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Chapter 8 Full Bridge

Opening †

(Ohashi cashmere on the screen)

(screen map below, toucans cashmere)

fleeting, ▼ back the temple also was Rahman

who fear the pursuit of military Akaneia Mars,

who escaped to the Strait of cashmere. ▼

, however, finally came to the island in the middle

a new enemy army attack Aritia. ▼

"army approaching from the north Akaneia

 this remains under siege "▼

desperate situation! Mars is the crisis we

Why be really survive. ▼

Select "Yes" in the previous section †

[Mars] It, Chris,

that hat, what's up? ▼

[Hero] Yes, not worsened as a cold

like I received the Wendell. ▼

[Mars] From various ... Wendell

Bridge cashmere is a strong sea breeze,

it would be better to warm. ▼

I have suits, Chris. ▼

[Hero] Is this true?

Thank you. ▼

Conversation †

Start fighting †

[Cain] Prince Mars, was safe or later! ▼


Okay, you do. Well up to now

like me to observe the Mars. ▼

[Hero] Like Cain!

Is above all be safe later! ▼

[Mars] Really, well be safe

who came back. ▼

[Cain] Yeah, somehow shook off the enemy

was fleeing. ▼

guys are, but already the bridge

has approached to the north. ▼

[Mars] I'm all right now.

We will show it to defeat. ▼

[Cain] However, it is useless. ▼

Hardin is a mysterious force

that has been protected,

it can not be Tedashi. ▼

anyway, but now any fighting

there is no chance of winning. ▼

from the fort to the northwest, across the river by boat

Please fled into the desert your Kadain. ▼

[Jeigan] Prince soon hired troops, in the south

will start to move. Indeed,

here is not a time to fight. ▼

As you say of Cain, for now

let's escape into the desert Kadain.

From it after that ... ▼

[Mars] I see ...

I regret, can not be helped ...

Hurry to the whole army fort, in the northwest! ▼

Turn enemy phase X †

[Hardin] Troops in the fort ... to

hasten the preparation sortie case.

He track down the Mars ... ▼

Y turn enemy phase †

[Hardin] Fufufu ...

first Prince Mars, a useless struggle.

For some time now I'll continue to parlor tricks. ▼

However, no time I must hurry.

Soon, their own I

do to stop the Ikinone of Kisama ... ▼

Turn enemy phase Z †

[Hardin] Fufufu ...

I Prince Mars, but not a long time. ▼

[Mars] Hardin ...

why, attack our country?

Why are you doing this, why. ▼

I still can not believe.

Are you really

what has changed. ▼

[Hardin] I prince.

I'm the ruler of this continent

that he Akaneia emperor of the Empire. ▼

who dis is

not mercy, and with whom.

Prince Mars, I have with you ... ▼ even if

this filthy world

but must be crushed beat ...

everything, he is wrong. ▼

Domo traitor, play is over.

You guys, I shall die here. ▼

sortie the whole army! The rebels

case apology to a man! ! ▼

Roger's first battle when †

[Roger] Even I

do not want to fight with you guys,

but, I do not how to ...... ▼

Defeat Roger when †

[Roger] Uu ......

...... to her again

I wanted to wish ... ...... ▼

Conversation (Cedar → Roger) †

[Cedar] Hello. ▼ [Roger] Wow!


have, or are you not · Cedar. ▼

[Cedar] Roger, was good.

Was to see you again. ▼

[Roger] I .......

Well, I tell you, I

is not gonna care Akaneia betray. ▼

to you at that time, "Are you? Do you believe in love" I

thought instinctively We abused, it is said, ▼

I'm tired of waiting,

and I at that time is different. ▼

[Cedar] Is that so? But you are

still so very gentle.

I also wanted to talk so. ▼

[Roger] I ...... ▼ [Cedar] Why

they have sided with Akaneia? ▼

[Roger] But, because the world is another

I'll have been dominated by Akaneia.

Be wasted, can not win against anyone What was. ▼

I Even my life is precious.

That those who side with the strong guy

I can live longer ... ▼

[Cedar] So. ▼

[Roger] Below, are you disillusioned? ▼

[Cedar] No. There is no such a thing.

Yappari you

what you're fighting reluctantly. ▼

does not mean has changed.

You leave your previous friendly.

Glad to know it. ▼

[Roger] I ...... ▼

there, are you going again ...? ▼

[Cedar] Yeah.

Please see from me, like Mars.

What not to fight with you. ▼

, Roger

I was glad to be with you also. ▼

[Roger] Well, wait for me! ▼

... Yappari, I You really friendly.

As you also also Akaneia Gurunia

daughter who was not gentle. ▼

... You know

me, ... Yappari

'll go with you again. ▼

Opener when Georges †

[Georges] If you sleep stay away from

things never die.

But the poor guys ... ▼

Destroy when Georges †

[Georges] They're quite stupid ... ▼

Conversation (→ George Gordon) †

[Gordon] Saint-Georges,

please wait! ▼

[Georges] N? Or ... Gordon.

I was a long time. ▼

a little,

but so was sturdy

arm of the bow or up? ▼

[Gordon] Yes, now ... I'm

of a Aritia

also known as the master of the bow. ▼

I have, so far

also was able to progress, all

thanks to the Saint-Georges. ▼

[Georges] So?

And I want to become, a game

where you're coming up. ▼

[Gordon] Well, That could not be!

S not so ... ▼

... It might be impossible

also, together

I'd like to fight. ▼

[Georges] ...... ▼

[Gordon] Please!

Saint-Georges! ! ▼

[Georges] I, like Nina to

pledge allegiance, but

Hardin is, you do not like. ▼

invaded other countries in the force

who is not made ​​to say whether or not to rebel against,

to be executed. ▼

Akaneia army now is

a collection of rogue I was hired by money.

No dust of a horseman, a scrap. ▼

Once again, the kingdom of the past Akaneia

to get back,

I dare to draw the bow to their homeland. ▼


Prince Mars,

so I want you to tell. ▼

[Gordon] Thank you!

Saint-Georges! ! ▼

Conversation (→ Mars Georges) †

[Mars] Wait for me, George.

You want to talk with. ▼

[Georges] Prince Mars ...... ▼

Please falling tail, prince.

I do not want to fight with you. ▼

[Mars] Even me, I've used the same. ▼

You taught me bow to Gordon.

And training of Aritia従騎also

gave me to participate as an instructor. ▼

You are a benefactor of Aritia.

I can not afford such a fight with you. ▼

[Georges] Prince Mars ...

I, like Nina

, but pledge allegiance

Hardin does not like it. ▼

invaded other countries in the force

who is not made ​​to say whether or not to rebel against,

to death ... ▼

[Mars] Hardin was ... my friend.

But he is incredibly

has changed. ▼

If he has made ​​a mistake,

I have to stop it.

Georges wants to lend, the power. ▼

[Georges] I understand ..., Prince. ▼

Once again, the kingdom of the past Akaneia

to get back,

I dare you pull the bow to their homeland. ▼

Village †

[banuto~u] Oh, this is Prince Mars.

S not a long time. ▼

seems noisy, something

that is what I do. ▼

[Mars] Oh, Banuto~u!

I can meet in a place like

Tiki is, how are you doing. ▼

[banuto~u] That child,

under the eagle is broken I do anymore. ▼

like Gato once again

was taken to the ice dragon temple. ▼

[Mars] Ice dragon temple?

It is, Where is it?

I, have, but never heard of it. ▼

[banuto~u] In the northern land, much of the ice.

However, people can go unexpected. ▼

In addition to the hero, Henry, yet

who has not visited, nobody. ▼

[Mars] Henry! ?

In, there hero of Henry

Why is the legend "kingdom of God". ▼

[banuto~u] From the eagle, I could not say it any more.

If you want to know,

do I ask you to like gateau. ▼

from it, bran Please listen to the one asked.

Fire dragon eagle precious stone

was stolen by thieves Well. ▼

If Crelle and reclaim

a decent work, the show then.

I Prince Mars, would you kindly. ▼

A house †

[Villagers] Archers are Yappari

between Archers

Is not it ok to get along. ▼

House 2 †

Ending †

Chapter 9 Mage Sactuary

Opening †

(Gato sage on the large screen)

(the bottom screen map, Kadain)

Mars was barely succeeded in escaping,

Kadain landing in the desert. ▼

decided to wait for the arrival of his subordinates. ▼

Kadain Mage city is

a sanctuary of Mage. ▼

many people who aspire to Mage visited this place

to withstand the rigorous training. ▼

Mage is, the power dwells in the natural

containment to "stick" or "book", ▼

by a master of it,

emits a large force. ▼

a few hundred years old, the wise man of this land is a human

to create a school, said that the secrets to the people. ▼

However, that should bring happiness to people

is Mage, eventually will be used to fight, ▼

came to be trading in gold. ▼

wise man, was disappointed.

Suddenly, and disappeared. ▼

Fact or Fiction, it is

said to be Gateaux Some have large sage. ▼

At present, such as high-level magic aura is

not Umidase If you do not have the power of the Holy ball, ▼

magic they are high, further

limiting who also want to use. ▼

It is produced by a person who has

determined, ▼

only by the will of a person who has been determined,

will be carried over. ▼

Kadain city ... Mage

Mage is a sanctuary of the proud. ▼

A hero's good fortune †

B lucky hero †

[Hero] Like Mars, how did you here! ▼

[Mars] Chris!

Was good.

Everyone else safe? ▼

[Hero] Yes, the survivors of the battle that is

was all escape. ▼

[Mars] In the siege that

everyone be safe well ... ▼

[Hero] Yes.

Have managed to shake off the enemy

has escaped. ▼

[Mars] I see.

Thank you, Chris. ▼

Lucky hero C †

[Hero] Like Mars, how did you here! ▼

[Mars] Chris!

Was good.

Everyone else safe? ▼

[Hero] Yes, the survivors of the battle that is

was all escape. ▼

[Mars] In the siege that

everyone be safe well ... ▼

[Hero] Unfortunately,

your way blocked by sediment,

and very ... ▼ was lost or

not, somehow

we have managed to escape. ▼

[Mars] It was very ...

Chris is also usual in the fight,

I may be unlucky for some reason. ▼

the goddess of good fortune

I have Kiraware what? ▼

[Hero] Yes, it is such ... ▼

Conversation †

Start fighting †

[Misheiru] I Minerva.

If we wait in this village

perhaps, meet to Mars. ▼

that boy, in love, but become unexpected

heroes certainly vessel.

To him, do it to lend force. ▼

[Minerva] My brother is on,

but Now what are we going to do?

If possible, together with ... ▼

[Misheiru] That is not going to.

I just find the Maria,

I just want to take back to Macedonia. ▼

[Minerva] On brother, I have changed ...

No, go back and

think I should say. ▼

still, at that time on the brother of

the dark magic of Ganefu

suppose I was being manipulated. ▼

[Misheiru] No, it is not. ▼

destroy that, the Akaneia arrogant,

Tarrant my champion of the world Macedonia

is wished, but my own. ▼

father, the story of me but

instead of trying Katamukeyo the ear, and eventually

was exiled to attempt alienated me. ▼

[Minerva] So, the father

what that was applied to the hand. ▼

stupid ...

it was Ganefu gimmick

and a trap, or did not notice it. ▼

father is certainly

on the brother against, ▼ was severe

it is, but on the older brother

of late he had been loved.

Knowing it, why! ▼

[Misheiru] Another would be nice, Minerva

is not fool with me. ▼

After the defeat that,

I was wandering through the gap between life and death. ▼

When I noticed, in front of me is

full of tears to God

there was a figure of Maria prayer. ▼

while receiving a treatment like that,

Mary, for me

he gave me in tears ... ▼

Minerva, I go

I, you must save the Maria.

That's at least what my expiation! ▼

[Minerva] Misheiru ... ▼

[Jeigan] Like Mars.

Now, or will be copper. ▼

[Mars] Yeah, I want to go back to Aritia

After Defeat Hardin not

impossible too. ▼

How do together.

Is it good. ▼

[Hero] How to defeat Hardin

must figure out

there is no win for us. ▼

like Mars, I'm sorry.

Mars-like enemy is a knight Konoe

but must be my song. ▼

[Mars] No, not because of Chris.

Hardin is also from that I

felt a strange sign. That is ... ▼

[Jeigan] Like Mars, which is as much!

Now, you have a new news. ▼

Kadain mage army will

have been added to the attack against us. ▼

[Mars] Oh! ? Kadain until,

... I called hostile to our

Malik, hell ... ▼

[Hero] So, like Jeigan.

We are ready for battle! ▼

[Jeigan] It will not be how the presence, if that happens. ▼


a little sacrifice, then prepared to

let entered the temple. ▼

from behind and are you waiting for

pursuit of Akaneia troops appeared,

I will no longer trapped. ▼

[Mars] Was found, unavoidable. ▼

inrush case the whole army, to the temple Kadain.

However, the dispute is unnecessary as much as possible,

avoid it! ▼

? Turn †

[Jeigan] Like Mars, is a new news!

Akaneia army is

approaching from the south has to follow us. ▼

[Mars] Was found.

So that it does not keep up with

let's hurry the march! ▼

Appeared mercenary corps (survival Astoria) †

[Astoria] I think I could escape, Aritia army.

This desert

graveyard of you guys and me. ▼

Corps appeared mercenary (died Astoria) †

[soldier] I think I could escape, Aritia army.

Revenge of Captain Astoria,

get them song! ▼

Conversation (→ Mars Hetzel) †

[Mars] Hetzel you ...!

Is up to you Why? ▼

[Hetzel] There is a chance to Kadain is not too. ▼

prince that Mars has embraced the ambition

of the invasion Akaneia

· · · ▼ that caused the war

Cha heard so

also would not go does not mean anything. ▼

[Mars] ...... ▼

[Hetzel] But to really ... I

became a man You're such that

did not seem. ▼

Prince Mars, told me not long ago.

And wants to end the era of war. ▼

those words, or still is? ▼

[Mars] Oh, do not change.

I fight I do not seek. ▼

[Hetzel] Or ... so.

The same as if at that time I also.

Let's go together to believe you. ▼

Village visit †

[Mars] Oh! ? Princess Minerva

why, in a place like this? ▼

[Minerva] My brother is ... Misheiru

it helped me. ▼

[Mars] Is that so?, Was good.

Misheiru prince was kidnapped and

I was worried to hear. ▼

But, I help you, he,

What happened on earth. ▼

[Minerva] Misheiru, the Maria

I was saved a life. ▼

Maria, unlike me

... ▼ child-friendly

in such a man as he

to the kindness of Maria

will be touched by it. ▼

[Mars] But, in the hope that it will be so

you are purposely

did not stop bites. ▼

What difference, Princess Minerva. ▼

[Minerva] Well ...... ▼

[Mars] To me, understand.

So easily, bond of brothers

is not intended Tachikireru. ▼

Please put out Princess Minerva, the energy.

In addition, as at that time

want to fight together. ▼

Hardin ambitions of

Macedonia and, in order to crush

I want you to lend your power. ▼

A house †

[Villagers] From here to have

another, I do not have shops. ▼

If you do go

I have bought it enough. ▼

House 2 †

[Villagers] Sword killer

to hero mercenary and

Well to demonstrate the power sword. ▼

the world, but be placed in good hands ▼

House 3 †

[Villagers] Mage army Kadain

What are you commander

called Eruren 's young people. ▼

though it is not a bad guy

I twisted massage. ▼

Malik was a rival

it seems that hate. ▼

it be suppressed Yeah ... ~ He is

not about like or Wendell. ▼

When the first battle yodel †

[Yodel] Who violate the temple

will not forgive, for even many people!

I earth, Enrage! Boruganon! ! ▼

Defeat yodel when †

[Yodel] Eruren ...

in this, what was really good ... ▼

Ending †

[Jeigan] Inside is the prince, the temple

is so funny, something. ▼

[Mars] Yeah, something definitely

seems to have happened. ▼

Chris, the temple is that Malik.

Malik is also in training with you

I'll have met. ▼

[Hero] Yes.

Malik is the power of magic to builders

gave to help him. ▼

...... here is that Malik buttocks

in as soon as possible in! ▼

[Mars] Oh, let 's go!

Chapter 10 Mage Rivals

Narration †

Kadain is not subject to the rule of other countries,

is an independent city-state. ▼

There are several high priests under the highest priest,

management had been made ​​by a panel of them. ▼

in the battle of destination, the highest priest Ganefu but

caught up in war and complicit in Dorua, ▼

Kadain was severely damaged. ▼

the high priest was the main

Kadain all lost, ▼

▼ walked the road of reconstruction was the highest priests and Wendell. ▼

Wendell is gateau but

was out on a journey to fulfill the mission. ▼

, and two young men are entrusted with the affairs after death,

remaining in the Kadain. ▼

a future together ... and Eruren Malik

was an excellent young people was expected. ▼

Opening †

Magic of the hero  †

[Hero] School here ... Kadain

sanctuary of those who learn the Mage. ▼

[Mars] Yeah, Malik also from childhood

I was learning the magic here. ▼

to me

is the age of magic but did not,

▼ Chris ...

Chris ...

Yeah Mage is weak. ▼

[Hero] The Magic ... is certainly

not appear to facing. ▼

[Mars] Well, anyone human

thing I have unsuitable orientation.

It is better not to worry too much. ▼

Preparation sortie †

★ ★ ★ For Eruren †

[Wendell] Chris Hall,

your name

was Tsutaekii from Malik. ▼

Before you become a knight,

in the castle Aritia

spend their days that they were training. ▼

[Hero] Ha.

And colleagues of the same donzel

fought the combined force. ▼

[Wendell] Is that so, his friends ... and

that's great. ▼

even your colleagues,

to all Aritia knight? ▼

[Hero] ...... ▼


Only one person,

now the enemy of us. ▼

, but ... I

do not want to fight if possible.

I think so. ▼

[Wendell] Well ...

about that former colleagues contend,

is not that sad. ▼

I do not like conflict.

Even more, learn together, ought to enhance the mutual

▼ ... such as that fellow is fratricidal

Chris Hall,

I also want to stop the strife of the disciples ...

I think so. ▼

[Hero] What is that ... Malik disciple builders? ▼

[Wendell] I am a disciple of two people, once

there was a particularly excellent young man.

Malik is a human, a human Eruren other. ▼

However, I had been to sing the song,

hated Eruren Malik,

is that the fighting in Kadain now. ▼

Chris Hall

Eruren I go to the original,

must put a stop to fight sleep. ▼

★ ★ chapter 10 about the current status †

[Jeigan] No way, until Kadain

whether that adversarial with us.

Mars will be like come ... ▼ distressfully

Akaneia of Hardin not only military,

which fled in Kadain

and attack is going on? ▼

to this Kadain temple

builders have Malik is like a close friend of Mars.

Truth will become apparent in. ▼

Start fighting †

Wind and lightning  †

[Eruren] Malik ...

It seems the time has come to settle. ▼

[Malik] Wait, Eruren!

why must we fight? ▼

We Wendell together under the teacher

will have training fellow.

I hate me, why. ▼

[Eruren] I, Kisama faster than

the teacher to become his disciples,

was also from Kisama force. ▼

teacher, yet

the Excalibur should help to me

had given to the Kisama. ▼

I step into the shoes of the teacher

but I believe that was his ... ▼

[Malik] But I

after the teacher Wendell

do not even think I will Tsugo. ▼

Kadain but do not hate

me, Once you have learned here

I was going back to the country. ▼

to Aritia is a lifelong

people that want to protect ... ▼

Eruren, ask!

In order to regain Aritia

not lend me your power. ▼

[Eruren] When I Aritia! ? ▼

Akaneia rebelled against the Empire

attempted to invade the country

must help us do, why. ▼

Mage Kadain our army is

to the Emperor Hardin

that I'm still loyal. ▼

Kisama ... after all ... or ... or so

the military is Aritia Kisama

So he was brought in! ▼

[Malik] Different! !

It is a misunderstanding! ▼

[Eruren] Shut up, this traitor! !

I Do not be fooled anymore! ▼

Excalibur Kisama will win

will win my Tron

Come on, white game! ▼

Map  †

Opener when Eruren †

[Eruren] I will not lose such as Malik.

A person who is the enemy of my guy friend to all.

Die! Tron lightning magic! ! ▼

Opener when Eruren (vs Wendell) †

[Eruren] All, to stand by him ... why

... I have found my way

to that better than him! ▼ [Wendell] Ouch ... it

caught in hatred,

Nikki we forget ... ▼

Destroy when Eruren †

[Eruren] Dr. Wendell ... ▼

Conversation (Eruren enemy forces Wendell →) †

[Wendell] Eruren!

Nikki are you doing! ! ▼

[Eruren] Dr. Wendell ... ▼

[Wendell] To you, the heart of the eagle still

▼ knowing what

you are certainly

power as a mage is

superior ▼ Nikki

, however, you have no heart to care for others.

Therefore, the Excalibur

he did not give. ▼

[Eruren] ...

caring heart ... ▼

[Wendell] But when the time comes

and try to eagle the successor of you

decided was woven. ▼

and mutual hostility seen it, is

that ... So Nanitaru

or is not the same as that Ganefu ▼

[Eruren] Ganefu and devil, me

... What is said to be the same

teacher! It is too much. ▼

[Wendell] Well, listen ...

Ganefu, along with the priest Miroa

was a disciple like the best of Gato. ▼

gateau is like but

have the weakness of the heart unseen Ganefu, ▼

Kadain form and the aura of magic

that was left to the priest Miroa. ▼

mad with jealousy Ganefu

steal the Orb of darkness from our original gateau

was created a Mafu. ▼

... As a result

the orb of darkness, the heart

Well I caught it. ▼

envy and jealousy

led him to ruin.

Eruren, you know ... ▼

[Eruren] Teacher ... teacher ... ▼ ...! I'm sorry.

I was ... wrong. ▼

Please forgive me if ...? ▼

[Wendell] I Eruren,

with its power of you

that I use for the person. Not good! ▼

After clearing †

To Kadain  †

[Gato] Mars ... I

do know the eagle ... ▼

[Mars] Oh, like Gato!

Yes, ... you know

it is heavily spoken in the power of magic. ▼

like gateau.

Hardin, a sudden why

would they had changed. ▼

[Gato] Well ... Orb, presence or absence of darkness ...

Hardin is

Nikki caught in orb of darkness ... ▼

[Mars] Orb of Darkness?

It's the what the hell? ▼

[Gato] Light, stars, earth, life, ... darkness

in this world of five

(orbs) there is a sacred jewel. ▼

orb of darkness is

paired with the ball of St. orb of light, ▼

in the battle

to dominate the spirit of the opponent,

to neutralize the opponent's attack. ▼

However, the orb of darkness

and the wrath of man, it can amplify the jealousy,

the owner would use the devil. ▼

Hardin is, somewhere

got the orb of darkness

Well I was robbed in the darkness, and the mind .... ▼

[Mars] Why ...

He was tied with our loved Nina

was supposed to be happy, I envy ... ▼

[Gato] Prince ... I

with humans, is not so simple

... ▼ sowed some

of Hardin has in any case

it overcome the orb of darkness

Well orb of light only. ▼

[Gato] If you do want him to do something

good will come to pick up the original of an eagle. ▼

[Mars] What? Gato like, Is it true!

If there is a orb of light

and save the Hardin ... ▼

[Gato] Oh heart of the guy is completely Hmm ...

somehow if it has not been ruled

And to be unknown to. ▼

[Mars] Like gateau! Is asking.

The Orb of light

lend you to me please. ▼

[Gato] Sonata himself, the eagle that

if you come to pick up the Temple this ice dragon

orb of light I'll deposit. ▼

But it

'll not be easy. ▼

I Mars, 's copper.

Way to the sonata, Henri has progressed

or not have the courage to try. ▼

[Mars] Yes! Go!

Please let me go! ▼

to me, absolutely

I need a orb of light! ▼

[Jeigan] I Chris.

Eagle as a strategist, so far

we have seen the battle of the entire sonata and the military. ▼

eagle that is

the first time in recent battle

... ▼ In a nutshell, if

beautiful! Comes down to that word. ▼

is helping his friends,

so that you do not fall nobody

fighting Nikki become one. ▼

At the heart that is like Mars ...

I support it and Sonata. ▼

[Hero] It's my honor Jeigan like ▼

Predicament of Horus †

[Jeigan] Like Mars. Right now,

has entered a new news. ▼

movement ... but the assassination of cases of those who

were trying to join with us

is that of Horus and the temple is in peril. ▼

[Mars] Horus temple is ...! ▼

[Mars] Chris, Horus temple

knight of Akaneia serve like Nina.

We were all friends of. ▼


[Mars] Horus temple!

I am of Aritia Mars.

Please pay if the weapon. ▼

[Horus] ......

like Nina or us safe? ▼

(End flashback)

[Mars] Horus is not put deserted hall.

Jeigan, Chris.

Let's hurry! ▼

Thank Sister †

[Hero] Like Mars,

had been threatened by the enemy

sisters were all safe. ▼

[Mars] I see, was good.

Thank you, Chris. ▼

[Hero] From them, and in appreciation

not take care of the goods here. ▼ ※ was not to get a Silver Card

Parent-child mercenary †

[Maris] You, or a nice little nephew.

Prince Mars is like your line

came on, but I heard that here ... ▼

[Hero] Are you? ▼

[Maris] I Maris. Mercenary 's not cheap.

But one does want to hear

people like Mars or pay us good money? ▼

Oh, pay is, of course

I say in the war after all.

When the loss ... ▼

Yeah, take the plunge

about 590 gold if you could

, but I am happy. ▼

[Hero] ? If that much money,

easy to like if Mars ... ▼

[Maris] Hugh! I truly like Mars of the rumor.

And miserly employer of until now

is a great difference. Hey, old man. ▼ [Die] Hey difference.

Kai-kun is Dari came to this desert

I was massaged. ▼

I die.

Regards'll ask two people together. ▼

Chapter 10X Mask Laugh

Opening †

[Jeigan] Like Mars, Horus temple

should be folded in this old castle. ▼

[Hero] The enemy within the fort already

seems to approach.

Please take care if. ▼

[Mars] Was found.

Trying to fight with caution. ▼

Preparation sortie †

★ ★ Gaiden chapter 10 about the current status †

[Jeigan] Once we were companions of

Horus temple knight is

reported that there has entered into peril. ▼

Horus temple but Akaneia knight,

rather than the emperor Hardin

folded swear allegiance to the princess like Nina. ▼

our side and this time

it seems me.

If you believe in will help you make sure the dorsal root. ▼

Start fighting †

What I found?  †

[Ro-ro] Ukiki. Horus Kke it?

You're, I wish tenacious.

Brother ate him were three other people. ▼

But, brother ... I'm still

still still still'll have.

Do not keep up when you? Ukiki. ▼

[Horus] You bastards, but who you are.

Aimed at the instruction of who I am? ▼

[Ro-ro] Ukiki.

Now? I also do not know. ▼

Na be poor if you think about.

You're not understanding the reason,

I'll turn not being killed by me. ▼

[Horus] My life is not mine.

Than when he became a knight,

this life is what our lord and people. ▼

to such despicable fellow Kisama

lose will not go to the translation. ▼

[Ro-ro] Ukiki. Try it if.

Ro-ro we're

all, all alone in a human. ▼

to defeat us I

do I do?

Defeat me real good. ▼

But, to you

I'm real or is found?

Ukiki. ▼

Map  †

Still still (at the end of turn 1) †

[Ro-ro] Ukiki. How much useless to kill me.

Brother ... I'm still

still still still come out. ▼

unless I'm a real defeat,

the end will not come ...

Ukiki. ▼

Conversation (→ Horus ally hero) †

[Horus] Chris Hall, you will

not like it knight Guards of Mars.

It's an honor to meet you. ▼

Horus I,

like Nina Knight Akaneia serve.

I like a person who has been saved in the previous battle with Mars. ▼

for like Nina,

I also want them fight together. ▼

Ro-ro's first wartime (real) †

[Ro-ro] Ukiki.

I real? A fake?

Guess not. ▼

Ro-Ro defeated when (real) †

[Ro-ro] I ...... ... key

... Bale ... Why was ...? ▼

After clearing †

Strange enemy †

[Hero] Like Mars,

the remaining enemy has fled.

Is our victory. ▼

[Mars] Was found.

Anyway was a strange enemy.

Like or not like a human being ... ▼

[Jeigan] The rumors I have heard that.

They assassinated him those who

are breaking the hearts of the people from the time of the infant, ▼

move to leave the instruction

to the living doll

or he can be tailored ... ▼

[Mars] Pathetic ... ▼


Catalina also, in such circumstances

Why was raised ... ▼

[Hero] ...... ▼

[Mars] But at the moment, and you can not do.

It tries to advance toward the destination.

Gato is like the road to wait for Henry. ▼

Half mask †

[Hero] Jeigan like,

I've found a strange thing in the ground. ▼

is this mask.

That assassination and the mask of those who

seem to be different, but ... ▼

[Jeigan] Hmm ... This is

not for the masquerade thing. ▼

[Hero] Masquerade? ▼

[Jeigan] Produce. Nobility is

to hide the identity of the self

that I use a mask like this. ▼

in this old castle once

it would have been used.

And those who are not unrelated assassination. ▼

[Hero] Is that so ...

but, it is a mysterious mask. ▼

[Jeigan] What 's wrong?

Sonata also mask

or want to see wearing? ▼

«Branching choices - Yes»

[Hero] Yes.


I wanted to try. ▼

[Jeigan] I was crazy, Sonata.

Very well, but to love. ▼

«Branching choices - No»

[Hero] However,

Kamen is back to the original. ▼

[Jeigan] Produce. It All righty. ▼

Broken junk †

(The hall)

[Catalina] Like Jeremiah ... ▼

We appreciate your understanding. Ro-ro is ... ▼

[Jeremiah] Yes, it did fail.

To that child ... even though I wore the hand

that's troubled child. ▼

[Catalina] Like Jeremiah, is a strong army Aritia.

You will also notice that I lost ro-ro ...

whether we should not pull out. ▼

[Jeremiah] Never on.

Aritia that crush, the

thing that 's an order of more. ▼

[Catalina] Is ... ▼

[Kleine] What? Eine,

hey I wonder intimidated you? ▼

[Catalina] Kleine ... ▼

[Kleine] Like Jeremiah,

Please leave me next.

I will kill them. ▼

[Jeremiah] Well, I Kleine good child.

Could we ask? ▼

[Kleine] Yes, with pleasure if it is for like Jeremiah. ▼

[Catalina] ...... ▼

like Jeremiah,

was left brothers of ro-ro ... ▼

[Jeremiah] Ahh, that.

Keep to get rid of everyone. ▼

[Catalina] Like Jeremiah! ▼

[Jeremiah] Lost over the ro-ro,

a child that we will not fight anymore?

If you were not worth anything anymore. ▼

broken junk, throw away. ▼

[Catalina] Is, like Jeremiah ... but

... they are original in the same orphanage with us

together under the like Jeremiah ... ▼

[Jeremiah] So, something? ▼

[Catalina] ...... ▼

[Kleine] Hey I Eine is really useless?

Like Jeremiah, please rest assured.

I will leave to get rid of instead. ▼

[Jeremiah] Well, I Kleine is a really good child.

And useless somewhere is a great difference. ▼

[Kleine] Oh, like Jeremiah ...

I'm glad to praise can. ▼

[Catalina] ...... ▼

Chapter 11 Anri's Road

Narration †

Looking for the Orb of light,

we are aiming at the tower of Thebes Mars. ▼

ancient city of Thebes was buried in the sand.

Buried treasure and precious. ▼

legend of phantom city of Thebes, the many men

attracted, was invited to this desert. ▼

eventually ... but

who did not return as a human. ▼

... A wise man say. Desert of death

Thou shalt not approach to <Mamotodo>. ▼

There is a city of darkness he was cursed. ▼

Opening †

«Select" Yes "in the previous section» ... and give half mask †

[Mars] For example ...? ▼

I, who? ▼

[Hero] Chris is, like Mars. ▼

[Mars] Oh, it was ... you.

I was surprised,

because with such a sudden mask ... ▼

[Hero] What will change? ▼

[Mars] The ... Well, I do a little bit strange.

No fight in that outfit any chance? ▼

[Hero] Yes. ▼

[Mars] Su so. ▼

Preparation sortie †

★ ★ ★ About Malik †

[Hero] Malik Hall

of Henry about the way

you know? ▼

[Malik] For more information but do not know,

the mighty dragon and barbarian

's right to rule that land. ▼

flying dragon flying in the sky among others

, and hear a particularly dangerous enemy. ▼

[Hero] Wyvern ...

What is the weakness? ▼

[Malik] Oh. Wyvern weaknesses, the

Excalibur, the magic of the wind

and I bow. ▼

, including me, with some as much as possible

I would probably be good to put to the preparation. ▼

[Hero] See ...

thank you, sir Malik. ▼

★ ★ ★ For Jake †

[Cedar] Chris, listen.

If you have been ... ▼ reconnaissance in the desert just

before the war

I saw a fellow who might. ▼

was far from

well I did not know

if I think Jake is a kit. ▼

[Hero] Jake? ▼

[Cedar] Yeah.

Jake is in the tank soldiers of Gurunia yuan,

I have a lover named Anna. ▼

two of them get along very well,

for Anna What Jake

has worked hard. ▼


[Jake] Was found.

I'm also prepared to decide for Anna.

I look at the active color Anna, my! ! ▼

"Exit reminiscence"

[Cedar] Chris, Jake

I'll try to talk from me.

That may be able to fight together again. ▼

★ ★ chapter 11 about the current status †

[Jeigan] We are leaving the Kadain,

Henri challenge on the road than this. ▼

like Gato is not heard from Nikki you remember? ▼

the Hardin caught in the dark orb

to save is, our country

would be to recapture through Nikki. ▼

wait ahead of the road of Henri

if Tadoritsuke to the temple dragon ice

to get the orb of light, ▼

Hardin with

could be to counter the orb of darkness ... ▼

To that end,

he more than a desert of death first. ▼

Start fighting †

Desert of death  †

Male hero  †

[Mars] Jeigan, here on earth ... ▼

[Jeigan] The passage of Henry's Saga

you have this. ▼

shall refuse the way.

First, we have desert of death. ▼

and the scorching sun, heavy sandstorm

sand savage tribes and

buy a flock of flying dragon flying in the sky. ▼

far away, the city of vision

while looking at Allegiance, we are just

... and stand only. ▼

[Mars] Once

this road I'm also Henry.

It even just one person ... ▼

[Jeigan] Is so. Mars is like the ancestors of

the king is also the founding of the Republic of Aritia

king Henry, ▼

... in order to save the princess Artemis

looking for votive sword falchion

Tabidata it was. ▼

[Mars] King Henry is a strong person.

In my power, with only one person

can not exceed this road. ▼

until the land of this felon

offered to accompany me

to all that, I really do appreciate it. ▼

[Hero] Like Mars.

That is the Mars-like instrument. ▼

everyone, want to be like with Mars,

you want to walk everywhere together,

I hope so. ▼

it, the king Henry did not

like is the power of your Mars. ▼

[Mars] Thank you.

I do not force such as King Henry.

But, to me I can have friends. ▼

Chris, like you

have a wonderful companion.

So before I proceed. ▼

Let's go, Chris. ▼

[Hero] Ha! ▼

Female hero  †

[Mars] Jeigan, here on earth ... ▼

[Jeigan] The passage of Henry's Saga

you have this. ▼

shall refuse the way.

First, we have desert of death. ▼

and the scorching sun, heavy sandstorm

sand savage tribes and

buy a flock of flying dragon flying in the sky. ▼

far away, the city of vision

while looking at Allegiance, we are just

... and stand only. ▼

[Mars] Once

this road I'm also Henry.

