia as a people. ▼

This is at least something out of thanks.

Please accept if. ▼

Yubero prince, princess Yumina is here.

Please observe the two people, whether ... ▼

(Got a Riraibu)

And Yubero Yumina †


[Mars] You guys, of Gurunia ...

The Prince and Princess Yumina Yubero! ? ▼

[Yubero] Shot ... shot

... Lawrence died.

How do I We. ▼

[Yumina] Beast! ! Without complying with the near!

According to at least near it

we will die also! ! ▼

[Mars] I was not!

We ... ▼

[LANG] Buttocks cheeks ... Mars.

The rebellion those who finally

I caught it. ▼

[Mars] General Lang! Wait for me.

This child is no sin for us.

Why do not you leave it to me. ▼

[LANG] Do not go so unexpected.

Our prisoners

take to the castle of the eagle. ▼

prince, than it

is to your Settlement to Macedonia

can put your I must go. ▼

in Macedonia

is happening military revolt

seems to have caught the princess Minerva. ▼

[Mars] What ...! Macedonia is! ! ▼

found, Lang General.

However, their children ...

let me Azukara to me, ask. ▼

[LANG] I winded prince!

Now, you guys

to come here! ▼

[Yumina] Well, away! !

Yubero ... help. ▼

[Yubero] Yumina Yumina ... ... ▼

[Mars] Well, wait a minute! !

Lang! Let go of her children! ▼

[Hero] Like Mars, please your orders.

I will get back the two people! ▼

[Jeigan] Prince, Please calm down! !

Chris he settle down, and Sonata. ▼

If Arasoe rung here and now

we also run counter to the Akaneia

I'm still become rebels. ▼

[Mars] Jeigan But

what I pass to those kids rung!

Such a thing to me ... ▼

[Jeigan] Now ...

now, please be patient anyway! ! ▼

Macedonia ... if you go to

Minerva Princess

if you can safely rescue, ▼

Macedonia is to us

will lend force. ▼

Chapter 2 Macedonia Rebellion

Narration †

I think while leaving (Knight and the Dragon Castle) spicy

Gurunia is left for us Mars, ▼

to help the princess Minerva

landed to Macedonia. ▼

Macedonia, after the dark war

spearheaded by Princess Minerva, ▼

banished the chiefs have afflicted the people

made ​​efforts to reform the military. ▼

However, Lucke of influential generals are

opposed to the way most Minerva N, ▼

gathered soldiers were expelled

is it a coup. ▼

Minerva was caught off guard is

caught in a gang of Lucke, ▼


was seized by rebel forces. ▼

a powerful dragon knights in the woods of the border and

directed, and was to harden the defense. ▼

Opening †

The speed of the hero †


[Jeigan] Mainstay of the army of Macedonia,

Pegasus and Dragon Knight ... Knight

and its moving force, the speed is considerable. ▼

In particular, in the previous war

of Macedonia became our ally

three Pegasus Knight sisters · · · ▼

on the speed that will

not come true nobody was about. ▼

[Hero] Speed ​​... ▼

[Jeigan] Chris, ▼ ... Sonata is

the speed of the sonata is

very suitable to be called Godspeed. ▼

If the sonata, that

would not lose even Pegasus Knight sisters.

Guards of Aritia he truly is my knight. ▼

[Hero] Is an honor, like Jeigan. ▼

Appearance of Minna †

[Anna] Oh, Chris. ▼

[Hero] What? Are you ...? ▼

like, we met somewhere ... ▼

[Anna] That I do not worry.

From it, a good thing you

wanted to come teach. ▼

"state of everyone," I do not want to know? ▼

[Hero] "State of the people"? ▼

[Anna] I even while we speak,

everyone in this army is

variously What are you best. ▼

or training,

or looking for a useful item,

or musing ... ▼

, everyone want to know how such a

thought when seeing the "state of the people." ▼

[Hero] I see ... ▼

[Anna] As time passes by, the

state has a variety of people

from the seen. ▼

If you feel opposite

I may see, except from time to time.

Good day. ▼

Preparation sortie †

For the kingdom of Macedonia ★ ★ ★ †


[Mars] Or Macedonia.

I will fight here also. ▼

[Hero] Princess Minerva that they were caught,

you know like Why is Mars? ▼

[Mars] Oh. Princess Minerva,

as we ally in the war before

I was fighting me. ▼

she is a real brother

fought with Prince Misheiru.

For peace in Macedonia. ▼


[Misheiru] Came, Minerva.

Maile emergency! ▼ [Minerva] On brother ... ▼

(End flashback)


[Mars] Subordinates of princess

Paola, Kachua, of est

knight I can have three sisters. ▼

The strength of a human a human is, of course,

and three people gather

strength was no match for anyone. ▼


[Paola] Emergency, we will!

Atakku Triangle! ! ▼

[Kachua] I do not miss ... Prepare!

Atakku Triangle! ! ▼

[Est] Mars riot!

Atakku Triangle! ! ▼

(End flashback)


[Hero] I see.

Reassuring to

me so it is made. ▼ [Mars] Yeah. Est of the youngest sister but

retreated the knight again, and now

lives happily in Aritia. ▼

Kachua and Paola is

supposed to be this Macedonia,

I want you be safe ... ▼

★ ★ chapter 2 about the current status †


[Jeigan] Lang is the attitude of General Akaneia

extreme disrespect, but,

I must fulfill this mission. ▼

I also think Sonata; but

now endure me. ▼

containing the revolt of Macedonia,

to rescue the princess he Minerva. ▼

In Gurunia is

the rung the young princes

were not only deliver, ▼

If we can save the princess Minerva

Mars is like the princes of Gurunia

also might be able to keep unexpected. ▼

to defeat the dragon of the Knights of Macedonia rebel forces,

but to go out of this forest. ▼

Start fighting †

In the forest of Macedonia  †


[Kachua] Like Mars! !

Was good, still here

is I had come. ▼

[Mars] Kachua! ?

There was a rebellion in Macedonia and

I've heard, whether it was safe? ▼

[Kachua] Yes, my sister Paola and I

was able to escape somehow. ▼

like Minerva but

I caught it ...

like Mars, please.

Help, like the Minerva!

Are all these remains is in danger your life! ▼


Of course, that 's going. Kachua, where the princess to

me to guide it. ▼

[Kachua] Yes! ▼

that before but

have to break through the forest of this border ... ▼

to this forest

of General Luhmer

dragon is lurking in the Knights. ▼

away from the front you

will be shooting them. ▼ [Mars] To the left or right ... or so

I say I bypassed white. ▼

Kachua I understand

we leave it to me! ▼

Map  †

Village †


[seriously] King! Prince Mars! [Mars] Are you not ... Seriously!

You are here why? ▼

[seriously] What are you fighting also heard talk that Prince,

hey What would be against

is not I came right over. ▼

We're only Tallis's mercenaries.

Should Cha died in Prince Mars,

like Cedar end up crying. ▼

Prince Mars,

let me fight even to me.

I'll also join the army of the prince. ▼

A private house †

(In house)

[Villagers] Because of the previous war,

the hard life in every country

have been strong. ▼

It is the only rich

emperor paid by Hardin

or Akaneia. ▼

2 houses †

(In house)

[Villagers] Warren also, he 's stupid.

Been hired with money

I'll turn it into the rebel army. ▼

Oh, Kachua and certainly

I think I was acquainted with ... ▼

3 house †

(In house)

[Villagers] Robbers, treasure of our house

the ready sword

Well have I fled. ▼

sword that is

by no woman can handle only to

have, a great power. ▼

to these sonatas, I'll

come back Well. ▼

4 house †

(In house)

[Villagers] To thieves, I'm not careful.

Once the squid have a precious treasure

because it irreversibly. ▼

absolute, it does not escape. ▼

5 house †

(In house)

[Villagers] Beware the Dragon Knight.

They are far away from anywhere

goodbye'll come to move at once! ▼

Conversation (Warren enemy forces Kachua →) †


[Kachua] Warren! ?

Up to you, to rebel ... ▼ [Warren] Kachua of White Knight or,

do it a long time. ▼

I, just a hunter.

What did you say it 's to get the money. ▼

[Kachua] Warren, listen! ▼

Princess Minerva,

the livable Tsukurou the country people

had been effort. ▼

poor reputation

also was trying to banish the generals and the soldiers

were for it. ▼

But I know that

General Lucke, then instigated the soldiers

was a coup. ▼

They are, of their country

, and What are you trying to be.

You are, I still say that? ▼

[Warren] Or ... so.

Even me, as if one were owner troops

behave I do not like it ...


If you are going to help the princess

I'll also cooperate. ▼

When Warren first match †

[Warren] I sorry.

To you, there is no resentment

but also for a living. Yuruseyo! ▼

Destroy when Warren †

[Warren] I'll talk stupid chip ... ... ▼

Opener when Luhmer †

[Luhmer] The horrors of the Knights of Macedonia dragon

, but I realize! ▼

Destroy when Luhmer †

[Luhmer] General Lucke, ask later ... ▼

After clearing †

Fire Emblem:  †


[Jeigan] Prince Mars

is more unusual in a room of the fort

and I was trapped. ▼ [Mars] It?

Linda ... or not!

Are you in a place like this? Why ▼

[Hero] Like Mars, or is a friend? ▼

[Mars] Oh, she is Linda.

When the previous battle, and we in the Mage

will help me a girl. ▼

[Linda] Like Mars! Was good.

Tour was finally able to meet. ▼

I want to see you like Mars

had been looking for. ▼

soldiers of Macedonia but

are suspicious

is brought to this fort ... ▼

[Mars] Did that really happen? Was good, be safe.

But me why

were you looking for? ▼

Linda, Nina near the like

I thought I have. ▼

[Linda] From like Nina, which

like Mars, to give you

as it is said. ▼

(Fire Emblem screen below)

[Mars] ?

! !

This is Fire Emblem! ▼

royal house law Akaneia

heraldic shield or not! ▼ [Hero] Fire Emblem ...

in the previous war-like Mars

that was entrusted from Princess Nina ... ▼

[Mars] Yeah. I Akaneia in the war of the preceding

was entrusted this as a proxy.

Now, to me this but why? ▼

Akaneia is

under the emperor Hardin

to say that boasts a ... ▼ force

, why when this peaceful

like Nina is the <proof of winners>

to something I ... ▼

[Linda] I also, Do not you see.

Nina is like without Osshara the reason,

only with ... ▼, just like Mars

, but very sad for some reason

... maybe your eyes are,

I think it was folded crying ... ▼

[Mars] Nina is like! ?

