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Teenager jailed for truancy

Flying Shogi

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Court judges like him are the worst. I had a similar judge when I had to go to traffic court; they don't listen to anything you say and just assume you're some crazy delinquent child.

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The judge even said that he aimed to make an example out of her. It's pretty sad that this girl had to be the victim...

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I have to say, I didn't know truancy regulations were even still enforced. Good thing my grandpa didn't live in Texas when he was in school :P Anyway, this is dumb as shit. It's one thing if she's dicking around instead of going to school. Then I'd be all for this. But what happened to following the spirit of the law, not the letter of the law?

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I hate it when people smugly say "Life is unfair," especially to circumstances as extreme as this. There's general unfairness, and then there's this, where obviously saying "womp" is not entirely appropriate

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She was given a warning, and it was just ONE NIGHT in jail.

And I never said life was unfair. In fact this is very fair. Life is fair.

If you break the law you get punished for it. If an employer tells you that you will be fired if you are late for work again guess what? The next time youre late you will be fired.

Life is cold, hard, and FAIR.

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I know it was only one night- don't bring it up- because one night for a person as busy as that has a lot more weight than you'd expect. I know this past semester in university, with a schedule not nearly as horrible as hers, one night in jail would leave me royally fucked for the entire week because with a schedule that is already as erratic as mine could get last semester, a huge dent in it sets me waaaay back

"She was given a warning" is a crappy excuse because it is the fault of the school for not actually attempting to figure out just why she kept missing school. You're 22, surely you must remember how stressful school can be? It's definitely worse for her than it was for a bunch of us considering the amount of dual credited and AP classes she is taking

Edited by Lord Raven
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This is the kind of circumstances that you can't just go "this is law" and leave it as is. She's supporting her siblings by herself on top of her heavy coursework, for fuck's sakes. It's not like she's skipping school to, idk, draw obscene images on other people's cars.

I have a hard enough time waking up to my earlier classes from just doing HOMEWORK (on about 4 hours of sleep). This girl's working a job and a half in addition to AP and college level courses and high schools tend to start earlier than most of the early college classes. She needs support, not jailtime.

Those colleges better give her mad scholarship when she applies

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I know it was only one night- don't bring it up- because one night for a person as busy as that has a lot more weight than you'd expect. I know this semester in university, with a schedule not nearly as horrible as hers, one night in jail would leave me royally fucked for the entire week because with a schedule that is already as erratic as mine could get last semester, a huge dent in it sets me waaaay back

"She was given a warning" is a crappy excuse because it is the fault of the school for not actually attempting to figure out just why she kept missing school. You're 22, surely you must remember how stressful school can be? It's definitely worse for her than it was for a bunch of us considering the amount of dual credited and AP classes she is taking

AP/dual enrollment classes aren't really all that much work. The part that would be significantly more troublesome is the job. In addition to that taking up a lot of time, probably more than classwork, going to jail for a night means she wasn't working, and with possibly no explanation to her boss, who's also her guardian apparently. That means she's not getting paid which hurts her whole family and if they didn't know, though that seems a little unlikely, it would worry them as well as her boss/guardian.

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I can't speak for her school, but at my school I think AP Spanish had a lot more work than any of my other AP classes. AP Social sciences in general at my school had a pretty rough workload, and generally people who try to do well in high school (read: not my definition of "well" which is getting out with a 3.55 unweighted GPA) actually put a lot more effort into high school than us random internet-goers do

EDIT: Let's not get into the fact that not everyone finds high school easy, I know at points I didn't

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I can't speak for her school, but at my school I think AP Spanish had a lot more work than any of my other AP classes. AP Social sciences in general at my school had a pretty rough workload, and generally people who try to do well in high school (read: not my definition of "well" which is getting out with a 3.55 unweighted GPA) actually put a lot more effort into high school than us random internet-goers do

At my school, AP Spanish consisted of Scabble and parties, granted no one did well. I can say without too much exaggeration that I've put more effort into the last two weeks of summer classes than I did all of senior year.

Back on topic, at least the petition is going well. That $100 probably means a lot to her and her family so that's just another douche point for the judge. As for the tiredness thing, like Lumi, I have enough trouble getting up for 9:30 classes when I've been up until 3ish, so I can't imagine what it'd be like being up until 7 and probably starting classes at 8 or so. That's an hour of sleep at most.

On the note of the petition, anyone have a link to it? I'd be interested in signing it. I'm blind.

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Back on topic, at least the petition is going well. That $100 probably means a lot to her and her family so that's just another douche point for the judge. As for the tiredness thing, like Lumi, I have enough trouble getting up for 9:30 classes when I've been up until 3ish, so I can't imagine what it'd be like being up until 7 and probably starting classes at 8 or so. That's an hour of sleep at most.

I had class from 8:30 to 6:30 on tuesdays, and many times i'd be up doing a lab report until 7am that day- i'd skip my 8:30-10am class most of the time and i would still have 8 hours of school to go through

i can't imagine how it'd be if that girl were going through this every day

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Much as I want to believe it, I consider the source as well as the content. . .and HP isn't the bastion of unbiased reporting.

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Much as I want to believe it, I consider the source as well as the content. . .and HP isn't the bastion of unbiased reporting.

How is it difficult to believe? First off, it's Texas. Second, HP and everyone else reporting on it are basically just quoting from KHOU's video.

Fox News




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Much as I want to believe it, I consider the source as well as the content. . .and HP isn't the bastion of unbiased reporting.

I can verify this, as living in the town that this occured in.

It did happen. It's pretty ridiculous, but it did happen.

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Question sources, and never discourage it. Second, link the source itself, not "people who reported off of KHOU's video".

Given the video and Eli's report, eh. Stupidity in the justice system isn't a new thing.

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