It even just one person ... ▼

[Jeigan] Is so. Mars is like the ancestors of

the king is also the founding of the Republic of Aritia

king Henry, ▼

... in order to save the princess Artemis

looking for votive sword falchion

Tabidata it was. ▼

[Mars] King Henry is a strong person.

In my power, with only one person

can not exceed this road. ▼

until the land of this felon

offered to accompany me

to all that, I really do appreciate it. ▼

[Hero] Because like Mars,

I think I want to go with everyone. ▼

everyone, want to be like with Mars,

you want to walk everywhere together,

I hope so. ▼

friendly personality like your Mars

I think what if. ▼

[Mars] Thank you.

I do not force such as King Henry.

But, to me I can have friends. ▼

Chris, like you

have a wonderful companion.

So before I proceed. ▼

Let's go, Chris. ▼

[Hero] Yes. ▼

Map  †

Opener when Jake †

[Jake] Whoa! ?

I, or our fellow barbarians, what? ▼

When defeated Jake †

[Jake] Anna ...

I'm sorry ... hey ... ▼

Conversation (→ Jake Cedar enemy forces) †

[Cedar] Jake!

Why a place like this you ...? ▼

[Jake] Or Cedar, but not a long time.

I'm Anna dear

I've been coming to see. ▼

[Cedar] What? Anna is

Do you live in a place like this? ▼

[Jake] Oh, Did not you know?

Anna I'll shop What are you doing it secret. ▼

[Jake] So far, I come to see

, but just a little bone,

for love of Anna 's as well. ▼

Cedar, what you're

junior college to do in the desert like this? ▼

[Cedar] Listen, Jake.

Also we

're fighting for peace in the continent. ▼


before you like a ... ▼

[Jake] But, is my shooter

'll Roman: I've got. ▼

[Cedar] Still good.

Only you can have me ... ▼

[Jake] Damn.

Hey Cha is said to refuse it. ▼

Anna of the war that

I was worried about it.

Okay, I'll also extend a helping hand. ▼

After clearing †

Tensions will Hoguso †

Male hero  †

[Hero] Like Mars,

everyone arrived at the tower.

Would you like how we now? ▼

[Chitty] Brother of Mars! !

Is been a while.

Chiqui Strandhotel! I wanted to love. ▼

[Mars] Chiqui ... Oh! ?

I came to pick you. ▼

Chiqui ... and I see like Gato

did not you were together. ▼

[Hero] Like Mars, this girl

friend Why do I? ▼

[Mars] Yeah. This child Chiqui,

I'm friends of the previous war.

Previously, we is not helped by this child.

Tremendous force

me Nagitaoshi the dragon of the enemy. ▼

[Hero] Picture! ?

Child, this little girl

how ...? ▼

[Mars] Within but not seen for a while

I grew.

Do you have you been. ▼

[Chitty] But ... Yeah, I missed you.

Brother of Mars

did not came ... ▼

[Mars] I'm sorry ...

But I do know of Chiqui

I'm not I had forgotten. ▼

Once settled down, to Aritia

think I've been trying to call. ▼

[Chitty] Brother of Mars ...

... love ♥ ▼

[Mars] Oh ...! ? ▼

[Cheney] What ......

I mean I do not say that. ▼

[Mars] Chi ... Dick Cheney! ! ! ▼

[Hero] I ...! ?

A girl, disguised ... to a man? ▼

[Cheney] Wariiwa Rie Year.

Chima~tsu or scare?

Ish guy over there, especially newcomer. ▼

I Cheney. My friend of Mars.

Well this transformation,

's' s like my feats. ▼

Mars, but my chan Tiki

Taro quite good.

A little, tension is loose? ▼

Well, shall we go now

would not want to see Gato? ▼

[Mars] Dick Cheney,

like you have a gateau why

I know? ▼

You, who on earth? ▼

[Cheney] I have Sa.

Well, such a thing

even Do, say Jean. ▼

Hora, not as Pokan

Well, come with. ▼

Female hero  †

[Hero] Like Mars,

everyone arrived at the tower.

Would you like how we now? ▼

[Chitty] Brother of Mars! !

Is been a while.

Chiqui Strandhotel! I wanted to love. ▼

[Mars] Chiqui ... Oh! ?

I came to pick you. ▼

Chiqui ... and I see like Gato

did not you were together. ▼

[Hero] Like Mars, this girl

friend Why do I? ▼

[Mars] Yeah. This child Chiqui,

I'm friends of the previous war.

Previously, we is not helped by this child.

Tremendous force

me Nagitaoshi the dragon of the enemy. ▼

[Hero] Picture! ?

Child, this little girl

how ...? ▼

[Mars] Within but not seen for a while

I grew.

Do you have you been. ▼

[Chitty] But ... Yeah, I missed you.

Brother of Mars

did not came ... ▼

[Mars] I'm sorry ...

But I do know of Chiqui

I'm not I had forgotten. ▼

Once settled down, to Aritia

think I've been trying to call. ▼

[Chitty] Brother of Mars ...

... love ♥ ▼

[Mars] Oh ...! ? ▼

[Cheney] What ......

I mean I do not say that. ▼

[Mars] Chi ... Dick Cheney! ! ! ▼

[Hero] Eh ...! ?

A girl, a man transformed into a ...? ▼

[Cheney] Wariiwa Rie Year.

Chima~tsu or scare?

Ish guy over there, especially newcomer. ▼

I Cheney. My friend of Mars.

Well this transformation,

's' s like my feats. ▼

Mars, but my chan Tiki

Taro quite good.

A little, tension is loose? ▼

Well, shall we go now

would not want to see Gato? ▼

[Mars] Dick Cheney,

like you have a gateau why

I know? ▼

You, who on earth? ▼

[Cheney] I have Sa.

Well, such a thing

even Do, say Jean. ▼

Hora, not as Pokan

Well, come with. ▼

Stop half mask? «Select" Yes "in the previous chapter» †

[Mars] Chris,

did not you leave the mask that fought in the end. ▼

[Hero] Yes. Since the strong desert sun,

which has helped prevent. ▼

Still, more than this

even when you are wearing a mask

is unlikely to mean. ▼

[Mars] I see. Then,

I remove that mask? ▼

"Select" Yes "branch ー"

[Hero] Yes.

Again, back to the original shape. ▼

[Mars] Yeah I think, and it is good. ▼

"Select" No "branch ー"

[Hero] Home.

The fight remains in this mask. ▼

[Mars] Su ... Is that so?


[Hero] Yes.

There is no problem in the fight. ▼

[Mars] I, was found.

If you're good at it I decided, yeah. ▼

Chapter 12 Fire Dragon Graveyard

Narration †

We are Mars, followed by Cheney,

and proceed to the north. ▼

lined mountain people ... high

cliffs, ... ▼ deep valley

beyond the mountain ... I was a couple of

sudden, he was attacked by a hot air stinging thrust. ▼

lava flows become a river.

Cut off the hand Gogoto hurtle. ▼

It is like watching a nightmare

scene was horrible. ▼

Preparation sortie †

For Henri Saga ★ ★ †

[Jeigan] Chris, here is

the road called the land of Henry felon.

I'm still careful enough. ▼

fallen Sonata is unexpected enough to sustain the military.

Mars also like for

Sonata I must live. ▼ [Hero] Ha. We are aware of. ▼

Jeigan like, by the way

and the way of Henry ... ▼

[Jeigan] Produce.

Although slightly longer, the Sonata

let's talk about the legend of Henry. ▼

100 years ago ...

this continent is responsible for the kingdom of St. Akaneia

destroyed by the dragon tribe, ▼

people, as slaves they

had sent a miserable every day. ▼

For those people, it is the only hope

is to destroy Akaneia royal family,

the world was in despair. ▼

[Hero] ...... ▼

[Jeigan] However, when such

provincial cities at the time still

to Aritia was only one, ▼

Akaneia princess is

being sheltered that

he was informed. ▼

empire Dorua angry

Aritia, referred to,

was ordered to hold out the princess. ▼

[Hero] What tyranny ... ▼

[Jeigan] Princess ... that

Artemis, in order to save the people of the city

tried to Sashidaso their lives. ▼

However, the people of Aritia is

to protect the princess, At the risk of annihilation

he vowed to fight. ▼

... Well, today

let me so far.

Henry has a long road still ahead ... ▼

★ ★ chapter 12 about the current status †

[Jeigan] Henri road is long and hard thing,

to get the orb of light

I must Tadoritsuka ice dragon to the temple. ▼

To counter the dark orb of Hardin is

... absolutely must have orb of light

approaching the Fatherland Liberation even if it is granted. ▼

Cheney met earlier ...

seems bright in the way of Henry apparently.

I appreciate it a steep road to human resources. ▼

Start fighting †

Poor guys  †

[Mars] Great place ... but ... I

just keep still

the body, so it burned out. ▼

[Cheney] Flame fire dragon graveyard of ... 's barrel. ▼

to degenerate and became the beast

tribe dragon fire, I'd wait for the death. ▼

[Mars] Degeneration?

Heck, what thing. ▼

[Cheney] The dragon tribe, it 's dying. ▼ the nature of a dragon

trapped in the stone dragon unless you

lose the reason soon becomes the beast. ▼

[Mars] So, they are Mamukuto

what was? ▼

Cheney, for the Dragons

if you know, tell me. ▼

[Cheney] Yeah ...

the dragon tribe, from tens of thousands of years ago

settled in this continent

I have built a civilization. ▼

to humans and no idea

there was intelligence and ability. ▼


I day of their destruction came suddenly. ▼

First, children are no longer born,

in turn, lose the reason

to go berserk over wild person after another. ▼

elders, the end of the seed

and said he was approaching.

Anymore, CT can also be copper. ▼

There is only one road was left,

abandoned to be a dragon

was only to live as a human being. ▼

Dragons fell into a panic. ▼

those who believe in the words of the elders is

the nature of a dragon

and became human and seal the stone, ▼

as a dragon, pride is not abandoned,

who did not become human until the end, ▼

soon, the reason lose

was a beast ... ▼

[Mars] It, and we fire dragon that's

why they say ... ▼

[Cheney] Oh, yes.

I'm also full. ▼ they are now just a beast.

Another, can not go back again ... ▼

to dominate this valley

are manipulated to the tribe of fire, the guys

I've been Narisaga~tsu to livestock. ▼

Come on, Mars

will go again. ▼

tribe of fire, from the bad we

have to lose and, to a man

of fire dragon it'll turn, to sacrifice. ▼

Map  †

Casa Dorada opener when †

[Casa Dorada] Forgive me,

OIRA is only in this fashion

I live hey ... ▼

Casa Dorada defeated when †

[Casa Dorada] This guy is ...

dead but of course ... ... ▼

Conversation (Casa Dorada enemy → Mars) †

[Mars] Casa Dorada! Why have you! ?

Tatte washed the feet from pirates

but have heard ... ▼

[Casa Dorada] I'm sorry ... Prince Mars. ▼

even stop the pirates,

who do not fit in to OIRA

... ▼ if there is no place to go

is the story does not face,

this is also OIRA

has continued to wrong. ▼

[Mars] Did that really happen? ...

Casa Dorada, gotta go to a place like this.

Come along with us. ▼

[Casa Dorada] Prince Mars ...

not yet forsaken this OIRA

Do you have me ...! ▼

Prince, ... OIRA

OIRA Swap the heart this time.

Please let me die for the prince! ▼

After clearing †

Strength of the hero †

[Cheney] ーsealed, valley of fire dragon finally

seems missing.

You okay, Mars. ▼

[Mars] I somehow Yeah. ▼

Cheney dragon tribe, was feral

I have to say some other

true Why? ▼

[Cheney] Oh.

In addition to the Valley of the flying dragon of fire dragon valley

temple altar ice dragon, the dragon ... ▼

[Mars] Altar of dragon ...? ▼

[Cheney] In the mountains of Macedonia,

but the graveyard of the Demon Dragon.

There are also sleeping dragon land. ▼

thing a long time ago ... one thousand years ago. ▼

tribe also has the power to land the mighty dragon,

eventually lose their reason,

I took to attack humans. ▼

course, humans should not come true is I do not. ▼

almost, and then wiped out

was cornered in a corner of the continent. ▼

with the highest power of the dragon tribe ... at that time

king of the Naga tribe dragon God

I started to fight to protect the humans. ▼

It was a fierce battle, in the end

will win the dragon Naga land, went to sleep

deep in the ground of Dorua was sealed. ▼

, and that the power of sealed

so that they do not decline,

creating a "shield of the Holy ball five"

's Rahman was left in the temple. ▼

[Mars] I see ...

So, I got it. ▼

myth that is being drawn in

and Naga guardian deity, helped the man

that I'm the king of the tribe of God dragon. ▼

But Then

the votive sword falchion

also left to human beings? ▼

[Cheney] Do not have the surgery to protect themselves

, have mercy on human beings, the Naga

's I made ​​my cut out the tusks. ▼

, and sealed in the temple along with the shield Rahman,

who left the family

to watch the human and Leaving those words, ▼

to sleep the acquaintance of a newborn

that was finished, the life also extends to five thousand years. ▼

Gato is still so

observe the hest that

's it that hard. ▼

[Mars] Well, Cheney ...? No way! ▼

[Cheney] Oh, Gato, the Dragons' s God. ▼

the most, but this Me too ... ▼

(The hall)

[Jeigan] But ... what's that heat.

Desert and the destination is

external force even those which are not grave Yohodo ... ▼ ~ compare to,

this ... ▼ will Kurushikaro

I Chris, Sonata ... ▼

(Branch from here)

Part A †

[Jeigan] Nikki with a face not cool ... Sonata.

Why is not hot? ▼

[Hero] There is confidence in the strength. ▼

Jeigan like, behind

fellow seems to have been delayed.

Go, carrying up to come here. ▼

[Jeigan] What a very charmed life ... physical strength.

She 's reliable. ▼

Part B †

[Jeigan] Sonata also truly tight Yeah ...

right? ▼ [Hero] Yes, physical strength are still present. ▼ Jeigan like, behind

fellow seems to have been delayed.

Go, you have encouragement. ▼

[Jeigan] Well, I'm counting on you. ▼

Part C †

[Jeigan] Sonata, it's like Nikki giddily ...

Are you OK? ▼

[Hero] But ...

but, ... ▼ is not okay

to use physical strength ... and ... this truly only

eyes, dizziness ... ▼

[Jeigan] Chris, are you okay! ?

Gah ... take care of burning

good, but hold on to Eagle. ▼

[Hero] Nest, I'm sorry ... ▼

Black Knight Gurunia yuan †

[berufu] Please excuse us suddenly rude.

Mars was Miuke prince and tail. ▼

[Mars] You guys are ...? ▼

[berufu] We shall Berufu, Roberto, Leiden.

We also want in addition to our line of battle,

was famous for Sanji. ▼

[Roberto] Our black knight Gurunia yuan.

There was only late but left the homeland. ▼

[Leiden] Now discard the rank of knight,

people without power to protect us

every day we live. ▼

[Mars] Black Knight ... ▼ Gurunia yuan

, however, before the war of

the Knights is black Gurunia

were enemies of us. ▼

Still, my friends

will always be able to become what? ▼

[berufu] Our captain is beyond the position that country,

to protect those who only weak

hope was woven. ▼

I would like to have us so well.

One who is like that now defunct ... ▼

[Mars] ............ ▼


Aspirations of you guys want to believe.

If we want to fight with. ▼

Chapter 13 Land Of Ice

Narration †

That is exactly, beyond the imagination

was the way to go. ▼

No 5000 meters ...

at least it would have been up in the evening. ▼

looked down to below the clouds,

climb a mountain frozen. ▼

stifling ...

dizzy ... ▼

their physical strength,

was approaching the limit anymore. ▼

Opening †

If the hero and training  †

[Jeigan] I Chris. Everyone, but if

training is in place through Can you guess? ▼

If the training is fighting to get the experience

of course, if winning streak

was also possible to obtain more experience. ▼

I Chris, Sonata ... ▼

(Branch from here)

Part A †

[Jeigan] More ... Sonata

I Nikki repeatedly until the stunning winning streak. ▼ [Hero] Yes, if the training

was quite Kayoitsume. ▼ [Jeigan] I see. If too late

that the eagle should not say anything.

Also recommends to those who do the other good. ▼

Part B †

[Jeigan] Hmm ... Sonata

I winning streak on the spot training to Nikki already.

But quite a performance. ▼

[Hero] Yes.

However, we aim on more. ▼

[Jeigan] Well, that spirit and good.

Also recommends to those who do the other good. ▼

Part C †

[Jeigan] Hmm ... sonata

seems you do not already have experience winning streak.

If training is woven into what we do too much? ▼

[Hero] Nest, I'm sorry.

So foolish ... ▼ money

[Jeigan] Win the battle of good in it, but,

when it is becoming painful

experience to say something. ▼

When you feel the enemy is strong,

the training can be trained to fly yourself

to do so as not to forget. ▼

Preparation sortie †

★ ★ About Henry Road †

[Jeigan] Stood up to protect the princess

of the people of the brave Aritia

by active, ▼

learned that the princess is alive

Palace people also

fought with the Dorua again. ▼

Liberation Army leader, Earl of Cultus is

from Artemis was entrusted

with the shield of the royal family battle, ▼

battle by their work

to either proceed to advantage, and looked. ▼

However, the King of Dragons finally ground

Mediusu that he began to move. ▼

[Hero] Mediusu ...! ▼

[Jeigan] Before that, the overwhelming force

of Aritia resistance also

appeared to do so far. ▼

at such time, a wise man who appeared,

in the temple of ice far north

that there is a votive sword he said. ▼

Earth Dragon also beat their swords if Motte,

but get there the way

is not easy ... ▼ never

will be that which, of Henry street.

Now we

are progressing the way it ... ▼

★ ★ chapter 13 about the current status †

[Jeigan] We are also beyond the graveyard of the fire dragon desert of death also.

Henry followed the way of this ice dragon to the temple

would be a little more. ▼

If you receive an orb of light from the like Gato,

has dominated the Hardin

also can compete orb of darkness. ▼

Aritia also to recapture

Hardin also save the

unexpected may be able to. ▼

Start fighting †

Poor guys  †

[Mars] Cheney

long time, but came up

or have not been. ▼

it ... it's cold

it Kurushiku~tsu breath ... ▼

[Cheney] 'S a little more. ▼

Hora, which can be seen in the there will

be any, have gateau

ice dragon 's temple. ▼

[Mars] But, I was surprised,

I daughter of the Dragon King Tiki God. ▼

it, or until you like Gato

and a family of God is a dragon. ▼

[Cheney] Gato and I Ah ... but

after the battle, threw away the stone dragon.

So, do not go back to the dragon again. ▼

Gato is a Naga wearing good

for human beings have worked to protect.

But to me is

that 's nothing to do. ▼

me, you do not like humans.

The dragon tribe lost its power

and contempt Mamukuto,

treat it like a worm. ▼

I, we have Mediusu

hate the human feelings

do you know that. ▼

Mediusu royal family was the land of the dragon

against the tribe, the only one who

became Mamukuto. ▼

been ordered to Naga and

had kept the altar of the dragon. ▼

However, the humans who Otonashika~tsu

with the force eventually

becomes tyranny, ▼

until the tribe dragon live quietly

and begin to inflict harm, ▼

in a fury to the betrayal of human beings

in the land of Dorua

collected Mamukuto, ▼

kingdom of tribe dragon to make

I started a fight of human conquest. ▼

gateau is to help human

▼ falchion given to Henry

to make the institute Kadain

taught to Mage. ▼

However, I'm just I was looking.

The win is either,

because I does not matter to. ▼

[Mars] But why Then

it help me, me?

Too, to a human ... ▼

[Cheney] You are, and the other guy 's different. ▼

When I see something, it

not dangerous because ... ▼

[Mars] Yeah

Thank you, Cheney. ▼

[Cheney] Stupid stupid ... play.

I say something Rei, would blush. ▼

Anyway, Let's go to the temple.

But, the ice dragon is not careful. ▼

They are the same as the beast But

instinctively, I trying to protect the temple.

They 's pathetic ... ▼

Map  †

Opener when Beck †

[beck] Useless fight

I do not want to ... ▼

Destroy when Beck †

[beck] The city, ... I ... ▼

Conversation (Beck → Mars enemy forces) †

[Mars] You, or not Beck!

No way in a place like

I meet again with you ... ▼

[beck] Mars prince

was surprised too.

I have since before the war. ▼

I after that, the various places of the continent

I was to travel around.

In the meantime ... ▼

[Mars] Until ... in a place like this?

But I Was not became the companion of the barbarian

I'm not, was good. ▼


we are fighting again.

What would otherwise come together, too? ▼


There is no longer my shooter. Now this horse is buddy. ▼

still if it is good

cooperation shall we. ▼

After clearing †

Seal Shield Earth Dragon †

[Mars] Gato did not you like but tell me

the five orbs except in very

important things it seems ▼

Cheney, you know? ▼

[Cheney] Gato is, the shock you

get afraid

I did not say 's. ▼

I'll be talking about me.

But, I wish I had not heard from after

I, I Do not say ▼

Orb sealed shield for Earth Dragon ... ▼

That is, the shield of the seal

was the thing that can be embedded. ▼

The Dragons God, in the ancient Holy ball,

a special force to each

have been hidden. ▼

shield itself, the pedestal of just

the power of sealed ball is one of five St.

's not that, as he produced. ▼

and put one ball in St. So

would seal been broken. ▼

[Mars] Really?

If it, but why is orb

I've got to loose? ▼

[Cheney] 'S finally the shield is destroyed. ▼

Rahman was enshrined in the temple

is sealed shield, lost to someone

seems to have been broken ... ▼

[Mars] It is time that the time? ▼

[Cheney] I think 600 years ago.

Gato, in order to take the shield back

for a long time, I walked looking for. ▼

somehow, the five Ball St.

I was collected, and eventually the shield

apparently could not be found. ▼

collected precious But

also one of five St. ball,

in the previous war

have ravaged the temple Rahman

also, had scattered. ▼

[Mars] Gato is like ... So I see

the ball ... St. orb was lost

looking for what was woven. ▼

[Cheney] Yes, stars and light and the earth ...

there is a orb of darkness and life. ▼

light, I have gateau is

a star, it was broken,

darkness, to Hardin from Ganefu

seems to have moved. ▼

[Mars] Orb of the earth

from the Aritia

later, there are just a orb of life. ▼

[Cheney] Anyway let's go in the temple.

I also, from the next time I'll help.

Come on, let 's go! ▼

Shadow of the land of felon †

(The hall)

[Jeigan] Like Mars, please wait. ▼

Chris, Sonata also

want to hear. ▼

news just joined.

Behind us,

who saw the silhouette of a person has several. ▼

Apparently, in the rear

battle seems to have happened. ▼

[Mars] Who is in a place like this?

, Or was until now the barbarians

of the case or whether the assassin ... ▼

[Jeigan] Anyway here is the land of felon.

I do not think a normal human being ... ▼

to be bad,

the snow we have become stronger.

Do cumbersome When it comes to fight. ▼

[Mars] However, if you're fighting is

if we stand by ... ▼

[hero] | Yes. Alone can not be placed. ▼

[Mars] Want to make sure before the end of the battle.

Let's go! ▼

Chapter 13X White In The Darkness

Opening †

Become stronger snow  †

Male hero  †

[Mars] The snow was getting stronger.

This does not look decent before ... ▼


can be seen faintly in the other side empty.

That is ... ▼

[Hero] !

Like Mars, please us falling. ▼

... signs of the enemy

more than one enemy, but we're aiming for. ▼

[Mars] Picture! ?

However, this view does not see anything.

What should I fight with the enemy How do I ... ▼

[Hero] And not only stepping up close to the enemy.

Unlike until now,

is going to be messy fight. ▼ [Mars] You're right.

If you do not get to fight those carefully chosen ... ▼

Female hero  †

[Mars] The snow was getting stronger.

This does not look decent before ... ▼


can be seen faintly in the other side empty.

That is ... ▼

[Hero] !

Like Mars, please us falling. ▼

signs of the enemy ... will be

more than one enemy, we are aiming for. ▼

[Mars] Picture! ?

However, this view does not see anything.

What should I fight with the enemy How do I ... ▼

[Hero] And not only stepping up close to the enemy.

And up to now are different,

is going to be a dangerous fight. ▼

[Mars] You're right.

If you do not get to fight those carefully chosen ... ▼

Preparation sortie †

★ ★ Gaiden chapter 13 about the current status †

[Jeigan] Tail at the rear of our army

was reported that the battle occurred.

The assassination of cases or those who do ... ▼ barbarians

are like say Mars,

and if our allies are fighting,

alone is put unexpected. ▼

battlefield is a snowstorm.

The sight is enough to note. ▼

Start fighting †

Athena, inform †

[Mars] Athena!

Why are you here! ? ▼

[Athena] Haa ... Haa ...

have been and try turning these guys, the Mars.

Athena inform, to Mars ... ▼

[Mars] ! I see,

you are to help me ... ▼

Athena, thank you.

Okay again, after leaving me.

We will defeat the enemy! ▼

Still can not see anything ... †

[Kleine] Hey ... How dare you disturb me. I was that woman.

If you do not notice this while.

But it did Uchikoroshi the Mars. ▼

sounds good ... well Tch.

As long as there is this snowstorm ...

The battle is not ... We. ▼

's this view, is you guys

will not see anything?

But hey it's the difference ... We are. ▼

still can not see anything,

without knowing anything,

I Die. ▼

Map  †

Kleine opener when †

[Kleine] I want this out of the darkness?

But do not give out.

I can not see light of day again. ▼

Destroy when Kleine †

[Kleine] How dare you ... I ...

... ... ▼ How dare you interfere

there I'll kill you ... I

'll look ... please

be sure to kill ... always ... ▼

After clearing †

Long useless  †

[Hero] Like Mars,

the enemy was all Katazuki. ▼

[Jeigan] More than served its purpose,

long is useless.

Let's go back to the ice dragon temple. ▼

[Hero] Was found.

Hope to see you soon in our gateau.

Go back to the temple. ▼

No ... one person ...  †

[Kleine] U ... I ...

like ... ▼ Electro ... Miya

also ...

a person I ... ... ▼

[Catalina] Kleine ... ▼

[Kleine] A, Eine ...!

Here ... Why ...? ▼

dying ungracefully what ... I

have to laugh at me it had and ...? ▼

[Catalina] Please hold on to me.

Let 's go home together to the hideout. ▼

[Kleine] For example ... ▼

[Catalina] It does not walk in the wound.

I will now immediately frozen to death. ▼

[Kleine] I, I ... ▼ Why

is ... Why are you

for me

No I lived up there ... N! ▼

me is ...

a lot, until now to you

to have been a terrible thing ... ▼

[Catalina] You are from my sister. ▼

[Kleine] ...... ~Tsu. ▼

's not a sister.

You're also an orphan ... I also

much alone ... ▼

[Catalina] But, under the like Jeremiah

grew up together ... ▼

you hate me is also good.

I do not want to lose you ... ▼

... Once this bond is gone

... I also alone in the dark

And even you ... ▼

[Kleine] Eine ... ... ▼

[Catalina] Is, holding on to me. ▼

[Kleine] Phew, ... stepped

to follow You're

not the first and last time because I have this ... ▼


[Jeremiah] Yeah ...,

movement of Aritia knows. ▼

let out the next hand.

Like all of Ganefu

leave said: ... ▼

[Catalina] Like Jeremiah! ▼

[Jeremiah] I did have Kleine botched? ▼

[Catalina] Is ... yes

... Kleine is a serious

attention immediately ... ▼

[Jeremiah] Come throw it away. ▼

[Catalina] Painting, like Jeremiah! ▼

[Jeremiah] In the wound that is,

I already useless anyway. ▼

If you leave people alone

will die without permission. ▼

[Catalina] ...... ▼

[Kleine] What are you look ... I

failed ... or more

to die ... of course I'll ▼ is

such a thing ...

such a thing ... you know ... ▼

[Catalina] Kleine ... ▼

[Kleine] I have said.

This figure ...

I do not want seen in you. ▼

[Catalina] ... I understand. ▼

[Kleine] Eine ............ ▼ wait ...

do not go ... ▼

to have around ... Yappari.

No one person is ... ... ▼

[Catalina] Kleine ... ▼

I'm here.

Much, but close.

Because I is your sister ... ▼

[Kleine] Hm ...

again, I really sick ... ▼

... the sister ... N ......


[Catalina] Kleine ...... ... ▼

Chapter 8-13X done! Needs work in some parts. But all of this will be revised and done overtime! Though it is painful that some of the end text did not get revised in English due to translator troubles. The source was obtained at pegasusknight.com of course. Though there might be some misinterpetations in some parts, but will get revised a little later. Itchin to getting the rest of this shit up by tonight.

Edited by リズ
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Chapter 14 The Mystery Was Revealed

Narration †

From Cheney

revelation is brought ▼

shocked to Mars. ▼

Tiki God was born as the daughter of the Dragon King Naga, ▼

by the will of the king

went to sleep in this temple. ▼

It is feared the power of the Tiki

God says of the Dragon King, and was the least of parental feeling. ▼

and wake up with hidden Chitty terrible force,

would be one of the world ... ▼ Metz

Ryuo God is so I thought. ▼

However, I was the king Banuto~u, ▼

watching the acquaintance

of the information is transferred to spend a few hundred years, ▼


had and take it away. ▼

to Tiki, has been living as a human being so

... ▼ says he has only memories of 10 years

"The poor, Tiki ..." ▼

Mars is, the thought comes to words

could not also be copper. ▼

Preparation sortie †

For the provisions of Artemis ★ ★ †

[Jeigan] Chris,

it is before your eyes ice dragon 's temple. ▼

Aritia Henry is the founder of

Artemis for love,

got the votive sword falchion here. ▼

and sneak a Mediusu,

it is desirable to the people of Aritia,

and if he was the first king. ▼

Rutemisu But Henry ... and

love one each other but

that was not tied ... ▼

[Hero] Why is that? ▼

[Jeigan] Akaneia nobles are

like that Henri is a commoner, a king of their own

did not want to be. ▼

than that, who led the Liberation Army fought,

, the wedding of the Earl of Cultus and

he was strongly recommended to the princess. ▼

Princess Artemis, it

could not refuse. ▼

"A person who exercises a flame emblem of

 the royal family ▼ Beshi Ru Bong gain, all of them "

it is transmitted to the royal family Akaneia

but change, a law he. ▼

princess, the king Henry without saying anything,

the wedding of the Earl of Cultus and

was accepted. ▼

[Hero] Such ...

So Henry is king ... ▼

[Jeigan] It is pitiful, princess and the same.

Then, provided the prince

likely died immediately. ▼

king Henry, his life

was not to welcome the wife. ▼

Aritia kingdom, the king ... Maruseresu brother

to your grandfather playing the prince Mars In other words

he was taken over. ▼

[Hero] It is a sad story ... ▼

[Jeigan] It is the provisions of Artemis.

, The surrounding Fire Emblem,

a sad fate he ... ▼

★ ★ chapter 14 about the current status †

[Jeigan] Asked the Orb of light,

... but on the way Henry has steep

we had finally arrived to the temple dragon ice. ▼

like Gato is here

supposed to be awaiting the arrival of the Mars-like. ▼

with a shield of sealed dragon earth orb of five but

with the lack of even one

sealed, and they are violated ▼ ...

builders Wendell This would stop

, to destroy the world is lost orb

not there is a story No wonder that. ▼

Start fighting †

Can you hear?  †

[Gato] I Prince Mars, do you copy?

I come to the center of the room.

Eagles waiting in the fold there. ▼

(When Mars reaches to the middle room light) †

※ If you have collected all the fragments of the star 12

[Gato] Prince Mars I

came up here often, respectively!

As expected, the hero who draw the blood of Henri. ▼

answer to that courage

orb of light will Takuso Sonata. ▼

orb of darkness will lose power if they have this.

Hardin also defeat

is not impossible. ▼

with it, a piece of star

... ▼ but with

what? ?

All the fragments of the star

and collect me! ▼

Thankfully, this

orb of stars, revives. ▼

▼ I wait a little ...

I Mars.

This is, Ja orb of stars.

This also will Azukeyo to Sonata. ▼ [Mars] What?

Like Gato, important things like this

to me, why? ▼

[Gato] You can complete the shield of the seal is

broken only ... unexpected Sonata

shield, Ja chose the Sonata. ▼

[Mars] ? ▼

[Gato] Yet, or knowing.

Sonata in a covered garage with

its heraldic shield, the shield of the seal was robbed ... ▼

Akaneia emblem of the flame of

a Fire Emblem: Well I,. ▼

[Mars] ! !

Fire Emblem is this

... ▼ shield sealed

in, like Gato ...

If you put all the Orb of one to five hand is my

shield of the seal it is to be completed. ▼

[Gato] Presence or absence ... potatoes

have been broken shield

600 ... ▼ years already

in the basement of Macedonia

Earth Dragon was sealed, but

I was about to wake up. ▼

evil dragon land that

the number of several hundred thousands ... no

trying to Awake. ▼

even Chiqui, will Takuso to Sonata.

If you go to the room on the right meet.

Will also fight if that girl with the dragon land. ▼

, however, tell you.

The Values ​​that are completed sealed shield of

I and I must perish by Chiqui. ▼

[Mars] Oh! ?

Why it is ... ▼

[Gato] That child is

still growing from unexpected woven cut

degeneration begins if there is no shield of the seal. ▼

eventually, become a beast

will attack the person. ▼

eagle is so

poor and it is but I

decided to put off the acquaintance. ▼

But if the seal is complete shield

no longer worry about that.

He shield will protect the acquaintance. ▼

I Mars, Chiqui ask.

From ruin, that girl

Give 'em a rescue. ▼

※ got the orb of the stars.

※ got the orb of light.

Opener when Chiqui †

[Chitty] For example ...?

Who is ... Who is it ...? ▼

Defeat Tiki when †

[Chitty] Of Mars ... ...

... some tail chan ... ▼

Conversation (Chitty enemy → Mars) †

[Mars] Tiki! ?

You okay ... ▼

[Chitty] Of Mars ... ▼ ... Hmm ...

... ▼ brother

Oh, brother! !

Did you came!

I came to see Chitty! ! ▼

[Mars] Yeah, Tiki.

Long time no see, do you have you been. ▼

[Chitty] Uh-uh ... not healthy.

In addition, it is like a priest

I have to say Even bad sleeps. ▼

But I hate ... again.

I mean, long way

I've been sleeping alone. ▼

scary I had a dream, many times.

That, poor

as ice dragon and fire dragon, ▼

I am,

I become the beast. ▼

Then, hit the man

it kills. ▼

ー... yell ... stop in the Year,

wake. But,

in the dark alone in the room ... ▼

me, I cried many times. ▼

Ojichama of Banuto~u is

that every time, and I

comfort me. ▼

, and one day

take me out

it took me to the village of humans. ▼

life of the village, I had a great time

... all very nice to me

really, I was happy. ▼

... No, my other sleeping

anymore now, when you close your eyes

do not feel like waking up to. ▼

I hate it that.

I want to live with everyone.

I do not want to sleep. ▼

[Mars] Chiqui, but right now.

I have, I'll protect you.

So do not cry anymore ... ▼

[Chitty] Really? ...

another, a nightmare I

do not have to look at No! ? ▼

[Mars] Oh, yeah! ▼

Tiki is, complete the shield if you ask

me live with us. ▼

I want it with you believe me! ▼

[Chitty] Yes! , Happy! !

Thank you, brother! ▼

After clearing †

Shadow of Satan  †

[Gato] I see ...

Chiqui, or was so pleased.

Sazoya, probably painful. ▼

to protect the child and say that

was a poor thing.

I grated a grudge against you ... ▼ eagle

Mars we may have another go.

You guys, in the art of eagles

to Aritia, I'll send it. ▼

[Mars] Gato like, come together

Why do not Kudasara. ▼

[Gato] Presence or absence ...

eagle, less sophisticated

may be I must investigate. ▼

Ganefu is, Ja it in motion. ▼

[Mars] Ganefu! ? ...