On earth, ... ▼ Why

After this battle, Linda

go to the source of Nina also like me. ▼

In the meantime, Linda also

want you to be with us. ▼

[Linda] Yes! Like Mars! ! ▼

<You get a Fire Emblem>

Edited by リズ
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Prologue 4-Chapter 2 fully translated.

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>Making sense

You must be new here.

Going by what the translator interpreted. And I have the rest of the game translated. It's only a matter of time before the rest of the chapters are posted. If some of the grammar doesn't make sense. I apologize. Let me know..and I'll get them fixed.

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Did you even reread the scripts before you posted them

there is so much dodgy text it's not even funny

though I will admit to heavily using google translate for my kanji :(

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Chapter 3 Kidnapped Princess

Narration †

(Aiote, Misheiru, Minerva)

once, Macedonia is a

territory of the empire was Dorua. ▼

dragon tribe 100 years ago, ruled the entire continent is

a large number of slaves feeding the jungles of this barbarism, ▼

pushed the construction of the excavation of the ruins and the nation. ▼

many who, not given food also

was killed, and forced to work by force. ▼

in such a dire situation, a young man that

stood up. Say the name of Aiote. ▼

He fled to the jungle with friends, to Wyvern

continued to fight for emancipation of slaves across out. ▼

Dorua after the fall, slaves are themselves

made ​​the country opened up this rich land. ▼

and, in primary Aiote hero

was greeted as a king. ▼

was feared as the country of the dragon knight after

Macedonia, was born in this way. ▼

However, ▼ powers that Macedonia also

say it was the second coming of Aiote

Misheiru prince is not already, ▼

was called <red dragon knight>. And now

was trying to Ushinao even princess Minerva. ▼

Opening †


[Hero] Ha! ~Tsu Haa! ▼

[Jeigan] Training or the skills of sleep in between spared.

I'm impressed not, Chris. ▼

[Hero] This is like Jeigan. ▼

[Jeigan] Strong defense force and also hard

... but of course important

to be neglected is also unexpected moves. ▼

how you try to attack in strong force,

if there is no technique is

not unexpected because the enemy can be hit. ▼

speaking at that point,

the technique of sonata ... ▼

Sonata techniques, range of expert already ...

should say that the eagle is nothing.

He still strive. ▼

[Hero] Thank you, like Jeigan. ▼

Preparation sortie †

Julian, ★ ★ ★ For Lena †


[Hero] Like Mars. According to the reconnaissance

the next battlefield will look like this. ▼

[Mars] I often village.

As the people who do not meet the looting

I do not have to fight. ▼

around here, that you mention it

is Julian and Rena

would have been living. ▼

[Hero] ?

Julian and Rena ...

What is a friend of the previous battle? ▼


Oh. Let us also talk to Chris. Julian and Rena are now

working for the children in the convent. ▼

I wonder if two people names, lovers.

Julian is a thief yuan,

Sister Lena's heart-friendly. ▼

the Lena had previously caught the bandit

Julian I was in desperate rescue.

We also met at that time. ▼


[Rena] Julian

another good thing since my

escape just you! ▼

[Julian] Hey yo do so below.

Well, for what I

use Wakarya Hey guys what betrayed. ▼

(End renovation)


[Mars] So, to Lena

I have a brother named Matisse.

Macedonia seems to army. ▼

[Hero] That, Macedonian army

that Matisse is

also possible that in the enemy forces? ▼

[Mars] Yeah.

I do not want to fight if possible. ▼

If Julian or

you can have Crelle Rena

may be able to convince ... ▼

★ ★ chapter 3 about the current status †


[Jeigan] Broke through the forest border.

Containing the revolt of Macedonia finally

it was time to rescue the princess Minerva. ▼

Still, like Nina is why

the Fire Emblem

or it will be entrusted to Mars ... ▼ like

it is on behalf of the royal family Akaneia

to that conducted the battle of justice

must be passed. ▼

Akaneia is that Hardin

We would keep the peace ... ▼ Nikki

said that you are using a rung to commander

Hardin's exactly what's up? ▼

Well good.

Once this war is like Mars is

going to the original and like you said Nina. ▼

me if time, will be in the clear.

First this

thing fit the revolt of Macedonia. ▼

Start fighting †

Sister of missing  †


[Paola] Julian! Is Kachua

the Knights Aritia finally

I was brought me. ▼

with them I

go to help the princess Minerva. ▼

You will take the Lena

as soon flee. ▼

[Julian] I'm not good with it, Paola.

S gone ... without Mr. Lena

I can not run away I'm not alone. ▼

[Paola] Well, Lena is also ...

I do not know the whereabouts also say princess Maria

Sister just why ... ▼

[Julian] I just

try to find, through the village. ▼ Sorry, Paola.

Prince Mars, Nice to meet. ▼

Map  †

I thought I was dead even (at start of turn 3 enemy phase) †


[Misheiru] I Lucke,

old woman like you is

not that it is something we die. ▼

Hardin fairly to

do was put. ▼

[Lucke] Oh! Are you ... ...

why ... ▼

[Misheiru] I thought I was dead even.

Hehe ... oh well. ▼

than that,

pass me the Minerva. ▼

in this country anymore I

have no regrets about.

'S to say, but love of you guys. ▼

However, he is only

in this hand I, and you do not dispose of

that care does not end. ▼

[Lucke] But ... sigh.

Princess Minerva is already barely breathing ...

and I no longer survive every ... ▼

[Misheiru] Nitpicking without saying, Bring quickly.

In my spear or this

or is to be skewered. ▼

[Lucke] , Yes, I understand.

Hey, someone

with white tail, the princess! ▼

[Misheiru] Minerva, I was a long time.

Its ungainly appearance

not like you. ▼

Maria loses important

is subordinate Mihanasa up to

this, what you said - the ideal country. ▼

[Minerva] Mi ... Misheiru ...

why ... ▼

A village †

(Village square)

[Villagers] Near this village,

that there is a large drawbridge

Did you know? ▼

usually is not impassable,

You can use the keys of this drawbridge

can be a bridge. ▼

only, and across the drawbridge,

enemy of the other side of the drawbridge is all at once

will come goodbye. ▼

If you proceed safely,

then detour dare

I might be better to proceed. ▼

This key should be left handed.

When you use if you are,

please take care if. ▼ <'ve got the key to the drawbridge>

2 village †

(Village square)

[Mars] You are, spoon!

What you also had come to Macedonia. ▼

[spoon] Prince is a long time tail.

The other guy over there really is

Do you have joined? ▼

Thalys we're mercenaries,

joined the army of the prince wanted to

do is come up here. ▼

like Cedar is our Lord my

husband also become its prince and Narya

important that your people of us. ▼

Prince Mars, You're

even if it costs me my life is this I

'll charm you. ▼

3 village †

(Village square)

[Julian] Prince is a long time tail.

Is me,

is Julian. ▼

[Mars] Julian! ? ▼

Have you ever been to Macedonia along with the Lena

No way, I had heard

in a place like this ... ▼ I meet

Lena is doing?

Obviously you guys of course. ▼

[Julian] Mr. Lena ... it

... it suddenly disappeared Chima~tsu

what I do ... I. ▼

[Mars] Oh, wait Julian yo,

what's up on earth. ▼

[Julian] Mr. Lena, from last night

that I do not know whereabouts. ▼

in the story of the village

priest eerie softening

it Rashiku~tsu was hanging. ▼

Mr. Lena, the guy seems

like I was taken. ▼

[Mars] The priest? ... ▼

Julian! Princess Maria also

say I do not know the whereabouts

read the writing on the wall, something. ▼

anyway, even if already here,

will not be helped.

Along with us, Come on. ▼

that Rena is too anxious.

Over 30 million traveler reviews & opinions to split up with everyone. ▼

[Julian] I'm sorry ... prince.

Please, if. ▼

A private house †

(In house)

[Villagers] A little before I

called that a journey

I came here paladin. ▼

I had a mask

After disconnecting,

I think it a nice person kit. ▼


decline there is, somewhere

not see you again I wonder, oh. ▼

2 houses †

(In house)

[Villagers] But the only story here

is that weapon shops, and the rebel army

group I heard. ▼

If you enter it

so that it does not hit

I better be careful. ▼

3 house †

(In house)

[Villagers] Macedonia

does it end up I wonder how. ▼

Misheiru prince is dead I say

Princess Mary

will not know the whereabouts ▼

on it, until the princess Minerva

What life is in danger captivity

or not say. ▼

... Oh

well this country, as Gurunia

what I become ... ▼

4 house †

(In house)

[Villagers] Pegasus also three sisters,

because there is no Est

lonely sac. ▼


Triangle, Atakku!

· · · ▼ jack but was a fan of

Oh, est ...

come home late. ▼

Opener when Matisse †

[Matisse] · Rena you're in where you are now.

Before you die, is good because once

I wanted to meet you ... ▼

Destroy when Matisse †

[Matisse] Rena ...

forgive ... a stupid brother ... ▼

Conversation (→ Julian Matisse enemy forces) †

[Julian] Hey! I Get a life.

Again and again

You did catch me by the hand burned. ▼

Well, Mr. Lena

would Kawaiso too ▼

[Matisse] Oh ~Tsu, or Julian.

Yet, around the Rena you

are wandering what. ▼

You're useless, to thieves like you

lovely sister is

an absolute, because I can not pass. ▼

[Julian] Do not worry ...

Mr. Lena and I are

such, not a relationship. ▼

say just a little.

Somehow, I'm able to do it in

I just want to give it strength. ▼

[Matisse] ーyour sail, properly

seems to have been found.

Each great! Julian. ▼

[Julian] Something to you, such a thing

I should say ... ▼

Well, thanks.

Mr. Lena, if you worry

Do not come with me. ▼

[Matisse] Oh yeah, thankfully. ▼

by me, by force

I put into the rebel army

is to fight, I'm nasty. ▼

All right, little brother.

Two people, joined forces

to find a Lena Let 's cute! ▼

Lucke opener when †


[Lucke] Damn ... shit

... why is the military Aritia

on this is also companion Kisama, Die! ▼

Destroy when Lucke †


[Lucke] Knights Aritia ...

I'd expect ... ▼

After clearing †

I do not follow you †


[Jeigan] Like Mars. Enemy of the castle

were all fled, Princess Minerva

-show I do not. ▼

[Mars] Well, why?

Minerva is the castle

but should have been caught ... ▼

[LANG] ーyour sails, truly is a Hall of Mars.

I was hard work. ▼

Macedonia is that we will Azukaro.