He, who should be dead in the demo. ▼

[Gato] Indeed, the body was destroyed. ▼

However, the soul of the orb of darkness He

is captured and turned evil and hatred

that continues to live. ▼

and was a former subordinate

▼ revived the evil priests

that no good

seems to be plotting Nikki. ▼

[Mars] Is that so ...

like Gato was found

in, we just go. ▼

[Gato] If you know the presence or absence ... something

from going after the eagle. ▼

Mars I ask, all

at the hands of the sonata Nikki. ▼

Dragons and the human race

and saved us from the path of ruin. ▼

(There is no conversation on the gateau from the time of the absence of "~ good I Mars, but another go" is Chiqui)

Chiqui dressed  †

Male hero  †

[Hero] I finally ... Aritia.

Home was occupied by the Akaneia,

always show the recapture ... ▼

[Cheney] Hmm, I'm a serious guy. ▼

Hey, Chris.

Even not Konoe Knights of Mars? ▼

[Hero] Yes.

I like to observe the Mars

mission is part of me. ▼

[Cheney] Hmm.

If you really care to protect him, but

wants to do'll strongly equivalent. ▼

Hey, from now

how to become more strongly,

you do not want to know? ▼

[Hero] What?

Is there a way like that? ▼

[Cheney] Oh, wait a minute. ▼

(Turns into Chitty)

[Chitty] Does jar.


is that of Chitty Did you know?

Tiki is so even with a small

fight it, in fact

I'll owe this hairstyle and hair ornaments. ▼

[Hero] Oh! ? ▼

What was it! ? ▼

[Chitty] Oh,

if you imitate the hairstyle you this,

does not fall far from become very strong. ▼

wearing this hair ornaments,

hair was like I try to Chiqui. ▼

by the power of the legendary That way

you are going from strength to strength more!

'll ... Might be. ▼

to do?

Or try? ▼

Female hero  †

[Hero] Aritia ... finally.

Home was occupied by the Akaneia,

always get back ... ▼

[Cheney] Hmm, I'm a serious guy. ▼

Hey, Chris.

Even not Konoe Knights of Mars? ▼

[Hero] Yes.

I like to observe the Mars

mission is me. ▼

[Cheney] Hmm.

If you really care to protect him, but

wants to do'll strongly equivalent. ▼

Hey, from now

how to become more strongly,

you do not want to know? ▼

[Hero] What?

Is there a way like that? ▼

[Cheney] Oh, wait a minute. ▼

(Turns into Chitty)

[Chitty] Does jar.


is that of Chitty Did you know?

Tiki is so even with a small

fight it, in fact

I'll owe this hairstyle and hair ornaments. ▼

[Hero] Oh! ? ▼

What was it! ? ▼

[Chitty] Oh,

if you imitate the hairstyle you this,

does not fall far from become very strong. ▼

wearing this hair ornaments,

hair was like I try to Chiqui. ▼

by the power of the legendary That way

you are going from strength to strength more!

'll ... Might be. ▼

to do?

Or try? ▼

«Branching choices - Yes»

[Hero] Yes. The spear. ▼

[Chitty] Well, I'll do to you.

I'll also change the hair properly. ▼

[Hero] Thank you, sir Cheney! ▼

[Chitty] I doubt it ...... not at all.

I mean something that an honest man ... ▼

[Hero] Cheney Hall? What? ▼

[Cheney] Ah, nothing unwillingly.

Do not jar, the appearance of new Chris

'll looking forward to! ▼

«Branching choices - No»

[Hero] No, thank you.

Only by the power of your own

like I want to protect Mars. ▼

[Chitty] Hmm, or along.

Na boring. ▼

[Hero] What?

, And is boring? ▼

[Chitty] Ah, nothing unwillingly.

I jar! ▼

Chapter 15 The Return of the Prince

Narration †

Large stretch in the warp of gateau

Mars that has spread to the suburbs we are Aritia, ▼

homeland finally began to open battle. ▼

Akaneia but military

commander General Abel, ▼

ordered the assault to the Knights of ground,

and run out the clock at the same time ▼

itself is amazing

to prepare the means despicable, ▼

defeated St., once the army Aritia

awaits had. ▼

to before the old homeland,

our battle begins again Mars. ▼

"case-ku, Henri recapture the king!

 's we take it back, the homeland! "▼

Aritia crystal-clear sky,

echoing the voice of Prince Mars. ▼

his journey full of hardship, finally

was going to try to reach one goal. ▼

Opening †

«Select" Yes "in the previous section» ... If you Chiqui dressed †

[Hero] Like Mars, is your time of war council. ▼

[Mars] Chris, eh ... is there? ▼

Su hairstyle has? ▼

[Hero] Cheney gave to the buttocks. ▼

is seems to become stronger than hair ornaments. ▼

I did not do and not change the hairstyle,

If you become stronger at this ... ▼

[Mars] Yappari ... or the work of Cheney.

Thing not in trouble ... ▼

Preparation sortie †

★ ★ ★ For Abel †

Male hero  †

[Mars] What did you say!

Abel to the enemy side ...! ? ▼

[Jeigan] Unfortunately ... crawling,

like the fact there is no mistake. ▼

[Hero] Like Mars, like Jeigan,

Why was do? ▼

[Mars] Chris.

Abel also that you

let us talk. ▼

Abel comes before you,

had been active along with the Cain

's Aritia knight. ▼

quit now a knight,

in Aritia along with the est

I've been living ... ▼

[Jeigan] Aritia occupy the

enemy's army Akaneia in it ...

that is Abel joined. ▼

[Hero] !

In other words, went to the enemy side? ▼

[Jeigan] Seems like it.

However, could not be ...

We believe the incredible. ▼

[Hero] Jeigan like.

Abel Hall and I

met there is no ... ▼

serve to Mars like

the person was a knight Aritia,

and betray their homeland without any reason I do not think. ▼

circumstances there should be something. ▼

[Jeigan] Well, certainly ...

Abel otherwise

would not have to betray like Mars. ▼ [Mars] I think so too.

Jeigan, Chris,

I'll try to talk to my Abel. ▼

If you go, you know,

Abel is sure

to tell us about why it should. ▼

Female hero  †

[Mars] What did you say!

Abel to the enemy side ...! ? ▼

[Jeigan] Unfortunately ... crawling,

like the fact there is no mistake. ▼

[Hero] Like Mars, like Jeigan,

Why was do? ▼

[Mars] Chris.

Abel also that you

let us talk. ▼

Abel comes before you,

had been active along with the Cain

's Aritia knight. ▼

quit now a knight,

in Aritia along with the est

I've been living ... ▼

[Jeigan] Aritia occupy the

enemy's army Akaneia in it ...

that is Abel joined. ▼

[Hero] !

In other words, went to the enemy side? ▼

[Jeigan] Seems like it.

However, could not be ...

We believe the incredible. ▼

[Hero] Jeigan like.

Abel Hall and I

met there is no ... ▼

serve to Mars like

the person was a knight Aritia,

and betray their homeland without any reason I do not think. ▼

circumstances there should be something. ▼

[Jeigan] Well, certainly ...

Abel otherwise

would not have to betray like Mars. ▼

[Mars] I think so too.

Jeigan, Chris,

I'll try to talk to my Abel. ▼

If you go, you know,

Abel is sure

to tell us about why it should. ▼

★ ★ chapter 15 about the current status †

[Jeigan] It was painful way,

we crossed the road of Henri. ▼

like at the Temple of Mars ice dragon

endowed like the Orb of light from Gato. ▼

with the Hardin in this

that can be asserted against the orb of darkness.

Now is when I play a recapture their homeland. ▼

Start fighting †

I'm sorry, Abel  †

(In prison)

[Est] I'm sorry, Abel ...

because of me ... ▼

To betray ... if  †

(Before gate)

[soldier] Generals, whereabouts were unknown long

is the remnants of the Aritia

we have been back. ▼

[Abel] I see, Fufu ...

it is pretty convenient.

Give 'em kick it at once retracted. ▼

[soldier] Okay, but

let's that person will do. ▼

[Abel] Abel or Holy Knight. ▼

If you so betray us

do not mind!

Kill the daughter of the hostages! ! ▼

it with the guy, only once was leaving the army

too late, the prince

I may pledge allegiance every. ▼

guys ... Hehe, turn to the enemy Abel

fight ... or if

this is, but put on a show ... ▼

Myself credit  †

(Starting position)

[TMS] Prince Mars,

I've been waiting for you.

Not being made ​​in your return. ▼

[Mars] ! Are you Tom! ▼

is Akaneia generals

to my original ... why you? ▼

[TMS] Eagle is no longer discard the future,

the emperor Hardin

left the original body. ▼

Akaneia now there is no justice.

Justice is in your Settlement Aritia et al.

Therefore we were here. ▼

[Mars] What was so.

Tom Hall is also with us in

fighting it is you would like? ▼

[TMS] Indeed.

Credit of myself is,

I'll show in this fight. ▼

Map  †

Village †

[Villagers] The Prince was well Please come.

To you, I wanted to give you this,

I was waiting for. ▼

However, and this village, the village next door relationship is bad,

you know here that the prince came to

the neighboring village was shut the gate. ▼

There is no having to worry about.

From such neighboring village, the village is this

a good thing because you can pick it up. ▼

 ※ village on the right: got a trickle of power

 got the shield of the dragon: the village of left ※.

A private house †

[Villagers] To the fort, the enemy is a lot

like hiding Well.

You let your guard down is, each grave. ▼

2 houses †

[Villagers] Well, you guys ...

heck, it was where to go. ▼

much, did not know the whereabouts

everyone, so

I've been worried. ▼

3 house †

[Villagers] Gras is Aritia kingdom

's I have to compete. ▼

The truth is to Akaneia allies

's not only been to match up

or do not. ▼

4 house †

[Villagers] Like Ellis, after the castle fell

to the priest forcibly eerie black robe

... ▼ I was taken to somewhere

... Oh Princess ... Ellis

whether, please be safe ... ▼

5 house †

[Villagers] Was occupied by troops from the Empire

was a terrible day. ▼

But, we had believed.

Mars is like

always and please come back. ▼

from this suffering, and we

... ▼ and save us

because, like our Mars

... warrior of light was elected to the God

thing I load a star! ▼

6 house †

[Villagers] In this area

I have a spy of the enemy. ▼

Do not careful!

I have guys come out from the fort. ▼

7 house †

[Villagers] Hired troops are defending the castle is

the complete set of stamps Akaneia elite. ▼

It is too good to put the enemy

I wish to stand by me. ▼

Opener when Abel †

[Abel] Prince ... Please forgive me ...

I ... the est

do not want to lose ... ▼

Destroy when Abel †

[Abel] Est ... ▼

Conversation (Abel enemy → Mars) †

[Mars] Abel! ?

Why are you ... ▼

Kimi, I betraying the country

to me, I can not believe it! ! ▼

[Abel] Like Mars ... ▼

Please forgive me ...

that requests, trapped

... have to fight to be killed. ▼

... However, I met a prince ... or more

... not fight anymore ... impossible. ▼

est ... sorry.

Forgive me! ! ▼

Conversation (→ Abel est enemy forces) †

[Est] Abel ...

I'm sorry.

Would have been painful. ▼

[Abel] Est! !

Was good, what was safe. ▼

[Est] Yeah, like that Mars

did help me. ▼

another, So It's OK.

I am, It's okay. ▼

[Abel] Shit guys ... ... and I see Akaneia

But I like what Mars

or do I apologize ... ▼

[Est] Everyone ... I'm sorry

it my fault. ▼

[Abel] No, Est!

Something not because of you! ! ▼

... guys ... do not allow

until now, resentment

'll let him know! ! ▼

Opener when Abel †

[Abel] Shit!

And defeat a large army of only This is

really a human or you bastards? ▼

Destroy when Abel †

[Abel] Akaneia is my

defeated and is ... ugh. ▼

After clearing †

Aritia recapture †

Male hero  †

[Mars] Was a uphill battle.

Minna, are you okay. ▼

[Jeigan] And not to worry.

They are, on this day will come that

I've been waiting for. ▼

[Hero] I would agree with Jeigan like.

Aritia recapture the motherland, we'll

all hope was Aritia knight. ▼

[Mars] But, by Akaneia

innocent people,

was killed a lot. ▼

I, is said and done to them

... ▼ What should I apologize

that I, I can not rely on just

such a tough time ... ▼ everyone

to me, such as protecting the country

might be unreasonable. ▼

[Hero] Like Mars ... ▼

like Mars, do you remember folded?

The first day I came to training knight,

told me about your words to us. ▼

[Mars] Chris ........

Of course. I at that time ...... ▼


[Mars] I alone, can not do anything.

Everyone, as a knight So now

with the power, please help me. ▼

(End flashback)

[Hero] I at that time,

wanted and want to be like the power of Mars.

Want to be like the sword of Mars. ▼

person like Mars is

all there is no need to hold its own. ▼

Mars-like pain, suffering ... also

please give us at us. ▼

I, always

will be with like Mars. ▼

[Mars] Chris ...... ▼

[Jeigan] Now, Prince

Please be served healthy! ! ▼

us still, the castle Aritia

take if sleep returned, it is grave. ▼

perhaps, significant that the enemy is listening

, but you think, here is our castle,

and knows how to fight you. ▼

Now, like Mars!

Let us! ! ▼

Female hero  †

[Mars] Was a uphill battle.

Minna, are you okay. ▼

[Jeigan] And not to worry.

They are, on this day will come that

I've been waiting for. ▼

[Hero] I would agree with Jeigan like.

Aritia recapture their homeland, we

could all hope of Aritia knight. ▼

[Mars] But, by Akaneia

innocent people,

was killed a lot. ▼

I, is said and done to them

... ▼ What should I apologize

that I, I can not rely on just

such a tough time ... ▼ everyone

to me, such as protecting the country

might be unreasonable. ▼

[Hero] Like Mars ... ▼

Do you like Mars folded remember?

The first day I came to training knight,

told me about your words to us. ▼

[Mars] Chris ........

Of course. I at that time ...... ▼


[Mars] I alone, can not do anything.

Everyone, as a knight So now

with the power, please help me. ▼

(End flashback)

[Hero] I at that time, like Mars

wanted to help and want to be.

And mind you want to also. ▼

person like Mars is

all there is no need to hold its own. ▼

Mars-like pain, suffering ... also

please give to us. ▼

I am, always

will be with like Mars. ▼

[Mars] Chris ...... ▼

[Jeigan] Now, Prince

Please be served healthy! ! ▼

us still, the castle Aritia

take if sleep returned, it is grave. ▼

perhaps, significant that the enemy is listening

, but you think, here is our castle,

and knows how to fight you. ▼

Now, like Mars!

Let us! ! ▼

Chiqui dressed quit? «Select" Yes "in the previous chapter» †

[Mars] Chris, by the way

... But that hair that

was it?

Try it with the fighting

grew stronger? ▼

[Hero] However, was exactly the same as usual. ▼

[Mars] I wonder ...

Chris, you are probably

'm was deceived by Cheney. ▼

[Hero] Su likely ... Why? ▼


You do?

Back to the original hairstyle? ▼

Select "Yes" ""

[Hero] Yes. It does so. ▼

[Mars] I think yeah, that's better. ▼

Select "No" ""

[Hero] No. This leave.

If you keep this hairstyle much,

might become stronger. ▼

[Mars] Oh, ... ▼ I still believe that

you, if you want to do well

or do not it may be it. ▼

Chapter 16 Recapture The King

Narration †

(Map screen below, the castle Aritia)

(before the castle Aritia)

of about have never ever experienced

was a fierce battle. ▼

However, Aritia has been released.

Homeland, he was freed. ▼

after, was born and raised ... the castle

... ▼ Aritia Castle and regain

everyone, me ... thank you

thank you ... ▼ really believe me

on the cheek of Mars,

a ray of shining tears. ▼

also gently wipe the eyes of the girl and it

was full of tears incessantly ... ▼

Opening †

Experience of the hero  †

[Jeigan] You Chris, I finally came back.

To this Aritia Castle ... ▼

[Hero] Yes. ▼

is a strange feeling.

Until now from when I came to this castle for the first time,

like long, short, such as ... ▼

(Branch from here)

Part A †

[Jeigan] I was.

Sonata appeared on the day of training knight,

knowing the battle was still young. ▼

... ▼ now it

can call up the strong man of a continent and

Nikki to grow. ▼

I Chris, if there are Sonata

recapture homeland is no doubt.

I'm counting on you. ▼

Part B †

[Jeigan] I was.

Sonata appeared on the day of training knight,

knowing the battle was still young. ▼

it now ... ▼

Aritia as a knight

of experience in Nikki enough. ▼

I Chris, the workings of sonata is

to determine the success or failure of the recapture their homeland.

I'm counting on you. ▼

Part C †

[Jeigan] I was.

Sonata appeared on the day of training knight,

knowing the battle was still young. ▼

it now ... ▼

whether it ... Now,

do be not changed much folded. ▼

I Chris, Sonata is

more I must now gain experience.

I'm counting on you. ▼

Preparation sortie †

★ ★ ★ For Astoria †

[Georges] Chris,

in the enemy in the castle Aritia

seems I have Astoria. ▼

[Georges] Georges Hall is

close and buttocks Why Astoria? ▼

[Georges] Oh,

and he will for a long time. ▼

... It 's not a bad guy

has been told and betrayed Aritia,

blood seems to have risen to the head. ▼

He received a follow-up mission,

I have been persistently followed us until now.

Oh and persuasion will not get through to anyone. ▼

However, in defense of the castle mission

may lead if you can not talk.

I will try to persuade him. ▼

[Hero] However, it is not dangerous? ▼

[Georges] Since I have known each other long,

the nature of the guy is well know.

Leave it to me here is me. ▼

★ ★ chapter 16 about the current status †

[Jeigan] We regained the Aritia.

I was a long way to go so far ... ▼

homeland was attacked Akaneia

since vowed to recapture,

back straight is not fulfilled to the emperor ... ▼ to Hardin Akaneia

not all win,

and evacuated to the Kadain ... ▼

asked the Orb of light follow the road of Te Henri

ice dragon in the temple

... ▼ pardoned from our orb gateau

and finally came back to Aritia. ▼

oath will be fulfilled soon.

But only to recapture the castle remain Aritia. ▼

Start fighting †

Orb of the earth  †

Male hero  †

[Mars] Thieves ... bollocks to

that I entered. ▼

No way, the orb of the earth

they were deprived! ? ▼

[Jeigan] Prince, fled to the north is suspicious thief.

Before it's too late

Let's directed the pursuer. ▼

[Hero] Like Mars,

I will be recaptured if necessary.

Your orders! ▼

Female hero  †

[Mars] Thieves ... bollocks to

that I entered. ▼

No way, the orb of the earth

they were deprived! ? ▼

[Jeigan] Prince, fled to the north is suspicious thief.

Before it's too late

Let's directed the pursuer. ▼

[Hero] Like Mars,

I will go if it is good.

Please your orders. ▼

Believe that justice for self-  †

[Michelin] Prince Mars.

Please wait. ▼ [Mars] Are you Michelin!

Here in conjunction with TMS, too? ▼

[Michelin] Yes. TMS also eagle also

has come to assistance of the prince.

There is no justice Akaneia now. ▼

believe in justice for yourself,

prince, along with the eagles you also

would like to give fight. ▼

Battle of the wise  †

[soldier] Like Willow,

we also opened the door, a sortie! ▼

[Willow] No, wait.

It is not necessary to move yet. ▼

If you open the treasure chest in the Treasury,

to the original news comes of an eagle.

You do not know how to fix that is the time. ▼

Whatever I opened the box to treasure thieves,

Aritia case to the military, they got

no choice but to pay attention to. ▼

that he take a chance.

Usually ... Do

I have this guy named fight of the wise. ▼

not good!

Aim at the chest when he is in the open! ▼

Map  †

Open the door! (When unlocking a treasure chest) †

[Willow] And open a treasure chest? ▼

opened the door in! Usually Do,

You're sightseeing is our panic of them! ▼

Conversation (Astoria enemy forces Georges →) †

[Georges] Astoria, or healthy. ▼

[Astoria] Georges or a traitor.

Too late, what seems to me. ▼

[Georges] Well, wait, Astoria.

Also fighting over this

is I do not win. ▼

[Astoria] To me, ▼ ... surrender the castle and

stupid! I, the last

fight even though the one person.

I, of Akaneia warrior! ! ▼

[Georges] For what ...

for anyone, fight?

For the emperor or to Hardin? ▼

[Astoria] Different!

Not for a man like that. ▼

... like for Nina

's for Akaneia! ! ▼

[Georges] However, like Nina

to you, or fight and I was told. ▼

is like Nina, a fight like this

is desirable and, what I think. ▼

[Astoria] It is like ... Nina

does not see you for a while. ▼

us in that disease

he can not meet you. ▼

... But Hardin is

the king of the country over Akaneia

would not have helped. ▼

If that does not obey the order

would betray the country.

Nina would like to betray. ▼

[Georges] Astoria I,

like Nina Mars the prince already

he was entrusted with the Emblem. ▼

... Do you understand the meaning behind that. ▼

[Astoria] Not, What did you say! !

What do you mean, George. ▼

is like Nina, the prince Mars

and even asking for help? ▼

[Georges] The only thing I

would be considered unexpected. ▼

Hey, Astoria

also in order to confirm it,

come with us ... ▼

in a place like this, if you dies

Medea is, but it happens. ▼

even for her, live.

Live, now, what is happening

with their eyes, I see. ▼

[Astoria] Presence or absence ...

Unfortunately, every unavoidable.

But, I Juruju. ▼

if, as Hardin says

this fight, from the ambitions of the Prince Mars

began as long as it is, ▼

does not allow you till never!

About it, do not forget! ! ▼

Opener when Willow †

[Willow] Fufufu ...

Omoishire ... Now is

the horror of my Mage ... ▼

Destroy when Willow †

[Willow] Hardin emperor, forgive me ... ▼

After clearing †

Well that no †

Male hero  †

[Hero] Like Mars.

Enemy in the castle, was dismissed. ▼

[Jeigan] Aritia is, finally

I went back into the hands of us. ▼

[Mars] I see, was good.

But on the sister Yappari

not find what ... ▼

[Gato] Prince ... I

hear that the voice of an eagle. ▼

Ellis princess

seems to have Tsuresa~tsu Ganefu. ▼

[Mars] Well, like Gato

Is it true! ? ▼

[Gato] He, commanded the priests of the darkness

began to seek a noble sister. ▼

even Lena, also sister of Nurishi Ellis us

by Ganefu

seems to have been taken away ... ▼

[Mars] Did that really happen? ... ▼

guy is, on kidnapping the sister but we

going to do on earth

that it will? ▼

[Gato] It is not understood.

However, that something not good

is it angry, for sure. ▼

in this series of events are all

at stake is considered Ganefu

no doubt. ▼ [Mars] Like gateau!

He is where are you now? ▼

[Gato] Ganefu queen Nina is the

aim that's for sure.

I would probably ... Palace. ▼

[Mars] All right.

I will go to the Palace. ▼

the orb of darkness Hardin

want to save them from the control. ▼

Ganefu defeated the dark priest and

a sister on sister ... who was robbed

rescued must sleep! ! ▼

Female hero  †

[Hero] Like Mars.

Combat has ended. ▼

[Jeigan] Aritia is, finally

I went back into the hands of us. ▼

[Mars] I see, was good.

But on the sister Yappari

not find what ... ▼

[Gato] Prince ... I

hear that the voice of an eagle. ▼

Ellis princess

seems to have Tsuresa~tsu Ganefu. ▼

[Mars] Well, like Gato

Is it true! ? ▼

[Gato] He, commanded the priests of the darkness

began to seek a noble sister. ▼

even Lena, also sister of Nurishi Ellis us

by Ganefu

seems to have been taken away ... ▼

[Mars] Did that really happen? ... ▼

guy is, on kidnapping the sister but we

going to do on earth

that it will? ▼

[Gato] It is not understood.

However, that something not good

is it angry, for sure. ▼

in this series of events are all

at stake is considered Ganefu

no doubt. ▼

[Mars] Like gateau!

He is where are you now? ▼

[Gato] Ganefu queen Nina is the

aim that's for sure.

I would probably ... Palace. ▼

[Mars] All right.

I will go to the Palace. ▼

the orb of darkness Hardin

want to save them from the control. ▼

Ganefu defeated the dark priest and

a sister on sister ... who was robbed

rescued must sleep! ! ▼

Memorable place †

[Mars] Chris Castle, thus Aritia

's little left to be needed. ▼

is also here for you

It was a memorable place. ▼

in the training of apprentice knight,

you have also met Catalina ... ▼


[Catalina] Please, I'm sorry.

I am not in a hurry ... ▼

Oh, Could you also

aims to Aritia knight

to the castle this Aritia? ▼

(End flashback)

[Hero] ▼ ............

! Mars like ......

please be careful. ▼

[Mars] Chris? ▼

[Hero] The same sign at that time, the enemy will be.

Perhaps already close to ... ▼

[Jeigan] Like Mars! Is attack!

The case of the assassination of those who attacked! ▼

[Mars] ! Prepare immediately intercept. ▼

Chapter 16X Reunion

Opening †

My doll  †

[Jeremiah] Aritia army is,

so I was Aritia recapture the castle. ▼

Ganefu is like

too much angry as ... ▼

[Catalina] Jeremiah ... like. ▼

[Jeremiah] Hey Eine.

, Why do

do not you do anything? ▼

unembarrassed to be alive?

You are to die for me

would of course? ▼ [Catalina] Yes ... ▼

[Jeremiah] Eine,

you are worthless scum live.

I abandoned child from the world. ▼

I gave you such a save Who are you?

Why are you living now is

thanks to whom? ▼

[Catalina] Jeremiah-like ...

thanks. ▼

[Jeremiah] Kill 'em that way. ▼

[Catalina] But ... like Jeremiah!

Iっ... ... ▼

[Jeremiah] Close your mouth. Is this doll. ▼

You are I will not go against the instruction.

So far from an early age

what I "teach" has been. ▼

has been carved in the depths of you little

words I can never disappear. ▼

[Catalina] っ ~U~tsu ...... ...... ...... ▼

[Jeremiah] Fufufu.

I'll use until the break is.

My doll ... ▼

Preparation sortie †

★ ★ Gaiden chapter 16 about the current status †

[Jeigan] Attack and assassination of those who are also ...

Even though it was finally recaptured their homeland,

giving even have time to take a breather is not it so as not to me. ▼

However, in this Aritia

or attack of an assassin ...

Do not be reminded that the date of conferment knight. ▼

Catalina assassin and Sonata

... ▼ been here working hard in training the same as the seventh platoon

, however, is useless sentimentality.

Chris I, like that day

I like to observe the Mars. ▼

Start fighting †

Road other than the fight  †

[Hero] Catalina ... ▼

[Catalina] Chris ...

it like Mars ... ▼

[Mars] Catalina,

if there are circumstances that if you

want to talk to us. ▼

some way other than the fight ought kit. ▼

[Catalina] I'm sorry .... ▼

I ...

I do not only this way. ▼

(→ Catalina enemy hero) a conversation †

[Hero] Catalina ... ▼

[Catalina] Chris.

I was dreaming ... I. ▼

... I was a short period of time

was really happy dream. ▼

Chris and I ...

like Mars by two people

become a knight Konoe ... ▼

to help various people,

... it will be appreciated a lot

from it, ... ▼ by two people

... ▼ me Chris ...

... I'm sorry

to say that strange.

No way now to go back. ▼

... Let's continue the fight.

Chris. ▼

(→ Catalina enemy hero) 2 conversation †

[Catalina] Chris ...

again, there is no talking.

You and I are enemies ... ▼

fighting please.


I will kill you ... ▼

3 conversation (→ Catalina enemy hero guy) †

[Hero] Catalina!

Please listen to the story. ▼

[Catalina] Chris ...


Why so much ... ▼

... I must defeat

you die, I is not.

Yet why ... ▼

[Hero] Because that fellow. ▼

[Catalina] ...... ▼

[Hero] Do you remember?

Knight training day everyday. ▼

... Cecil and Ryan and Luke and Lodi

fought joined forces with colleagues. ▼

want to observe the like Mars with me ...

so, you told me to me. ▼


[Catalina] Chris is a good name.

Well, it is with us. ▼

My name Katarina me.

I wanted to serve us to Mars and I like

we have been doing here ▼

[Catalina] Was good ...

is the winner of Chris.

I had believed. ▼

[Catalina] I ...

along with Chris if

I want to become a knight Konoe. ▼

joined forces with two of us,

like to help your ... ▼ Mars together

to imagine the future and such

will be a happy feeling. ▼

... that, How is Chris?

Chris and me ... ▼

(End flashback)

[Catalina] That is ... ▼

... That is a lie.

All, ▼ ... to fool you

all acting ... it was a

really ...

I of you ... ▼

[Hero] ▼ If you were ...

(tears of Catalina screen below)


You're not are you crying? ▼

[Catalina] I ... ... ... ▼ [Hero] Catalina.

Where you should have is

not there. ▼

it with me,

I fight like Mars.

Should it so desires, too. ▼

[Catalina] Too late ... is impossible.

I sin not allowed

a number of ... ▼

[Hero] If it were,

should I now Tsugunae a crime. ▼

It is not that easy.

From the organization of you, from Aritia

... ▼ will be seen in the white eyes

But I promise you at the very least.

Even if there is ... ▼ matter what

I, I stand by you. ▼

[Catalina] Chris ... ▼

[Hero] Come back, Catalina. ▼

[Catalina] Ugh ... I ... ...

... ... ▼ Chris

Chris Chris ...... ......! ▼

3 conversation (→ Catalina enemy heroine) †

[Hero] Catalina!

Listening to the story. ▼

[Catalina] Chris ...


Why so much ... ▼

... I must defeat

you die, I is not.

Yet why ... ▼

[Hero] Because you are friend. ▼

[Catalina] ...... ▼

[Hero] Do you remember?

It's day-to-day training ... ▼ knight

Cecil ... Lodi and Ryan and Luke and

that the fighting forces with colleagues. ▼

want to observe the like Mars with me ...

Yes, you told me. ▼


[Catalina] Chris is a good name.

Well, it is with us. ▼

My name is Catalina.

I wanted to serve us to Mars and I like

we have been doing here ▼

[Catalina] Was good ...

is the winner of Chris.

I had believed. ▼

[Catalina] I ...

along with Chris if

I want to become a knight Konoe. ▼

joined forces with two of us,

like to help your ... ▼ Mars together

to imagine the future and such

will be a happy feeling. ▼

... that, How is Chris?

Chris and me ... ▼

(End flashback)

[Catalina] That is ... ▼

... That is a lie.

All, ▼ ... to fool you

all acting ... it was a

really ...

I of you ... ▼

[Hero] ▼ If you were ...

(tears of Catalina screen below)


what are you crying? ▼

[Catalina] I ... ... ... ▼ [Hero] Catalina.

Where you should have

'm not there. ▼

with me,

like to fight for Mars.

Also you should have so desires. ▼

[Catalina] Too late ... is impossible.

I sin not allowed

a number of ... ▼

[Hero] If it were, now

should I not Tsugunae a crime. ▼

That 's not that easy.

From your organization, from Aritia

... ▼ will be seen in white eyes

, but I promise you at the very least.

Even if there is no matter what ... ▼

I, because on your side. ▼

[Catalina] Chris ... ▼

[Hero] Come back, Catalina. ▼

[Catalina] Ugh ... I ... ...

... ... ▼ Chris

Chris Chris ...... ......! ▼

Catalina opener when †

[Catalina] Doll ... I

used to like Jeremiah ... just

not worth living ... ▼

When defeated Catalina †

[Catalina] There Gato ... ...

...... ▼

me with this ...

not hurt anymore ... Chris

... ▼ The corner

... Chris

... I

was good to have met with you ... ▼

... between the training that

I have Chris to

show a happy dream from me ... ▼

Hey, Chris ...

well ... today

... I will start training ▼

You know, like Mars ... and everyone

... wait

... ▼

After clearing  †

Ending (fellow Catalina) †

[Catalina] Mars ... like,

I have sinned is not allowed. ▼

... the punishment, whether

punishment, please.

Please me to execution ... ▼

[Mars] I looked up, Catalina.


going to take the life of You're not. ▼

[Catalina] What ... why?

I have already, life is not regrettable.

Please let me compensated for in my life ... ▼

[Mars] It is not atonement.

You only just want to run away. ▼

[Catalina] ...! ▼

[Mars] If you're really regret that,

I live.

Alive, I want to make amends. ▼

[Catalina] The atonement ... ▼

But, How do I do this?

When You're what I

expiable a crime until now Why? ▼

[Mars] It is, I think of you. ▼

You are up to now,

without thinking anything,

just that they comply with the instruction ▼

But now is different.

That you think yourself,

I give the answer yourself. ▼

it is,

punishment that I give to you. ▼

[Catalina] Like Mars ... ▼

Ending (absence Catalina) †

[Hero] ...... ▼

[Mars] Chris ...

you are in a tough role

I had let. ▼

, the culprit was her that way

I will never forgive.

Let's go, Chris. ▼

Chapter 17 The Setting Sun Of Gra

Narration †

(Map screen below, the castle graphics)

(Cima and Jioru)

we are leaving the Aritia Mars again,

aimed at the king of Akaneia Metropolitan Palace. ▼

on its way, of Akaneia but

there was a kingdom Gras ally. ▼

graphics are complicit in the Empire at the Battle of destination Dorua

Jioru king is killed, the kingdom was destroyed. ▼

at a time, but was annexed to Aritia, ▼

by order of Emperor Hardin, after

that is returned to the Akaneia. ▼

Hardin is the daughter of the king Jioru

attached to the throne princess finds Cima, ▼

is to help ground it. ▼

Cima, the people of the ground

has received enthusiastic support. ▼

For them, what CIMA is

the only hope he was. ▼

Young people are unanimously

soldiers have volunteered. ▼

And, the Aritia nemesis

was delighted with the kick - off, defeat this by hand. ▼

... ▼ dream was broken but

then before the elite of Aritia looming,

energy without any ground troops to fight anymore, ▼

was only just run about trying to escape. ▼

Opening †

Defense of the hero  †

[Jeigan] The tower was originally army,

the general armor and night

as the main been here. ▼

Jioru late king also became the enemy in the war which

was not general. ▼ [Hero] Well,

it is a military defense firm ... ▼

[Jeigan] Not once.

Of ground troops and now hear just recruits.

Is not the enemy of our army Aritia. ▼

Speaking at a solid defense to it, Chris, Sonata ... ▼

(Branch from here)

Part A †

[Jeigan] The height of the defense of the sonata is overwhelming ...

but also about who repel unexpected. ▼

even in the former ground troops,

who keep a tight enough unexpected woven Sonata.

This war, I was already game. ▼

Part B †

[Jeigan] The height of the defense of the Sonata

quite a thing. ▼

the ground right now

to protect their firm folded about Sonata is unexpected.

This war, I was already game. ▼

Part C †

[Jeigan] Sonata in defense ...

I ... do be a little inferior. ▼

transfer has become, to worry.

Chris, the enemy recruits but

not to so as not to alert. ▼

Preparation sortie †

★ ★ ★ for ground troops †

Male hero  †

[Hero] Like Mars, and reports.

The enemy soldiers and Akaneia

mixed army of ground troops ... ▼

mind there is no ground combat troops,

are threatened by soldiers Akaneia

is just like that follow. ▼

[Mars] So, if I beat a soldier Akaneia,

and ground troops is to not fight

live ... ▼ might

want to avoid useless sacrifice as much as possible.

Chris, just say so to everyone. ▼

[Hero] Ha, I know. ▼

Female hero  †

[Hero] Like Mars, and reports.

The enemy soldiers and Akaneia

mixed army of ground troops ... ▼

mind there is no ground combat troops,

are threatened by soldiers Akaneia

is just like that follow. ▼

[Mars] So, if I beat a soldier Akaneia,

and ground troops is to not fight

live ... ▼ might

want to avoid useless sacrifice as much as possible.

Chris, just say so to everyone. ▼

[Hero] Yes, I know. ▼

★ ★ chapter 17 about the current status †

[Jeigan] Aritia recapture plays a homeland,

we are the decisive battle with the enemy Akaneia

had to go. ▼

Akaneia king at the Palace Metropolitan,

defeated the Ganefu who kidnapped the like Ellis, ▼

a positive Hardin

from the domination of the Orb he unleashes the dark. ▼

like Gato is talking about,

like Ganefu including Ellis also

seems to have gathered a noble Sister ... ▼

Its purpose is unknown, but

I must soon rescued. ▼

to go to the Palace, but

became a minion of Akaneia

not I must pass through the kingdom this ground ... ▼

Start fighting †

The End of the ground  †

[samson] Cima princess

Aritia army seems to have come. ▼

[Cima] I see ...

no longer, I'm done. ▼

Samson, to you is

that bothered. ▼

I, of the Kingdom of graphics

I must Mitodoke the end.

You anymore, go me. ▼

[samson] I princess, or it is not good anymore.

You are, forcibly took away the mother

would have hated the king Jioru. ▼

also be forthcoming, to Hardin

for the heck of it, would only have been available. ▼

[Cima] May be so unexpected.

For those who wish to revive the tower of the country

has moved is said to heart. ▼

Hardin is, but us

▼ To use use only

if there are no for

was discarded like garbage. ▼

However, unexpected I go! ▼

for me,

that those who fought me

why or shall be discarded! ! ▼

[samson] I was miserably ... ▼

proud of the military elite Aritia

in just such recruits

are headed and I must ... ▼

Very well Well, if it remains that you

worked until the last show, too.

Well, Let it also Tanoshikaro. ▼

[Cima] Samson ...

why, can you up there. ▼

guys, mercenaries are

only for the money

it would work. ▼

To me, the other

not even he do to you ... ▼ Fri

[samson] I also, I never understand. ▼

a man just ...

so if the dorsal root, when there is a grave.

Now the only thing I can ... I could not say it. ▼

I, of the boy that it

would like to see the first time in battle. ▼

guy, if really true hero if

you also determination. May vary

from the unexpected may not ... ▼

Map  †

A private house †

[Villagers] Hardin, the Kingdom of ground

so as not to betray

Well you did put the soldiers. ▼

have the energy to fight, but there is

not just soldiers Akaneia. ▼

2 houses †

[Villagers] Cima princess, the king Jioru

of children 's second wife. ▼

But those who, unlike the king

's who really friendly. ▼

princess, for the soldier,

last serving of sake seems to risk one's life, too. ▼

somehow, help me

Will not raised. ▼

3 house †

[Villagers] The soldiers, everyone 's amateur. ▼

I mean, knight of this country is

finally getting ▼ To everyone died

protecting a country other thing I

was never. ▼

But now, soldiers of Akaneia

have to own way. ▼

Bunch same as the thief ...

I'm beast! ▼

A village †

[Thomas] Prince Mars,

I've been waiting for you. ▼

I Thomas,

was a soldier of previous Akaneia,

who now is retired from the army. ▼

Akaneia of this land army,

the soldiers do not care Gras fight

You are attempting to sacrifice. ▼

... the brutality of the former homeland

blind eye can not be more than this. ▼

prince, please.

Please let me if I stand together. ▼

2 village †

[Villagers] Ah ... Please forgive me.

Shall give, nothing more

do not have. ▼

[Mars] Oh, do not misunderstand.

We, s not have to steal

I do not. ▼

[Villagers] But, from Aritia

in this country, in order to revenge

will come. ▼

[Mars] I differ, is not going to fight with the ground.

Aritia ground and is, because

brother'm originally from. ▼

[Villagers] Really ...

Well, to you, I

♥ Le gain important thing ... A ▼

Conversation (Cima enemy → Mars)  †

[Mars] It is the princess Cima, was good.

I was safe it later. ▼

I, on the other ground kingdom

there is no hostility. ▼

ground and our country was originally

was one country. ▼

it, in the battle of the previous

supposed to be like that

too, it was painful. ▼

princess Cima, once again

let's try again.

There is no ground and want to fight. ▼

[Cima] Mars ... your prince,

and did not lay a hand to run about trying to escape soldiers

are surprised to know. ▼

You are still, of King Henry

I do be reborn. ▼

I believe you, you. ▼

Gras ... the people of ... whether

as a people Aritia

want to accept. ▼

... to you, all of this country

you entrusted to Prince Mars. ▼

Conversation (Samson enemy forces Cima →) †

[samson] Good for you, I Cima.

I also, in this

heart Tachisareru not occur. ▼

[Cima] Samson ...

what have gone ... ▼

[samson] Another, for I would not have to.

After that, who will protect the Prince. ▼

[Cima: Do not go!

Please do not go ... ▼

[samson] N? What.

Detain me, why?

I do not even like you. ▼

... But All righty.

If you do that I need to

go anywhere unexpected. ▼


I shall protect you.

Still, I was good. ▼

[Cima] Yes ... ▼

Opener when Cima †

[Cima] You bastards ...

How dare you ... my people

die! ▼

Destroy when Cima †

[Cima] Forgive, O People of ground. ▼

Samson first round when †

[samson] My graphics win.

However, the future of defeat is not bad either ... ▼

Destroy when Samson †

[samson] Cima I ... ▼

(When after a conversation with Cima, defeated the ground troops) massacre †

[Cima] Do not ...! ?

The fact that ... ▼ What

I Aritia troops, who believe in you

... to leave all that

unexpected forgive ... the life of my people dare! ▼

[samson] Prince Mars ...

a pity. My apparently

I was a miscalculation. ▼

(the absence of Samson, Samson on the conversation will be removed. is only when Samson Cima in the absence of Cima conversation are eliminated?)

After clearing †

Unnecessary blood †

[Jeigan] Like Mars, a fight like this

to continue is meaningless. ▼

to Hardin,

is the only time to earn. ▼

[Mars] Yeah, I thought so too. ▼

If this still working

also, unnecessary blood

shed that will become. ▼


the hand is whether it would be something? ▼

[Hero] I've been scouting

the enemy army along the highway

appears to have been intensively lineup. ▼

off the highway, through the mountains

towards the destination but how is it? ▼

[Jeigan] Hmm, I see, ... or the Adriatic pass

the steep mountains that but

it is greater than in this great army is dangerous or not? ▼

[Hero] Yes, the enemy has placed the ambush

which may result.

Whether to be a dangerous fight. ▼

But this is also the shortest way.

Even if you can break through here,

you can get to the Palace. ▼

[Mars] Danger is prepared.

We, of Henri steep road that even

I was won. Compared to it ... ▼

Jeigan, Chris.

Surely if we can overcome.

Let's go! ▼

Family-minded priest †

[Frost] Oh ...

Well, as apparently finally catch up. ▼

[Hero] ? Are you? ▼

[Frost] The eagle and say Frost.

Well priest of Macedonia. ▼

like Minerva ruled that Macedonia

was awakened when a revolt in ... ▼ chiefs

will come like Mars, the Republic of Macedonia

would Sharjah saved us.

And family were saved thanks to the eagle. ▼

for gratitude that

overwhelmed Well not this way. ▼

[Hero] I see.

However, the Mars-like Macedonia

it has been released is a long time ago ... ▼

[Frost] Produce. These too early march sonata,

Well why did not quite catch up.

Lose sight of your whereabouts ... ▼ sac in the middle of

the potatoes Aritia recently

heard and was released like Mars,

was finally catch up with this graph. ▼

's body is old, some knowledge of the battle.

I want also added this eagle, or copper. ▼

Chapter 18 Battle Pass

Narration †

(Knights of the wolf)

is Aritia army

in order to avoid unnecessary conflict, ▼

been told it is impossible to cross in the army

decided to breakthrough of the Central Mountain Range. ▼

If Nukere the pass Adria,

there is another city Palace. ▼

Hurry, must not be aware of the enemy!

I run through it once! ! ▼

Mars is a feeling like we pray,

advanced a narrow mountain road. ▼

However, even such a wish in vain, ▼

in the middle of the pass,

they receive an unexpected enemy attack. ▼

had been south to help the Akaneia

Oreruan elite troops of the northern powers, ▼

was "Knights of the wolf". ▼

Opening †

Ground up ...  †

[Mars] Chris crossed it, the pass

untapping to Akaneia.

Just a little more, will hold out. ▼

[Hero] Yes, like Mars. ▼

[Mars] Even so,

recapture their homeland from the path of Henri ... that

... ▼ until now and

was just really rough fight.

Various battles that ... ▼ (branch from here)

Part A †

[Mars] We, the battle only it

was able to survive at all. ▼

If Awasare the power of great friends,

a feat such as Henri

... ▼ can also undergo without

me proud to colleagues. ▼

[Hero] Mars like ...... ▼

Part B †

[Mars] Fatherland Liberation is, thanks to his friends.

That's why, that fellow fallen wounded

can not help but think so. ▼

for them also, want to be more strongly.

Battle of the future,

so you will not have to fall nobody ... ▼

[Hero] Mars like ...... ▼

Part C †

[Mars] That is ..., turn off the body so that

was very painful.

A lot of fellow wounded, was lying ... ▼

If you stronger as Henry I,

if I have fought better,

maybe they did not suffer ... ▼ everyone

now ...

now I'm sure ... ▼

[Hero] Mars like ...... ▼

Preparation sortie †

★ ★ ★ for the Knights of wolf †

[Jeigan] Hardin emperor is

in addition to the army under Akaneia,

Nikki has a formidable army another. ▼

Name is

... Knights Orulean

Seikyo's military dubbed knights and wolves. ▼

[Hero] Knights of wolf ... ▼

[Jeigan] Produce.

Knights of wolf ... is once before the war

was fought as a subordinate of Hardin woven. ▼

at that time was a reliable ally,

Hardin became the enemy over,

will become our enemy of the Knights of wolf also. ▼

They pledge allegiance to Hardin,

Hardin do not mind getting a death if it is for. ▼

loyalty that is Chris,

but more comparable to the sonata. ▼

[Hero] ...! ▼

[Jeigan] When they appeared as the enemy

beware enough, Chris. ▼

★ ★ chapter 18 about the current status †

[Jeigan] Palace aim is more imminent.

By passing through the central mountain range

of useless struggle he lived to a minimum. ▼

Ganefu defeat,

like the sister who was kidnapped Ellis

rescue. ▼

was ruled to orb of darkness and

somehow I must let the Hardin. ▼

Start fighting †

We will not betray you  †

[Roche] Wolf, Zagaro, Biraku.

Really, what good is this ...

Why do I have to fight? ▼

[Wolf] Rochet! What are you talking yet. ▼


Aritia army in a narrow mountain road,

ranks are stretched. ▼

chance to defeat is

only now I do not. ▼

[biraku] Rochet, that 's right

if we're like for Hardin

What should I swore I would die. ▼

us, the people of the prairie

was freed me from slavery is

he like Hardin. ▼

sleep if hit, the army now Aritia

Palace, it can keep. ▼

Hardin is like, the guys

also referred to what had been knocked out, and see which one you like. ▼

[Zagaro] I know! Mars is a prince,

to destroy the Akaneia, the world

he believes in my hands. ▼

This remains, If you leave people alone

the world, leave the thought of the guy

I'm still become. ▼ [Roche] To me, but I do not believe it yet.

Prince Mars, such ambitions

I have not considered. ▼ [Wolf] Well, you're like Hardin is

why they say that a lie! ▼

that she should, your hands dirty such

use, or think! ! ▼

Enough, Rochet! !

Lose respect for you.

White to love if we want to betray the us. ▼

Zagaro, Biraku, Let's go

If you have to lose,

too much as guys. ▼

[Rochet Oh, Wait!

You guys, do not betray.

Here we go ... I was also found. ▼

Knights of wolf!  †

[Mars] Hardin confidant of

the Knights of Orulean!

Why must fight ... ▼

[Jeigan] Prince, please wait.

Right now, from the messenger of the king Oreruan

news has entered. ▼

I fight to the king ... ▼ Oreruan is not

there with Prince in the village of (screen scroll down)

that would like to discuss. ▼

[Mars] What? Would you mean?

Knights of the wolf in the instruction of Oreruan

Is not it running? ▼

[Jeigan] Depending on the discussion ... is, I do not know

that the Knights to retreat wolf

may be able to do. ▼

[Mars] Was found. A useless battle

that is the best if avoided.

Let's hurry to the village! ▼

Map †

Village †

[King Orulean] Oh, this is Mars prince

was good to meet you. ▼

[Mars] It is the king Oreruan.

In a place like this Why? ▼

[King Oreruan] I came to stop the army of our country.

Prince also

must apologize. ▼

eagle, believe the words of Hardin,

but according to Akaneia it,

it seems to have been a mistake. ▼

our country has

decided to remain neutral.

Oreruan also attributable to the Knights. ▼

[Mars] Okay, Oreruan king.

I'm also more than this

I do not want to fight with you guys. ▼

the lives of many knights

that took

please forgive me, if. ▼

[King Oreruan] Oh! You are still

rumors as they found. ▼

eagle on the body is weak, unexpected woven children.

Hardin also asked of his brother and

became a thing like this. ▼

I Prince Mars, on behalf of the exchanged if,

I want you to observe the Oreruan.

I want all entrusted to the prince. ▼

as a sign that, to you

I shall a Jewel. ▼

[Mars] Oreruan king,

Hardin is ... ▼

[King Oreruan] Great brother

Nasaru not care. ▼

knight or more were born to

die in the battle is unavoidable

but it was the fate of his brother ... ▼

Opener when Wolf †

[Wolf] Length of cavalry Oreruan


I got that neck! ▼

Destroy when Wolf †

[Wolf] Hardin like ... ▼

Opener when Zagaro †

[Zagaro] You bastards ...

why invade other countries?

I was obsessed with ambition! ▼

Destroy when Zagaro †

[Zagaro] Hardin like ... ▼

Opener when Biraku †

[biraku] As long as we have

in the Palace, will not let you go.

If you do not want to go back to the country to die! ▼

Destroy when Biraku †

[biraku] Hardin like ... ▼

Opener when Rochet †

[Roche] Rochet's Oreruan of cavalry.

Although I do not want to fight, do not betray fellow.

Forgive me ... ▼

Destroy when Rochet †

[Roche] Hardin like ... ▼

After clearing †

To Palace   †

Male hero  †

[Mars] Chris,

I pass is apparently beyond.

Palace will soon. ▼

thanks to you.

To help you do it you've been. ▼

[Hero] However, such.

I own to ignorance,

we only talk about my opinion. ▼

[Mars] It 's enough. ▼

When you are lost in the mind, you have

confidence and not me.

I appreciate it than anything else. ▼

[Jeigan] Prince, now is the information entered,

at the Palace

seems coup. ▼

the way of the Emperor Hardin

knights and citizens was repulsed

or was revolt. ▼

[Mars] What!

So, what happened to it. ▼

[Jeigan] Unfortunately

they are defeated

or caught ... ▼

many people every day

seems to have been executed. ▼

[Mars] Shit, Hardin ...

and do up there. ▼

All right, to the Palace at once

put the game running down.

Chris, Here we go! ! ▼

[Hero] Ha! ▼

Female hero  †

[Mars] Chris,

I pass is apparently beyond.

Palace will soon. ▼

thanks to you.

To help you do it you've been. ▼

[Hero] However, such.

Mars is like your decision is.

I was simply to mouth the idea. ▼

[Mars] It 's enough. ▼

When you are lost in the mind, you have

confidence and not me.

I appreciate it than anything else. ▼

[Jeigan] Prince, now is the information entered,

at the Palace

seems coup. ▼

the way of the Emperor Hardin

knights and citizens was repulsed

or was revolt. ▼

[Mars] What!

So, what happened to it. ▼

[Jeigan] Unfortunately

they are defeated

or caught ... ▼

many people every day

seems to have been executed. ▼

[Mars] Shit, Hardin ...

and do up there. ▼

All right, to the Palace at once

put the game running down.

Chris, Here we go! ! ▼

[Hero] Yes! ▼

Chapter 19 Last Deceisive Battle

Narration †

(City Palace)

empire for three years, ... ▼ two months

Palace holy city of Akaneia is,

there was a quiet time in the marvelously. ▼

▼ Akaneia is by civil war

, beginning with Holy Knight Medea

many talented knight was captured. ▼

, however, to Aritia still

have a force multiplying, ▼

the city Palace

is not to fill it. ▼

from the expedition of Gurunia,

▼ already nearly a year of time has passed

, and finally multiplied by the fate of the two countries

last fight was about to begin. ▼

Preparation sortie †

★ ★ ★ for the remnants of the Knights of Wolf †

[Jeigan] Chris,

about the Knights recently withdrew wolf

has entered a new report. ▼

That part of those who,

so I joined the army Akaneia. ▼

Wolf ... Wolf length of the Knights

of the enemy forces also folded into that man. ▼

[Hero] So, to fight again ...? ▼

[Jeigan] Produce. It will be nice if you could convince ...

that means knowing at present, the

unexpected may be forced to fight unexpected. ▼

that those who are strong.

I Chris, he careful enough. ▼

★ ★ chapter 19 about the current status †

[Jeigan] We are for the Metropolitan Palace Akaneia king,

was advancing to the source of three purposes. ▼

save orb of darkness from Hardin.

Save the sister was kidnapped.

And defeat the dark priest Ganefu. ▼

recently, in the Palace there was a revolt.

Hardin was in opposition to the way

the knights and citizens stood up ... ▼ or

they are defeated, however,

by Hardin

that have been executed. ▼

Hardin is really

So he has changed ... ▼

like Mars that want to save Hardin

... but came up here with the thought

... ▼ unexpected may have been too late, no longer

or no matter how that person forgive the Hardin ,

is what they want to survive from the orb of darkness

... ▼ or no matter how

innocent Hardin

took the lives of many people is

he a hard fact. ▼

I think the time he was a comrade of us

do not cut unexpected ... ▼

Start fighting †

The whole army Akaneia  †

Male hero  †

[Mars] As expected, Akaneia

What a strength it.

This is not carelessly away. ▼

[Hero] Hardin emperor is in this fight

the whole army of Akaneia

seem to be gathered. ▼

[Jeigan] However, the hearts of the people are now

leaving the Hardin

has welcomed us as a liberation army. ▼

it is, more than anything

would be encouraging. ▼

Anyway, it is the final battle.

It may be prolonged a little

carefully, please recommend. ▼

[Mars] Chris,

the king of the enemy army troops Akaneia capital.

Continent's largest armies strongest and famous. ▼

However, I know.

The strength of Chris.

The power of you will not lose anyone. ▼

[Hero] Ha!

Please leave! ▼

[Mars] Let's go, guys! ▼

Female hero  †

[Mars] As expected, Akaneia

What a strength it.

This is not carelessly away. ▼

[Hero] Hardin is in this fight

the whole army of Akaneia

seem to be gathered. ▼

[Jeigan] However, the hearts of the people are now

leaving the Hardin

has welcomed us as a liberation army. ▼

it is, more than anything

would be encouraging. ▼

Anyway, it is the final battle.

It may be prolonged a little

carefully, please recommend. ▼

[Mars] Chris,

the king of the enemy army troops Akaneia capital.

Continent's largest armies strongest and famous. ▼

However, I'm not scared and wonder.

Do not worry, if you have Crelle Chris, you are

so believable. ▼

Let's go, guys! ▼

Map  †

A private house †

[Villagers] Hardin was like a very gentle way.

It, fearful of a sudden

... ▼ If the devil have I been

Yeah ...

if you talk like

me also, I'll turn killed. ▼

2 houses †

[Villagers] Medea like a knight of St.

Akaneia be proud of. ▼

That way, once Akaneia of

commander in chief was

the daughter of Earl'm Owen. ▼

time of the revolt, and we

have to suffer Mikane

me up. ▼

Hey you're

a Medea-like somehow

it helped me. ▼

3 house †

[Villagers] Hardin was signed with our like Nina,

I thought I would finally world peace

that I can not believe this. ▼

Oh, God ...

we are on earth

do I do? ... ▼

4 house †

[Villagers] Medea is like, Well I'm sorry. ▼

Stop the knight, and Astoria

We just had together

also, necessarily been torn song. ▼

yet, there's about a young girl

by that cruel Well. Of us, you're

not Shiteyare sac or something ... ▼

5 house †

[Villagers] It was also changed Chima~tsu Akaneia army.

Soldiers are

just bloodthirsty rogue. ▼

in this country, hell

they probably happened. ▼

6 house †

[Villagers] Oh, Well that deplorable. ▼

the Emperor Hardin

is wicked

... ▼ everyone was killed

the Emperor is obsessed devil

's Nikki it ... ▼

[When] the survival Rocher village †

[Roche] Prince Mars

is the Knights Oreruan Rochet. ▼

The forgiveness of the king Oreruan picture

I was looking forward to Prince. ▼

in the battle of the pass is, really

I am sorry. ▼

to say that an apology is rude,

joined the allied forces battle it out too. ▼

other wolf just ... Knights

have all sided with the military Akaneia.

Persuasion will not understand. ▼

at least, can have ... if Crelle Biraku

if Biraku, the story of my

might will listen. ▼

[Roche] village at the time of death †

[Villagers] Rochet like the Knights of the wolf,

the fight against Aritia of you

had been much opposition. ▼

But, like Roche is ...

... and fight in the battle of who you pass

it it has been killed. ▼

is not a grudge against you.

Why a war because it is ... ▼

Please, please bring it.

Crelle if this war ends soon ...

We are the only hope so. ▼

Committed a prohibited even if it (visit the village, defeat bandits) †

[biraku] Still

I like to attack the Palace of Hardin,

Aritia army. ▼

from the king were forbidden Tedashi ...

if like Hardin but to protect

us will fight even if it committed a prohibited! ▼

Conversation (Rochet → Biraku enemy forces) †

[Roche] Biraku! Why here.

From the king, this war

would have been useless Tedashi said. ▼

like me,

to join the army I Aritia

what made ​​me? ▼

[biraku] Rochet, I

've come to bring back with you. ▼

to something Aritia why

I side with?

I would like their subordinates Hardin. ▼

wake up,

you just have not been deceived. ▼

[Roche] Biraku, it is different. ▼

forces Aritia I

joined not long,

but it may be found at. ▼

they like such as Hardin says

not a villain. ▼ [biraku] Rochet ... ▼

[Roche] Biraku, ask.

And I do not want to fight you guys.

Biraku, especially with you ... ▼

[biraku] ............ ▼

Hey, Rocher ...

You are in my brothers

It was your most friendly guy. ▼

Only because you're friendly,

had a mind of others discern good from evil. ▼

Rochet, and you are not fight Even me.

If you say so brothers,

I want to believe you. ▼


I'm you allies,

not in the future. ▼

[Roche] Biraku ...! ▼

Conversation (Zagaro enemy forces Biraku →) †


Zagaro, wait for me.

It is me, I Biraku. ▼

[Zagaro] What do you mean Biraku,

No way to force you to Aritia? ▼

[biraku] Listen to me, Zagaro.

I ... I do not know.

What to do yourself. ▼

I like that Hardin

was a favorite.

For those who fight that was desired. ▼

I ...

That person is, has changed.

Almost like a different person ... ▼

[Zagaro] ...... ▼

[biraku] I much, forever

like I wanted to be a subordinate of Hardin.

So, has been turning a blind eye. ▼

, the like of old Hardin

liked the way that we're

trying to remember that. ▼

But, I would have noticed that every time.

Hardin is like now,

... ▼ had been changed or how

to I no longer know.

Zagaro Nice ...

I will do I do? ▼

[Zagaro] Biraku ... ▼

Oh, well ... I was the same.

While aware of the mental derangement of like Hardin,

eyes still turned away, we have been deaf. ▼


... give back to the old way that

has been so to myself. ▼

[biraku] Roche went to Aritia army.

I will not fight with him. ▼

Zagaro, came, too.

What what is right, I do not know to.

But I do not want to fight with you. ▼

[Zagaro] Was found ... ▼

like knowing the mental derangement of Hardin,

I could not do anything.

Shall make an atonement. ▼

Conversation (Wolf enemy forces Zagaro →) †

[Zagaro] Wolf! Wait! ▼

[Wolf] Zagaro! Bloody hell!

Hardin or betrayed like to Kisama! ▼

[Zagaro] Not it!

Only because I think like Hardin! ▼

like Hardin's funny now,

it should know that too! ▼

[Wolf] Kamawanu still!

I like to die with Hardin!

So he swore! ▼

and we will betray you,

and I will become an example to people,

do not forsake the One who is that! ▼

[Zagaro] It is in your heart like Hardin

disobey or even if it means? ▼

[Wolf] Anything! ? ▼

[Zagaro] Wolf Sun, you became the head of the Knights of wolf

Hardin told you about words like,

Do you remember? ▼

[Wolf] ...! ▼

[Zagaro] If the wrong road when I can,

correct me ... in the hands of you

that's how I was told so. ▼ [Wolf] Should not forget.

Roh 's ... ▼ words of like Hardin

, however, say what now, that it was time ...

like ... a Hardin that

their song and I must ... ▼

[Zagaro] We'll have pledged allegiance

to that day like Hardin of

good if you remember. ▼

No matter how hard ... even if

there is only one answer. ▼

until now did not want to admit too.

But ... ▼

[Wolf] Do not say another, Zagaro! ▼

... bloody hell

this life, in the Adriatic pass that

those who had died ... ▼ was easy

I length of the Knights of wolves.

Hardin is received from our life ...

must be fulfilled. ▼

For example, the Hardin like

that no matter how avenge ... ▼

Opener when Biraku †

[biraku] As long as we have

in the Palace, will not let you go.

If you do not want to go back to the country to die! ▼

Destroy when Biraku †

[biraku] Hardin like ... ▼

Opener when Zagaro †

[Zagaro] You bastards ...

why invade other countries?

I was obsessed with ambition! ▼

Destroy when Zagaro †

[Zagaro] Hardin like ... ▼

Opener when Wolf †

[Wolf] Length of cavalry Oreruan


I got that neck! ▼

Destroy when Wolf †

[Wolf] Hardin like ... ▼

Opener when Nehring †

[Nehring] Bollocks ... Damn.

Our Akaneia and is defeated.

However, as long as this eagle

to let me put the castle unexpected! ▼

Destroy when Nehring †

[Nehring] Ten thousand years ... ugh emperor ▼

After clearing †

And Nina Hardin †

[Mars] Priest bore! ?

Been a terrible injury ...

did you do on earth. ▼

[bore] At all ... Well, that's terrible ...

Akaneia royal family is

cursed Nikki perhaps unexpected. ▼

Two years ago ...

our wedding is public and Nina Hardin

I know it was done. ▼

Akaneia in order to rebuild the country

had to greet the king. ▼

opponent worthy of it is ... two people

and the public Hardin brother the king of Oreruan

Prince Mars of Aritia ... ▼

princess, and want to wait a little more

was said, I

and to ask and absolutely, ▼

Prince Mars, the Princess Cedar is

sad After all, it is said, no good from

Hardin was decided to publicly ... ▼

[Mars] Please wait.

Akaneia is and does not require a king

had been, you know. ▼

However, like Nina ... ▼

[bore] Knights of the Gurunia that builders or Camus.

It is not necessary to say that it is but

... I allowed that unexpected. ▼

it with me, but was hard

for the country was not unavoidable. ▼

However, the public was pleased Hardin. ▼

than such as the throne of Akaneia,

was chosen to be like Nina,

I was happy as Yohodo. ▼

[Mars] I also

was the heart of Hardin knew. ▼

He, like if it is for Nina

also spare no life. ▼

[bore] However, the public Hardin is

like the heart of Nina immediately

noticed not to yourself. ▼

And he suffered ...

holed up in the room, tilt the liquor

was no longer meet with anyone. ▼

a chance with that, of the heart

that he appeared Ganefu. ▼

Duke was in despair is immediately

to mind is dominated by the orb of darkness, ▼

Since that day,

he was put away people change. ▼

eagle, so I think the country

has committed a ridiculous mistake.

Forgive me, sir Mars ... ▼

[Mars] Why there was such a thing.

Nina is ... like, so

how on earth would it have been. ▼

[bore] Hardin is public,

in the like Nina Ganefu

he had passed. ▼

Ganefu, the resurrection of the Dark Dragon

, but I need a Sister of noble blood

and had to say ... ▼

Hall of Mars, I have so long is unexpected.

Tron and Riburo my

sonata et al, will Takuso. ▼

counting on us to deliver us, and like Nina. ▼

Akaneia such as,

... ▼ Kamawanu even more destruction

like Nina but

he wants us there is safe ... ▼

*Sigh* Also, the characters names will have to be translated correctly. Cedar for Shiida's name. WTF. Man this project needs work. .___. But Chapters 14-19 are now put up.

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Chapter 14 The Mystery Was Revealed

Narration †

From Cheney

revelation is brought ▼

shocked to Mars. ▼

Tiki God was born as the daughter of the Dragon King Naga, ▼

by the will of the king

went to sleep in this temple. ▼

It is feared the power of the Tiki

God says of the Dragon King, and was the least of parental feeling. ▼

and wake up with hidden Chitty terrible force,

would be one of the world ... ▼ Metz

Ryuo God is so I thought. ▼

However, I was the king Banuto~u, ▼

watching the acquaintance

of the information is transferred to spend a few hundred years, ▼


had and take it away. ▼

to Tiki, has been living as a human being so

... ▼ says he has only memories of 10 years

"The poor, Tiki ..." ▼

Mars is, the thought comes to words

could not also be copper. ▼

Preparation sortie †

For the provisions of Artemis ★ ★ †

[Jeigan] Chris,

it is before your eyes ice dragon 's temple. ▼

Aritia Henry is the founder of

Artemis for love,

got the votive sword falchion here. ▼

and sneak a Mediusu,

it is desirable to the people of Aritia,

and if he was the first king. ▼

Rutemisu But Henry ... and

love one each other but

that was not tied ... ▼

[Hero] Why is that? ▼

[Jeigan] Akaneia nobles are

like that Henri is a commoner, a king of their own

did not want to be. ▼

than that, who led the Liberation Army fought,

, the wedding of the Earl of Cultus and

he was strongly recommended to the princess. ▼

Princess Artemis, it

could not refuse. ▼

"A person who exercises a flame emblem of

 the royal family ▼ Beshi Ru Bong gain, all of them "

it is transmitted to the royal family Akaneia

but change, a law he. ▼

princess, the king Henry without saying anything,

the wedding of the Earl of Cultus and

was accepted. ▼

[Hero] Such ...

So Henry is king ... ▼

[Jeigan] It is pitiful, princess and the same.

Then, provided the prince

likely died immediately. ▼

king Henry, his life

was not to welcome the wife. ▼

Aritia kingdom, the king ... Maruseresu brother

to your grandfather playing the prince Mars In other words

he was taken over. ▼

[Hero] It is a sad story ... ▼

[Jeigan] It is the provisions of Artemis.

, The surrounding Fire Emblem,

a sad fate he ... ▼

★ ★ chapter 14 about the current status †

[Jeigan] Asked the Orb of light,

... but on the way Henry has steep

we had finally arrived to the temple dragon ice. ▼

like Gato is here

supposed to be awaiting the arrival of the Mars-like. ▼

with a shield of sealed dragon earth orb of five but

with the lack of even one

sealed, and they are violated ▼ ...

builders Wendell This would stop

, to destroy the world is lost orb

not there is a story No wonder that. ▼

Start fighting †

Can you hear?  †

[Gato] I Prince Mars, do you copy?

I come to the center of the room.

Eagles waiting in the fold there. ▼

(When Mars reaches to the middle room light) †

※ If you have collected all the fragments of the star 12

[Gato] Prince Mars I

came up here often, respectively!

As expected, the hero who draw the blood of Henri. ▼

answer to that courage

orb of light will Takuso Sonata. ▼

orb of darkness will lose power if they have this.

Hardin also defeat

is not impossible. ▼

with it, a piece of star

... ▼ but with

what? ?

All the fragments of the star

and collect me! ▼

Thankfully, this

orb of stars, revives. ▼

▼ I wait a little ...

I Mars.

This is, Ja orb of stars.

This also will Azukeyo to Sonata. ▼ [Mars] What?

Like Gato, important things like this

to me, why? ▼

[Gato] You can complete the shield of the seal is

broken only ... unexpected Sonata

shield, Ja chose the Sonata. ▼

[Mars] ? ▼

[Gato] Yet, or knowing.

Sonata in a covered garage with

its heraldic shield, the shield of the seal was robbed ... ▼

Akaneia emblem of the flame of

a Fire Emblem: Well I,. ▼

[Mars] ! !

Fire Emblem is this

... ▼ shield sealed

in, like Gato ...

If you put all the Orb of one to five hand is my

shield of the seal it is to be completed. ▼

[Gato] Presence or absence ... potatoes

have been broken shield

600 ... ▼ years already

in the basement of Macedonia

Earth Dragon was sealed, but

I was about to wake up. ▼

evil dragon land that

the number of several hundred thousands ... no

trying to Awake. ▼

even Chiqui, will Takuso to Sonata.

If you go to the room on the right meet.

Will also fight if that girl with the dragon land. ▼

, however, tell you.

The Values ​​that are completed sealed shield of

I and I must perish by Chiqui. ▼

[Mars] Oh! ?

Why it is ... ▼

[Gato] That child is

still growing from unexpected woven cut

degeneration begins if there is no shield of the seal. ▼

eventually, become a beast

will attack the person. ▼

eagle is so

poor and it is but I

decided to put off the acquaintance. ▼

But if the seal is complete shield

no longer worry about that.

He shield will protect the acquaintance. ▼

I Mars, Chiqui ask.

From ruin, that girl

Give 'em a rescue. ▼

※ got the orb of the stars.

※ got the orb of light.

Opener when Chiqui †

[Chitty] For example ...?

Who is ... Who is it ...? ▼

Defeat Tiki when †

[Chitty] Of Mars ... ...

... some tail chan ... ▼

Conversation (Chitty enemy → Mars) †

[Mars] Tiki! ?

You okay ... ▼

[Chitty] Of Mars ... ▼ ... Hmm ...

... ▼ brother

Oh, brother! !

Did you came!

I came to see Chitty! ! ▼

[Mars] Yeah, Tiki.

Long time no see, do you have you been. ▼

[Chitty] Uh-uh ... not healthy.

In addition, it is like a priest

I have to say Even bad sleeps. ▼

But I hate ... again.

I mean, long way

I've been sleeping alone. ▼

scary I had a dream, many times.

That, poor

as ice dragon and fire dragon, ▼

I am,

I become the beast. ▼

Then, hit the man

it kills. ▼

ー... yell ... stop in the Year,

wake. But,

in the dark alone in the room ... ▼

me, I cried many times. ▼

Ojichama of Banuto~u is

that every time, and I

comfort me. ▼

, and one day

take me out

it took me to the village of humans. ▼

life of the village, I had a great time

... all very nice to me

really, I was happy. ▼

... No, my other sleeping

anymore now, when you close your eyes

do not feel like waking up to. ▼

I hate it that.

I want to live with everyone.

I do not want to sleep. ▼

[Mars] Chiqui, but right now.

I have, I'll protect you.

So do not cry anymore ... ▼

[Chitty] Really? ...

another, a nightmare I

do not have to look at No! ? ▼

[Mars] Oh, yeah! ▼

Tiki is, complete the shield if you ask

me live with us. ▼

I want it with you believe me! ▼

[Chitty] Yes! , Happy! !