To your Settlement is

not because there is a new mission. ▼

[Mars] General Lang,

and the case now What the hell? ▼

[LANG] Actually ... the castle is attacked by the eagle

had been caught Gurunia of

princes is he was kidnapped. ▼

thief apparently fled to Macedonia.

Prince I, Chase them!

He pulled out in front of the eagle. ▼

[Mars] The children that ... ▼

[LANG] The tail is in the position would not have Nurishi Sakaraeru?

Hageme desperate for the eagle, and at best

I Prince Mars. ▼

[Hero] Kisama, for like Mars ...! ▼

That's enough!

Mars is not like the hand of Kisama! ▼

[LANG] I, What is you! ?

Rank and file of Aritia is

Wakimaeyo the position! ▼

I Mars,

You'll all courtesy of the country

seems not folded it! ▼

[Mars] Rude ... to apologize. ▼

're right but Chris.

General Lang, anymore I

do not care follow you. ▼

[Hero] Like Mars ...! ▼

[LANG] What! Instruction is an eagle

or hear say and unexpected. I see,

So he was still the work of the Kisama. ▼

It is Gurunia Tsuresa~tsu the princes of

Oguma's mercenary.

I would have ordered Kisama! ▼

[Mars] I do not know.

But, I wanted to do so if possible. ▼

At that time, even fighting with you

was two people that should help. ▼

[LANG] Kisama, what!

The word is, but obviously treason! ▼

Hardin also reported to the emperor

do it better! ▼

[Mars] Can I do to love.

However, one also I

'm gonna go to the Palace. ▼

like kings and Nina Hardin

tells this fact

to reveal your sins. ▼

Jeigan, sorry.

But again I

just can not put up with. ▼

[Jeigan] We know.

Well up to now

I help you for your patience. ▼

I rung. The Prince of Aritia for my

repeated rude,

it was allowed and the prince, the eagle will not forgive. ▼

I Lang, take the sword.

Jeigan, the house is decrepit

, etc. I Nurishi not lose the tail. ▼

[LANG] What did you say ... I, I!

Shit, I remember you bastards color ...! ! ▼

I mentioned to the Emperor

, such as Aritia

'll crush twist! ▼

[Mars] I was surprised ... Jeigan.

You, up there

I say. ▼

[Jeigan] Even with the cold water of the old? ▼

... Fufu~tsu prince.

The eagle and, from Chris still

I will not lose to a young person. ▼

However, until the eagle to stop the prince,

and compete with Lang

somewhat, was careless. ▼

[Hero] Like Mars, like Jeigan.

How shall we do now? ▼

[Mars] The story of Lang, Oguma is

coming to Macedonia. ▼

the village priest Wendell are folded

and probably going to visit. ▼

[Hero] Like Wendell? ▼

[Mars] Oh. In the high priests of Kadain Mage city,

to stand by me in previous fights.

Now I hear that live in Macedonia. ▼

Oguma that children are helped

under the like Wendell

seems to have been brought up. ▼

Wendell also like we

will go to see. ▼

[Hero] Ha, I know! ▼

[Jeigan] However, if the rung is ... Can I Do

Without It would be nice if that happened bad ... ▼

Shadow of an assassin †

[Jeigan] Chris,

like Mars aimed at the previous

trend, but of those who assassinated ... ▼

[Hero] !

How did you know something? ▼

[Jeigan] Not sure but

it has entered Rashiki information. ▼

a few days ago, Republic of Macedonia

went to the mountains of north

I hear that those who are suspicious. ▼

[Mars] Mountains in the north?

What would not aim. ▼


The buzz is that in the war of darkness ahead ... who were all friends of our

movement or there is a follow the whereabouts of them. ▼

our assassins,

the lives of our fellow former

may have targeted. ▼

[Mars] Datosureba alone will not put. ▼

Jeigan, Chris,

covers the enemy. ▼

[Jeigan] Was aware of.

So immediately

we will help you prepare for the march. ▼

We work behind the scenes shadow Gaiden chapter 3 †

Opening †

Shadow enemy in the mountains †

[Jeigan] Like Mars,

I've found a shadow enemy in the mountains.

Battle seems to have been made. ▼ [Mars] Was found.

Jeigan, Chris,

let's hurry to prepare for sortie! ▼

Preparation sortie †

★ ★ Gaiden chapter 3 about the current status †

[Jeigan] Like previous Mars struck the

assassination that is those who

seems to have appeared in the mountains of the north. ▼

our colleagues in the war was the dark of destination

and of those who are seeking a life

that I've also heard. ▼

like Mars was made ​​the decision to follow the enemy.

He rush to prepare for sortie. ▼

Start fighting †

Is surrounded by ...  †


[Riff] Did surrounded.

We're sorry, but

I will so far ... ▼

Chris is our strong  †


[Kleine] Well, hey like cornered.

After the thoroughly

enjoy Itabu~tsu only ... ▼

[Catalina] Kleine ...

Aritia army came. ▼

[Kleine] Tch ... They troublesome.

But, Eine, but sick

as say hey I was you? ▼

Aritia will not forsake the fellow,

the percentage of Ge, the inner workings of guys

not know. ▼

[Catalina] ...... ▼

[Kleine] Work ... We are,

the guys were allies in the war prior to Mars

is going to kill that person. ▼

'em and keep alive, and the next we

'd hang on to join the Mars Hey.

I Sonaruto awkward. ▼

[Catalina] ......


Why do you? ▼

[Kleine] I would not even come out?

I live in story if you ask to do minions.

She looks like a big deal to partner? ▼

[Catalina] Chris will die and underestimate us.

Kleine. ▼

I did the role of that person strategist

strategist seems that I

did not have a little. ▼

something even if not I,

who Chris is strong. ▼

[Kleine] What?

Within that were puns

did you move that information? ▼

waste is not please look there.

Is your favorite fellow

I, our yoke will be killed. ▼

Oh yeah, just get in our way

Do not give me hey? ▼

Map  †

Kleine opener when †


[Kleine] What is ... what?

You, from where on earth ...! ▼

Destroy when Kleine †


[Kleine] Ie ... bad ...

I retreat to the other guys like this ...

I remember ... please! ▼

From leave after (at start of turn two enemy phase) †


[Kleine] Well, from the left after you guys.

I also come from arrangements other minions soon,

Keep 'em hurry up and clean up. ▼

to such people, such as

the event ... If we screw

because hey you guys are killing me? ▼

Conversation (→ ally hero riff) †

[Riff] Oh, Chris is a long time your buttocks.

Please help,

Thank you. ▼

I can not fight

you can use the cane of treatment.

Please let us be together in the future. ▼

After clearing †

Under the priest to †


[Hero] Like Mars,

fighting has ended. ▼

[Mars] Thank you, Chris. ▼

[Jeigan] Assassination, but those who were repulsed,

I do not want to linger is. ▼

[Mars] Yeah.

Also anxious that Oguma.

Let's hurry to our source of Wendell! ▼

If you do not defeat ... †


[Kleine] Hmm ....

It looks like news is I do. ▼

Well I say.

There are plenty of opportunity to kill something.

I'll keep alive a while. ▼

[Catalina] Is not said so.

Aritia military is strong because ... ▼

[Kleine] Oh, Eine.

Not saying that disgusted me.

Hey I wonder if You're a side of Which? ▼

the like Jeremiah No way

I betray You're not? ▼

[Catalina] No ....

Such a thing can not be.

We do not oppose Erimiya like. ▼

For those of that,

must not defeat the Chris ...

it is well understood. ▼

The head of the riff †


[Riff] Anyway, is been a while.

Chris Hall. ▼

[Hero] Yes.

It is training since the time of knights, sir riff. ▼

[Riff] Yes, you are from that time

... ▼ become more strongly

... parent, did a little hair growth? ▼

[Hero] ? Is this true?

From out of the country certainly

does not care can barely even ... ▼

[Riff] If my hair like

it is easy to clean. ▼

[Hero] Was, indeed ... ▼

[Riff] If it is good,

rounding off the head or I'll give me? ▼

[Hero] What? ▼

[Riff] Because I is a monk,

it is accustomed to round the head. ▼

Do not worry.

If you do not like to try once,

you can also stretch the original hairstyle hair. ▼

How about?

Rounding off the head or you see? ▼

«Select" Yes "branch ー»

[Hero] In, please. ▼

[Riff] All right.

So shall we prepare. ▼

... I really want it? ▼

[Hero] , Yes ... ▼

[Riff] So, please sit there.

Now, close your eyes ... ▼

«Select" No "branch ー»

[Hero] And, still I'll pass. ▼

[Riff] Is that so.

Unfortunately a little,

it is also a good idea. ▼

Chris Hall, So

you are looking forward to hearing from you. ▼

Chapter 4 Joy and sorrow

Narration †

A reunion with Princess Minerva

is prince he failed Mars, ▼

royal Gurunia Oguma and

to search for children, ▼

once, that was the guardian of the children

went to visit the source of Wendell. ▼

However, that is Wendell

<coast Holm> is, ▼

of Macedonia and the infamous Viking

is a ground rule. ▼

, the path of Mars we

receive countless pirates wait. ▼

really, they are the children safely

or will I be able to deliver ... ▼

Opening †

«Select" Yes "in the previous section» ... and the head of the riff †


[Mars] Chris, a little story ... ▼

What, uh! ?

Etc., what's up hairstyle! ? ▼

[Hero] I got my hair cut in the buttocks riff.


What wrong? ▼

[Mars] Oh, no,

it does good if you good at it, yeah. ▼


The same, or Be the first to start a war council then. ▼

[Hero] Yes, like Mars. ▼

Preparation sortie †

★ ★ ★ For Sirius †

[Hero] Jeigan like.

Chris came back, from reconnaissance.

More on that here. ▼ [Jeigan] Produce.

As soon as possible to their buttocks Oguma

· · · ▼ does not rescue must let


Near the buttocks that this Oguma

Holy Knight: Who are you? ▼

[Hero] Is unknown.

Wearing a mask

is a man who does not know the identity. ▼

[Jeigan] Hmm ... but

if the Holy Knight,

would not have is a gang of bandits. ▼

ally depending on the story is to

do be who I was. ▼

★ ★ Chapter 4 about the current status †

[Jeigan] Macedonian rebellion was contained.

However, that should have been trapped in rebel

princess Minerva Why Who Moved My ... ▼

If he could fulfill is reunited with the princess

without collision like that, and Lang

... ▼ but do be done

public unexpected yet been is not.

However, if the rung is that I leave.