Thank you, brother! ▼

After clearing †

Shadow of Satan  †

[Gato] I see ...

Chiqui, or was so pleased.

Sazoya, probably painful. ▼

to protect the child and say that

was a poor thing.

I grated a grudge against you ... ▼ eagle

Mars we may have another go.

You guys, in the art of eagles

to Aritia, I'll send it. ▼

[Mars] Gato like, come together

Why do not Kudasara. ▼

[Gato] Presence or absence ...

eagle, less sophisticated

may be I must investigate. ▼

Ganefu is, Ja it in motion. ▼

[Mars] Ganefu! ? ...

He, who should be dead in the demo. ▼

[Gato] Indeed, the body was destroyed. ▼

However, the soul of the orb of darkness He

is captured and turned evil and hatred

that continues to live. ▼

and was a former subordinate

▼ revived the evil priests

that no good

seems to be plotting Nikki. ▼

[Mars] Is that so ...

like Gato was found

in, we just go. ▼

[Gato] If you know the presence or absence ... something

from going after the eagle. ▼

Mars I ask, all

at the hands of the sonata Nikki. ▼

Dragons and the human race

and saved us from the path of ruin. ▼

(There is no conversation on the gateau from the time of the absence of "~ good I Mars, but another go" is Chiqui)

Chiqui dressed  †

Male hero  †

[Hero] I finally ... Aritia.

Home was occupied by the Akaneia,

always show the recapture ... ▼

[Cheney] Hmm, I'm a serious guy. ▼

Hey, Chris.

Even not Konoe Knights of Mars? ▼

[Hero] Yes.

I like to observe the Mars

mission is part of me. ▼

[Cheney] Hmm.

If you really care to protect him, but

wants to do'll strongly equivalent. ▼

Hey, from now

how to become more strongly,

you do not want to know? ▼

[Hero] What?

Is there a way like that? ▼

[Cheney] Oh, wait a minute. ▼

(Turns into Chitty)

[Chitty] Does jar.


is that of Chitty Did you know?

Tiki is so even with a small

fight it, in fact

I'll owe this hairstyle and hair ornaments. ▼

[Hero] Oh! ? ▼

What was it! ? ▼

[Chitty] Oh,

if you imitate the hairstyle you this,

does not fall far from become very strong. ▼

wearing this hair ornaments,

hair was like I try to Chiqui. ▼

by the power of the legendary That way

you are going from strength to strength more!

'll ... Might be. ▼

to do?

Or try? ▼

Female hero  †

[Hero] Aritia ... finally.

Home was occupied by the Akaneia,

always get back ... ▼

[Cheney] Hmm, I'm a serious guy. ▼

Hey, Chris.

Even not Konoe Knights of Mars? ▼

[Hero] Yes.

I like to observe the Mars

mission is me. ▼

[Cheney] Hmm.

If you really care to protect him, but

wants to do'll strongly equivalent. ▼

Hey, from now

how to become more strongly,

you do not want to know? ▼

[Hero] What?

Is there a way like that? ▼

[Cheney] Oh, wait a minute. ▼

(Turns into Chitty)

[Chitty] Does jar.


is that of Chitty Did you know?

Tiki is so even with a small

fight it, in fact

I'll owe this hairstyle and hair ornaments. ▼

[Hero] Oh! ? ▼

What was it! ? ▼

[Chitty] Oh,

if you imitate the hairstyle you this,

does not fall far from become very strong. ▼

wearing this hair ornaments,

hair was like I try to Chiqui. ▼

by the power of the legendary That way

you are going from strength to strength more!

'll ... Might be. ▼

to do?

Or try? ▼

«Branching choices - Yes»

[Hero] Yes. The spear. ▼

[Chitty] Well, I'll do to you.

I'll also change the hair properly. ▼

[Hero] Thank you, sir Cheney! ▼

[Chitty] I doubt it ...... not at all.

I mean something that an honest man ... ▼

[Hero] Cheney Hall? What? ▼

[Cheney] Ah, nothing unwillingly.

Do not jar, the appearance of new Chris

'll looking forward to! ▼

«Branching choices - No»

[Hero] No, thank you.

Only by the power of your own

like I want to protect Mars. ▼

[Chitty] Hmm, or along.

Na boring. ▼

[Hero] What?

, And is boring? ▼

[Chitty] Ah, nothing unwillingly.

I jar! ▼

Chapter 15 The Return of the Prince

Narration †

Large stretch in the warp of gateau

Mars that has spread to the suburbs we are Aritia, ▼

homeland finally began to open battle. ▼

Akaneia but military

commander General Abel, ▼

ordered the assault to the Knights of ground,

and run out the clock at the same time ▼

itself is amazing

to prepare the means despicable, ▼

defeated St., once the army Aritia

awaits had. ▼

to before the old homeland,

our battle begins again Mars. ▼

"case-ku, Henri recapture the king!

 's we take it back, the homeland! "▼

Aritia crystal-clear sky,

echoing the voice of Prince Mars. ▼

his journey full of hardship, finally

was going to try to reach one goal. ▼

Opening †

«Select" Yes "in the previous section» ... If you Chiqui dressed †

[Hero] Like Mars, is your time of war council. ▼

[Mars] Chris, eh ... is there? ▼

Su hairstyle has? ▼

[Hero] Cheney gave to the buttocks. ▼

is seems to become stronger than hair ornaments. ▼

I did not do and not change the hairstyle,

If you become stronger at this ... ▼

[Mars] Yappari ... or the work of Cheney.

Thing not in trouble ... ▼

Preparation sortie †

★ ★ ★ For Abel †

Male hero  †

[Mars] What did you say!

Abel to the enemy side ...! ? ▼

[Jeigan] Unfortunately ... crawling,

like the fact there is no mistake. ▼

[Hero] Like Mars, like Jeigan,

Why was do? ▼

[Mars] Chris.

Abel also that you

let us talk. ▼

Abel comes before you,

had been active along with the Cain

's Aritia knight. ▼

quit now a knight,

in Aritia along with the est

I've been living ... ▼

[Jeigan] Aritia occupy the

enemy's army Akaneia in it ...

that is Abel joined. ▼

[Hero] !

In other words, went to the enemy side? ▼

[Jeigan] Seems like it.

However, could not be ...

We believe the incredible. ▼

[Hero] Jeigan like.

Abel Hall and I

met there is no ... ▼

serve to Mars like

the person was a knight Aritia,

and betray their homeland without any reason I do not think. ▼

circumstances there should be something. ▼

[Jeigan] Well, certainly ...

Abel otherwise

would not have to betray like Mars. ▼ [Mars] I think so too.

Jeigan, Chris,

I'll try to talk to my Abel. ▼

If you go, you know,

Abel is sure

to tell us about why it should. ▼

Female hero  †

[Mars] What did you say!

Abel to the enemy side ...! ? ▼

[Jeigan] Unfortunately ... crawling,

like the fact there is no mistake. ▼

[Hero] Like Mars, like Jeigan,

Why was do? ▼

[Mars] Chris.

Abel also that you

let us talk. ▼

Abel comes before you,

had been active along with the Cain

's Aritia knight. ▼

quit now a knight,

in Aritia along with the est

I've been living ... ▼

[Jeigan] Aritia occupy the

enemy's army Akaneia in it ...

that is Abel joined. ▼

[Hero] !

In other words, went to the enemy side? ▼

[Jeigan] Seems like it.

However, could not be ...

We believe the incredible. ▼

[Hero] Jeigan like.

Abel Hall and I

met there is no ... ▼

serve to Mars like

the person was a knight Aritia,

and betray their homeland without any reason I do not think. ▼

circumstances there should be something. ▼

[Jeigan] Well, certainly ...

Abel otherwise

would not have to betray like Mars. ▼

[Mars] I think so too.

Jeigan, Chris,

I'll try to talk to my Abel. ▼

If you go, you know,

Abel is sure

to tell us about why it should. ▼

★ ★ chapter 15 about the current status †

[Jeigan] It was painful way,

we crossed the road of Henri. ▼

like at the Temple of Mars ice dragon

endowed like the Orb of light from Gato. ▼

with the Hardin in this

that can be asserted against the orb of darkness.

Now is when I play a recapture their homeland. ▼

Start fighting †

I'm sorry, Abel  †

(In prison)

[Est] I'm sorry, Abel ...

because of me ... ▼

To betray ... if  †

(Before gate)

[soldier] Generals, whereabouts were unknown long

is the remnants of the Aritia

we have been back. ▼

[Abel] I see, Fufu ...

it is pretty convenient.

Give 'em kick it at once retracted. ▼

[soldier] Okay, but

let's that person will do. ▼

[Abel] Abel or Holy Knight. ▼

If you so betray us

do not mind!

Kill the daughter of the hostages! ! ▼

it with the guy, only once was leaving the army

too late, the prince

I may pledge allegiance every. ▼

guys ... Hehe, turn to the enemy Abel

fight ... or if

this is, but put on a show ... ▼

Myself credit  †

(Starting position)

[TMS] Prince Mars,

I've been waiting for you.

Not being made ​​in your return. ▼

[Mars] ! Are you Tom! ▼

is Akaneia generals

to my original ... why you? ▼

[TMS] Eagle is no longer discard the future,

the emperor Hardin

left the original body. ▼

Akaneia now there is no justice.

Justice is in your Settlement Aritia et al.

Therefore we were here. ▼

[Mars] What was so.

Tom Hall is also with us in

fighting it is you would like? ▼

[TMS] Indeed.

Credit of myself is,

I'll show in this fight. ▼

Map  †

Village †

[Villagers] The Prince was well Please come.

To you, I wanted to give you this,

I was waiting for. ▼

However, and this village, the village next door relationship is bad,

you know here that the prince came to

the neighboring village was shut the gate. ▼

There is no having to worry about.

From such neighboring village, the village is this

a good thing because you can pick it up. ▼

 ※ village on the right: got a trickle of power

 got the shield of the dragon: the village of left ※.

A private house †

[Villagers] To the fort, the enemy is a lot

like hiding Well.

You let your guard down is, each grave. ▼

2 houses †

[Villagers] Well, you guys ...

heck, it was where to go. ▼

much, did not know the whereabouts

everyone, so

I've been worried. ▼

3 house †

[Villagers] Gras is Aritia kingdom

's I have to compete. ▼

The truth is to Akaneia allies

's not only been to match up

or do not. ▼

4 house †

[Villagers] Like Ellis, after the castle fell

to the priest forcibly eerie black robe

... ▼ I was taken to somewhere

... Oh Princess ... Ellis

whether, please be safe ... ▼

5 house †

[Villagers] Was occupied by troops from the Empire

was a terrible day. ▼

But, we had believed.

Mars is like

always and please come back. ▼

from this suffering, and we

... ▼ and save us

because, like our Mars

... warrior of light was elected to the God

thing I load a star! ▼

6 house †

[Villagers] In this area

I have a spy of the enemy. ▼

Do not careful!

I have guys come out from the fort. ▼

7 house †

[Villagers] Hired troops are defending the castle is

the complete set of stamps Akaneia elite. ▼

It is too good to put the enemy

I wish to stand by me. ▼

Opener when Abel †

[Abel] Prince ... Please forgive me ...

I ... the est

do not want to lose ... ▼

Destroy when Abel †

[Abel] Est ... ▼

Conversation (Abel enemy → Mars) †

[Mars] Abel! ?

Why are you ... ▼

Kimi, I betraying the country

to me, I can not believe it! ! ▼

[Abel] Like Mars ... ▼

Please forgive me ...

that requests, trapped

... have to fight to be killed. ▼

... However, I met a prince ... or more

... not fight anymore ... impossible. ▼

est ... sorry.

Forgive me! ! ▼

Conversation (→ Abel est enemy forces) †

[Est] Abel ...

I'm sorry.

Would have been painful. ▼

[Abel] Est! !

Was good, what was safe. ▼

[Est] Yeah, like that Mars

did help me. ▼

another, So It's OK.

I am, It's okay. ▼

[Abel] Shit guys ... ... and I see Akaneia

But I like what Mars

or do I apologize ... ▼

[Est] Everyone ... I'm sorry

it my fault. ▼

[Abel] No, Est!

Something not because of you! ! ▼

... guys ... do not allow

until now, resentment

'll let him know! ! ▼

Opener when Abel †

[Abel] Shit!

And defeat a large army of only This is

really a human or you bastards? ▼

Destroy when Abel †

[Abel] Akaneia is my

defeated and is ... ugh. ▼

After clearing †

Aritia recapture †

Male hero  †

[Mars] Was a uphill battle.

Minna, are you okay. ▼

[Jeigan] And not to worry.

They are, on this day will come that

I've been waiting for. ▼

[Hero] I would agree with Jeigan like.

Aritia recapture the motherland, we'll

all hope was Aritia knight. ▼

[Mars] But, by Akaneia

innocent people,

was killed a lot. ▼

I, is said and done to them

... ▼ What should I apologize

that I, I can not rely on just

such a tough time ... ▼ everyone

to me, such as protecting the country

might be unreasonable. ▼

[Hero] Like Mars ... ▼

like Mars, do you remember folded?

The first day I came to training knight,

told me about your words to us. ▼

[Mars] Chris ........

Of course. I at that time ...... ▼


[Mars] I alone, can not do anything.

Everyone, as a knight So now

with the power, please help me. ▼

(End flashback)

[Hero] I at that time,

wanted and want to be like the power of Mars.

Want to be like the sword of Mars. ▼

person like Mars is

all there is no need to hold its own. ▼

Mars-like pain, suffering ... also

please give us at us. ▼

I, always

will be with like Mars. ▼

[Mars] Chris ...... ▼

[Jeigan] Now, Prince

Please be served healthy! ! ▼

us still, the castle Aritia

take if sleep returned, it is grave. ▼

perhaps, significant that the enemy is listening

, but you think, here is our castle,

and knows how to fight you. ▼

Now, like Mars!

Let us! ! ▼

Female hero  †

[Mars] Was a uphill battle.

Minna, are you okay. ▼

[Jeigan] And not to worry.

They are, on this day will come that

I've been waiting for. ▼

[Hero] I would agree with Jeigan like.

Aritia recapture their homeland, we

could all hope of Aritia knight. ▼

[Mars] But, by Akaneia

innocent people,

was killed a lot. ▼

I, is said and done to them

... ▼ What should I apologize

that I, I can not rely on just

such a tough time ... ▼ everyone

to me, such as protecting the country

might be unreasonable. ▼

[Hero] Like Mars ... ▼

Do you like Mars folded remember?

The first day I came to training knight,

told me about your words to us. ▼

[Mars] Chris ........

Of course. I at that time ...... ▼


[Mars] I alone, can not do anything.

Everyone, as a knight So now

with the power, please help me. ▼

(End flashback)

[Hero] I at that time, like Mars

wanted to help and want to be.

And mind you want to also. ▼

person like Mars is

all there is no need to hold its own. ▼

Mars-like pain, suffering ... also

please give to us. ▼

I am, always

will be with like Mars. ▼

[Mars] Chris ...... ▼

[Jeigan] Now, Prince

Please be served healthy! ! ▼

us still, the castle Aritia

take if sleep returned, it is grave. ▼

perhaps, significant that the enemy is listening

, but you think, here is our castle,

and knows how to fight you. ▼

Now, like Mars!

Let us! ! ▼

Chiqui dressed quit? «Select" Yes "in the previous chapter» †

[Mars] Chris, by the way

... But that hair that

was it?

Try it with the fighting

grew stronger? ▼

[Hero] However, was exactly the same as usual. ▼

[Mars] I wonder ...

Chris, you are probably

'm was deceived by Cheney. ▼

[Hero] Su likely ... Why? ▼


You do?

Back to the original hairstyle? ▼

Select "Yes" ""

[Hero] Yes. It does so. ▼

[Mars] I think yeah, that's better. ▼

Select "No" ""

[Hero] No. This leave.

If you keep this hairstyle much,

might become stronger. ▼

[Mars] Oh, ... ▼ I still believe that

you, if you want to do well

or do not it may be it. ▼

Chapter 16 Recapture The King

Narration †

(Map screen below, the castle Aritia)

(before the castle Aritia)

of about have never ever experienced

was a fierce battle. ▼

However, Aritia has been released.

Homeland, he was freed. ▼

after, was born and raised ... the castle

... ▼ Aritia Castle and regain

everyone, me ... thank you

thank you ... ▼ really believe me

on the cheek of Mars,

a ray of shining tears. ▼

also gently wipe the eyes of the girl and it

was full of tears incessantly ... ▼

Opening †

Experience of the hero  †

[Jeigan] You Chris, I finally came back.

To this Aritia Castle ... ▼

[Hero] Yes. ▼

is a strange feeling.

Until now from when I came to this castle for the first time,

like long, short, such as ... ▼

(Branch from here)

Part A †

[Jeigan] I was.

Sonata appeared on the day of training knight,

knowing the battle was still young. ▼

... ▼ now it

can call up the strong man of a continent and

Nikki to grow. ▼

I Chris, if there are Sonata

recapture homeland is no doubt.

I'm counting on you. ▼

Part B †

[Jeigan] I was.

Sonata appeared on the day of training knight,

knowing the battle was still young. ▼

it now ... ▼

Aritia as a knight

of experience in Nikki enough. ▼

I Chris, the workings of sonata is

to determine the success or failure of the recapture their homeland.

I'm counting on you. ▼

Part C †

[Jeigan] I was.

Sonata appeared on the day of training knight,

knowing the battle was still young. ▼

it now ... ▼

whether it ... Now,

do be not changed much folded. ▼

I Chris, Sonata is

more I must now gain experience.

I'm counting on you. ▼

Preparation sortie †

★ ★ ★ For Astoria †

[Georges] Chris,

in the enemy in the castle Aritia

seems I have Astoria. ▼

[Georges] Georges Hall is

close and buttocks Why Astoria? ▼

[Georges] Oh,

and he will for a long time. ▼

... It 's not a bad guy

has been told and betrayed Aritia,

blood seems to have risen to the head. ▼

He received a follow-up mission,

I have been persistently followed us until now.

Oh and persuasion will not get through to anyone. ▼

However, in defense of the castle mission

may lead if you can not talk.

I will try to persuade him. ▼

[Hero] However, it is not dangerous? ▼

[Georges] Since I have known each other long,

the nature of the guy is well know.

Leave it to me here is me. ▼

★ ★ chapter 16 about the current status †

[Jeigan] We regained the Aritia.

I was a long way to go so far ... ▼

homeland was attacked Akaneia

since vowed to recapture,

back straight is not fulfilled to the emperor ... ▼ to Hardin Akaneia

not all win,

and evacuated to the Kadain ... ▼

asked the Orb of light follow the road of Te Henri

ice dragon in the temple

... ▼ pardoned from our orb gateau

and finally came back to Aritia. ▼

oath will be fulfilled soon.

But only to recapture the castle remain Aritia. ▼

Start fighting †

Orb of the earth  †

Male hero  †

[Mars] Thieves ... bollocks to

that I entered. ▼

No way, the orb of the earth

they were deprived! ? ▼

[Jeigan] Prince, fled to the north is suspicious thief.

Before it's too late

Let's directed the pursuer. ▼

[Hero] Like Mars,

I will be recaptured if necessary.

Your orders! ▼

Female hero  †

[Mars] Thieves ... bollocks to

that I entered. ▼

No way, the orb of the earth

they were deprived! ? ▼

[Jeigan] Prince, fled to the north is suspicious thief.

Before it's too late

Let's directed the pursuer. ▼

[Hero] Like Mars,

I will go if it is good.

Please your orders. ▼

Believe that justice for self-  †

[Michelin] Prince Mars.

Please wait. ▼ [Mars] Are you Michelin!

Here in conjunction with TMS, too? ▼

[Michelin] Yes. TMS also eagle also

has come to assistance of the prince.

There is no justice Akaneia now. ▼

believe in justice for yourself,

prince, along with the eagles you also

would like to give fight. ▼

Battle of the wise  †

[soldier] Like Willow,

we also opened the door, a sortie! ▼

[Willow] No, wait.

It is not necessary to move yet. ▼

If you open the treasure chest in the Treasury,

to the original news comes of an eagle.

You do not know how to fix that is the time. ▼

Whatever I opened the box to treasure thieves,

Aritia case to the military, they got

no choice but to pay attention to. ▼

that he take a chance.

Usually ... Do

I have this guy named fight of the wise. ▼

not good!

Aim at the chest when he is in the open! ▼

Map  †

Open the door! (When unlocking a treasure chest) †

[Willow] And open a treasure chest? ▼

opened the door in! Usually Do,

You're sightseeing is our panic of them! ▼

Conversation (Astoria enemy forces Georges →) †

[Georges] Astoria, or healthy. ▼

[Astoria] Georges or a traitor.

Too late, what seems to me. ▼

[Georges] Well, wait, Astoria.

Also fighting over this

is I do not win. ▼

[Astoria] To me, ▼ ... surrender the castle and

stupid! I, the last

fight even though the one person.

I, of Akaneia warrior! ! ▼

[Georges] For what ...

for anyone, fight?

For the emperor or to Hardin? ▼

[Astoria] Different!

Not for a man like that. ▼

... like for Nina

's for Akaneia! ! ▼

[Georges] However, like Nina

to you, or fight and I was told. ▼

is like Nina, a fight like this

is desirable and, what I think. ▼

[Astoria] It is like ... Nina

does not see you for a while. ▼

us in that disease

he can not meet you. ▼

... But Hardin is

the king of the country over Akaneia

would not have helped. ▼

If that does not obey the order

would betray the country.

Nina would like to betray. ▼

[Georges] Astoria I,

like Nina Mars the prince already

he was entrusted with the Emblem. ▼

... Do you understand the meaning behind that. ▼

[Astoria] Not, What did you say! !

What do you mean, George. ▼

is like Nina, the prince Mars

and even asking for help? ▼

[Georges] The only thing I

would be considered unexpected. ▼

Hey, Astoria

also in order to confirm it,

come with us ... ▼

in a place like this, if you dies

Medea is, but it happens. ▼

even for her, live.

Live, now, what is happening

with their eyes, I see. ▼

[Astoria] Presence or absence ...

Unfortunately, every unavoidable.

But, I Juruju. ▼

if, as Hardin says

this fight, from the ambitions of the Prince Mars

began as long as it is, ▼

does not allow you till never!

About it, do not forget! ! ▼

Opener when Willow †

[Willow] Fufufu ...

Omoishire ... Now is

the horror of my Mage ... ▼

Destroy when Willow †

[Willow] Hardin emperor, forgive me ... ▼

After clearing †

Well that no †

Male hero  †

[Hero] Like Mars.

Enemy in the castle, was dismissed. ▼

[Jeigan] Aritia is, finally

I went back into the hands of us. ▼

[Mars] I see, was good.

But on the sister Yappari

not find what ... ▼

[Gato] Prince ... I

hear that the voice of an eagle. ▼

Ellis princess

seems to have Tsuresa~tsu Ganefu. ▼

[Mars] Well, like Gato

Is it true! ? ▼

[Gato] He, commanded the priests of the darkness

began to seek a noble sister. ▼

even Lena, also sister of Nurishi Ellis us

by Ganefu

seems to have been taken away ... ▼

[Mars] Did that really happen? ... ▼

guy is, on kidnapping the sister but we

going to do on earth

that it will? ▼

[Gato] It is not understood.

However, that something not good

is it angry, for sure. ▼

in this series of events are all

at stake is considered Ganefu

no doubt. ▼ [Mars] Like gateau!

He is where are you now? ▼

[Gato] Ganefu queen Nina is the

aim that's for sure.

I would probably ... Palace. ▼

[Mars] All right.

I will go to the Palace. ▼

the orb of darkness Hardin

want to save them from the control. ▼

Ganefu defeated the dark priest and

a sister on sister ... who was robbed

rescued must sleep! ! ▼

Female hero  †

[Hero] Like Mars.

Combat has ended. ▼

[Jeigan] Aritia is, finally

I went back into the hands of us. ▼

[Mars] I see, was good.

But on the sister Yappari

not find what ... ▼

[Gato] Prince ... I

hear that the voice of an eagle. ▼

Ellis princess

seems to have Tsuresa~tsu Ganefu. ▼

[Mars] Well, like Gato

Is it true! ? ▼

[Gato] He, commanded the priests of the darkness

began to seek a noble sister. ▼

even Lena, also sister of Nurishi Ellis us

by Ganefu

seems to have been taken away ... ▼

[Mars] Did that really happen? ... ▼

guy is, on kidnapping the sister but we

going to do on earth

that it will? ▼

[Gato] It is not understood.

However, that something not good

is it angry, for sure. ▼

in this series of events are all

at stake is considered Ganefu

no doubt. ▼

[Mars] Like gateau!

He is where are you now? ▼

[Gato] Ganefu queen Nina is the

aim that's for sure.

I would probably ... Palace. ▼

[Mars] All right.

I will go to the Palace. ▼

the orb of darkness Hardin

want to save them from the control. ▼

Ganefu defeated the dark priest and

a sister on sister ... who was robbed

rescued must sleep! ! ▼

Memorable place †

[Mars] Chris Castle, thus Aritia

's little left to be needed. ▼

is also here for you

It was a memorable place. ▼

in the training of apprentice knight,

you have also met Catalina ... ▼


[Catalina] Please, I'm sorry.

I am not in a hurry ... ▼

Oh, Could you also

aims to Aritia knight

to the castle this Aritia? ▼

(End flashback)

[Hero] ▼ ............

! Mars like ......

please be careful. ▼

[Mars] Chris? ▼

[Hero] The same sign at that time, the enemy will be.

Perhaps already close to ... ▼

[Jeigan] Like Mars! Is attack!

The case of the assassination of those who attacked! ▼

[Mars] ! Prepare immediately intercept. ▼

Chapter 16X Reunion

Opening †

My doll  †

[Jeremiah] Aritia army is,

so I was Aritia recapture the castle. ▼

Ganefu is like

too much angry as ... ▼

[Catalina] Jeremiah ... like. ▼

[Jeremiah] Hey Eine.

, Why do

do not you do anything? ▼

unembarrassed to be alive?

You are to die for me

would of course? ▼ [Catalina] Yes ... ▼

[Jeremiah] Eine,

you are worthless scum live.

I abandoned child from the world. ▼

I gave you such a save Who are you?

Why are you living now is

thanks to whom? ▼

[Catalina] Jeremiah-like ...

thanks. ▼

[Jeremiah] Kill 'em that way. ▼

[Catalina] But ... like Jeremiah!

Iっ... ... ▼

[Jeremiah] Close your mouth. Is this doll. ▼

You are I will not go against the instruction.

So far from an early age

what I "teach" has been. ▼

has been carved in the depths of you little

words I can never disappear. ▼

[Catalina] っ ~U~tsu ...... ...... ...... ▼

[Jeremiah] Fufufu.

I'll use until the break is.

My doll ... ▼

Preparation sortie †

★ ★ Gaiden chapter 16 about the current status †

[Jeigan] Attack and assassination of those who are also ...

Even though it was finally recaptured their homeland,

giving even have time to take a breather is not it so as not to me. ▼

However, in this Aritia

or attack of an assassin ...

Do not be reminded that the date of conferment knight. ▼

Catalina assassin and Sonata

... ▼ been here working hard in training the same as the seventh platoon

, however, is useless sentimentality.

Chris I, like that day

I like to observe the Mars. ▼

Start fighting †

Road other than the fight  †

[Hero] Catalina ... ▼

[Catalina] Chris ...

it like Mars ... ▼

[Mars] Catalina,

if there are circumstances that if you

want to talk to us. ▼

some way other than the fight ought kit. ▼

[Catalina] I'm sorry .... ▼

I ...

I do not only this way. ▼

(→ Catalina enemy hero) a conversation †

[Hero] Catalina ... ▼

[Catalina] Chris.

I was dreaming ... I. ▼

... I was a short period of time

was really happy dream. ▼

Chris and I ...

like Mars by two people

become a knight Konoe ... ▼

to help various people,

... it will be appreciated a lot

from it, ... ▼ by two people

... ▼ me Chris ...

... I'm sorry

to say that strange.

No way now to go back. ▼

... Let's continue the fight.

Chris. ▼

(→ Catalina enemy hero) 2 conversation †

[Catalina] Chris ...

again, there is no talking.

You and I are enemies ... ▼

fighting please.


I will kill you ... ▼

3 conversation (→ Catalina enemy hero guy) †

[Hero] Catalina!

Please listen to the story. ▼

[Catalina] Chris ...


Why so much ... ▼

... I must defeat

you die, I is not.

Yet why ... ▼

[Hero] Because that fellow. ▼

[Catalina] ...... ▼

[Hero] Do you remember?

Knight training day everyday. ▼

... Cecil and Ryan and Luke and Lodi

fought joined forces with colleagues. ▼

want to observe the like Mars with me ...

so, you told me to me. ▼


[Catalina] Chris is a good name.

Well, it is with us. ▼

My name Katarina me.

I wanted to serve us to Mars and I like

we have been doing here ▼

[Catalina] Was good ...

is the winner of Chris.

I had believed. ▼

[Catalina] I ...

along with Chris if

I want to become a knight Konoe. ▼

joined forces with two of us,

like to help your ... ▼ Mars together

to imagine the future and such

will be a happy feeling. ▼

... that, How is Chris?

Chris and me ... ▼

(End flashback)

[Catalina] That is ... ▼

... That is a lie.

All, ▼ ... to fool you

all acting ... it was a

really ...

I of you ... ▼

[Hero] ▼ If you were ...

(tears of Catalina screen below)


You're not are you crying? ▼

[Catalina] I ... ... ... ▼ [Hero] Catalina.

Where you should have is

not there. ▼

it with me,

I fight like Mars.

Should it so desires, too. ▼

[Catalina] Too late ... is impossible.

I sin not allowed

a number of ... ▼

[Hero] If it were,

should I now Tsugunae a crime. ▼

It is not that easy.

From the organization of you, from Aritia

... ▼ will be seen in the white eyes

But I promise you at the very least.

Even if there is ... ▼ matter what

I, I stand by you. ▼

[Catalina] Chris ... ▼

[Hero] Come back, Catalina. ▼

[Catalina] Ugh ... I ... ...

... ... ▼ Chris

Chris Chris ...... ......! ▼

3 conversation (→ Catalina enemy heroine) †

[Hero] Catalina!

Listening to the story. ▼

[Catalina] Chris ...


Why so much ... ▼

... I must defeat

you die, I is not.

Yet why ... ▼

[Hero] Because you are friend. ▼

[Catalina] ...... ▼

[Hero] Do you remember?

It's day-to-day training ... ▼ knight

Cecil ... Lodi and Ryan and Luke and

that the fighting forces with colleagues. ▼

want to observe the like Mars with me ...

Yes, you told me. ▼


[Catalina] Chris is a good name.

Well, it is with us. ▼

My name is Catalina.

I wanted to serve us to Mars and I like

we have been doing here ▼

[Catalina] Was good ...

is the winner of Chris.

I had believed. ▼

[Catalina] I ...

along with Chris if

I want to become a knight Konoe. ▼

joined forces with two of us,

like to help your ... ▼ Mars together

to imagine the future and such

will be a happy feeling. ▼

... that, How is Chris?

Chris and me ... ▼

(End flashback)

[Catalina] That is ... ▼

... That is a lie.

All, ▼ ... to fool you

all acting ... it was a

really ...

I of you ... ▼

[Hero] ▼ If you were ...

(tears of Catalina screen below)


what are you crying? ▼

[Catalina] I ... ... ... ▼ [Hero] Catalina.

Where you should have

'm not there. ▼

with me,

like to fight for Mars.

Also you should have so desires. ▼

[Catalina] Too late ... is impossible.

I sin not allowed

a number of ... ▼

[Hero] If it were, now

should I not Tsugunae a crime. ▼

That 's not that easy.

From your organization, from Aritia

... ▼ will be seen in white eyes

, but I promise you at the very least.

Even if there is no matter what ... ▼

I, because on your side. ▼

[Catalina] Chris ... ▼

[Hero] Come back, Catalina. ▼

[Catalina] Ugh ... I ... ...

... ... ▼ Chris

Chris Chris ...... ......! ▼

Catalina opener when †

[Catalina] Doll ... I

used to like Jeremiah ... just

not worth living ... ▼

When defeated Catalina †

[Catalina] There Gato ... ...

...... ▼

me with this ...

not hurt anymore ... Chris

... ▼ The corner

... Chris

... I

was good to have met with you ... ▼

... between the training that

I have Chris to

show a happy dream from me ... ▼

Hey, Chris ...

well ... today

... I will start training ▼

You know, like Mars ... and everyone

... wait

... ▼

After clearing  †

Ending (fellow Catalina) †

[Catalina] Mars ... like,

I have sinned is not allowed. ▼

... the punishment, whether

punishment, please.

Please me to execution ... ▼

[Mars] I looked up, Catalina.


going to take the life of You're not. ▼

[Catalina] What ... why?

I have already, life is not regrettable.

Please let me compensated for in my life ... ▼

[Mars] It is not atonement.

You only just want to run away. ▼

[Catalina] ...! ▼

[Mars] If you're really regret that,

I live.

Alive, I want to make amends. ▼

[Catalina] The atonement ... ▼

But, How do I do this?

When You're what I

expiable a crime until now Why? ▼

[Mars] It is, I think of you. ▼

You are up to now,

without thinking anything,

just that they comply with the instruction ▼

But now is different.

That you think yourself,

I give the answer yourself. ▼

it is,

punishment that I give to you. ▼

[Catalina] Like Mars ... ▼

Ending (absence Catalina) †

[Hero] ...... ▼

[Mars] Chris ...

you are in a tough role

I had let. ▼

, the culprit was her that way

I will never forgive.

Let's go, Chris. ▼

Chapter 17 The Setting Sun Of Gra

Narration †

(Map screen below, the castle graphics)

(Cima and Jioru)

we are leaving the Aritia Mars again,

aimed at the king of Akaneia Metropolitan Palace. ▼

on its way, of Akaneia but

there was a kingdom Gras ally. ▼

graphics are complicit in the Empire at the Battle of destination Dorua

Jioru king is killed, the kingdom was destroyed. ▼

at a time, but was annexed to Aritia, ▼

by order of Emperor Hardin, after

that is returned to the Akaneia. ▼

Hardin is the daughter of the king Jioru

attached to the throne princess finds Cima, ▼

is to help ground it. ▼

Cima, the people of the ground

has received enthusiastic support. ▼

For them, what CIMA is

the only hope he was. ▼

Young people are unanimously

soldiers have volunteered. ▼

And, the Aritia nemesis

was delighted with the kick - off, defeat this by hand. ▼

... ▼ dream was broken but

then before the elite of Aritia looming,

energy without any ground troops to fight anymore, ▼

was only just run about trying to escape. ▼

Opening †

Defense of the hero  †

[Jeigan] The tower was originally army,

the general armor and night

as the main been here. ▼

Jioru late king also became the enemy in the war which

was not general. ▼ [Hero] Well,

it is a military defense firm ... ▼

[Jeigan] Not once.

Of ground troops and now hear just recruits.

Is not the enemy of our army Aritia. ▼

Speaking at a solid defense to it, Chris, Sonata ... ▼

(Branch from here)

Part A †

[Jeigan] The height of the defense of the sonata is overwhelming ...

but also about who repel unexpected. ▼

even in the former ground troops,

who keep a tight enough unexpected woven Sonata.

This war, I was already game. ▼

Part B †

[Jeigan] The height of the defense of the Sonata

quite a thing. ▼

the ground right now

to protect their firm folded about Sonata is unexpected.

This war, I was already game. ▼

Part C †

[Jeigan] Sonata in defense ...

I ... do be a little inferior. ▼

transfer has become, to worry.

Chris, the enemy recruits but

not to so as not to alert. ▼

Preparation sortie †

★ ★ ★ for ground troops †

Male hero  †

[Hero] Like Mars, and reports.

The enemy soldiers and Akaneia

mixed army of ground troops ... ▼

mind there is no ground combat troops,

are threatened by soldiers Akaneia

is just like that follow. ▼

[Mars] So, if I beat a soldier Akaneia,

and ground troops is to not fight

live ... ▼ might

want to avoid useless sacrifice as much as possible.

Chris, just say so to everyone. ▼

[Hero] Ha, I know. ▼

Female hero  †

[Hero] Like Mars, and reports.

The enemy soldiers and Akaneia

mixed army of ground troops ... ▼

mind there is no ground combat troops,

are threatened by soldiers Akaneia

is just like that follow. ▼

[Mars] So, if I beat a soldier Akaneia,

and ground troops is to not fight

live ... ▼ might

want to avoid useless sacrifice as much as possible.

Chris, just say so to everyone. ▼

[Hero] Yes, I know. ▼

★ ★ chapter 17 about the current status †

[Jeigan] Aritia recapture plays a homeland,

we are the decisive battle with the enemy Akaneia

had to go. ▼

Akaneia king at the Palace Metropolitan,

defeated the Ganefu who kidnapped the like Ellis, ▼

a positive Hardin

from the domination of the Orb he unleashes the dark. ▼

like Gato is talking about,

like Ganefu including Ellis also

seems to have gathered a noble Sister ... ▼

Its purpose is unknown, but

I must soon rescued. ▼

to go to the Palace, but

became a minion of Akaneia

not I must pass through the kingdom this ground ... ▼

Start fighting †

The End of the ground  †

[samson] Cima princess

Aritia army seems to have come. ▼

[Cima] I see ...

no longer, I'm done. ▼

Samson, to you is

that bothered. ▼

I, of the Kingdom of graphics

I must Mitodoke the end.

You anymore, go me. ▼

[samson] I princess, or it is not good anymore.

You are, forcibly took away the mother

would have hated the king Jioru. ▼

also be forthcoming, to Hardin

for the heck of it, would only have been available. ▼

[Cima] May be so unexpected.

For those who wish to revive the tower of the country

has moved is said to heart. ▼

Hardin is, but us

▼ To use use only

if there are no for

was discarded like garbage. ▼

However, unexpected I go! ▼

for me,

that those who fought me

why or shall be discarded! ! ▼

[samson] I was miserably ... ▼

proud of the military elite Aritia

in just such recruits

are headed and I must ... ▼

Very well Well, if it remains that you

worked until the last show, too.

Well, Let it also Tanoshikaro. ▼

[Cima] Samson ...

why, can you up there. ▼

guys, mercenaries are

only for the money

it would work. ▼

To me, the other

not even he do to you ... ▼ Fri

[samson] I also, I never understand. ▼

a man just ...

so if the dorsal root, when there is a grave.

Now the only thing I can ... I could not say it. ▼

I, of the boy that it

would like to see the first time in battle. ▼

guy, if really true hero if

you also determination. May vary

from the unexpected may not ... ▼

Map  †

A private house †

[Villagers] Hardin, the Kingdom of ground

so as not to betray

Well you did put the soldiers. ▼

have the energy to fight, but there is

not just soldiers Akaneia. ▼

2 houses †

[Villagers] Cima princess, the king Jioru

of children 's second wife. ▼

But those who, unlike the king

's who really friendly. ▼

princess, for the soldier,

last serving of sake seems to risk one's life, too. ▼

somehow, help me

Will not raised. ▼

3 house †

[Villagers] The soldiers, everyone 's amateur. ▼

I mean, knight of this country is

finally getting ▼ To everyone died

protecting a country other thing I

was never. ▼

But now, soldiers of Akaneia

have to own way. ▼

Bunch same as the thief ...

I'm beast! ▼

A village †

[Thomas] Prince Mars,

I've been waiting for you. ▼

I Thomas,

was a soldier of previous Akaneia,

who now is retired from the army. ▼

Akaneia of this land army,

the soldiers do not care Gras fight

You are attempting to sacrifice. ▼

... the brutality of the former homeland

blind eye can not be more than this. ▼

prince, please.

Please let me if I stand together. ▼

2 village †

[Villagers] Ah ... Please forgive me.

Shall give, nothing more

do not have. ▼

[Mars] Oh, do not misunderstand.

We, s not have to steal

I do not. ▼

[Villagers] But, from Aritia

in this country, in order to revenge

will come. ▼

[Mars] I differ, is not going to fight with the ground.

Aritia ground and is, because

brother'm originally from. ▼

[Villagers] Really ...

Well, to you, I

♥ Le gain important thing ... A ▼

Conversation (Cima enemy → Mars)  †

[Mars] It is the princess Cima, was good.

I was safe it later. ▼

I, on the other ground kingdom

there is no hostility. ▼

ground and our country was originally

was one country. ▼

it, in the battle of the previous

supposed to be like that

too, it was painful. ▼

princess Cima, once again

let's try again.

There is no ground and want to fight. ▼

[Cima] Mars ... your prince,

and did not lay a hand to run about trying to escape soldiers

are surprised to know. ▼

You are still, of King Henry

I do be reborn. ▼

I believe you, you. ▼

Gras ... the people of ... whether

as a people Aritia

want to accept. ▼

... to you, all of this country

you entrusted to Prince Mars. ▼

Conversation (Samson enemy forces Cima →) †

[samson] Good for you, I Cima.

I also, in this

heart Tachisareru not occur. ▼

[Cima] Samson ...

what have gone ... ▼

[samson] Another, for I would not have to.

After that, who will protect the Prince. ▼

[Cima: Do not go!

Please do not go ... ▼

[samson] N? What.

Detain me, why?

I do not even like you. ▼

... But All righty.

If you do that I need to

go anywhere unexpected. ▼


I shall protect you.

Still, I was good. ▼

[Cima] Yes ... ▼

Opener when Cima †

[Cima] You bastards ...

How dare you ... my people

die! ▼

Destroy when Cima †

[Cima] Forgive, O People of ground. ▼

Samson first round when †

[samson] My graphics win.

However, the future of defeat is not bad either ... ▼

Destroy when Samson †

[samson] Cima I ... ▼

(When after a conversation with Cima, defeated the ground troops) massacre †

[Cima] Do not ...! ?

The fact that ... ▼ What

I Aritia troops, who believe in you

... to leave all that

unexpected forgive ... the life of my people dare! ▼

[samson] Prince Mars ...

a pity. My apparently

I was a miscalculation. ▼

(the absence of Samson, Samson on the conversation will be removed. is only when Samson Cima in the absence of Cima conversation are eliminated?)

After clearing †

Unnecessary blood †

[Jeigan] Like Mars, a fight like this

to continue is meaningless. ▼

to Hardin,

is the only time to earn. ▼

[Mars] Yeah, I thought so too. ▼

If this still working

also, unnecessary blood

shed that will become. ▼


the hand is whether it would be something? ▼

[Hero] I've been scouting

the enemy army along the highway

appears to have been intensively lineup. ▼

off the highway, through the mountains

towards the destination but how is it? ▼

[Jeigan] Hmm, I see, ... or the Adriatic pass

the steep mountains that but

it is greater than in this great army is dangerous or not? ▼

[Hero] Yes, the enemy has placed the ambush

which may result.

Whether to be a dangerous fight. ▼

But this is also the shortest way.

Even if you can break through here,

you can get to the Palace. ▼

[Mars] Danger is prepared.

We, of Henri steep road that even

I was won. Compared to it ... ▼

Jeigan, Chris.

Surely if we can overcome.

Let's go! ▼

Family-minded priest †

[Frost] Oh ...

Well, as apparently finally catch up. ▼

[Hero] ? Are you? ▼

[Frost] The eagle and say Frost.

Well priest of Macedonia. ▼

like Minerva ruled that Macedonia

was awakened when a revolt in ... ▼ chiefs

will come like Mars, the Republic of Macedonia

would Sharjah saved us.

And family were saved thanks to the eagle. ▼

for gratitude that

overwhelmed Well not this way. ▼

[Hero] I see.

However, the Mars-like Macedonia

it has been released is a long time ago ... ▼

[Frost] Produce. These too early march sonata,

Well why did not quite catch up.

Lose sight of your whereabouts ... ▼ sac in the middle of

the potatoes Aritia recently

heard and was released like Mars,

was finally catch up with this graph. ▼

's body is old, some knowledge of the battle.

I want also added this eagle, or copper. ▼

Chapter 18 Battle Pass

Narration †

(Knights of the wolf)

is Aritia army

in order to avoid unnecessary conflict, ▼

been told it is impossible to cross in the army

decided to breakthrough of the Central Mountain Range. ▼

If Nukere the pass Adria,

there is another city Palace. ▼

Hurry, must not be aware of the enemy!

I run through it once! ! ▼

Mars is a feeling like we pray,

advanced a narrow mountain road. ▼

However, even such a wish in vain, ▼

in the middle of the pass,

they receive an unexpected enemy attack. ▼

had been south to help the Akaneia

Oreruan elite troops of the northern powers, ▼

was "Knights of the wolf". ▼

Opening †

Ground up ...  †

[Mars] Chris crossed it, the pass

untapping to Akaneia.

Just a little more, will hold out. ▼

[Hero] Yes, like Mars. ▼

[Mars] Even so,

recapture their homeland from the path of Henri ... that

... ▼ until now and

was just really rough fight.

Various battles that ... ▼ (branch from here)

Part A †

[Mars] We, the battle only it

was able to survive at all. ▼

If Awasare the power of great friends,

a feat such as Henri

... ▼ can also undergo without

me proud to colleagues. ▼

[Hero] Mars like ...... ▼

Part B †

[Mars] Fatherland Liberation is, thanks to his friends.

That's why, that fellow fallen wounded

can not help but think so. ▼

for them also, want to be more strongly.

Battle of the future,

so you will not have to fall nobody ... ▼

[Hero] Mars like ...... ▼

Part C †

[Mars] That is ..., turn off the body so that

was very painful.

A lot of fellow wounded, was lying ... ▼

If you stronger as Henry I,

if I have fought better,

maybe they did not suffer ... ▼ everyone

now ...

now I'm sure ... ▼

[Hero] Mars like ...... ▼

Preparation sortie †

★ ★ ★ for the Knights of wolf †

[Jeigan] Hardin emperor is

in addition to the army under Akaneia,

Nikki has a formidable army another. ▼

Name is

... Knights Orulean

Seikyo's military dubbed knights and wolves. ▼

[Hero] Knights of wolf ... ▼

[Jeigan] Produce.

Knights of wolf ... is once before the war

was fought as a subordinate of Hardin woven. ▼

at that time was a reliable ally,

Hardin became the enemy over,

will become our enemy of the Knights of wolf also. ▼

They pledge allegiance to Hardin,

Hardin do not mind getting a death if it is for. ▼

loyalty that is Chris,

but more comparable to the sonata. ▼

[Hero] ...! ▼

[Jeigan] When they appeared as the enemy

beware enough, Chris. ▼

★ ★ chapter 18 about the current status †

[Jeigan] Palace aim is more imminent.

By passing through the central mountain range

of useless struggle he lived to a minimum. ▼

Ganefu defeat,

like the sister who was kidnapped Ellis

rescue. ▼

was ruled to orb of darkness and

somehow I must let the Hardin. ▼

Start fighting †

We will not betray you  †

[Roche] Wolf, Zagaro, Biraku.

Really, what good is this ...

Why do I have to fight? ▼

[Wolf] Rochet! What are you talking yet. ▼


Aritia army in a narrow mountain road,

ranks are stretched. ▼

chance to defeat is

only now I do not. ▼

[biraku] Rochet, that 's right

if we're like for Hardin

What should I swore I would die. ▼

us, the people of the prairie

was freed me from slavery is

he like Hardin. ▼

sleep if hit, the army now Aritia

Palace, it can keep. ▼

Hardin is like, the guys

also referred to what had been knocked out, and see which one you like. ▼

[Zagaro] I know! Mars is a prince,

to destroy the Akaneia, the world

he believes in my hands. ▼

This remains, If you leave people alone

the world, leave the thought of the guy

I'm still become. ▼ [Roche] To me, but I do not believe it yet.

Prince Mars, such ambitions

I have not considered. ▼ [Wolf] Well, you're like Hardin is

why they say that a lie! ▼

that she should, your hands dirty such

use, or think! ! ▼

Enough, Rochet! !

Lose respect for you.

White to love if we want to betray the us. ▼

Zagaro, Biraku, Let's go

If you have to lose,

too much as guys. ▼

[Rochet Oh, Wait!

You guys, do not betray.

Here we go ... I was also found. ▼

Knights of wolf!  †

[Mars] Hardin confidant of

the Knights of Orulean!

Why must fight ... ▼

[Jeigan] Prince, please wait.

Right now, from the messenger of the king Oreruan

news has entered. ▼

I fight to the king ... ▼ Oreruan is not

there with Prince in the village of (screen scroll down)

that would like to discuss. ▼

[Mars] What? Would you mean?

Knights of the wolf in the instruction of Oreruan

Is not it running? ▼

[Jeigan] Depending on the discussion ... is, I do not know

that the Knights to retreat wolf

may be able to do. ▼

[Mars] Was found. A useless battle

that is the best if avoided.

Let's hurry to the village! ▼

Map †

Village †

[King Orulean] Oh, this is Mars prince

was good to meet you. ▼

[Mars] It is the king Oreruan.

In a place like this Why? ▼

[King Oreruan] I came to stop the army of our country.

Prince also

must apologize. ▼

eagle, believe the words of Hardin,

but according to Akaneia it,

it seems to have been a mistake. ▼

our country has

decided to remain neutral.

Oreruan also attributable to the Knights. ▼

[Mars] Okay, Oreruan king.

I'm also more than this

I do not want to fight with you guys. ▼

the lives of many knights

that took

please forgive me, if. ▼

[King Oreruan] Oh! You are still

rumors as they found. ▼

eagle on the body is weak, unexpected woven children.

Hardin also asked of his brother and

became a thing like this. ▼

I Prince Mars, on behalf of the exchanged if,

I want you to observe the Oreruan.

I want all entrusted to the prince. ▼

as a sign that, to you

I shall a Jewel. ▼

[Mars] Oreruan king,

Hardin is ... ▼

[King Oreruan] Great brother

Nasaru not care. ▼

knight or more were born to

die in the battle is unavoidable

but it was the fate of his brother ... ▼

Opener when Wolf †

[Wolf] Length of cavalry Oreruan


I got that neck! ▼

Destroy when Wolf †

[Wolf] Hardin like ... ▼

Opener when Zagaro †

[Zagaro] You bastards ...

why invade other countries?

I was obsessed with ambition! ▼

Destroy when Zagaro †

[Zagaro] Hardin like ... ▼

Opener when Biraku †

[biraku] As long as we have

in the Palace, will not let you go.

If you do not want to go back to the country to die! ▼

Destroy when Biraku †

[biraku] Hardin like ... ▼

Opener when Rochet †

[Roche] Rochet's Oreruan of cavalry.

Although I do not want to fight, do not betray fellow.

Forgive me ... ▼

Destroy when Rochet †

[Roche] Hardin like ... ▼

After clearing †

To Palace   †

Male hero  †

[Mars] Chris,

I pass is apparently beyond.

Palace will soon. ▼

thanks to you.

To help you do it you've been. ▼

[Hero] However, such.

I own to ignorance,

we only talk about my opinion. ▼

[Mars] It 's enough. ▼

When you are lost in the mind, you have

confidence and not me.

I appreciate it than anything else. ▼

[Jeigan] Prince, now is the information entered,

at the Palace

seems coup. ▼

the way of the Emperor Hardin

knights and citizens was repulsed

or was revolt. ▼

[Mars] What!

So, what happened to it. ▼

[Jeigan] Unfortunately

they are defeated

or caught ... ▼

many people every day

seems to have been executed. ▼

[Mars] Shit, Hardin ...

and do up there. ▼

All right, to the Palace at once

put the game running down.

Chris, Here we go! ! ▼

[Hero] Ha! ▼

Female hero  †

[Mars] Chris,

I pass is apparently beyond.

Palace will soon. ▼

thanks to you.

To help you do it you've been. ▼

[Hero] However, such.

Mars is like your decision is.

I was simply to mouth the idea. ▼

[Mars] It 's enough. ▼

When you are lost in the mind, you have

confidence and not me.

I appreciate it than anything else. ▼

[Jeigan] Prince, now is the information entered,

at the Palace

seems coup. ▼

the way of the Emperor Hardin

knights and citizens was repulsed

or was revolt. ▼

[Mars] What!

So, what happened to it. ▼

[Jeigan] Unfortunately

they are defeated

or caught ... ▼

many people every day

seems to have been executed. ▼

[Mars] Shit, Hardin ...

and do up there. ▼

All right, to the Palace at once

put the game running down.

Chris, Here we go! ! ▼

[Hero] Yes! ▼

Chapter 19 Last Deceisive Battle

Narration †

(City Palace)

empire for three years, ... ▼ two months

Palace holy city of Akaneia is,

there was a quiet time in the marvelously. ▼

▼ Akaneia is by civil war

, beginning with Holy Knight Medea

many talented knight was captured. ▼

, however, to Aritia still

have a force multiplying, ▼

the city Palace

is not to fill it. ▼

from the expedition of Gurunia,

▼ already nearly a year of time has passed

, and finally multiplied by the fate of the two countries

last fight was about to begin. ▼

Preparation sortie †

★ ★ ★ for the remnants of the Knights of Wolf †

[Jeigan] Chris,

about the Knights recently withdrew wolf

has entered a new report. ▼

That part of those who,

so I joined the army Akaneia. ▼

Wolf ... Wolf length of the Knights

of the enemy forces also folded into that man. ▼

[Hero] So, to fight again ...? ▼

[Jeigan] Produce. It will be nice if you could convince ...

that means knowing at present, the

unexpected may be forced to fight unexpected. ▼

that those who are strong.

I Chris, he careful enough. ▼

★ ★ chapter 19 about the current status †

[Jeigan] We are for the Metropolitan Palace Akaneia king,

was advancing to the source of three purposes. ▼

save orb of darkness from Hardin.

Save the sister was kidnapped.

And defeat the dark priest Ganefu. ▼

recently, in the Palace there was a revolt.

Hardin was in opposition to the way

the knights and citizens stood up ... ▼ or

they are defeated, however,

by Hardin

that have been executed. ▼

Hardin is really

So he has changed ... ▼

like Mars that want to save Hardin

... but came up here with the thought

... ▼ unexpected may have been too late, no longer

or no matter how that person forgive the Hardin ,

is what they want to survive from the orb of darkness

... ▼ or no matter how

innocent Hardin

took the lives of many people is

he a hard fact. ▼

I think the time he was a comrade of us

do not cut unexpected ... ▼

Start fighting †

The whole army Akaneia  †

Male hero  †

[Mars] As expected, Akaneia

What a strength it.

This is not carelessly away. ▼

[Hero] Hardin emperor is in this fight

the whole army of Akaneia

seem to be gathered. ▼

[Jeigan] However, the hearts of the people are now

leaving the Hardin

has welcomed us as a liberation army. ▼

it is, more than anything

would be encouraging. ▼

Anyway, it is the final battle.

It may be prolonged a little

carefully, please recommend. ▼

[Mars] Chris,

the king of the enemy army troops Akaneia capital.

Continent's largest armies strongest and famous. ▼

However, I know.

The strength of Chris.

The power of you will not lose anyone. ▼

[Hero] Ha!

Please leave! ▼

[Mars] Let's go, guys! ▼

Female hero  †

[Mars] As expected, Akaneia

What a strength it.

This is not carelessly away. ▼

[Hero] Hardin is in this fight

the whole army of Akaneia

seem to be gathered. ▼

[Jeigan] However, the hearts of the people are now

leaving the Hardin

has welcomed us as a liberation army. ▼

it is, more than anything

would be encouraging. ▼

Anyway, it is the final battle.

It may be prolonged a little

carefully, please recommend. ▼

[Mars] Chris,

the king of the enemy army troops Akaneia capital.

Continent's largest armies strongest and famous. ▼

However, I'm not scared and wonder.

Do not worry, if you have Crelle Chris, you are

so believable. ▼

Let's go, guys! ▼

Map  †

A private house †

[Villagers] Hardin was like a very gentle way.

It, fearful of a sudden

... ▼ If the devil have I been

Yeah ...

if you talk like

me also, I'll turn killed. ▼

2 houses †

[Villagers] Medea like a knight of St.

Akaneia be proud of. ▼

That way, once Akaneia of

commander in chief was

the daughter of Earl'm Owen. ▼

time of the revolt, and we

have to suffer Mikane

me up. ▼

Hey you're

a Medea-like somehow

it helped me. ▼

3 house †

[Villagers] Hardin was signed with our like Nina,

I thought I would finally world peace

that I can not believe this. ▼

Oh, God ...

we are on earth

do I do? ... ▼

4 house †

[Villagers] Medea is like, Well I'm sorry. ▼

Stop the knight, and Astoria

We just had together

also, necessarily been torn song. ▼

yet, there's about a young girl

by that cruel Well. Of us, you're

not Shiteyare sac or something ... ▼

5 house †

[Villagers] It was also changed Chima~tsu Akaneia army.

Soldiers are

just bloodthirsty rogue. ▼

in this country, hell

they probably happened. ▼

6 house †

[Villagers] Oh, Well that deplorable. ▼

the Emperor Hardin

is wicked

... ▼ everyone was killed

the Emperor is obsessed devil

's Nikki it ... ▼

[When] the survival Rocher village †

[Roche] Prince Mars

is the Knights Oreruan Rochet. ▼

The forgiveness of the king Oreruan picture

I was looking forward to Prince. ▼

in the battle of the pass is, really

I am sorry. ▼

to say that an apology is rude,

joined the allied forces battle it out too. ▼

other wolf just ... Knights

have all sided with the military Akaneia.

Persuasion will not understand. ▼

at least, can have ... if Crelle Biraku

if Biraku, the story of my

might will listen. ▼

[Roche] village at the time of death †

[Villagers] Rochet like the Knights of the wolf,

the fight against Aritia of you

had been much opposition. ▼

But, like Roche is ...

... and fight in the battle of who you pass

it it has been killed. ▼

is not a grudge against you.

Why a war because it is ... ▼

Please, please bring it.

Crelle if this war ends soon ...

We are the only hope so. ▼

Committed a prohibited even if it (visit the village, defeat bandits) †

[biraku] Still

I like to attack the Palace of Hardin,

Aritia army. ▼

from the king were forbidden Tedashi ...

if like Hardin but to protect

us will fight even if it committed a prohibited! ▼

Conversation (Rochet → Biraku enemy forces) †

[Roche] Biraku! Why here.

From the king, this war

would have been useless Tedashi said. ▼

like me,

to join the army I Aritia

what made ​​me? ▼

[biraku] Rochet, I

've come to bring back with you. ▼

to something Aritia why

I side with?

I would like their subordinates Hardin. ▼

wake up,

you just have not been deceived. ▼

[Roche] Biraku, it is different. ▼

forces Aritia I

joined not long,

but it may be found at. ▼

they like such as Hardin says

not a villain. ▼ [biraku] Rochet ... ▼

[Roche] Biraku, ask.

And I do not want to fight you guys.

Biraku, especially with you ... ▼

[biraku] ............ ▼

Hey, Rocher ...

You are in my brothers

It was your most friendly guy. ▼

Only because you're friendly,

had a mind of others discern good from evil. ▼

Rochet, and you are not fight Even me.

If you say so brothers,

I want to believe you. ▼


I'm you allies,

not in the future. ▼

[Roche] Biraku ...! ▼

Conversation (Zagaro enemy forces Biraku →) †


Zagaro, wait for me.

It is me, I Biraku. ▼

[Zagaro] What do you mean Biraku,

No way to force you to Aritia? ▼

[biraku] Listen to me, Zagaro.

I ... I do not know.

What to do yourself. ▼

I like that Hardin

was a favorite.

For those who fight that was desired. ▼

I ...

That person is, has changed.

Almost like a different person ... ▼

[Zagaro] ...... ▼

[biraku] I much, forever

like I wanted to be a subordinate of Hardin.

So, has been turning a blind eye. ▼

, the like of old Hardin

liked the way that we're

trying to remember that. ▼

But, I would have noticed that every time.

Hardin is like now,

... ▼ had been changed or how

to I no longer know.

Zagaro Nice ...

I will do I do? ▼

[Zagaro] Biraku ... ▼

Oh, well ... I was the same.

While aware of the mental derangement of like Hardin,

eyes still turned away, we have been deaf. ▼


... give back to the old way that

has been so to myself. ▼

[biraku] Roche went to Aritia army.

I will not fight with him. ▼

Zagaro, came, too.

What what is right, I do not know to.

But I do not want to fight with you. ▼

[Zagaro] Was found ... ▼

like knowing the mental derangement of Hardin,

I could not do anything.

Shall make an atonement. ▼

Conversation (Wolf enemy forces Zagaro →) †

[Zagaro] Wolf! Wait! ▼

[Wolf] Zagaro! Bloody hell!

Hardin or betrayed like to Kisama! ▼

[Zagaro] Not it!

Only because I think like Hardin! ▼

like Hardin's funny now,

it should know that too! ▼

[Wolf] Kamawanu still!

I like to die with Hardin!

So he swore! ▼

and we will betray you,

and I will become an example to people,

do not forsake the One who is that! ▼

[Zagaro] It is in your heart like Hardin

disobey or even if it means? ▼

[Wolf] Anything! ? ▼

[Zagaro] Wolf Sun, you became the head of the Knights of wolf

Hardin told you about words like,

Do you remember? ▼

[Wolf] ...! ▼

[Zagaro] If the wrong road when I can,

correct me ... in the hands of you

that's how I was told so. ▼ [Wolf] Should not forget.

Roh 's ... ▼ words of like Hardin

, however, say what now, that it was time ...

like ... a Hardin that

their song and I must ... ▼

[Zagaro] We'll have pledged allegiance

to that day like Hardin of

good if you remember. ▼

No matter how hard ... even if

there is only one answer. ▼

until now did not want to admit too.

But ... ▼

[Wolf] Do not say another, Zagaro! ▼

... bloody hell

this life, in the Adriatic pass that

those who had died ... ▼ was easy

I length of the Knights of wolves.

Hardin is received from our life ...

must be fulfilled. ▼

For example, the Hardin like

that no matter how avenge ... ▼

Opener when Biraku †

[biraku] As long as we have

in the Palace, will not let you go.

If you do not want to go back to the country to die! ▼

Destroy when Biraku †

[biraku] Hardin like ... ▼

Opener when Zagaro †

[Zagaro] You bastards ...

why invade other countries?

I was obsessed with ambition! ▼

Destroy when Zagaro †

[Zagaro] Hardin like ... ▼

Opener when Wolf †

[Wolf] Length of cavalry Oreruan


I got that neck! ▼

Destroy when Wolf †

[Wolf] Hardin like ... ▼

Opener when Nehring †

[Nehring] Bollocks ... Damn.

Our Akaneia and is defeated.

However, as long as this eagle

to let me put the castle unexpected! ▼

Destroy when Nehring †

[Nehring] Ten thousand years ... ugh emperor ▼

After clearing †

And Nina Hardin †

[Mars] Priest bore! ?

Been a terrible injury ...

did you do on earth. ▼

[bore] At all ... Well, that's terrible ...

Akaneia royal family is

cursed Nikki perhaps unexpected. ▼

Two years ago ...

our wedding is public and Nina Hardin

I know it was done. ▼

Akaneia in order to rebuild the country

had to greet the king. ▼

opponent worthy of it is ... two people

and the public Hardin brother the king of Oreruan

Prince Mars of Aritia ... ▼

princess, and want to wait a little more

was said, I

and to ask and absolutely, ▼

Prince Mars, the Princess Cedar is

sad After all, it is said, no good from

Hardin was decided to publicly ... ▼

[Mars] Please wait.

Akaneia is and does not require a king

had been, you know. ▼

However, like Nina ... ▼

[bore] Knights of the Gurunia that builders or Camus.

It is not necessary to say that it is but

... I allowed that unexpected. ▼

it with me, but was hard

for the country was not unavoidable. ▼

However, the public was pleased Hardin. ▼

than such as the throne of Akaneia,

was chosen to be like Nina,

I was happy as Yohodo. ▼

[Mars] I also

was the heart of Hardin knew. ▼

He, like if it is for Nina

also spare no life. ▼

[bore] However, the public Hardin is

like the heart of Nina immediately

noticed not to yourself. ▼

And he suffered ...

holed up in the room, tilt the liquor

was no longer meet with anyone. ▼

a chance with that, of the heart

that he appeared Ganefu. ▼

Duke was in despair is immediately

to mind is dominated by the orb of darkness, ▼

Since that day,

he was put away people change. ▼

eagle, so I think the country

has committed a ridiculous mistake.

Forgive me, sir Mars ... ▼

[Mars] Why there was such a thing.

Nina is ... like, so

how on earth would it have been. ▼

[bore] Hardin is public,

in the like Nina Ganefu

he had passed. ▼

Ganefu, the resurrection of the Dark Dragon

, but I need a Sister of noble blood

and had to say ... ▼

Hall of Mars, I have so long is unexpected.

Tron and Riburo my

sonata et al, will Takuso. ▼

counting on us to deliver us, and like Nina. ▼

Akaneia such as,

... ▼ Kamawanu even more destruction

like Nina but

he wants us there is safe ... ▼

*Sigh* Also, the characters names will have to be translated correctly. Cedar for Shiida's name. WTF. Man this project needs work. .___. But Chapters 14-19 are now put up.

I'll have a mon to that. It needs a TON of work. Pretty much every single line needs to be revised to make sense.

Edited by Hawkeye Hank Hatfield
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I'll have a mon to that. It needs a TON of work. Pretty much every single line needs to be revised to make sense.


Original Source...


Edited by リズ
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Chapter 20-Ending translated!

Chapter 20 Dark Emperor

Narration †

(Aritia army versus dark emperor)

in the Kingdom of the largest continent

Akaneia St. ▼

it before the attack of allied forces Aritia,

which was destroyed in one day just left. ▼

Akaneia citizens of them as a liberator

of attack, did not spare the cooperation. ▼

, and Hardin and we are in the castle to mouth

to guard told the resentment of his. ▼

the Hardin people

darkness is referred to as emperor. ▼

to it to Hardin who killed a lot of

hatred had been rice. ▼

I do not want to fight if you can

, however, but now ... ▼

Mars is high the banner of Henri

flown, make the last instruction. ▼

Go, brave men of Aritia!

The fight ends with this. ▼

inrush case the whole army, to the Castle Palace! ! ▼

Opening †

Orb of light required  †

[Jeigan] The prince entered, to the castle! ▼

However, Hardin is

that the orb of darkness guarded

so as not to become not forget. ▼

If the fight with the guy is

that orb of light

is absolutely necessary! ! ▼

always, to fight with the guy thing

please give. ▼

Preparation sortie †

★ ★ chapter 20 about the current status †

[Jeigan] Control of Akaneia also,

is the only remaining castle Palace. ▼

Hardin is emperor

would be waiting at the throne.

The Moment of Truth It's time is now. ▼

like Mars defeat the Hardin, now

that it will free the Akaneia

Nikki is desirable from many. ▼

like Mars is the only Hardin

and recovered from the orb of darkness

seems to help only last serving of sake. ▼

Ganefu defeated, and

the princess who was kidnapped

unexpected need to save us. ▼

mission I must often made.

Chris I, the work of the sonata

I expect Nikki! ▼

★ ★ ★ For orb of light †

[Jeigan] Chris, also in sonata

reminds you once again. ▼

to fight with Hardin is

orb of light is needed. ▼

who fight with the guy is

I'm still always have the Orb of light. ▼

[Hero] Was aware of, like Jeigan. ▼

Start fighting †

This world is rotten  †

[Hardin] I Medea. And up to betray you is

what I also fell to the ground of Holy Knight Akaneia. ▼

[Medea] Stupid, what are you doing! !

You'll all have to assimilate.

He is not insane. ▼

Where did the like Nina! ?

Return the queen! ! ▼

[Hardin] Nina and I!

That woman

he betrayed me. ▼

If I even Gurunia Crush

was good so. ▼

boy that is it,

and Emblem

... ▼ therefore was to hand

kills one against all.

Medea, And you! ! ▼

[Medea] At any time, such as my life

do me.

However, Hardin ... ▼

in petty jealousy of Kisama

who exactly how much

I think he suffered. ▼

Open your eyes already! ▼

[Hardin] Petty jealousy .... I

Hehe ...

good and even what I say. ▼

This world is rotten.

Human beings just trivial reasons. ▼

What is worth in this world.

I do be it better rather was destroyed. ▼

Well, Medea, color look so slowly.

That boy ...

I like the death of Prince Mars! ! ▼

Map  †

Light and darkness (when entering a certain area) †

[Hardin] Mars ... or

social standing of his subjects, yet

violate the Palace and dicksplash. ▼

prince of light Aritia

thing I fell to the ground. ▼ [Mars] Hardin!

You are governed by the Orb of darkness,

he has lost the right mind! ! ▼

sanity, whether

to take it back please! ▼

[Hardin] Fufufu ...

not sweet as usual

Mars. ▼

I have, it was attacked Aritia is

difficult, but just because Kisama. ▼

in the fight before, and that is a descendant of Henry

just say, ▼

is entrusted with the Emblem from Nina

was Matsuriage the leader. ▼

first light and a prince of a fool ...! ▼

If you do not, such as Kisama, the cooperation of me

was dead a long time ago.

Do not get all high and mighty, Mars! ! ▼

Kisama I have from that time

was difficult. ▼

had been put up for Nina

and You'll all, an end to any

thought had been put Nevala unexpected. ▼

It does not matter, such as this orb! ▼

[Mars] Hardin's true ... I ...

me like that ...

did not know ... ▼

[Hardin] Hmph ...

Therefore, I say boy. ▼

I Mars! Come near to me.

In this Gradius spear

through the chest to do that! ! ▼

on the continent this little

hero, but a lot of people me! ▼

When Hardin first round (usually) †

[Hardin] Came ... to death bother us rebel!

The horrors of Gradius

who let him know! ! ▼

When Hardin first match (vs Mars) †

[Hardin] Came, Mars! !

I hope that make it as skewered! ▼ [Mars] Hardin! ! ▼

When Hardin first match (a man hero VS) †

[Hardin] For there is no such as Kisama ...

Bring before me the Mars! ! ▼

[Hero] Hardin dark emperor ...

You're my partner! ▼

When Hardin first round (heroine VS) †

[Hardin] For there is no such as Kisama ...

Bring before me the Mars! ! ▼

[Hero] Hardin Hall ...

it is my role avenge you.

Prepared for us. ▼

Destroy when Hardin †

[Hardin] Prince Mars ... ▼ ...

finally ... I

... from a long dream

... ▼ seems to have awakened

... Prince ... forgive

me, some in his

terrible was fighting with the devil. ▼

But I was too weak ...

but against desperately ...

that did not win ... ▼

So, in the hands of the prince

wanted to kill ...

in this finally ... ▼ I have been saved

... Prince

... the ... Nina whether

Nina ask ... ▼

to her ...

I want ... ... ... ▼ tell

you ... I ...

love you ... have until the end ...

if you want ... and forgive ... ... ▼

After clearing †

(Completion of seal shield) false princess †

[Hero] Like Mars, the battle was over.

Aritia military victory. ▼

[Mars] Yeah, finally in this ... ▼

[Jeigan] Like Mars.

Please refer, to cut from the same cloth as the princess who ... ▼

[Mars] On sister! Nina like it ...

also Lena, also Maria

Minna, I was safe it. ▼

[Nina] Mars, we thank you for coming.