If sleep is good ... ▼ bad things happening

According to the story of the rung, the builders Oguma

brought us Prince of Gurunia

Wendell builders are heading to the source. ▼

and buttocks in order to join us Oguma also

have been followed, this is ground control of the pirates.

Kokoroshite he take. ▼

Start fighting †

Viking Macedonia  †


[Oguma] Yumina, Yubero. ▼

This area is infamous

Macedonian Viking

's ground rule. ▼

I do not want to close more if you can

have like to go to the village Wendell is

not only pass through here. ▼

[Yubero] Oguma's ...

I ... I'm scared

Hey, I go back ... ▼

[Yumina] Yubero! Give me a firm

man will you! ! ▼

And Even Yubero

written about the magic of the flame

No I fight because I could use! ▼

[Yubero] But Mr. Wendel

Even that the war should not ...

Even me, I, I hate fighting. ▼

[Yumina] ー, no, do not tell even nitpicking.

We 'll No longer a tete-a-tete. ▼

you, gotta firm

... Even me

what to do ... ▼

[Yubero] Ah ... I'm sorry ... Yumina

me, I'll work hard, know ...

So, I do not cry anymore. ▼

[Oguma] I know ... bad ...

They have noticed. ▼

Yamuwoen, overcome at once.

, Both of whom I leave the side! ▼

Map  †

Opener when Sirius †

[sirius] Sparks will befall

I must pay ... ▼

Destroy when Sirius †

[sirius] Stupid ... ▼

Conversation (Sirius enemy forces Oguma →) †

[Oguma] Kisama, Who 's there!

Or minions of pirates! ! ▼

[sirius] I am Sirius.

Tadano's person, the journey ... ▼

[Oguma] I see, Sumanu.

I have had a little arrogant.

Forgive me. ▼

[sirius] That, the children ... ▼

[Oguma] For a reason,

I have in custody.

Kisama, do you know? ▼

[sirius] No ...

but, with children will

fit every escape. ▼

If you go to the village in the south

say that the military has come Aritia. ▼

Leave it to me here is

you guys got to retreat. ▼

[Oguma] Ah, Prince ... Mars

was found, Katajikenai.

But,? To us does not know why looking at ▼

[sirius] Want to save, the children.

But it just ... ▼

[Oguma] I see ... ▼

... do whatever he said his name was Sirius.

Once you escape safely

thing I want to meet again. ▼

I, ruler of the Gurunia

'm going to kill the commander of the rung. ▼

the resentment of a man named Lawrence

... ▼ not to clear

to me ... Kisama, lend the power ...

and it Kisama,

I wish it would. ▼

[sirius] Presence or absence ...

might be interesting ... ▼ not unexpected

, however, if the story of living.

Now, go early! ▼

A village †

(Village square)

[Villagers] (Uncle)

Oh, this, this is

Prince of Aritia,

was well Please come. ▼

[Mars] In this village,

and is folded like Wendell

I've heard. ▼

[Villagers] Yes, ▼ ... certainly

, however, has flocked yesterday suddenly

Akaneia soldiers have

gone to take it. ▼

is, Prince.

Wendell is like,

this magic has been left on the certificate. ▼

anything, responsible for the wind

· One of the magic or

please, please take some time to bring your own. ▼

<Got a Shaver>

2 village †

(Village square)

[Mars] Long, Qasim or not.

In a place like this,

What are you doing? ▼

[Qasim] Oh, like Mars! ▼

... Uu~tsu actually, my mother sick

in order to buy drugs

is not have money. ▼

However, Thalys' s

not earn from the gate

are you come to the migrant. ▼

[Mars] Either way, it must be hard ... or so ...

mom, soon

I hope you get better. ▼

I, see you ... ▼

[Qasim] ......... ▼

Please wait! !

Mother, sick ...

money ... ▼

[Mars] Yeah? I've got it, sorry.

But there is a little much if

this is good? ▼

[Qasim] Uu~tsu like Mars ...

Thank you. ▼

a man like me

so much, and then gently

I us ... ▼

[Mars] Kassim such ...

I'm over. ▼

If you are a people who are in trouble

is it will of course help. ▼

[Qasim] No, like Mars!

You are my benefactor. ▼

I also want to answer your like Mars.

Please take me somehow. ▼

I, to you

I dedicate this life! ! ▼

A private house †

(In house)

[Villagers] Recently, bandits and pirates

trouble I influentially.

At all. ▼

also that this

country, only half-baked politics

because I'm not. ▼

2 houses †

(In house)

[boy] What rescue cane

you know? ▼

the people who are far away

Even I can be close to call.

If you were really, It'd be really cool. ▼

3 house †

(In house)

[GIRLS] What I pretty pieces of the star.

And have it,

I can not say something that might be. ▼

Companions of the fort (at start of turn 4 enemy phase) †


[Guile] That fellow is hiding in the fort ... Gehehe,

Yo~o soon come up in unison.

Floating in the eyes of panic'll face them! ▼

Guile first match when †


[Guile] Please, forgive me!

I also ... ▼ impossible to say

hey there person ... I

'll head divided by a win-win! ! ▼

Defeat Guile when †


[Guile] Iyagare remember! ▼

After clearing †

Trap was orchestrated †


(burning of the princess news screen below)

[Cedar] Like Mars! ! ▼

[Mars] Cedar! ? What did you do?

Kimi, to a place like this

I come ... ▼

[Cedar] Mars ... like

... is Aritia

... ▼ been attacked by the Imperial Army

of Akaneia Gras-Oreruan

Knights ... annihilated by surprise to the Allies

did you also dropped castle ... ▼

[Mars] Not, what did you say! ?

Could not be ...

is ... ▼ Aritia

[Hero] !

Homeland of us, the enemy ...... ▼

[Jeigan] Regret ... is

that the most feared

occurred. ▼

emperor Hardin is

listening to the story of Lang

Why was the rebel in us. ▼

[Mars] But I do not believe it yet.

Hardin is that

I attack the country. ▼

Hardin believe the words of the rung

when I, even I thought and what really caused the rebellion? ▼

[Jeigan] Well, then it is

too, too early. ▼

If there is no ready

way can not attack soon. ▼

expedition itself is probably ... Gurunia

will trap it was put-up job. · · · ▼ revolt of Macedonia and

away from us Aritia the

attack from the forces is divided. ▼

Hardin is, from the beginning

that I was going. ▼

[Mars] Stupid! Well then,

Hardin is no reason

why they say our country was attacked. ▼


or say where he was a trap contrived.

I can not believe, and Hardin No way ... ▼

[Jeigan] Like Mars ... ▼

like Cedar, so the other person

is wrong?

What is safe Ellis like you? ▼

like it ... Ellis

to escape me

... ▼ become a scapegoat

like Mars ... I'm sorry.

But this thing like Mars

... So did you wanted to convey ... ▼

[Mars] Cedar ... do not cry. I know.

Me not you just be safe

really, was good. ▼

I apologize, but my way.

A tough time like this you guys

that I fit · · · ▼

Aritia is back. ▼

Hardin and even if

that fight no matter how

surely, regained show! ! ▼

Stop the head of the riff? †

[Jeigan] Chris I, by the way

, but that hairstyle ... ▼

now on

whether to keep the hairstyle? ▼

[Hero] So ...

What funny? ▼

If you leave people alone

... but the hair grew out of them

were found still in the original hairstyle ... ▼

[Jeigan] Well, it will be the sonata itself.

Sonata is good if as you wish. ▼

I to do?

Why revert to the original hairstyle? ▼

«Branching choices - Yes»

[Hero] Yes.

The riff is not sorry buttocks,

back to the original again. ▼

[Jeigan] Produce. You're right.

It All righty. ▼

«Branch choices" - No »

[Hero] Home.

Continues to this hairstyle in the future. ▼

[Jeigan] Su or so.

Well, if they wish so sonata

Very well too. ▼

Chapter 5 Gurunia release

Narration †

(White, Hardin) Cedar startling fact brought about,

was Uchinomeshi the hearts of Mars. ▼

Hardin is a

fellow once fought together, ▼

heart was allowed

was an irreplaceable friend. ▼

attack the · · · Aritia Yet why.

I say what did you do on earth I'll stand by you. ▼

shook himself to the mortification,

the path of Mars ▼ rush the way back to the homeland

of the first barrier stand. ▼

treason, led by General Lang

Oruberun Castle, home of the occupation forces Gurunia. ▼

There was an alias . ▼

Opening †


[Jeigan] Chris, we are from this

was that the fight Akaneia. ▼

enemy forces ... the kingdom of maximum continent

is not an easy opponent. ▼

[Hero] Yes, the resolution is made. ▼

However, for now we

still lack of experience.

If you do not go now to grow ... ▼

[Jeigan] Produce. But about it ... ▼

Sonata Can you guess you know?

In various parts of the continent

There is a training center. ▼

[Hero] What, if the training? ▼

[Jeigan] Although it takes a little gold,

If you go to training camp

could be to train our military colleagues. ▼

soldiers that the lack of experience is

also good I will try to get it to attend. ▼

Preparation sortie †

★ ★ ★ For Ricardo †


[Julian] Hey, Chris.

'S that there is a little anxious. ▼

certainly in this area,

is my little brother

I should have been living. ▼

[Hero] Little brother? ▼

[Julian] Oh, What 's the name of Ricardo thief.

I washed the feet I was,

he still seems to have continued to thieves. ▼

If you see him if

I'll leave it to me.

From the washing of the feet to persuade. ▼

★ ★ ★ For baht †


[Oguma] ...... ▼

[Hero] Oguma buttocks,

Why was wrong? ▼

[Oguma] Yeah, there is anxious. ▼

... my former subordinate

of a man named baht thing. ▼

[Hero] I dono ... baht?

Oguma builders that are subordinate,

of Tallis? ▼

[Oguma] Oh, like me,

like for kings and Cedar Thalys

fight was a mercenary. ▼

After the battle before,

seems to think there was a place baht,

went to Akaneia. ▼

[Hero] So, Akaneia army of the enemy? ▼

[Oguma] No, but joined the army Akaneia,

disgust seems to have through the army to fight terribly. ▼

If ... If you have any baht to meet with

me is talk it out.

Leave it to me. ▼

★ ★ chapter 5 about the current status †


[Jeigan] Intends to become a reality ... that was afraid

from the beginning Akaneia Hardin emperor

seems to have been going to attack the country. ▼

Given the speed of this invasion of

the revolt of Macedonia also Gurunia expedition

can only imagine that it was unexpected was orchestrated trap. ▼


Akaneia is the enemy of our army. ▼

us back to the Aritia than this.