Pleased ... ▼

group! ! ▼ (shiny screen)

[Ganefu] Yourself, it has ... You'll all be sealed shield of

my Damn ...

the art of deception or torn! ▼

Hikiagero, our priest of darkness.

If that happens, the guy ...

it 's rush to the resurrection of the Dark Dragon! ▼

[Mars] Ganefu ...! ▼

[Hero] He is ... ▼ Ganefu devil

minions of that, he 's,

seems to have more princess pretending to be. ▼

[Mars] Yeah, would not going to mean.

It seems to have been ... and what is the resurrection of dark dragon

on the sister who is still Ganefu ... ▼

[Jeigan] It is in the prince, the story

is like Gato was guyz. ▼ [Mars] Well, is like gateau! ?

Immediately, but I need you to appetizer! ! ▼ (scene change)

[Gato] I Mars, You have done well.

, The Orb of five

So he got all. ▼

sonata by the power of

The Lost, shield of the seal has been finally completed. ▼

[Mars] Yes!

The shield of the royal family, is one of five orb

so that sucked ... ▼

this is, it is a shield of the seal. ▼

is, like Gato

now I

do I do? ▼

Ganefu of the previous

in the state, standing on my sister still

seems trapped in him. ▼

I, on my sister that we

will not be disturbing. ▼

[Gato] Presence or absence ...

feeling of Sonata is understood ... ▼

But, first and foremost

I must seal the dragon let the earth. ▼

They are soon

from long sleep, wake up. ▼

it from the depths of the earth Haiaga~tsu

devoured people, this world

would be turned into hell would. ▼

Mars' s going.

The Earth Dragon and awakening

to darkness, he re-bury! ! ▼

Length of tissue (survival Catalina) †

Male hero  †

[Jeigan] Chris,

about the assassination of cases of those who

has entered a new information in the castle. ▼

They still he is

from Hardin and Ganefu

seems to have been commissioned by assassination. ▼

length of the organization,

called Jeremiah feminine. ▼

[Hero] Jeremiah is a guy ... Where are you now? ▼

[Jeigan] But this Akaneia.

In the mountainous frontier of

Nikki apparently engaged in an orphanage. ▼

[Mars] Orphanage? ▼

[Jeigan] Ha, ostensibly.

However, the orphanage and

seems to be the titular facility. ▼

in the basement with no light

confinement orphans,

or have applied the teachings dubious ... ▼

[Hero] ....... Like Mars.

Please let me go.

I will have to crush the organization. ▼

[Mars] Know, Chris.

Such situations I also

do not put more than this alone. ▼

[Catalina] ... Please wait. ▼

[Mars] Catalina! ?

What I have heard. ▼

[Catalina] Like to go to the source of Jeremiah

does not pass through the underpass and hidden ...

i will guide you. ▼

[Mars] However ...... ▼

[Catalina] Please let me go.

I would, because all right. ▼

become atonement and do not think this is.

But I live

I want to do what I can. ▼

Female hero  †

[Jeigan] Chris,

about the assassination of cases of those who

has entered a new information in the castle. ▼

They still he is

from Hardin and Ganefu

seems to have been commissioned by assassination. ▼

length of the organization,

called Jeremiah feminine. ▼

[Hero] Jeremiah is the woman ... Where are you now? ▼

[Jeigan] But this Akaneia.

In the mountainous frontier of

Nikki apparently engaged in an orphanage. ▼

[Mars] Orphanage? ▼

[Jeigan] Ha, ostensibly.

However, the orphanage and

seems to be the titular facility. ▼

in the basement with no light

confinement orphans,

or have applied the teachings dubious ... ▼

[Hero] ....... Like Mars.

Please let me go.

I will have to end. ▼

[Mars] Know, Chris.

Such situations I also

do not put more than this alone. ▼

[Catalina] ... Please wait. ▼

[Mars] Catalina! ?

What I have heard. ▼

[Catalina] Like to go to the source of Jeremiah

does not pass through the underpass and hidden ...

i will guide you. ▼

[Mars] However ...... ▼

[Catalina] Please let me go.

I would, because all right. ▼

become atonement and do not think this is.

But I live

I want to do what I can. ▼

Length of tissue (absence Catalina)  †

Male hero  †

[Jeigan] Chris,

about the assassination of cases of those who

has entered a new information in the castle. ▼

They still he is

from Hardin and Ganefu

seems to have been commissioned by assassination. ▼

length of the organization,

called Jeremiah feminine. ▼

[Hero] Jeremiah is a guy ... Where are you now? ▼

[Jeigan] But this Akaneia.

In the mountainous frontier of

Nikki apparently engaged in an orphanage. ▼

[Mars] Orphanage? ▼

[Jeigan] Ha, ostensibly.

However, the orphanage and

seems to be the titular facility. ▼

in the basement with no light

confinement orphans,

or have applied the teachings dubious ... ▼

[Hero] ....... Like Mars.

Please let me go.

I will have to crush the organization. ▼

[Mars] Know, Chris.

Such situations I also

do not put more than this alone. ▼

Let's go,

to the home of the Assassins. ▼

Female hero  †

[Jeigan] Chris,

about the assassination of cases of those who

has entered a new information in the castle. ▼

They still he is

from Hardin and Ganefu

seems to have been commissioned by assassination. ▼

length of the organization,

called Jeremiah feminine. ▼

[Hero] Jeremiah is the woman ... Where are you now? ▼

[Jeigan] But this Akaneia.

In the mountainous frontier of

Nikki apparently engaged in an orphanage. ▼

[Mars] Orphanage? ▼

[Jeigan] Ha, ostensibly.

However, the orphanage and

seems to be the titular facility. ▼

in the basement with no light

confinement orphans,

or have applied the teachings dubious ... ▼

[Hero] ....... Like Mars.

Please let me go.

I will have to end. ▼

[Mars] Know, Chris.

Such situations I also

do not put more than this alone. ▼

Let's go,

to the home of the Assassins. ▼

Opening †

Darkness (fellow Catalina) †

Male hero  †

[Catalina] Chris, like Mars,

is here.

Watch your step, please ... ▼

[Hero] Not dark.

This sight ...

likely to struggle when it becomes the battle. ▼

[Catalina] Children of the organization,

grew up in the dark ... this for a long time

without any intention of his heart,

to leave only be ordered

to move a limb like a doll ... ▼

[Hero] Catalina ... ▼

[Catalina] The difference anymore ... but I will. ▼ Chris ...

I want to help you.

Only this feeling is mine. ▼

not what was ordered from someone ...

... my own mind

is my treasure. ▼

Let's go, Chris. ▼

Female hero  †

[Catalina] Chris, like Mars,

is here.

Watch your step, please ... ▼

[Hero] It 's dark ...

this sight ...

so when it is struggling to fight. ▼

[Catalina] Children of the organization,

grew up in the dark ... this for a long time

without any intention of his heart,

to leave only be ordered

to move a limb like a doll ... ▼

[Hero] Catalina ... ▼

[Catalina] The difference anymore ... but I will. ▼

Chris ...

I want to help you.

Only this feeling is mine. ▼

not what was ordered from someone ...

... my own mind

is my treasure. ▼

Let's go, Chris. ▼

Darkness (absence Catalina) †

[Hero] Like Mars, it seems here.

Please take every step. ▼

[Mars] Not dark.

We Catalina

Did lived in a place like this ... ▼

[Hero] ...... ▼

in the darkness ... this is a difficult battle

like Mars, and whether attention. ▼

Preparation sortie †

★ ★ chapter 20 about the current status †

[Jeigan] Assassination about the organization of those who

may be found. ▼

guys he

Ganefu of Hardin and

seems to have been the hand. ▼

like Mars will continue to target

those who emanated the assassination that is put unexpected. ▼

Sonata is even said that the eagle does not

intend to do so ... but will

he settle with those who assassinated here. ▼

Start fighting †

(Fellow Catalina) the fear †

[Jeremiah] Aritia troops here? ▼


scrap that doll, it ... did you betrayed

me I cast off the yoke of surely. ▼

, but you will not know?

Here is more than you

are a lot of dolls. ▼

Now, my dear children.

Adults who are bad

I'll come here. ▼

darkness is our friend.

The enemy could not see anything even

looks good to us. ▼

... please let them taste

the fear. ▼

(Absent Catalina) the fear †

[Jeremiah] Aritia troops here? ▼


I great. ▼

Now, my dear children.

Adults who are bad

I'll come here. ▼

darkness is our friend.

The enemy could not see anything even

looks good to us. ▼

... please let them taste

the fear. ▼

Map  †

Catalina first game when (usually) †

[Jeremiah] If you have my children ... and

that really just scraps. ▼

I can not get rid, they're like. ▼

If you do not have them with me a sample

so I can not go. ▼

Catalina when opener (vs Catalina) †

[Catalina] Like Jeremiah ... ▼

[Jeremiah] Oh, not a broken doll.

Or debris, ungrateful

? ▼ wonder traitor scum is better

and better Omeome

It 's face was shown in front of me,

Eine. ▼

[Catalina] I meet with you,

is painful ... very.

I want to be dead here ... ▼ better yet

, but with Chris

because if useful,

I do not run away ... ▼

[Jeremiah] Mouth is like a doll ... human waste

to mouth words may be you

I'm just "Yes". ▼

its mouth,

I do not hear right now let. ▼

Destroy when Jeremiah †

[Jeremiah] My children ... ... ▼

After clearing †

Victims of war †

Male hero  †

[Hero] Like Mars,

was internal control. ▼

another, like Mars at this

also be targeted by assassins

do not have. ▼

[Mars] Okay, thank you. ▼

[Jeigan] According to the story of the villagers around ... ▼

woman named Jeremiah that will

save us originally war orphans

was a priest is so kind-hearted. ▼

orphanage it is burned in war,

from being exterminated ... children

and now has changed people. ▼

[Mars] She also

victims of the war or that.

Not for her sins disappear ...

But, I'm now hearing not be saved. ▼

[Hero] However,

the victim, such as Catalina

will corner without already born. ▼

[Mars] Yeah,

it 's the least comfort. ▼

On, Let's go Chris!

To us there is still work to be done. ▼

[Hero] Ha! ▼

Female hero  †

[Hero] Like Mars,

the battle was over. ▼

another, like Mars at this

also be targeted by assassins

do not have. ▼

[Mars] Okay, thank you. ▼

[Jeigan] According to the story of the villagers around ... ▼

woman named Jeremiah that will

save us originally war orphans

was a priest is so kind-hearted. ▼

orphanage it is burned in war,

from being exterminated ... children

and now has changed people. ▼

[Mars] She also

victims of the war or that.

Not for her sins disappear ...

But, I'm now hearing not be saved. ▼

[Hero] However,

the victim, such as Catalina

will corner without already born. ▼

[Mars] Yeah,

it 's the least comfort. ▼

On, Let's go Chris!

To us there is still work to be done. ▼

[Hero] Yes, like Mars. ▼

True despair  †

[Ganefu] Hm ... ... ▼

... Have you lost ... after all ... Oh

... By Jeremiah. ▼

[Jeremiah] Ganefu like ... ▼ ...

sorry ... no ...

no ... fulfill your orders ... ▼

[Ganefu] I can not apologize, nothing.

Dark dragon ritual of resurrection

will begin soon ... ▼

minions of you and you are,

Sister and sacrifice

to help catch stood. ▼


Eagle there is a vacancy in the art of writing to you is

something that was ... ▼

[Jeremiah] ? To me, the art of ...? ▼

[Ganefu] Oh. Bran folded you remember?

Would not have even impossible. Also remember that

because I was robbed in the art of an eagle. ▼

Are you not been here ... once lamented.

The chest died in the war-ravaged corpse of orphans. ▼

go for these children live

their own ... I Shiteyare what I should

do with. ▼

[Jeremiah] I ...

... the children that

did not want to die ... ▼

[Ganefu] So, I've done eagle.

The art of the children strongly. ▼

There was a little distorted in a way,

as you desire

from the child was strong. ▼

's do?

Or has been recalled?

[Jeremiah] Yes, I ...

to those kids ... ▼

[Ganefu] Usually ...

eagle is a hypocrite like you and Mars

disgusted look. ▼

you was in despair the death of our orphans,

was ruled by the art of eagles and easily. ▼

taught as an eagle, and

gathered the sons, the hideous

began to make the training. ▼

cry of our sons ...

to see it ... you smiling

folder folder, I was quite sightseeing. ▼

[Jeremiah] Oh ... Oh ...

Oh ... Oh ...... ▼

I ... ...

... ... my children ...

Ah ... Ah! ▼

[Ganefu] Folder folder ...

but rest assured Jeremiah good.

I despair of you, such as those Namayasashii. ▼

This world will soon,

in true despair

that would be covered ... ▼

Mars I, I'm looking forward to it.

Folder folder folder ... ▼

Chapter 21 Dragon Valley

Narration †

(Flying dragon flying)

led to large sage Gato, ▼

their Mars is in the north of Macedonia,

was moved to <valley of Wyvern>. ▼

Do you there is a flying dragon in the wild fly

was to rule the land of uncivilized barbarians. ▼

, however, are not allowed to stop. ▼

fate of the world is now, he was entrusted into the hands of Mars! ▼

Preparation sortie †

★ ★ ★ For some dragon knight †

[Jeigan] Like Mars, has entered the news.

According to the story ... ▼ residents of this area

in the village of just over there,

was seriously injured on the verge of death

or appeared young dragon knight ... ▼ [Mars] Dragon knight?

Who on earth would not? ▼

[Jeigan] I do not know. Just ...

man, is alive

as of delirium while ... ▼ assume the grievous wound of marvelously,

and was called names like Mars ... ▼

[Mars] ! Let's go to the village.

Someone want to make sure that person.

I am, if you do not meet that person ... ▼

★ ★ chapter 21 about the current status †

[Jeigan] Hardin Akaneia emperor fell.

Is a long war was over here. ▼

sisters was kidnapped but

... deception of Ganefu

whereabouts are still unknown to. ▼

gateau is like but

she showed us the destination of.

They are on the altar of the earth dragon dragon he sleeps. ▼

As heard sonata,

but must let the earth as what sealed the dragon. ▼

If the land of countless wake up the dragon

in this world will become hell ... ▼

Fortunately, however

shield of the seal was completed to obtain the Orb of Darkness.

Always seal the dragon if Nasaru ground like Mars. ▼

on the altar of the dragon, you should have Ganefu

also was kidnapped and sisters.

He goes to the altar of the dragon. ▼

Start fighting †

Valley of the wyvern  †

Male hero  †

[Mars] Jeigan, here is what per.


Or, Dorua? ▼

[Jeigan] , Just around the border.

Wyvern is this area of Macedonia

is that they origin. ▼

However, if the savage barbarians

because they dominate, ▼

never, even soldiers of Macedonia

to the outback

is so do not set foot. ▼

[Mars] Valley of the dragon or the flight here ... ▼

[Hero] Also as far as the reconnaissance,

a large number of wyvern or barbarian

has droves. ▼

like Mars, your orders. I have preceded, and then wipe out the enemy. ▼

[Mars] Was found.

Let's go in, Chris. ▼

on a sister to us, ... what happened

is something very bad feeling I to. ▼

Female hero  †

[Mars] Jeigan, here is what per.


Or, Dorua? ▼

[Jeigan] , Just around the border.

Wyvern is this area of Macedonia

is that they origin. ▼

However, if the savage barbarians

because they dominate, ▼

never, even soldiers of Macedonia

to the outback

is so do not set foot. ▼

[Mars] Valley of the dragon or the flight here ... ▼

[Hero] Also as far as the reconnaissance,

flying dragon or barbarian has a number of droves. ▼

... as well as the way of Henry

No, it should be a tough fight over. Like Mars, please be careful. ▼

[Mars] Was found.

Let's go in, Chris. ▼

on a sister to us, ... what happened

is something very bad feeling I to. ▼

Gentle giant  †

Male hero  †

[Ymir] Oh Oh, Mars! ▼

[Mars] You are ...! ▼

[Hero] ! ?

What guy!

Or gang of barbarians? ▼

[Mars] I say, Chris.

He Ymir,

I'm friends of the previous battle. ▼

Observe the villagers

were fighting alone,

but gently brave. ▼

[Ymir] Ola, I Ymir.

I heard that Mars fighting

but also came Ola. ▼

[Hero] What was it ...

was rude, sir Ymir!

Taker, the rudeness. ▼

[Ymir] The Ola Hey, mind.

Ola's face certainly

not scary just a little massaging. ▼

you, but you say the name? ▼

[Hero] Ha!

I Konoe Aritia knight

is Chris. ▼

[Ymir] Chris!

Name but tying.

I ask now regards. ▼

[Hero] Ha! ▼

Female hero  †

[Ymir] Oh Oh, Mars! ▼

[Mars] You are ...! ▼

[Hero] Who!

Like Mars, please us falling. ▼

[Mars] I say, Chris.

He Ymir,

I'm friends of the previous battle. ▼

Observe the villagers

were fighting alone,

but gently brave. ▼

[Ymir] Ola, I Ymir.

I heard that Mars fighting

but also came Ola. ▼

[Hero] Su ... What was so

rude we have, sir Ymir.

Please forgive me if the rude. ▼

[Ymir] The Ola Hey, mind.

Ola's face certainly

not scary just a little massaging. ▼

you, but you say the name? ▼

[Hero] Yes.

I Aritia Knight Guards

My name is Chris. ▼

[Ymir] Chris!

Name but tying.

I ask now regards. ▼

[Hero] Yes. ▼

Map  †

A private house †

[Villagers] The other side of the mountain is

called the altar of the dragon

there is a small hill. ▼

recently, from the vicinity of

eerie, growl will

likely hear. ▼

our old man is

the devil and he revived

fear. ▼

even from you, the absolute

approach'll Do not be. ▼

2 houses †

[Villagers] Here's the valley of the wyvern.

Away from here

I set foot. ▼

fearsome dragon

grilled'll be killed. ▼

(Minerva to visit in less than 15 turns) village †

[Minerva] ............ ▼

on brother ...?

By chance ...

I folded it here ...? ▼

[Misheiru] Minerva ... or, ... ▼ [Minerva] !

Wound that is ...!

What would you tell it ... the benefits immediately! ▼

[Misheiru] It is no ...

scratch that is not longer survive. ▼

from it, call Mars ... the prince.

To the guy ... I

have something I must pass. ▼

[Minerva] Prince is coming soon.

On brother, I will be firm!

Now, the allowance I ... ▼

[Misheiru] By even more ... Phew,

and I can help is to you ... ▼

Hmph ... Gu~tsu ...! ▼

[Minerva] On brother! ▼

[Misheiru] There is a favor to you ... I Minerva.

When you die ... I

can pass this to the Prince Mars written. ▼

anymore ... I'm so far

is that after you ... ... ▼

[Minerva] Ah ... on ... brother ... ▼

~Tsu not like the complaints on brother!

If that was so weak from time. ▼

... always noble and strong

without relying on anyone, open the way for one person ... yourself

on what my brother was not such a person. ▼

I, received unexpected!

Even without the help of my sister

on the brother is good if you pass on your own. ▼

[Misheiru] Fu said ... not me ... ▼

[Minerva] So, on my brother ...

you are dead It is not necessary here.

Living, whether ... ▼

(Visited on Mars) village †

[Mars] Misheiru prince! ?

In a place like this Why? ▼

it has been badly injured.

How on earth did you! ▼

[Misheiru] Mars ...... or ...

... ... I've been waiting

on you ... ▼ [Mars] Oh! ? ▼

[Misheiru] This ... ... ▼

[Mars] !

This is the magic of Starlight written

to me this! ? ▼

[Misheiru] Yes ... yes ... he is Ganefu to

hear unexpected ... only this magic.

He has been robbed from him ... ▼

[Mars] From Ganefu! ?

He is a Where are you? ▼

[Misheiru] Altar of dragon ... ▼

Fu ... awkward ... I guess it

would also who is with me ...

such as ... ▼ Ganefu

Mars ... ask ...

I'm tired of waiting, have unexpected long. ▼

... to Minerva

on behalf of the ... Maria ... I

... and tell me ... ▼ Tasukero

[Mars] Misheiru! ▼

[Misheiru] Prince ... I

ask Maria ... ugh. ▼

After clearing †

The dark Awakening of the Dragon †

[Mars] Here is the altar of dragon

Naga tribe dragon earth dragon by God

where they are sealed ... ▼

[Gato] Mediusu is, the Mamukuto

despise, the conduct of human beings

he can no longer endure. ▼

So, collect the other Dragons

to make the empire Dorua

tried to destroy a human. ▼

a domain is defeated and Henry

Sonata is the second time defeated. ▼

However, the Earth Dragon family is proud of the tremendous life force,

so that will not easily perish ...

even now, is sleeping in this altar. ▼

[Mars] Also, if you back! ? ▼

[Gato] No, ▼ The dragon tribe and how much ground

at once, if put to sleep

a hundred years should not wake up. ▼

Mediusu is

then you wake up, a terrible

dragon and become dark ... ▼

Did you mean ... No ...

or so ... so ... ▼ Ganefu

[Mars] Oh, how Why was

like gateau! ? ▼

[Gato] Prince Mars.

Sisters has been taken away

finally found meaning. ▼

Ganefu, using the girls

the resurrection of Mediusu

he have in view. ▼

to hasten the awakening of the dragon tribe, is

of a noble woman Immaculate

who require life force. ▼

Ganefu, knowing that

he was a Sister Tsuresa~tsu. ▼

[Mars] So, we are all on the sister

and you are in this altar? ▼

[Gato] Presence or absence ... By Mars, but must hurry

Sisters is dangerous. ▼

Mediusu once again ...

they're trying to back! ! ▼

Prevention of Ymir †

[Hero] Hall of Ymir, we just are rude. ▼

[Ymir] Okay.

Hey I'm have been folded, to care.

I dressed mon example is a rare look at Ola. ▼ dressed like this, I wish there was only example dude.

Hey Why wear what everyone

folded, hey know. ▼

[Hero] What is warm? ▼ [Ymir] Oh,

it was only example even in winter. ▼

're right. Guy, to try

to see whether they wearing? ▼

's hat made ​​of animal skin.

If the guy rash

seen it immediately. ▼

[Hero] This is ...

It is a fine hat. ▼

[Ymir] I'm sure suits to you.

To try, or try wearing it? ▼

«Select" Yes "branch ー»

[Hero] Yes, I would like to come wearing. ▼

[Ymir] Oh!

Me saying that,

I'm glad Ola. ▼

to you if

I'm surely suit.

Hey I mistake. ▼

«Select" No "branch ー»

[Hero] No, not for me. ▼

[Ymir] I see ...

Unfortunately though, but hey way. ▼

[Hero] I'm sorry.

The kindness of precious ... ▼

[Ymir] Iida, Iida.

The Ola Hey, mind. ▼

Your tears do †

[Minerva] ▼ on brother ......

brother ... Why ... on

why such a thing ... ▼ to

me ... I really

did not want to fight with you, etc. ...! ▼

However, as of old ...

with you ... ▼ and Maria

on brother ...... brother ... For example ... I ...! ▼ [Misheiru Tears of ... you ...

do since I saw when ... ▼

[Minerva] For example ...? Oh, on brother! ? No way ... ▼

[Misheiru] Also left to die despised sister

story ... ▼ unexpected like

this I know ... you are

not a man to die in a place like this.

So would, I Minerva. ▼

[Minerva] On brother! Oh, on brother! ▼

[Misheiru] Well, I do not misunderstanding Minerva.

Enemies ... you and I

that does not change the fact that the. ▼

not broken at the sight of you guys ungraceful,

not too much to do to lend a hand reluctantly. ▼


Phew, I was relieved. Looks like that was back on the usual brother. ▼


To defeat the dark dragon,

power on your brother, try to borrow. ▼

Chapter 22 Dragon Altar

Narration †

(Altar of the dragon)

on towering crag,

a stone bridge has been lacking. ▼

and, much to the sky

like a stone staircase arrives or seems to be, ▼

is attached to the spiral. ▼

rough rock face is

raising the eerie growl, ▼

lifelike as if

to breathe occasionally larger. ▼

the ruins of the ancient dragon ... altar of dragon tribe. ▼

Naga Dragon King God,

which is the location where you sealed the Ryuo ground. ▼

now, after 600 years and when

that awakening earth dragon. ▼

an evil demon,

that while he was born in myriad ... ▼

Opening †

«Select" Yes "in the previous section» ... and wear a hat of Ymir †

[Mars] ...... ▼

vinegar, it's amazing hat, Chris.

Did you mean, did you received from Ymir? ▼

[Hero] Yes. Is very warm.

I will also stand out too much ... ▼

[Mars] Indeed, with it's

anywhere in the battlefield

You're right really stand out ... ▼

Preparation sortie †

★ ★ chapter 22 about the current status †

[Jeigan] What Ganefu is

for the resurrection of dark dragon Mediusu

he had kidnapped the Sisters ... ▼

dangerous ... must hurry

the revival of Mediusu whatever it takes

I must stop. ▼

It does not end, but just asking, Chris.

Nikki I look forward to the workings of sonata. ▼

For the altar of the dragon ★ ★ ★ †

Male hero  †

[Mars] Here is the altar of dragon ... ▼

[Hero] It is an eerie place.

In the meantime, from somewhere

hear the growl of a dragon ... ▼

[Mars] Yeah, it is dangerous to linger.

Once ready,

it tries to advance toward the back stretch. ▼

Female hero  †

[Mars] Here is the altar of the dragon ... ▼

[Hero] It is an eerie place.

In the meantime, from somewhere

a dragon growl can be heard ... ▼

[Mars] Yeah, it is dangerous to linger.

Once ready,

it tries to advance toward the back stretch. ▼

Start fighting †

I saw somewhere ...  †

[Gato] Prince Mars, to this altar

Demon Dragon tribe lost a rogue barbarians and reason

should lurking number. ▼

they are, the magic of the Ganefu

are manipulated, the sonata we

will attack you. ▼

barrel of Ganefu I

also priest of darkness,

Nikki have the power to be reckoned unexpected. ▼

If the battle is prolonged, would be painful.

It is not necessary to stop.

At once, it 's run through! ▼

Ganefu and defeated the

guy that took away from Aritia

he regain the votive sword falchion. ▼

If you do not have falchion

Mediusu to defeat the

first would be impossible ... ▼

[Mars] Okay, like Gato.

Now back in to all of us fellow ... ▼

[Gato] Good, but go along with this one.

This is more, from the sonata to

lend force. ▼

[Nagi] ▼ ......

...... ▼

[Mars] Are you ... ▼

[Hero] Also this way,

I like friend of Mars? ▼

[Mars] No, I first meet people.

But why would ...

like we met somewhere ... ▼

[Nagi] I ... Nagi.

Enemy ... I will stop ...

you are in a hurry ... ▼ ahead

... Let's go

... all ... this time

to end ...... ▼

After clearing †

On  †

Male hero  †

[Hero] Like Mars!

There are stairs to the back! ▼

Female hero  †

[Hero] Like Mars,

I found the stairs to the back.

Is here. ▼

Quit the prevention of Ymir? «Select" Yes "in the previous chapter» †

[Hero] Like Mars, let's hurry! ▼

[Mars] Oh, Chris! ▼

... By the way, that hat

to wear always will be? ▼

[Hero] In fact, we lost.

I say warm buttocks as Ymir,

during the fight, and too noticeable or too ... ▼

[Mars] Indeed, it would have surprised the enemy.

You do?

To the original destination hairstyle now? ▼

«Select" Yes "branch ー»

[Hero] Yes. Until the end of the battle is

to take off this hat will keep. ▼

[Mars] Was found. Well, let's hurry! ▼

«Select" No "branch ー»

[Hero] Home. Until the end of the fight

will go dressed like this. ▼

[Mars] I, was found. Alright, let's go! ▼

Chapter 23 Devil Again (I would call it "The Dark Hour" or something like that.)

Opening †

Anti-hero Demon  †

[Mars] Chris,

that before this devil Ganefu

enemy with tremendous magical power. ▼

Chris, are you ... ▼

(Branch from here)

Part A †

[Mars] You are, to the magic defense is very strong.

Going to be relying on this fight, to you.

If you have a chance at winning ... is. ▼

[Hero] Is an honor ... like Mars.

We will do our best. ▼

Part B †

[Mars] You are a strong defense against magic.

However, even in front of you Ganefu is dangerous.

I want to carefully assimilate. ▼

[Hero] Yes, like Mars.

Thank you. ▼

Part C †

[Mars] I'm afraid you will

have resistance against magic

little ... ▼

[Hero] Was, indeed ... ▼

[Mars] To stand in front of Ganefu is too dangerous.

Earnestly want to be careful, if. ▼

Preparation sortie †

★ ★ ★ For Satan Ganefu †

[Hero] Jeigan like,

... that guy back on the throne of

Satan and has Ganefu! ▼

[Jeigan] Chris, I hear often.

Normally leads to the unexpected attack of Ganefu. ▼

Ganefu Mafu has written mage is

sealed he would attack here. ▼

It is defeat Ganefu

certificate only Mage Starlight. ▼

If you do not have a star light,

and Ganefu not fight,

but to subdue the throne there every ... ▼

★ ★ chapter 23 about the current status †

[Jeigan] Altar of this dragon, indescribably

Magamagashii not a whiff. ▼

Ganefu devil is here,

the dark dragon Mediusu

'm going to revive. ▼

the sisters was kidnapped

rescue dorsal root ... if

I go, I Chris. ▼

Start fighting †

Devil Ganefu  †

[Ganefu] Came, kid.

Eagle or get in the way of once again

only this time, will not forgive! ! ▼

[Mars] Ganefu return, and on our sister!

Where he did, everyone! ▼

[Ganefu] Folder folder folder ... is that our sister

was dark dragon and sacrifice of the resurrection.

Another, unexpected return it to the original. ▼

Mediusu Ryuo earth, true to form soon

reborn. As a sacrifice that

was needed Sister. ▼

But, that guys is there suffering

soul is shattered ... could not stand

it anymore and eagle, unexpected the water. ▼

However, thanks to

Dark Dragon was awakened.

He also fall short of the power of the shield of the seal. ▼

Unfortunately I have had it.

Mars ... I

here you are, Die! ! ! ▼

Map  †

When the first battle Ganefu (usually) †

[Ganefu] Folder folder folder ...

my dark magic, of Mafu

Omoishire the power ... ▼

When the first battle Ganefu (vs Mars) †

[Ganefu] I Mars,

with the sword of unexpected defeat ... You are the eagle

shield of sealed Morotomo, tire Break it! ! ▼

[Mars] I'm not collapsed in a place like this.

Out of my way there, Ganefu! ▼

When the first battle Ganefu (hero guy VS) †

[Ganefu] Folder folder folder ...

from you first

let me taste the Mafu my ... ▼

[Hero] Come on, Ganefu devil.

To someone like you

is not allowed to kill like Mars! ▼

When the first battle Ganefu (heroine VS) †

[Ganefu] Folder folder folder ...

from you first

let me taste the Mafu my ... ▼

[Hero] Mars is absolutely not like to die.

Absolutely ...! ▼

Destroy when Ganefu †

[Ganefu] Hehe ...

slow anymore ...

The world is ending ugh ... ▼

After clearing †

In addition to the above †

Male hero  †

[Hero] Like Mars,

there is a further staircase to the top! ! ▼

Female hero  †

[Hero] Like Mars, click here.

There seems to be a staircase onto further. ▼

Epilogue: Light and Shadow

Opening †

The future is ...  †

Male hero  †

[Mars] Chris.

This is the last fight.

Mediusu have to back this dark dragon. ▼

going to be tough fight.

Really ... how many people survive

, however, the world anyway ... ▼

[Hero] Like Mars ... ▼

fine, like Mars.

This fight, you win.

Since we are so in fortune-telling. ▼

[Mars] Fortune-telling? ▼

[Hero] When I was a child

to her grandmother in the village fortune-telling

is not certain that I had been divined. ▼

by holding a hand doing this way,

this child is really what

I would be there ... anyone waiting for the future. ▼

[Mars] So, I did it in the fortune-telling? ▼

[Hero] You are the life of a legend ... going to be

and I was told. ▼

[Mars] Wow ...

feel like I understand that. ▼

[Hero] From it, and live to one hundred. ▼

[Mars] Up to a hundred ... it is amazing, I live longer. ▼

Oh yeah.

If that fortune-telling grandmother correct ... ▼

[Hero] Yes, it is not supposed to lose here.

Because I am not yet one hundred years old.

Please be assured, like Mars. ▼

[Mars] Mother, that's right.

I eased your mind. ▼

Thank you, Chris care about me. ▼

Female hero  †

[Mars] Chris.

This is the last fight.

Mediusu have to back this dark dragon. ▼

going to be tough fight.

Really ... how many people survive

, however, the world anyway ... ▼

[Hero] Like Mars ... ▼

fine, like Mars.

This fight, you win.

Since we are so in fortune-telling. ▼

[Mars] Fortune-telling? ▼

[Hero] When I was a child

to her grandmother in the village fortune-telling

is not certain that I had been divined. ▼

by holding a hand doing this way,

this child is really what

I would be there ... anyone waiting for the future. ▼

[Mars] So, I did it in the fortune-telling? ▼

[Hero] Would spend the rest of one's life ... quietly somewhere

and I was told. ▼

[Mars] Wow ...

feel like I understand that. ▼

[Hero] From it, and live to one hundred. ▼

[Mars] Up to a hundred ... it is amazing, I live longer. ▼

Oh yeah.

If that fortune-telling grandmother correct ... ▼

[Hero] Yes, it is not supposed to lose here.

Since I am not yet one hundred years old.

Please at ease, like Mars. ▼

[Mars] Mother, that's right.

I eased your mind. ▼

Thank you, Chris care about me. ▼

Preparation sortie †

★ ★ chapter 24 about the current status †

[Jeigan] Ganefu have

not been here to say that the anxious ... ▼

... and the sacrifice of the Sisters dark dragon

that is informal and soul. ▼

stop the revival of Mediusu,

to help the Sisters

... ▼ Even though it has so far

Mars is like but

I still do not give up is woven unexpected. ▼

Chris, Sonata

has worked really well so far. ▼

This will be a final battle.

No matter what happens

I'm counting on it ... I like and support of Mars. ▼

★ ★ ★ For Lena †

[Julian] Prince Mars!

What I found Rena

No kidding. ▼

[Mars] Yeah. According to the reconnaissance,

while on our sister

Lena were also likely. ▼

[Julian] I have to help me, MS Lena.

I have to talk with Rena's.

Surely give back to the original if it does so. ▼

[Mars] Julian, know how you feel.

Too, to Lena and you

want to give them to talk. ▼

go into battle the next person

... but has not yet been decided

Chris, what do you think? ▼

[Hero] The relationship between the two people I

do not know in detail.

▼ ... just

to save the Hall of Lena,

need the power of Julian,

you feel so. ▼

[Mars] You're right.

Who should get the next in the battle,

let us consider sufficient. ▼

not just win the fight,

to help all of us on the sister,

the what to do. ▼

★ ★ ★ For Maria †

[Minerva] Chris Hall,

I have a sister named Maria. ▼

Ganefu Maria was kidnapped, the

boy is ...

I hear that the side of the Mediusu. ▼

I want to save that child.

She wants to talk with ... ▼


However, the story of the demon king Ganefu, who she is and sacrifice

does not return to the original heart is no longer ... ▼ [Minerva] Still, I want to talk.

Try to talk to, even if what you already

know when not to return to the original ... ▼

me, ... even the life of that child standing

to save the girl. ▼

[Hero] I understand ... princess Minerva.

If there until your ready,

I also can not be stopped. ▼

, too,

Princess Maria and Princess Minerva is

will be able to talk about cooperation. ▼

★ ★ ★ For Nina †

[sirius] Chris Hall,

have a favor to ask in your Settlement. ▼

[Hero] Sirius buttocks,

Why was wrong? ▼

[sirius] According to the story of Ganefu ...