Lang that there is

not ... ▼ through the home of the military occupation

of our homeland plunged,

afflict the people of Gurunia

alone put the guy is unexpected. ▼

Start fighting †

They're not about to close  †


[Torasu] Lang commander.

A military is Aritia

came ... ▼

[LANG] Fool, do not lose your head.

They are not much strength.

I do not the enemy of us. ▼

[Torasu] However, the soldier bow of Georges Hall,

absence, for counter-insurgency

or just let us win. ▼

[LANG] Nikki what you say!

Immediately recall the Georges. ▼

the Navarre of mercenaries with it

Bring looking for. ▼

anyway, Torasu General.

Therefore eagle solidify the castle,

you are here to Defend. ▼


I shall close 'em.

I got it! ▼

Do not leave the post  †


[soldier] Captain Georges.

Commander immediately to the castle from

us with instructions to return. ▼

[Georges] Lang ... or

I, that man does not like this.

He treats people like slaves. ▼

I'm under the guy like that

to work is nuts. ▼

guy such as instructions, Do not worry.

You leave people alone. ▼

[soldier] However, Captain Georges.

So, you

are accused of. ▼

captain! ?

Aritia No way to

even go over to the other side and ... ▼

[Georges] No, it is unexpected ... ▼ can

I now, if Negaere

subordinates until you guys

would involving. ▼

It is just, whatever it takes

because I must not be avoided. ▼

[soldier] Captain Georges ... ▼

[Georges] Anyway, tell everyone.

I shall move the post. ▼

However, if the enemy from the way

when it came near by, do not mind

, and Attack. ▼

Map  †

Village †

[Village headman] Oh, this is Prince Mars.

Granddaughter of Lena eagle

has what's up or not. ▼

folded and unexpected, what?

In ... Okay,

this is what Haman cane of unexpected help. ▼

at least, was a disciple of Rena

Marishia even if

I have ... ▼ Well can I use

to what White Well, the eagle

Well what can not be helped even if it has.

If you have good purchase decisions. ▼

<Haman got a>

Homes (South) †

[Villagers] Oh, lately

I do not mercenaries Samuto apparent. ▼

If you're involved in a Thai friend

and I'm wondering whether ... ▼

but sloppy guy

arms, because it's for sure. ▼

House (north) †

[Villagers] Oh, how the Aritia,

is asking whether.

Please defeat the generals rung. ▼

As long as that man,


can not be settled living. ▼

Conversation (→ Julian Ricardo enemy forces) †

[Julian] Nephew, Ricardo!

Still such a thing you

are doing what. ▼

[Ricardo] Oh, big brother

is been a while. ▼

I mean, working along with the big brother,

but was going to make pots of money,

not what I would wash the feet big brother. ▼

Sister of much beauty

fell in love just because, the OIRA

I'll throw away too much. ▼

What OIRA and the love of big brother

it was such a thing. ▼

[Julian] Hey! Stupid! !

Do not say weird.

When asked who would misunderstand. ▼

anyway, to stop such a thing again

Come along with me. ▼

[Ricardo] Fence know ... was stopped. ▼

The companion, everywhere.

® It adores you.

Brother Julian. ▼

Conversation (Baht enemy forces Oguma →) †

[Oguma] I was a long time, baht. ▼

[baht] Oh, Captain Oguma!

Here in what ... ▼

[Oguma] The war also took place.

I'm in the army of Prince Mars. ▼

baht, also lend you the power.

I need your strength. ▼

[baht] Hey I'm to fight another relationship ...

but I say if the other guy partner ... ▼ What

is the benefactor captain of us. ▼

to captain again

or saved countless lives Hey. ▼

'll found, Captain Oguma.

Tell me anything. ▼

'll go anywhere if the instruction of you! ▼

Conversation (Baht enemy forces spoon →)  †

[spoon] Baht!

You're in a place like this

What do you think you're doing! ? ▼

[baht] King, or spoon.

I was a long time. ▼ matter anymore Hey I'm with the war.

Now I 's just a woodcutter.

Hey me in mind. ▼

[spoon] Say fool.

Do not you know?

I'll also fight the prince Mars. ▼

, seat Hottoku what it

's disgrace of mercenary Thalys us.

No? ▼

[baht] .......

I do, quietly

... ▼'ll I just want to live

case like this war Well,

hey palm can also Woodman calmly.

Hey hurry up and do Owarase war. ▼

[spoon] King!

Then baht! ▼

[baht] Oh, I'll join them.

Tell Mars to the prince. ▼

Conversation (Baht enemy forces Seriously →)  †

[seriously] Baht!

You're in a place like this

What do you think you're doing! ? ▼

[baht] King, or spoon.

I was a long time. ▼

[seriously] For example generator spoon!

'm Serious! ▼


and I wanted to say you know. ▼

[baht] Just kidding, I was bad.

I really, much trouble

to bring them here but not bad ... ▼

matter anymore Hey I'm with the war.

Now I 's just a woodcutter.

Hey me in mind. ▼

[seriously] Say fool.

Do not you know?

I'll also fight the prince Mars. ▼

, seat Hottoku what it

's disgrace of mercenary Thalys us.

No? ▼

[baht] .......

I do, quietly

... ▼'ll I just want to live

case like this war Well,

hey palm can also Woodman calmly.

Hey hurry up and do Owarase war. ▼

[seriously] King!

Then baht! ▼

[baht] Oh, I'll join them.

Tell Mars to the prince. ▼

Opener when Georges †

[Georges] If you sleep stay away from

things never die

but poor guys ... ▼

Destroy when Georges †

[Georges] They're quite stupid ... ▼

Opener when Torasu †

[Torasu] 445 orientation ...

Fire! ! ! ▼

Destroy when Torasu †

[Torasu] General Lang ...

Aritia is too strong ... ▼

Eighth turn enemy phase †

(Village square)

[Rogue] Dudes, I say Are you ready?

This in the midst of the confusion

Ze~e going to hit the village! ▼

After clearing †

To the nest of evil  †

Male hero  †


[Jeigan] Prince, the Gurunia finally

I was able to control. ▼

is, the castle is still

considerable enemy is lurking as Nikki.

You let your guard down, you will. ▼

[Mars] Yeah, I know. ▼

However, ... the guy

must be somehow rung

people of this country can not be saved. ▼

[Hero] Yes, like Mars.

I also just can not forgive him. ▼

our instruction if it is possible

that I will defeat you the guy in this hand. ▼

[Jeigan] However, the thing that rung.

What, your hands dirty

or unknown to have prepared. ▼


to fight in the castle

he'll take extra care! ▼

Female hero  †


[Jeigan] Prince, the Gurunia finally

I was able to control. ▼

is, the castle is still

considerable enemy is lurking as Nikki.

You let your guard down, you will. ▼

[Mars] Yeah, I know. ▼

However, ... the guy

must be somehow rung

people of this country can not be saved. ▼

[Hero] Yes, like Mars.

I just can not forgive that man. ▼

our instruction if it is possible

that man in this hand I have. ▼

[Jeigan] However, the thing that rung.

What, your hands dirty

or unknown to have prepared. ▼


to fight in the castle

he'll take extra care! ▼

Chapter 6 Nest Of Evil

Narration †

(Future wait)

has been released ▼ Gurunia

After that, the occupation army commander General rung

lock oneself in, there is only Oruberun castle. ▼

Lang, of using their positions Gurunia

steal things from people, deprived of the daughter, were killed. ▼

once about this guy

or would have been outrageous things. ▼

"He just can not forgive

 me if this, make sure defeat "▼

Mars is prince, the sword in their hands

held up to heaven, and commanded a strong ▼

Aritia knights, rush! ! ▼

Preparation sortie †

★ ★ chapter 6 about the current status †

[Jeigan] Gurunia was open.

Oruberun rest of the castle

is the only drop. ▼

rung lock oneself in the castle oppressed the people,

are pushed to the death of General Lawrence

was Tsuresa~tsu children ... ▼ Gurunia

Kureyo will now reward to a number of misdeeds.

Aritia return to, and

regain their homeland from the military he Akaneia. ▼

About Navarre ★ ★ ★ †

Male hero  †

[Cedar] Chris,

Why would I want to talk to you.

There is concern that ... ▼

[Hero] Do things like Mars?

Or the next fight? ▼

[Cedar] Both of them. I heard a rumor ... but

the rung, that so hired a swordsman Navarre. ▼

[Hero] Navarre ...

I have heard that only the name too.

I go-getter or swordsman. ▼

[Cedar] Yeah.

Navarre is a fellow of the Battle of it before, but

surely you'd know what I speak. ▼ (flashback)

[Cedar] If you say bad

with a sword that

you like me then ...... ▼

[Navarre] I'm ...

a sword slash to the woman

with the unexpected folded. ▼ (end flashback)

[Hero] Seo, how to persuade such

Why was ...? ▼

[Cedar] ?

Yeah, ... ▼ But so


When I met with Navarre, then

let me ask ... is the story. ▼

Female hero  †

[Cedar] Chris,

Why would I want to talk to you.

There is concern that ... ▼

[Hero] Do things like Mars?

Or the next fight? ▼

[Cedar] Both of them. I heard a rumor ... but

the rung,

that so hired a swordsman Navarre. ▼

[Hero] Navarre ...

only the name may have heard me.

I go-getter or swordsman. ▼

[Cedar] Yeah.

Navarre is a fellow of the Battle of it before, but

surely you'd know what I speak. ▼ (flashback)

[Cedar] If you say bad

with a sword that

you like me then ...... ▼

[Navarre] I'm ...

a sword slash to the woman

with the unexpected folded. ▼ (end flashback)

[Hero] Seo, how to persuade such

Why was ...? ▼

[Cedar] ?

Yeah, ... ▼ But so


When I met with Navarre, then

let me ask ... is the story. ▼

Start fighting †

Plot of Lang  †

[LANG] They came first ... Fufufu. ▼

time reinforcements arrive from the home country also, soon

will survive if you get a little

I can to pincer attack 'em. ▼

Well, I swordsman Navarre.

They are, when you open the door

of your Settlement's turn. ▼

refrain from the unexpected need,

out of bashing! ! ▼

[Navarre] Very well ... the presence or absence.

Such as the knight of Aritia

is not my enemy. ▼

[LANG] Oh! Indeed Navarre.

Thalys also Oguma of your Settlement if

I win. ▼

[Navarre] What? Oguma! !

No ... of course ... but

also unexpected if my opponent, such as him. ▼

[LANG] I see,

I was relieved to hear it.

So, I'm counting on Navarre! ▼

Map  †

Friend or Foe? (Second turn) †

[Jeigan] Like Mars,

outside the castle is like something noisy.

There seems to be a soldier not to move. ▼

[Mars] Reinforcements of the enemy here?

Will ally or ...? ▼

[Jeigan] I do not know ...

if I is a reliable ally. ▼

Frey and Norun (turn 3) †

[Frey] Like Mars! ▼

[Mars] Frey!

What was safe, was good. ▼

[Frey] Ha. Aritia from Castle

to escape with Norun,

Sanji was famous for. ▼

[Norun] But, with other people is

scattered rather than an ...

I'm sorry. ▼

[Mars] Do not have to apologize.

Glad you guys are safe.

Should surely be doing well and people in the other. ▼

[Frey] Like Mars.

From here we will also sutra.

If your orders. ▼

[Norun] Oh, then please be careful!

Later ... We come to this castle

saw the enemy reinforcements. ▼


should come into this castle. ▼

[Mars] Reinforcements of the enemy?

Okay, thank you. ▼

Conversation (→ Julian Ricardo enemy forces) †

[Julian] Nephew, Ricardo!

Still such a thing you

are doing what. ▼

[Ricardo] Oh, big brother

is been a while. ▼

I mean, working along with the big brother,

but was going to make pots of money,

not what I would wash the feet big brother. ▼

Sister of much beauty

fell in love just because, the OIRA

I'll throw away too much. ▼

What OIRA and the love of big brother

it was such a thing. ▼

[Julian] Hey! Stupid! !

Do not say weird.

When asked who would misunderstand. ▼

anyway, to stop such a thing again

Come along with me. ▼

[Ricardo] Fence know ... was stopped. ▼

The companion, everywhere.

® It adores you.

Brother Julian. ▼

Conversation (→ Cedar Navarre enemy forces) †

[Cedar] Navarre swordsman,

is please! !

Again, so lend me your power! ▼

[Navarre] Yes! ? Who are you?

For women and children is not ... ▼

but where, and I want to say

(quite, not that cute)

to me, or softening. ▼

[Cedar] ......

you, not Navarre! !

You who are you? ▼

[samuto] Chip, or Chima~tsu Barre.

I called Samuto

mercenary 's stingy. ▼

something, Navarre called

it Rashiku~tsu is similar to the famous swordsman

I well be mistaken. ▼

So, become lazy

What if you decide to Navarre

here, was hired. ▼

But, General, that also rung What I

Hey like it.

You, I'll extend a helping hand If you are happy with. ▼

[Cedar] Yeah

, even you say ... ▼

Conversation (Navarre Oguma enemy →) †

[Oguma] Navarre ...

some guy blathering ... ▼

[Navarre] Of tonight ... I stop by

deadly sword is sharp ... ▼

[Oguma] Really, what it do. ▼

Well, All righty.

Provide you the will, either buttoned up

and I thought you bid. ▼

[samuto] Was ...

a lie! It ... is a lie. ▼

Samuto is ... me.

Have you forgotten, Mr. Oguma. ▼

[Oguma] Samuto! ?

Was the gladiators Noruda

Samuto or that. ▼

[samuto] Yes, slavery was a gladiator

in those days, well you

got help. ▼

everyone, even when escape

was to scapegoat Mr. Oguma only

caught ... ▼

[Oguma] ......... ▼

[samuto] The fellow, I've heard. ▼

You are, are brought out to the square

being struck by a whip,

when you try to Taeyo breath. ▼

by chance, was leaning as

the country's young Princess Thalys, crying

and he helped you Protect an. ▼

So, you

Thalys for the country, ▼

No ... for the princess

and he gave the sword ... ▼

[Oguma] Another, would be nice ...

more, I say!

Another, another thing ... I was finished ... ▼

[samuto] Mr. Oguma ... ... ▼

anyway, Mr Oguma I

want to give back!

I will continue with, I hope! ▼

Navarre opener when †

[Navarre] 'll Get dead but poor.

Eat it! Deadly sword! ! ▼

Navarre defeated when †

[samuto] Oh, I lie

I should not take'll ... ▼

Opener when Lang (usually) †

[LANG] Waiting ... waiting for me.

Forgive me ... ▼ ... Sumanu

eagle, as the emperor says

he just has been. ▼

eagle also, but I hated

the way he did. ▼

... So now,

after ... help me ... ▼

say yes to anything.

This street ... but hey ... ▼

without raising suspicion and put ...

die ... fool! ! ! ▼

Opener when Lang (vs Mars) †

[Mars] Lang General,

I your misdeed number of the people until now

we have seen with my own eyes. ▼

I can not forgive you.

But, listen If you have an excuse. ▼

[LANG] It Shut up, shut up!

Prince of Aritia countryside! ▼

in front of the eagle blindly

'll come out with stupid guy!

Die! ▼ [Mars] Or answer it.

In, White prepared! ▼

Destroy when Lang †

[LANG] Uu~tsu ... stupid ...

this eagle, and the Yarra ... ▼

After clearing †

To overthrow Lang  †

[Mars] Oh, like Wendell!

Was good, was safe or later. ▼

[Wendell] Lang is the rebellion of Gurunia I

say that cooperation

did you come to capture. ▼

I, like gateau from large sage

given the mission

must be fulfilled to say ... ▼

[Mars] Our mission of gateau? ▼

[Wendell] Yes ... ▼

once, 12 Constellations were drawn

ball is called Orb of star St

is I know there was. ▼

like Gato is, of Ganefu

to break the dark magic, ▼

and star light from the orb

was made ​​the sacred magic says. ▼

However, when the shock of that

orb of stars is divided into fragments of 12,

I had to splash somewhere. ▼

Gato is like, this world is

a mysterious with hidden power

that has been protected by the five orbs, ▼

, then the loss of even one

is said to be the world to ruin. ▼

So, whatever it takes

Collect a piece of the star 12

Must I let 's play orbs. ▼ [Mars] Well ... I can ...

even if I suddenly said to perish the world

to me, unbelievable. ▼

But fragments of stars and

this would be. ▼

already, some of

which I have. ▼

If you are happy with later regained Aritia,

Find Orb Fragments of rest and

will also help let. ▼

[Wendell] So ... it was

Prince's country, to Akaneia

it I was attacked ... ▼

prince, I understand ...

in order to regain Aritia

I also let this fight. ▼

prince also was thus able to meet

the guidance you like Gato

seem. ▼

If, on the fate

you should surrender. ▼

However, in this destination

to the temple Rahman

stopped by purchase decisions. ▼

that, if ancient temple of

the Orb and a piece of the star was lost

And to unknown to be found. ▼

[Mars] All right.

Way back to the Aritia, if Rahman temple

Let's go anytime soon! ! ▼

[Mars] General Lang was shot.

This is Gurunia people

would also no longer be tormented. ▼

[Hero] Yes, like Mars. ▼

[Mars] Chris from leaving ... until now, the Aritia

there were a number of battle. ▼

Looking back at the battle so far ... ▼

(Branch from here)

Part A †

[Mars] Fall without anyone,

not me everyone is safe.

I'm glad it most. ▼


because you can have me.

Thank you very much. ▼

Part B †

[Mars] It may be ... can not be helped

fellow wounded

were several times that fall. ▼

now some people in the eyes such a

fit do not want. ▼

Crelle I can if I can have you have to.

Chris wants to lend, the power. ▼

Part C †

[Mars] Wounded fellow,

the only figure we go next fall and

· · · ▼ would remember

anymore, I'm a fellow

like that I do not want to meet the eye.

Chris wants to lend, the power. ▼

Hit the mercenary corps  †

[Jeigan] Like Mars. From reconnaissance,

has entered a new news. ▼

march ahead of us

apparently connected with the ambush of the enemy

is so there is a movement. ▼

Do not Akaneia army.


with some mercenaries were hired by money. ▼

[Mars] Mercenary or ...

or continue on this,

or I take a circuitous route to avoid it. ▼

However, I do not want to detour too.

As soon as possible We

have to go back to Aritia. ▼

[Jeigan] If you say Well, as a strategist ...

and here is where should We would fight. ▼

enemy mercenary.

Lag behind the other like a mercenary

is not a Aritia knights. ▼

Yeah, it Chris. ▼

[Hero] Yes. Please leave. ▼

[Mars] Okay, thank you.

Jeigan, Chris. ▼

the whole army will move on, this remains.

Hit the mercenary corps in front! ▼

Chapter 6X Mercenary Troops

Opening †

Ambush  †

(Grassland background)

Male hero  †

[Jeigan] Like Mars! Ambush of the enemy is! ▼

march ahead of us,

apparently connected with the ambush of the enemy

is so there is a movement. ▼

[Mars] Was found.

Jeigan, Chris,

to prepare sortie. ▼

[Hero] Put, to prepare immediately. ▼

Female hero  †

[Jeigan] Like Mars! Ambush of the enemy is! ▼

march ahead of us,

apparently connected with the ambush of the enemy

is so there is a movement. ▼

[Mars] Was found.

Jeigan, Chris,

to prepare sortie. ▼

[Hero] Yes, I'll do it right away. ▼

Preparation sortie †

Gaiden chapter 6 about the current status †

[Jeigan] The destination of our

mercenary troops is likely that lie ahead. ▼

However, we are

known in the military Aritia Seikyo,

unexpected, such as mercenary enough to fear. ▼

to defeat the enemy,

I go back to Aritia as soon as possible. ▼

Start fighting †

Mercenaries do not have a lord  †

[Radiation] SEE, I did it!

'm Successful ambush. ▼

those guys were completely surrounded.

I'm here to win strategy. ▼

[sEE] I see. However, not let grass grow under one's feet.

The enemy troops ... Aritia

fairly formidable opponent. ▼

[Radiation] SEE, I'm really good in this?

Forces and Aritia

I will fight ... ▼

[sEE] S our mercenary.

Mercenaries do not have a lord ▼

to me is money.

Do anything for money.

Also try to sell soul to the devil. ▼

[Radiation] You're right ... gold or,

if there is a reward of Emperor Hardin ...

fuckable surely help that child. ▼

Well, Let 's work hard SEE. ▼

[sEE] Radiation, and you

need to follow I will not. ▼

that of my sister's personal feelings.

Aritia army is strong.

If you'll die in the worst case. ▼

[Radiation] Even in my case my personal feelings. ▼

I'll Do for SEE.

Until now, 's in the future. ▼

[sEE] Was found.

So, Here we go! ▼

My turn  †

[Kleine] Ro-ro,

are you ready hey would be? ▼

[Ro-ro] Aiai.