Nina was kidnapped princess, the

sacrifice of having been Mediusu. ▼

longer, and the unexpected return to the original ...

But I want to talk with her. ▼

I also be able to compete next in the battle,

the prince Mars

or Torihakara~tsu But you probably would not get it. ▼

[Hero] However, the princess Nina why?

Why is Sirius buttocks close the princess? ▼

[sirius] Nope ....

I just want her salvation. ▼

standpoint because she is princess of power,

has been burdened with a lot of unhappy until now ...

Nevertheless, this fate is too pathetic. ▼

I will be happy in her unexpected.

But at least

I want her salvation ... ▼

★ ★ ★ for Ellis †

[Malik] Chris is, and ask.

I want to lend force to the next in the battle,

I want to save like Ellis. ▼

[Hero] Ellis ... like

you I is the sister of Mars like. ▼

[Malik] Yeah, for me

like Ellis is not an important person. ▼

like Ellis is to break the heart,

that beside the Mediusu ...

But I do not give up. ▼

Ellis wants to talk with like.

If you and I will

go into battle when the next ▼ ...

Ellis and able to speak like I

want you to cooperate with each other.

Ask, whether. ▼

[Hero] All right. Malik dono

who owe us assistance.

We will do our best. ▼

Start fighting †

Do not give up until the end  †

[Mars] I have over there, on my sister ... We

, and we are keeping it on my sister ▼ ...

stupid ...

Whatever ... Whatever ...

what say ... ▼ Mediusu

[Jeigan] However, it is,

is the way to the princess who

have not received the sword of the prince. ▼

fast, and it should somehow

we awakened dragon, more and more

snow I can become painful. ▼

[Mars] So, How do I ... ▼

How do I, on the sister who

he can be saved.

Tell me, Jeigan. ▼

[Jeigan] It ...

even eagle, I do not know. ▼


to defeat ▼ Mediusu is

sometimes unavoidable, and whether ... ▼

[Mars] !

What do you mean ..., No way

to kill us, even on the older sister! ? ▼

[Jeigan] It also, and is one of the ways

that I mentioned it. ▼

suffering more than this is

also the princess who can withstand unexpected. ▼

even if it took, your life

must be going save us. ▼

[Mars] Jeigan is,

as a request to the decision that to me

or say. ▼

[Jeigan] Who stands on top of the humans, the decision hard

sometimes I must let.

Yes, it is that I mentioned. ▼

[Mars] Jeigan was found, the other good.

I'm not giving up.

There should be a way, something. ▼

I, until the end

I do not give up! ! ▼

Exhausted all means is when ...  †

Male hero  †

[Jeigan] I Chris.

Mars also like eagle

better understand your feelings. ▼

ask from the eagle.

Also like for Mars,

me looking for a way how to save the princess. ▼

[Hero] Ha!

We will do our best. ▼

... only if, when that is exhausted all means ...

No matter Somuko like Mars for example,

must defeat their princess. ▼

me, it also

is the role of knight Konoe

has knowledge. ▼

[Jeigan] Sumanu, Chris ...... ▼

Female hero  †

[Jeigan] I Chris.

Mars also like eagle

better understand your feelings. ▼

ask from the eagle.

Also like for Mars,

me looking for a way how to save the princess. ▼

[Hero] Yes.

We will do our best. ▼

time of emergency is ...

No matter Somuko like Mars for example,

must defeat their princess ... ▼

is now ... yet

I do not want to think about it.

I'd like to have a slight hope for. ▼

[Jeigan] Chris ...... ▼

Map  †

Combat when Lena †

[Rena] Samani Mediusu ...

Sakaraumono ...

chorus ... ▼

Destroy when Lena †

[Rena] Julian ... Oh ...... ▼

Combat when Maria †

[Maria] Samani Mediusu ...

Sakaraumono ...

chorus ... ▼

When defeated Maria †

[Maria] Oh sister ...Minerva ...... ▼

Combat when Nina †

[Nina] Samani Mediusu ...

Sakaraumono ...

chorus ... ▼

Destroy when Nina †

[Nina] Camus ... Oh ...... ▼

Combat when Ellis †

[Ellis] Samani Mediusu ...

Sakaraumono ...

chorus ... ▼

Ellis defeated when †

[Ellis] Malik ... Oh ...... ▼

Conversation (→ Julian Rena enemy forces) †

[Julian] Ms. Lena, I realize that its me.

I'm me, I'm Julian.

Hell, I had to do Chima~tsu. ▼

I, I 's a man with nothing to recommend anything

if it is for you,

What did you say you can. ▼

separately, I do not want anything

to Lena's smile

I want to watch. ▼

Hey, Give me laughing

Come on, Mr. Rena ... ▼

[Rena] Julian ... Ah ...

As expected, there did came. ▼

I believed you say she was going to come.

So, how

was able to put up with ... ▼ horribly even

Julian, I'm sorry.


just spoiled for you. ▼

[Julian] I ..., yea

like that to Mr. Lena

is sufficient only get to say. ▼

[Rena] Julian, only one

Please, hear me? ▼

[Julian] Yeah?

Oh, so do not try to say What did you say.

To me, if you can ... ▼

[Rena] From now on, I can

call me Lena. ▼

I mean, even when

I like someone else is funny. ▼

us, to Macedonia

what I live with when you go back home. ▼

[Julian] What? Rena ... I

... was ... no record ... Na ...

No way, What it ... ▼

[Rena] Yeah ... God

forgive us surely. ▼

me, because your

so much ...

what I like. ▼

Conversation (→ Minerva Maria enemy forces) †

[Minerva] Maria! Please wake up.

Is me, is Minerva

What did you do! Please firmly. ▼

[Maria] Hmm ...

like ... ▼ sister Minerva Oh ...

there you ---- Kya

is Mediusu ... ▼

[Minerva] Another, Do not worry,

with peace of mind. ▼

I'm sorry, Maria

according to this eye, you. ▼

[Maria] Like my sister ...

I was scared ... scared. ▼


Misheiru brother did is like what is? ▼

as trying to help, me

and fought me Ganefu. ▼

[Minerva] Misheiru is ...

Do not worry, Maria

do not worry. ▼

[Maria] Wow, really?

Well, again if returned to the country

as of old, you're live with everyone. ▼

Good for you, like my sister.

Oh, brother Misheiru like fast

I miss you. ▼

[Minerva] Maria ...... ▼

Conversation (Nina enemy → Sirius) †

[Nina] Ah ...

I have sinned. ▼

I, therefore stupid ...

▼ afflicting, the Hardin

had cornered ... up there. ▼

[sirius] Queen ... I

Hardin suffering public is

Prince Mars has been released. ▼

king, love you till the end

▼ had been apologized for his own sin

again, it is good.

More than it already

is not suffering. ▼

You are a bad dream

I had seen ... ▼

[Nina] ......

you ...? ▼

... Ah! Are you ...

Camus ...! ?

No such Camus I! ! ▼

... why you ... why

I have been dreaming it? ▼

[sirius] !

What is the queen ... you ... I

have it wrong. ▼

I, a soldier of the allied forces

who called Sirius.

Knowing, such as Camus ... ▼

[Nina] Sirius! ? ... I ...

No! Wrong! !

Are you ... ▼

[sirius] Please calm down.

You are, you're tired. ▼

I will here soon

must go. ▼

Now, queen Nina ...

you are

to the original Prince of Mars ... ▼

[Nina] Are you ...

What do you where to go. ▼

[sirius] I I must go back to the country.

To me ...

there are those who wait ... ▼

[Nina] So ... I ...

I understand ... Sirius ...

Thank you, thank you. ▼

[sirius] Sumanu ... ... ▼

[Nina] Oh! ? ▼

[sirius] No ... do not do anything ... I

'll Come queen, Reyo go now! ▼

Conversation (Ellis enemy forces Malik →) †

[Malik] Ellis like!

Is me, is Malik.

Please wake up, whether. ▼

I wanted to observe, you


but we have learned the magic ... ▼

... also, I

did not defend, you. ▼

beside you

were not fried. ▼

is asking ... like Ellis.

Whether ... Whether

Please open your eyes. ▼

[Ellis] Malik? ▼

...! ーOh, Malik!

Ganefu ... help ... is

scary ... Please, help me! ▼

[Malik] Ellis like!

Was good, I noticed it. ▼

another, fine.

I am, because you are not here. ▼

Ah ... but, like Mars ... is

everyone, from looking at

so much ... damn. ▼

like Ellis, the other I

do not leave, the buckwheat noodles again. ▼

What kind of example that

I hope will ... even. ▼

The light of hope (after all rescue Sister) †

[Ellis] Mars, ... I'm sorry

to you

You just bothered. ▼

[Nina] But, we are right now.

Be misled by the dark dragon that the other does not. ▼

[Maria] Various Mars!

By defeating the Mediusu! ▼

[Rena] Those who have been injured

will heal us.

So that you do not lose anyone anymore ... ▼

[Hero] Like Mars, did it!

Our princess is

everybody has regained sanity! ▼

is the power of your like Mars.

Do not give up hope like the light of Mars,

it was our salvation a princess. ▼

[Mars] Yeah, it was really good. ▼

If you do not at the expense of someone else

... there would not win the battle

but, ... ▼ Yet

still, I

do not want to give up until the end.

I want to win this fight together. ▼

[Mediusu] Honoré ...

Wa moth University Sacrifice our

How dare you ... ▼

[Mars] Earth Dragon Mediusu darkness!

, A sword to defeat you this

is nothing more unobstructed. ▼

Here we go! ▼

When the first battle Mediusu (usually) †

[Mediusu] Wa ... moths ... Fukkatsuha Natta

Orokana, Ningendomo ...

Hitorinokorazu ... chorus ... ▼

When the first battle Mediusu (vs Mars) †

[Mediusu] Matashitemo ...

Wareni, Aragauka ...

Henri Roh descendant ... ▼

[Mars] Mediusu,

and you will Yomigaero many times,

people do not give in to you. ▼

fight this long ...

now my end! ▼

When the first battle Mediusu (hero guy VS) †

[Mediusu] Tadano, Ningenga ...

Wareniidomuka ...

Orokana ... ▼ [Hero] My life is in order at this time ...

even though I'm dead, like Mars is

bright ... ▼ us made ​​the world

so I can fight.

As of my all,

avenge you! ▼

When the first battle Mediusu (heroine VS) †

[Mediusu] Tadano, Ningenga ...

Wareniidomuka ...

Orokana ... ▼

[Hero] My life at this time ... for

even if I would die, like Mars is

bright ... ▼ us made ​​the world

so I can fight.

As of my all,

avenge you! ▼

(If you do not have to fellow sisters) when defeated Mediusu †

[Mediusu] Gufufu ...

yet, why de-flowering rush Owatta ▼

Omaeno, Sonoamasaga ...

Miwo, Horobosunoda ... ▼

Wa moth, Sacrifice next system

... On'nadomo

Wagachitonari, Nikutonare ... ▼

Wareni, Chikarawo, give! ▼

Destroy when Mediusu †

[Mediusu] Ribbit ...! ▼

Nazeda ......

... ... why Wareraga

Kantan'ni Koumo ... ... ▼

... Corega Nagano

... Fuuin'no, Tateno

Chikaradato Iunoka ... ▼ ...

... but Ningen'yo

Oboeteoke ... ▼

Omaetachini, Sonoiyashii

Kokoroga, Arukagiri ... ▼

nymphalids, again, Ushinaware

Wareraha, Chinosokokara

Yomigaette, Kurudarou ... ▼

Sonokoto ...

Harmony to-les-Le Na ... ▼


Ending epilogue †

Gato (the icon is only when the survival Cedar (), the wise man), most Mars to the right, the left-most on the throne under the screen (

only when the survival Chitty (the icon is right Mamukuto woman), and Chiqui under three mass of Mars Marishia next to

(only when survival) and the icon of Marishia. Cedar is, become a thing of the branch of an army when cleared)

Of all words †

[Mars] The fight was over.

Thank you all.

Thank you very much ... ▼

[Hero] Mars like ...... ▼

[Luke] Great!

The Legend of Luke Knight

's conclusion here! ▼

[Lodi] The fight was over.

Now, I go home to their homeland. ▼

[Cecil] Like Mars ...

Chris ...

everyone ... ▼

[Gordon] Yappari,

like Mars is a great way.

Thus the world twice ... ▼

[Ryan] Sail, really

it is not that we won ... ▼

[Doga] Also the people of our countries,

would be happy to give the kit. ▼

[Alan] This long-cherished ambition ...

have no more regrets ... ▼

[Marishia] Chama ... Obaa

us, I did best. ▼

[Kachua] Mars was good ... like ... ▼

[Warren] I restored it ... This. ▼

[seriously] I celebrate the victory,

or do jumps out tonight! ▼

[Linda] Darkness ... may appear many times

light is not lost, surely. ▼

[Paola] It was a long war.

But, finally in this ... ▼

[spoon] Bakkari today is

also about exposure to drink

bad hey! ▼

[Julian] I was not finished. Finally ... ▼

[Matisse] What? The end?

Me, did you survive? ▼

[Riff] When you return in this peace

is above all. ▼

[Oguma] War is over.

Good to the king Thalys

I can tell ... ▼

[Yumina] Father, mother ...

was the end ... ▼

[Yubero] Lawrence ...

I, from now on

because I do my best. ▼

[sirius] ...... ▼

[Qasim] Mother, will return soon. ▼

[Cedar] Was good ...

like your Mars is safe ... ▼

[baht] A long time

or slowly drink the night away. ▼

[Ricardo] Ehehe, plenty of

Na or get a treasure. ▼

[Frey] Like Mars,

was the first time in stunning your battle. ▼

[Norun] I also

do a little or Yakunitate? ▼

[samuto] I was overwhelmed,

I'll going to be famous. ▼

[Wendell] Gato ... like

people are also the fate

I survived it ... ▼ [sEE] Waiting for us.

Back soon ... ▼

[Radiation] This,

and the like to help that girl ... ▼

[Navarre] Mars was brilliant ... prince. ▼

[Feena] Dance of victory,

I might as dancing? ▼

[Cain] , A splendid fight

and stunning victory! ▼

[banuto~u] Later, in quiet

or'll let them watched ... ▼

[Roger] To a new world,

meeting new people ...

I wish some good. ▼

[Georges] Now, once

regain the Akaneia ... ▼

[Minerva] Prince Mars, is wonderful.

You can not anyone

was without thorns ... ▼

[Hetzel] War ... I guess it is the end

he desires

a peaceful world will come ... ▼

[Malik] Mars and the like

... as long as everyone

is not the era of darkness visited. ▼

[Eruren] I'm hardly alone,

such a thing could not.

Is this the force of fellow ... ▼

[Die] If you received any remuneration from the prince,

loudly again in the money

or go with a game. ▼

[Maris] Done over.

How much compensation do get,

I'm looking forward to. ▼

[Horus] Also my people we

will be happy to give ... ▼

[Jake] Anna, I just bagged the elephant.

My working

I'll let later. ▼ [

Casa Dorada] OIRA like

any good-for-nothing,

I was not the prince Yakunitate Mars ... ▼

[Roberto] Another, this

can be weak, that people are not oppressed. ▼

[berufu] Like Camus, Dark Dragon was destroyed.

It was all over. ▼

[Leiden] If you were here ... like Camus purchase decisions

only it, regret it. ▼

[beck] In addition, even to a new journey

Would you like it ... ▼

[Athena] We won the Athena.

This is also everyone's power. ▼

[Cheney] Or human world for a while.

Also, it is not bad either ... ▼

[Chitty] Happy ...

really happy! ▼

[Est] Finally, I was finished.

Abel, I ... ▼

[TMS] Senwa done.

However, the peace of our true homeland

grab that in the future. ▼

[Abel] The fight ends with this.

The usual quiet life and

come back ... ▼

[Michelin] In this, the people of our country are

living longer without suffering. ▼

[Astoria] I made ​​a mistake ...

now, that the atonement

must be allowed. ▼

[Catalina] Like Mars ...

Chris ...

was good ... ▼

[Thomas] Also ... also graphics Akaneia

This will surely get better ...

so I want to believe. ▼

[Cima] This change in our country ... also

thank you, Prince Mars. ▼

[samson] Was a battle ... not bad. ▼

[Frost] Eagle and family,

can live in peace with this. ▼

[Roche] Hardin ...... like

we are ... ▼

[biraku] Even now, hesitation is.

But, I was good at this ... ▼

[Zagaro] Hardin like ...... ▼

[Wolf] ...... ▼

[Medea] Tsuie Akaneia is ... was

I, still

live as a knight Akaneia. ▼

[Ymir] Mars, tying guy.

Ola also was hard. ▼

[Misheiru] Victory is of course.

Because I lent it force me. ▼

[Nagi] In this good ... ...... ▼


Julian ... because you were there for us,

I ... ▼

[Maria] Misheiru ... like brother

like sister Minerva ...

I want to talk with everyone again ... ▼

[Nina] Camus ... are you ...... ▼

[Ellis] Thank you Malik ... ... ▼

Courage †

[Gato] I Mars.

I brave prince of Aritia. ▼

by the action of the sonata

Mediusu Dark Earth Dragon

was destroyed completely. ▼

barrel of Mediusu I

also Earth Dragon tribe

disappeared into the darkness. ▼

sealed as long as there is a shield

anymore, they

will not wake up. ▼

I Mars

to the descendants of Henri brave

prince of light I the chosen one. ▼

Sonata, save the human race

and also, even the dragon tribe us

he saved me ... ▼

[Chitty] Avery! !

I, the temple of ice to another

will not do not have to Kaera. ▼


I mean, I'm

all, what I love. ▼

Where such lonely

alone I

would not be caught dead another thing. ▼

like a dream ... really.

I am glad, I am glad

of Mars brother, love it! ! ▼

[Marishia] Oh, when ~Tsu Chiqui also

like Mars, forever

What are you stuck! ▼

But, I also like like Mars Mars

then happily so much.

I, like Cedar, I'll not forgive. ▼

[Cedar] Said another fool, if you ~Tsu Marishia.

Like Mars, but

really happy ... ▼

[Marishia] Yeah, finally, the load of the shoulder

and I thing I was. ▼

like Mars, much because

the heavy responsibility

is saddled, I was painful. ▼

But it was hard is

the same I like Cedar. ▼

around like Mars is always full of people

did not talk can also rarely,

you were lonely. ▼

[Cedar] Yeah ... But, I say.

If you are like me not be safely Mars

do not want anything else. ▼

I, I was please to God.

Like Mars is

important because there is mission, ▼

should be called to the life if

me ... ▼ What to change

to me, the only thing it

shall not serve you. ▼

[Marishia] Oh ......

like Yappari Cedar is

I do not compete with. ▼

But It's OK not have to take it anymore.

Like Mars, based on your

because he came back. ▼

You know, like Cedar

is like Mars, are looking at here.

Now, Have courage! ▼

To me, are you †

[Cedar] Like Mars ... ▼

[Mars] Cedar, I was finally finished.

Even you, had a tough time is.

Are sorry. ▼

[Cedar] No, I am the

fresh ... without any good

I'm sorry. ▼

[Mars] Stupid.

To me because I have Cedar

'm have done so far. ▼

From now on, more it

becomes very much. ▼

Akaneia kingdom of seven of the continent is

trying to be one. ▼

And everybody

I commit all that to me. ▼

demos, such that very

alone I do not have should be able to.

Cedar want help, me. ▼

to me, I'm need you. ▼

[Cedar] I ... I

Thalys when you leave the island

was pledged. ▼


to keep up like Mars,

we continue to believe no matter what. ▼

So, no matter how hard both

was able to put up with. ▼

I mean, ... I

have like Mars ... ▼

Aritia people †

[Jeigan] Mars ... like

I was well up to now work hard.

This is not unexpected Jeigan, in words. ▼

[Alan] The death of this body

that fight under Mars-like,

and try to pride of my life. ▼

[Cain] Exactly!

That things was with like Mars,

we will honor it. ▼

[Abel] Oh. Position is changed ... even if

that fight with like Mars,

honored. ▼

[Ellis] Mars ...

From now on, if

you please be happy ... ▼

[Doga] Well, I will be busy from now on!

Towards the reconstruction of all countries,

thing to do is like the mountain. ▼

[Frey] Yes.


everyone's face has filled with hope. ▼

[Gordon] The good work,

then go to a better world ...

because it seems so sincere. ▼


Surely, the people of this world are all, is not got a hope.

Like ... from Mars. ▼ [Ryan] Lab, we

won the war I'll do is this.

I do not realize is ... ▼

[Luke] Oh. I did it at last!

Battle of us,

gonna be a legend to be told later on! ▼

[Lodi] Get in gear soon ...

However, the companion of the seventh platoon

was good everyone is safe. ▼

[Cecil] Yeah. And future colleagues also

laugh like this dress,

I'm glad it most. ▼


together, you're of course it also. ▼

[Catalina] Yes ...

I'm glad. ▼

Chris ... ▼

[Hero] (In the case of men)

Oh, we're always together. ▼

(if female)

Yes, we'll always together. ▼

[Riff] Bonds between people are,

it is a good thing of all time. ▼

Gurunia people  †

[Yubero] It, Mr. Sirius?

Where did it go to?

I Was a little while ago ... ▼

[Yumina] Yubero That's OK.

From now on we would not be strong.

Sirius also, surely ... it so desires. ▼

[Roger] I, back to Gurunia

What I wish my best for the country. ▼

Marishia Hey,

university together too? ▼

[Marishia] Sorry about that!.

I, the Prince of I

because I find! ▼

[berufu] Now, let's go.

Roberto, Leiden. ▼

[Roberto] Oh. We are now also

become a knight to protect the weak people. ▼

[Leiden] It is, instead of like Camus

's what we should do. ▼

The people of Macedonia  †

[Minerva] Paola, Kachua, Est.

I ended the fight.

I have done well so far. ▼

[Paola] Minerva has been our ideal

world ... people can live in peace

I can achieve it finally. ▼

[Kachua] Yeah.

If there are surely like Mars ... ▼

[Est] Oh, yeah.

Let's go to Aritia with everyone.

Working on my thanks to our Mars! ▼

[Maria] Oh, it good!

I want to go! ▼

[Matisse] Rena! You're not worried.

The guy in Julian

or something that is not? ▼

[Julian] Not that such a thing

would not necessarily.

What are you up to this guy when ... ▼

[Rena] Hehe. , Both of whom

I did quite getting along. ▼

[Ricardo] ーbig brother

Ya roguish Hottoku me.

I specially vowed that in the future. ▼


It does fit ... bustling blame. But he also knows the importance of my companion.

Thank you. ▼

Thalys people  †

[Cedar] Everyone Oguma, of Tallis.

Observe the Mars like me

Thank you very much ... ▼

[seriously] Like Cedar and

Cedar-like if it is for husband

in the water I'll fire. ▼

[spoon] From the big brother of Oguma

I had been asked since.

I wish my brother! ▼

[Oguma] Oh. Saji, seriously,

have done well.

Baht, I was helped also to you. ▼

[baht] Nani.

Sun live in calm

it is not good Kurerya come back again. ▼

[Qasim] I will be back to his hometown.

In Okagesama,

accumulated so much money. ▼

[Casa Dorada] OIRA also

capable of earning legitimate

wish I have to become good citizen. ▼

Akaneia people  †

[Linda] Nina like,

oh, like Nina, was good .... ▼

[Nina] Linda ...

I'm sorry me worry. ▼

[Astoria] Medea, I beg your pardon.

I'm trapped in anger,

I had forgotten the most important thing. ▼

[Medea] I say, Astoria.

But now another

side of me Do not leave a ... ▼

[Georges] Well,

seems we're interrupting. ▼

Hall of Horus, to where? ▼

[Horus] I want to tell our people.

The coming of peace. ▼

[TMS] Michelin I, the eagle

is the unexpected return to the future of Akaneia. ▼

[Michelin] From the presence or absence, of our people

in the reconstruction of Akaneia

attempt aims. ▼

[Thomas] I will also sutra.

For those people ... ▼ Akaneia

[Radiation] I finally finished.

This fuckable help that child.

Good for you, SEE. ▼ [sEE] Oh.

Radiation, thanks to you. ▼

[Navarre] ...... ▼

[Feena] Oh. Mr. Navarre, wait!

Where are you going? Do not forget me?

What happened to waitingー▼

[samuto] Mr. Navarre!

I want taught to you, too.

Yo wait for me! ▼

[Jake] Well, I go back to Toko of Anna.

Beck, you've got to do? ▼

[beck] I I think I will go out on a journey also.

, At the store of Anna

I'll see you again. ▼

People of foreign land †

[Ymir] Ola return, to the village.

Ola everyone that

'll wait. ▼

[Athena] Athena ▼ ......

give back, was able to.

Athena also,

or I go home to the country ... ▼

[Frost] Eagle to return to their families back home.

Parent and child get along well from the Sonata sac. ▼

[Die] I wish it so.

I'm also forever

or are away Hey you Bakkari gambling. ▼

daughter has been struggling over

Te I wish I seen his bride.

I wish Maris. ▼

[Maris] However silly, father!

Hey I'm interested in that! ▼

Oreruan people †

[Wolf] I ...... done. ▼

[Zagaro] Oh. This all ... ▼

[Roche] Hardin-like,

Why is this good ... ▼

[biraku] Rochet, Just do not

gotta look down. ▼

[Wolf] 're Right. I we

must fight in the future.

In order to dispel the stigma of like Hardin. ▼

Kadain people †

[Wendell] This world will come good even without fighting.

Malik, Eruren,

You really made ​​me not well be safe. ▼

[Eruren] Teacher! Teacher has been Osshara words ...

if I understand you now.

I must apologize to Malik ... ▼

[Malik] Eruren ...

you'm my friend.

I from when we first met. ▼

[Hetzel] Ties between people,

we lost the battle ...

not likely to be not a bad world. ▼

People Gras †

[Cima] The fight was over.

Samson, from now on ...

Will you be with me? ▼

[samson] You're supposed to, said Cima.

If you wish I

will go anywhere. ▼

Dragon tribe people †

[Chitty] Ojichama!

We will go to the village together again.

With everyone we meet again, happy! ▼

[banuto~u] Oh, I 's so.

Looking at the smile of Chiqui

everyone will be happy Sharjah kit. ▼

[Cheney] Geez, easygoing Packie.

Well, the time being but

I see I can relax. ▼

[Nagi] Yeah.

I also finally ... In this

long to sleep ... ▼

Light and shadow †

Male hero  †

[Mars] Chris, thank you.

You protect me, supported me.

I can not enough thank you too much. ▼

, but among us the people

he's up to you also, I like a person

being talked about ... ▼ to as pear thorn

So you are not rewarded.

When you return to the castle, you've got to ... ▼

[Hero] With all due respect ..., Mars-like

fame is useless to me.

My name is not spoken that is desired. ▼

[Mars] Chris ...? ▼ [Hero] Like Mars.

After the war, you need a hero.

Mars is like a hero. ▼

between the people of our country,

have something for you have been fighting for many years.

It does not disappear easily. ▼

to convince a million people, the

undisputed king like,

do I need a god-like hero. ▼


should be a person like Mars. ▼

[Mars] But, Now

that you've been in is ... ▼

[Hero] Even if the world even if you do not know,

like Mars us know,

that's fine. ▼

sutra I will be in the future.

Let's be like the shadow of Mars. ▼

[Mars] ▼ ... Chris ... you are

... Why.

From when we first met,

I felt a special bond with you. ▼

fate, based on my

... you sent me

do not you might think so. ▼

Chris, thank you.

I want you with me in the future. ▼


my friend, my half, my true ... ▼

Female hero  †

[Mars] Chris, thank you.

You protect me, supported me.

I can not enough thank you too much. ▼

, but among us the people

he's up to you also, I like a person

being talked about ... ▼ to as pear thorn

So you are not rewarded.

When you return to the castle, you've got to ... ▼

[Hero] With all due respect, like Mars ...

I fame is useless.

My name is not told that it is hope. ▼

[Mars] Chris ...? ▼

[Hero] Like Mars.

After the war, you need a hero.

Mars is like a hero. ▼

between the people of our country,

have something for you have been fighting for many years.

It does not disappear easily. ▼

to convince a million people, the

undisputed king like,

do I need a god-like hero. ▼


should be a person like Mars. ▼

[Mars] But, Now

that you've been in is ... ▼

[Hero] Even if the world even if you do not know,

like Mars us know,

that's fine. ▼

sutra I will in the future.

Let's be like the shadow of Mars. ▼

[Mars] ▼ ... Chris ... you are

... Why.

From when we first met,

I felt a special bond with you. ▼

fate, based on my

... you sent me

do not you might think so. ▼

Chris, thank you.

I want you with me in the future. ▼


my friend, my half, my true ... ▼

Chapter ending twenty †

As long as there are people in the world †

[Jeigan] Like Mars, the battle was over.

Please refer, to cut from the same cloth as the princess who ... ▼

[Mars] On sister! Nina like it ...

also Lena, also Maria

Minna, I was safe it. ▼

[Nina] Mars, we thank you for coming.

I am pleased ... ▼

also the reconstruction of the Akaneia

please lend me the power. ▼

[Ellis] Mars I worked hard.

I, of you

I am proud. ▼

[Rena] Like Mars, is Ganefu

was destroyed by the power of us.

Please rest assured, whether. ▼

[Maria] The world, it was saved.

The prince, in early Aritia

please leave. ▼

[Mars] Okay, be safe everyone was good. ▼

like Nina, Hardin is that

I'm sorry.

Not helped. ▼

[Nina] I hope.

He is obsessed with ambition,

had lost myself. ▼

Now Mars, you are

welcome back to the country.

We are waiting I was worried about everyone. ▼

is your name, in this world

as long as there are people, never

perish because they do not. ▼

Light and shadow †

Male hero  †

[Mars] Chris, thank you.

You protect me, supported me.

I can not enough thank you too much. ▼

, but among us the people

he's up to you also, I like a person

being talked about ... ▼ to as pear thorn

So you are not rewarded.

When you return to the castle, you've got to ... ▼

[Hero] With all due respect ..., Mars-like

fame is useless to me.

My name is not spoken that is desired. ▼

[Mars] Chris ...? ▼

[Hero] Like Mars.

After the war, you need a hero.

Mars is like a hero. ▼

between the people of our country,

have something for you have been fighting for many years.

It does not disappear easily. ▼

to convince a million people, the

undisputed king like,

do I need a god-like hero. ▼


should be a person like Mars. ▼

[Mars] But, Now

that you've been in is ... ▼

[Hero] Even if the world even if you do not know,

like Mars us know,

that's fine. ▼

sutra I will be in the future.

Let's be like the shadow of Mars. ▼

[Mars] ▼ ... Chris ... you are

... Why.

From when we first met,

I felt a special bond with you. ▼

fate, based on my

... you sent me

do not you might think so. ▼

Chris, thank you.

I want you with me in the future. ▼


my friend, my half, my true ... ▼

Female hero  †

[Mars] Chris, thank you.

You protect me, supported me.

I can not enough thank you too much. ▼

, but among us the people

he's up to you also, I like a person

being talked about ... ▼ to as pear thorn

So you are not rewarded.

When you return to the castle, you've got to ... ▼

[Hero] With all due respect, like Mars ...

I fame is useless.

My name is not told that it is hope. ▼

[Mars] Chris ...? ▼

[Hero] Like Mars.

After the war, you need a hero.

Mars is like a hero. ▼

between the people of our country,

have something for you have been fighting for many years.

It does not disappear easily. ▼

to convince a million people, the

undisputed king like,

do I need a god-like hero. ▼


should be a person like Mars. ▼

[Mars] But, Now

that you've been in is ... ▼

[Hero] Even if the world even if you do not know,

like Mars us know,

that's fine. ▼

sutra I will in the future.

Let's be like the shadow of Mars. ▼

[Mars] ▼ ... Chris ... you are

... Why.

From when we first met,

I felt a special bond with you. ▼

fate, based on my

... you sent me

do not you might think so. ▼

Chris, thank you.

I want you with me in the future. ▼


my friend, my half, my true ... ▼

Rest up. Have to fix the paragraphs to some parts later and Gharnef is constantly sying "Eagle". The hell. And Medith just talks in Japanese words. Of course folks who knows Japanese will have to read the original script of the last chapter and post it up as to what the fuck he says. Ending and Base conversations Paragraphs will get fixed in little time. But for the entire script itself. Whoo boy. That is going to take awhile, but at least it'll get done overtime. I also have all the base conversations with My Unit translated as well that I will release a little later. As it may take more than 4 or 5 posts total to put up the whole thing. Man. I need a rest.

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The first prologue chapter has been revised at least to make sense in most parts. A few parts have to be revised in it that I need help in. Because I cannot make those parts of any sense. The ones in parenthesis need to be revised still. Anyways, I need a break. ;):

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Well..to be honest. The emulator needed to to operate on the game itself crashes the computer and may put your computer at risk of having to system restore. Just sayin. Don't want to put your comp at risk of using that piece of shit Nintendo DS emulator just to play this masterpiece. Since we have to import to keep our computer at risk of constant crashing, cuz the sprite glitch has never been revised and it's annoying as shit to have to go through this. So...a transcript will have to be done since we have to play these on an import.

Oh, and if there are certain parts that cannot be made sense of...then the Original transcript will have to be read by folks that understands this language to have to get those parts revised.

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Well..to be honest. The emulator needed to to operate on the game itself crashes the computer and may put your computer at risk of having to system restore. Just sayin. Don't want to put your comp at risk of using that piece of shit Nintendo DS emulator just to play this masterpiece. Since we have to import to keep our computer at risk of constant crashing, cuz the sprite glitch has never been revised and it's annoying as shit to have to go through this. So...a transcript will have to be done since we have to play these on an import.

what the fuck

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Well..to be honest. The emulator needed to to operate on the game itself crashes the computer and may put your computer at risk of having to system restore. Just sayin. Don't want to put your comp at risk of using that piece of shit Nintendo DS emulator just to play this masterpiece. Since we have to import to keep our computer at risk of constant crashing, cuz the sprite glitch has never been revised and it's annoying as shit to have to go through this. So...a transcript will have to be done since we have to play these on an import.

Oh, and if there are certain parts that cannot be made sense of...then the Original transcript will have to be read by folks that understands this language to have to get those parts revised.

Hardware and software to play patched roms on a DS exist, and although the emu I use is slow, I don't think it has done any damage to my computer, and its never crashed while using it. Is there a problem with the FE12 rom? Also, I'm sure that the people doing the translation for the FE12 rom would make a transcript available if someone wanted to play it on a japanese cart with english readalong.

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Hardware and software to play patched roms on a DS exist, and although the emu I use is slow, I don't think it has done any damage to my computer, and its never crashed while using it. Is there a problem with the FE12 rom?

Yes, it's slow without putting the FRAPS up and it has crashed so many times on me. x.x

I guess the emu doesn't like my hard drive. x.x

Also, I'm sure that the people doing the translation for the FE12 rom would make a transcript available if someone wanted to play it on a japanese cart with english readalong.

Well....Should the patch creator post a script of it on GameFAQS? Because many folks such as I cannot play this on an EMU.

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stop being a weirdo and get the cartridge

Got already.

Just waiting for a transcript to be made. Cuz this topic is no good. As Google translation is an unreliable source.

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Also, I'm sure that the people doing the translation for the FE12 rom would make a transcript available if someone wanted to play it on a japanese cart with english readalong.


The FE12 page has a Script section, so it appears the intention will be to put a transcript on the main site. Which will make me glad since I play on the cartridge.

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The FE12 page has a Script section, so it appears the intention will be to put a transcript on the main site. Which will make me glad since I play on the cartridge.

Because having this played on an emulator is a piece of shit.

I can have this revised overtime to see if this script gets worthwhile later. Well..will try. x.x

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