My turn finally came. Ukiki. ▼

teamed up with those mercenaries,

kill Mars ▼ [Kleine] Mercenary guys that, in the war before

so I was a fellow of Mars.

Hey I wonder if really useful? ▼

[Ro-ro] Now? Either one better.

Mercenary is also useless,

say that if I kill me. ▼

[Kleine] Well, to be taken to the credit ▼ You're

disgusting but I.

Or, if you look to do without permission? ▼

Map  †

SEE opener when †

[sEE] Words do not speak now.

You just fight. ▼

When Ceaser defeated †

[sEE] I'm ...

a sister ... I can not save people ... ▼

When opener Radiation †

[Radiation] Radi's Deputy mercenary corps.

Emergency ... ▼

Radiation defeated when †

[Radiation] SEE ...

You're alive is ... Give me ... ▼

Ro-ro When the first match †

[Ro-ro] Ukiki.

Come on Come on, let 's fightー. ▼

Destroy when ro-ro †

[Ro-ro] I have ... even though he dies

... We will not die

during the rainy season ... key ... ▼

After clearing †

Employer (SEE-Radiation survival) †

[sEE] A defeat for us, Prince Mars.

Now that you have a trick,

we're not in the opponent's serve was not. ▼

to surrender.

Have to love me, kill anything Nari. ▼

[Mars] SEE, if possible,

we want to hire you guys.

I want you guys to come together. ▼

Radiation Kimi and

me together in fighting the previous war.

You guys are my fellows. ▼

[sEE] We're mercenary prince, but I beg your pardon.

Earlier in the war,

not only played a mercenary work. ▼

[Mars] For you guys

might have been work ...

But, for me is different. ▼

fellow you guys is important.

And still is. ▼ [sEE] Prince ... ▼

those of us who is a mercenary

who say until there

is a welcome feeling. ▼

However, we're the mercenary.

Mercenaries move with gold. ▼

Prince's country was occupied by the Akaneia.

Sorry, the prince of this

money is not supposed to afford. ▼

[Mars] It was, indeed ... ▼

"ーbranch male gender"

female branchーmen and women ""

[Hero] If I do not issue money. ▼

Mars is like

to be recaptured Aritia homeland. ▼

If you had been deprived in Akaneia,

Akaneia defeat, regain.

Should be able to pay the money if it does so. ▼

[sEE] You ...

Do you think there is a chance of winning?

Against the powers that Akaneia. ▼

[Hero] I, of course.

Besides, how you

should have no choice anymore. ▼

or more failed missions,

you guys are demanded money

from Akaneia I will not go into the hand. ▼

If you are a mercenary that they are working on a gold,

there is hope found attached to the Mars-like.

Different? ▼

[sEE] Certainly ... it's not reason.

Those of us who failed,

no other hand can take. ▼

Prince Mars,

Radiation from now and I

was your mercenary. ▼

As long as you want,

we're going together well. ▼

[Mars] Thank you, SEE. ▼

(Survival only SEE) employer †

[sEE] A defeat for us, Prince Mars.

Now that you have a trick,

we're not in the opponent's serve was not. ▼


Sent me to the source of Radi. ▼

[Mars] SEE, if possible,

we want to hire you guys.

I want you guys to come together. ▼

Radiation Kimi and

me together in fighting the previous war.

You guys are my fellows. ▼

[sEE] Prince, we're the mercenary.

Earlier in the war,

not only played a mercenary work. ▼


Do you think nod me?

I have killed the Radi ... ▼

[Mars] Yes, Radi died ...

we were defeated.

That's why I'm not asking you. ▼

fight each other like the other fellow ...

anything to kill each other I do not want to! ▼

[sEE] Prince Mars ... ... ▼

"ーbranch male gender"

female branchーmen and women ""

[Hero] SEE captains.

It is the first time I meet with you. ▼

the relationship between you and Radi

I do not know.

But this is only apparent. ▼

... the death of Radiation

in the same way as you

are also sad like Mars ... ▼

[sEE] ... ▼

[Hero] SEE, if you die

like Mars will be sad also. ▼

such a thing

you do not want to repeat again.

So if ... ▼

[sEE] I understand .... ▼

There are things you can not divisible ...

but, I have the original thing was invited.

Who also do not hold a grudge Sujiai. ▼

Prince Mars,

from now I'm

your mercenary's. ▼

As long as you want,

we're going together well. ▼

[Mars] Thank you, SEE. ▼

(Radiation survival only) employer †

[Radiation] SEE ... ▼

[Mars] Radi ...

that Ceaser was sorry. ▼

I want you guys to come together. ▼

Radiation. If possible

I want to hire you.

I want you to come to you both.

SEE Kimi and

me together in fighting the previous war.

You guys are my fellows. ▼

[Radiation] I have to ... you guys?

I say, Prince Mars. I hate you guys but that ~ ▼.

To pretend to join the fellow, Prince,

Maybe to kill you? ▼

[Mars] It does not matter. ▼

[Radiation] For example ...? ▼

[Hero] Like Mars ...! ▼

[Mars] Radiation, listen.

SEE is dead ...

we were defeated. ▼

So, I am counting on you.

Fight each other ... like the other fellow

anything to kill each other I do not want to! ▼

[Radiation] ... "Male branchーmen and women" ... ▼ Prince Mars

female branchーmen and women ""

[Hero] Radiation.

It is the first time I meet with you. ▼

the relationship between you and SEE

I do not know.

But this is only apparent. ▼

... the death of the SEE

in the same way as you

are also sad like Mars ... ▼

[Radiation] ...... ▼

[Hero] Radiation, if you die

like Mars will be sad also. ▼

such a thing

you do not want to repeat again.

So if ... ▼

[Radiation] I got it .... ▼

Prince Mars,

if you're so hope

I keep up with you guys. ▼

After the war, I'll take the gold.

Also for SEE, I

do not I have to help a child that ... ▼

[Mars] Thank you, Radi. ▼

And former associate ... †

[Hero] Like Mars, the battle has ended. ▼ (this line is ※ Mars has been talking for some reason. Bug?)

[Mars] Chris,

SEE and Radiation in the previous war ... is

I was a fellow of us. ▼

said at the time of Georges,

and fellow former

I will fight ... ▼

[Jeigan] Mars like,

please bring your heart strong. ▼

Akaneia now became the enemy of us,

any number of things like this is the future

I will occur. ▼

Please not worry, what to say.

Mars is loyal to our lifetime

has come with Eagle and Chris. ▼

[Mars] Thank you, Jeigan, Chris.

Since you guys have me,

I can continue on. ▼

Let's go, to the temple Rahman. ▼

S not like fake †

[Kleine] Oh et al.

Ro-Ro, you're fake

like hey died. ▼

[Ro-ro] Oh, not too fake gastric phase.

He is my brother.

We are one with everyone. ▼

[Kleine] Hmm, I may not matter.

Is? You're real you're here now?

Or are you not also fake? ▼

[Ro-ro] Now?

I also forgot. Ukiki. ▼

those guys, strong.

I'm following your brothers and sisters

all bring. ▼

real brothers and me,

kill those guys.

Ukiki. ▼

Chapter 7 Swordsman Of Red

Narration †

(Swordsman and girl is surrounded by bandits on the screen)

(screen map below, the temple Rahman)

who has released the Gurunia Mars is

in response to a request by Wendell, ▼

looking for the lost orb

stopped Rahman in the temple. ▼

ancient temple dedicated to Naga God, but

desolate by war Uchitsuzuku, ▼

now the thieves

have become a den end. ▼

"They are stealing the treasure of valuable temple

 trying to escape.! he regain "▼

"to hired troops to protect the bridge cashmere is

 not near. chances are against us "▼

in the forest ", dancer Lost seems.

 ! "▼ rescue before he is attacked by bandits

and the other in the instruction is sent down soldiers, ▼

A new battle over the temple Rahman

was that it was dropped off open fire. ▼

Opening †

Any human? †

Male hero  †

[Jeigan] Sometimes, it Chris.


may want to ask. ▼

[Hero] Jeigan like, what what. ▼

[Jeigan] As seen from the Sonata,

the eagle appears to be human like? ▼

[Hero] Do any human ...? ▼

[Jeigan] In one of the rung,

eagle or if I should have some

step-by-step ... ▼ I think

Aritia position of homeland but important,

I think the eagle is very country,

may have been woven unexpected lack of information of people ... ▼

[Hero] Jeigan also like

I worried it was woven ... ▼


I think the Mars-like Jeigan like

your mind is fully transmitted. ▼

One who is harsh Jeigan like,

One who is very warm. ▼

[Jeigan] I see ...

Hehe, and be encouraged to Sonata,

another year may also not unexpected eagle. ▼

[Hero] As seen from the Jeigan like,

I'm what you see in humans? ▼

[Jeigan] Hmm, yeah ...

Guards ... is competent as a knight

is attractive to everyone, but such a man. ▼

[Hero] It is an honor. ▼

[Jeigan] So, not it's time for war council soon.

Let's say I go, I Chris. ▼

[Hero] Yes, like Jeigan. ▼

Female hero  †

[Jeigan] Sometimes, it Chris.


may want to ask. ▼

[Hero] Jeigan like, what what. ▼

[Jeigan] As seen from the Sonata,

the eagle appears to be human like? ▼

[Hero] Do any human ...? ▼

[Jeigan] In one of the rung,

eagle or if I should have some

step-by-step ... ▼ I think

Aritia position of homeland but important,

I think the eagle is very country,

may have been woven unexpected lack of information of people ... ▼

[Hero] Jeigan also like

I worried it was woven ... ▼


I think the Mars-like Jeigan like

your mind is fully transmitted. ▼

One who is harsh Jeigan like,

One who is very warm. ▼

[Jeigan] I see ...

Hehe, and be encouraged to Sonata,

another year may also not unexpected eagle. ▼

[Hero] As seen from the Jeigan like,

what do I look like human beings? ▼

[Jeigan] Hmm, yeah ...

is competent as a knight Konoe ...

there is a future line of sight wisdom, but such a man. ▼

[Hero] It is an honor. ▼

[Jeigan] So, not it's time for war council soon.

Let's say I go, I Chris. ▼

[Hero] Yes, like Jeigan. ▼

Preparation sortie †

★ ★ ★ Akaneia mercenary about Thailand †

Male hero  †

[Mars] Chris,

are defending a bridge northwest of cashmere

but mercenary about Thailand ... ▼

[Hero] Ha. ▼

[Mars] They do not want to lay a hand.

Mercenary Corps captain

hero of Akaneia Astoria. ▼

Merikuru with a sword

that one of the best strong continent. ▼

[Hero] See ...

it is a fairly formidable opponent. ▼

[Mars] Do not want to fight are not the only reason it.

Astoria in the previous war

I was a friend of us. ▼

serve like Nina,

is a very serious

person was strong loyalty. ▼


[Astoria] Rudeness is aware

there is one thing you want to We. ▼

I in this allied forces

fight according to the instructions of your Settlement. ▼

but it is only

because of our princess Nina Akaneia. ▼

the mind by any chance you like Nina, is your Settlement

if you are using ......

I will not. ▼

(End flashback)

[Mars] Will not persuade him through.

At least, impossible ▼ ... now

do not want to fight if possible.

Chris, you also

want to avoid fighting as much as possible. ▼

[Hero] Ha, I know.

However, like Mars by any chance your life

when it was compromised ... ▼

I will fight.

Even if that opponent

will be strong even any. ▼

Female hero  †

[Mars] Chris,

are defending a bridge northwest of cashmere

but mercenary about Thailand ... ▼

[Hero] Yes. ▼

[Mars] They do not want to lay a hand.

Mercenary Corps captain

hero of Akaneia Astoria. ▼

Merikuru with a sword

that one of the best strong continent. ▼

[Hero] It is a formidable opponent. ▼

[Mars] Do not want to fight are not the only reason it.

Astoria in the previous war

I was a friend of us. ▼

serve like Nina,

is a very serious

person was strong loyalty. ▼


[Astoria] Rudeness is aware

there is one thing you want to We. ▼

I in this allied forces

fight according to the instructions of your Settlement. ▼

but it is only

because of our princess Nina Akaneia. ▼

the mind by any chance you like Nina, is your Settlement

if you are using ......

I will not. ▼

(End flashback)

[Mars] Will not persuade him through.

At least, impossible ▼ ... now

do not want to fight if possible.

Chris, you also

want to avoid fighting as much as possible. ▼

[Hero] Yes, I know.

However, like Mars by any chance your life

when it was compromised ... ▼

I like to observe the Mars,

and then whatever it takes. ▼

★ ★ Chapter 7 about the current status †

[Jeigan] We will release the Gurunia,

... but is on the way back to their homeland

had to stop at the temple Rahman. ▼

Nikki and I think also heard sonata

had been captured by the army Akaneia

thing by Wendell builders offer. ▼

Orb is one of the five

is lost even one

is said to destroy the world, ▼

and one of them

cracked orb of stars

that became ... ▼ 12 pieces of

them is like Mars

to collect Nasaru cooperation. ▼

the Temple Rahman

is good if one is seeking ... ▼

Start fighting †

Crisis of dancer  †

[Feena] Ha~aha~aha~a ...

... ... Please help

me be thieves ... ... ▼

[Navarre] ......... ▼

[Feena] Oh, No! ?

Also ... you

their comrade. No? ▼

... I found

another, if I want to love!

If you kill, kill! ▼

[Navarre] After my daughter ...

with love. ▼

in the south of the forest

has come Aritia army.

I'll take you ... ▼

[Feena] Well, it help me?

You, fellow thieves' s

did not. ▼

[Navarre] Until a while ago, it was so.

However, change your mind. ▼

[Feena] Why ...? ▼

[Navarre] In the army Aritia

Would you like to meet that guy.

That's it ... ▼

[Feena] Hmm ...

But, truth is I

will cute. ▼

, but was good.

I called my Feena,

I Warren dancer. ▼

If you look in my dance

I say everyone comes out healthy.

I I'll show it to you. ▼

Ah, so

from a troupe of traveling, being separated from

wander in this forest, ▼

And then, the thieves I

seem to strike ... and try to catch

but was good. ▼

You, But scary human

truth is, you're very kind. ▼

But its brackets ... so

look not bad but

it mediocre sense of dress. ▼

with it, Hairstyle,

Well then, these days ... ▼

[Navarre] Chatter is Enough!

Do not leave my side anyway. ▼

Kirikuzushi to escape, the corner of the west.

If you do not want to die

in silence with love! ! ▼

[Feena] Ah ... yes,

I'm sorry ... ▼

Map  †

Defense missions of the bridge (Phase enemy? Turn) †

[soldier] Astoria captain,

discovered the army Aritia south!

Do you want to attack? ▼

[Astoria] Our mission is the defense of this bridge.

To move this field will not be tolerated.

I, but another gimmick if the enemy is us. ▼

[soldier] Ha.

Troops of the fort but

is unlikely to sortie shortly ... ▼

[Astoria] They are guys Hardin was hired by money,

I let you be in love.

They do win in anyway. ▼

It is Aritia avenge the army

we want our Akaneia mercenary. ▼

Fire dragon appearance (at the time of intrusion specific area) †

[Jeigan] Like Mars, please be careful!

West from the cave of

fire dragon appeared! ▼

A house †

[Villagers] It has kept the fort

says it wants Astoria mercenary

complete set also the strong silent crying child. ▼

"to unexpected touch God, no curse,"

This is it not. ▼

House 2 †

[Villagers] Rahman also sacred temple

for our thief is

just an old building. ▼

guys that carry a stolen treasure, I fold all over the place.

Completely disrespectful thing. ▼

House 3 †

[Villagers] The dancer's dance

What I have seen.

Man: That is not good. ▼

Mirumiru tired body

is seeping're fine. ▼

4 home †

[Villagers] The cave is

not I'll definitely approached. ▼

over there, the

fire dragon is scary

because I live in rumor. ▼

Opener when Dahl †

[Dahl] Ta~a take a rake-off of thieves

... but from some guy

he really is Tacha Hey you! ▼

Destroy when Dahl †

[Dahl] ー murderer. ▼

After clearing †

That person becomes the incarnation of God †

Male hero  †

[Jeigan] Prince, managed to drive away thieves were,

the temple, they are devastated to

not have nothing left anymore. ▼

guardian naga also

Sazoya, I will anger you.

Exactly, is the end of the world. ▼

[Mars] Is the myth of Naga Jeigan

know? ▼

[Jeigan] Yes, there is a little ... ▼


Sonata Can you guess you know? ▼

[Hero] No, I do not know at all. ▼

[Jeigan] Well, who do not know ... ▼ young

prince, in

let's talk will be from the eagle. ▼

ago ... more than a thousand years from now

the kingdom is not yet in this continent, ▼

people are divided into small villages

lived is called. ▼

One day, a terrible monster is flock,

to the brink of extinction a human

and say kill horsetail. ▼

people survived just

asked for help to God. ▼

God, the wishes of the people and

the huge warrior heard

it was used on the ground. ▼


▼, a glittering sword in right hand

a jewel five on the left

had a shield embedded. ▼

, and a fierce battle at the end of

our Uchitori the demons,

and ... ▼ went away to heaven

it is, is enshrined in this temple

is the guardian deity Naga. ▼

that person ", this incarnation of God,

we have become the guardian ... ▼

[Mars] Sword and glittering

jewel of five ......

...... ▼ guardian deity or myth of Naga

[Jeigan] In, Prince.

Bridge cashmere soon

must sleep span. ▼

must hurry, been conquered by the enemy

I will not be stuck. ▼

[Mars] Well, tell it to the whole army.

Bridge across a stretch cashmere.

Everyone, not late! ▼

[Hero] Ha! ▼

Female hero  †

[Jeigan] Prince, managed to drive away thieves were,

the temple, they are devastated to

not have nothing left anymore. ▼

guardian naga also

Sazoya, I will anger you.

Exactly, is the end of the world. ▼

[Mars] Is the myth of Naga Jeigan

know? ▼

[Jeigan] Yes, there is a little ... ▼


Sonata Can you guess you know? ▼

[Hero] However, I am ignorant of the myth is the thing ... ▼

[Jeigan] Well, who do not know ... ▼ young

prince, in

let's talk will be from the eagle. ▼

ago ... more than a thousand years from now

the kingdom is not yet in this continent, ▼

people are divided into small villages

lived is called. ▼

One day, a terrible monster is flock,

to the brink of extinction a human

and say kill horsetail. ▼

people survived just

asked for help to God. ▼

God, the wishes of the people and

the huge warrior heard

it was used on the ground. ▼


▼, a glittering sword in right hand

a jewel five on the left

had a shield embedded. ▼

, and a fierce battle at the end of

our Uchitori the demons,

and ... ▼ went away to heaven

it is, is enshrined in this temple

is the guardian deity Naga. ▼

that person ", this incarnation of God,

we have become the guardian ... ▼

[Mars] Sword and glittering

jewel of five ......

...... ▼ guardian deity or myth of Naga

[Jeigan] In, Prince.

Bridge cashmere soon

must sleep span. ▼

must hurry, been conquered by the enemy

I will not be stuck. ▼

[Mars] Well, tell it to the whole army.

Bridge across a stretch cashmere.

Everyone, not late! ▼ [Hero] Yes! ▼

Prevention of priest †

[Hero] Like Wendell,

we are now ... ▼ cashmere to bridge

is ...... is Hakkushon! ▼

[Wendell] Oh my God,


They were called the cold tail? ▼ [Hero] Is like that.

Is still immature. ▼ [Wendell] Do not concern us a little impossible,

better to warm would be good. ▼

Oh, and if it is good

one to have my hat

or I'll lend you? ▼ [Hero] What?

But what you want? ▼ [Wendell] Yes, a number of hats

since you have,

I do not refrain to enter. ▼

if it is good

to try or you see wearing? ▼

"Select" Yes "branch ー"

Male hero  †

[Hero] Yes, thank you. ▼

[Wendell] No, no, is good.

The body if you are careful. ▼

[Hero] I was a good person, like Wendel ...

want to be like that thing too. ▼

're right.

If you wear a hat much trouble,

let Wendell also like to emulate the hairstyle. ▼

like Wendell as

might be getting used to. ▼

Female hero  †

[Hero] Yes, thank you. ▼

[Wendell] No, no, is good.

The body if you are careful. ▼

[Hero] I was a good person, like Wendel ...

I also like that ... After you become ▼

Ah, I know. If you wear a hat much trouble,

let's try not to emulate the hairstyle like Wendell. ▼

And then, like I like Wendell also

may become ... ▼

"Select" No "branch ー"

[Hero] However, it is sufficient to your feelings.

Since we are the body can be strong. ▼

[Wendell] All right.

However, the body if you are careful. ▼

Chapter 3-7 Finished!

Be warned! There might be some grammers to fix. But that's later. Anyways...here they are.

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