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June 7th DLC - Eirika


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I think you meant the Wo Dao, right? Because only Lyn can use the Sol Katti.

I mean in this game, the Sol Katti is a weapon you can get.

edit: god damn it little al

Edited by Momo
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I think you meant the Wo Dao, right? Because only Lyn can use the Sol Katti.

The site says the Sol Katti is for Myrmidons and Swordmasters.

Edited by BrightBow
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And they COULD give her a skill to use her and it wouldn't make it pointless because other people would lack that skill. Like Dark Blessing.

Considering the fact that the only other weapon that can be used by the Swordfighter class family happens to be one of the only two storm swords in this game thus far, I would think it would be even more pointless for a skill like what you describe to be implemented for sword users.

Edited by Little Al
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No, FE13!Sol Katti.

And they COULD give her a skill to use her and it wouldn't make it pointless because other people would lack that skill. Like Dark Blessing.

Dark Blessing gives access to an entire weapon type. This Sol Katti skill would give only Sol Katti. Hardly comparable...

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But it would allow her to have the SK as a non-SM. :/

It doesn't matter because:

Considering the fact that the only other weapon that can be used by the Swordfighter class family happens to be one of the only two storm swords in this game thus far, I would think it would be even more pointless for a skill like what you describe to be implemented for sword users.

Especially since Dark tomes are numerous enough to count as it's own magic type.
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The biggest reason she can't really be anything other than Swordmaster is the Sol Katti being limited only to them. They probably could make it so that she could use it as an Assassin or Bow Knight, but then there'd be no point in making it limited to begin with.

Well, Inverse and Miccy has that skill that lets them use Dark Magic outside of Dark Mage/Sorc, and while Micaiah starts out as Dark Mage anyway, Inverse is a Dark Peg that uses dark tomes because she can.

So it's not implausible. Might be nice, actually, since there's so many sword classes too so Lyn could have a wide reclass range into any sword-wielding class and access Sol Katti and Amatsu.

It's not like you can't remove that skill either when she learns something better and just leave her as a SM.

Edited by Fat Bunny
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Well, Inverse and Miccy has that skill that lets them use Dark Magic outside of Dark Mage/Sorc, and while Micaiah starts out as Dark Mage anyway, Inverse is a Dark Peg that uses dark tomes because she can.

So it's not implausible. Might be nice, actually, since there's so many sword classes too so Lyn could have a wide reclass range into any sword-wielding class and access Sol Katti and Amatsu.

It's not like you can't remove that skill either when she learns something better and just leave her as a SM.

But then it's a question of why make Lyn's sword only for a specific class set, and then have her not even be the class? Giving her a skill would just be fixing a problem that didn't need to exist.

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Nothing, really. I was kind of wondering what they were going to do to make Renha special. I think I heard (he?) appeared in the story, but I could have just had another weird dream again. What'll seperate him/her from the other 3?

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If you paid attention, the statement you're attempting to bash was Mr. Dracul agreeing with assuming that "all girls like dresses" is sexist.

I just wanted to bring this to the attention of those who so far have replied to me Hm... Mr. Dracul... I like that...

I don't see any UFs. God forbid a PRINCESS get married. Never happened before. And it's totally not like she did in any of her support endings (you morons). And last time I checked, getting married doesn't make a woman a simpering foolish little girl who can't pull her weight in battle. So remove the sticks from your collective asses fans.

And even though your post was only really significant to a minority of the complainers, you are still, sir, on my Awesome List. I don't really have one of those but don't tell anyone.

Anyway, I don't like arguments based on opinion, because nobody ever stops and tries to come to an agreement (not just on this site, or just on the internet, but in pretty much every non-fictional situation as far as I've personally been able to tell) so I'm running away like a little wimpy coward this is my last post on this particular thread (and possibly on any thread related to any female DLC's design).

Unless I change my mind.

Might still read it though.

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Uh... Wow. I really didn't expect Eirika to have a bride design. I was thinking that she might be more... I dunno, cavalier-ish I guess. Still, she looks really neat and that dress is fucking awesome.

I hope we get a Housewife class next

Edited by Esme
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They decided to make Sol Katti, formerly Lyn's personal sword, into a weapon only usable by Swordmasters. They decided to make Celice a Swordmaster when he didn't have to be.

They could have changed either of those two and allowed Lyn to use the Sol Katti in her starting DLC class with no problems. But they didn't. Lyn is not going to appear as an Assassin or a Bow Knight and lose initial access to the Sol Katti completely unnecessarily.

And no, a special skill is not a possibility. There are currently no skills that are restricted to only DLC characters, or even to SpotPass and DLC characters. All the skills are available in some form to permanent characters. And no, don't say Dark Blessing. Inverse has been confirmed as playable, so while it's not restricted yet, it is clear that it will not be restricted in the long term.

Now, what does this mean for the future of DLC? Well, let's take a look. In the two vs. sets, both have had their second map involve a character in a new class emphasizing some three-weapon combination featuring a previously absent two-weapon combination. We have Alm with swords/axes/tomes, and we have Eirika with swords/bows/staffs. The obvious final combination as a gender-neutral class to secure the final two two-weapon combinations is lance/bow/tome.

Now, who are the candidates? Well, we have three character DLC maps remaining. They will contain Ike, Sigurd, and an FE7 rep: there is no question of this. Now, who could plausibly take on this final DLC class? Only two possible characters actually use lances: Sigurd and Eliwood. Then there's the question of which of the two would give up their specialty in swords for the class. The evidence lies in the weapons Eliwood's Steelsword and Sigurd's Steellance. I would not expect Eliwood to give up the sword bearing his name, while Sigurd could keep his lance. So I suspect we will see Sigurd taking on this final DLC class for LvD2, a mounted gender-neutral lance/bow/tome class. While not a perfect transcription of the original, I think that until we get more information, we can call this class Master Knight.

It all fits, too: like Alm, Sigurd gets a heavily modified class from his original game. This third DLC class is a knight, in contrast to Demon Fighter as a fighter class and Bride as a support class. It also fills the remaining void as the only DLC class to use lances, granting access to an under-represented weapon type to all characters. Meanwhile it matches up with Demon Fighter and Bride in sharing one weapon type with each, so that between their DLC classes, all males would have inherent access to all weapon types except staffs, and all females would have inherent access to all weapon types except axes. This array of options would certainly be a plus.

So Sigurd will join in LvD2. That leaves the characters joining in RvB3 and LvD3. Ike will of course be present as a Hero. So then we have either Lyn or Eliwood as the FE7 rep. With all this in mind, I'm turning my thoughts back to Eliwood. With Sigurd as a Master Knight, Eliwood can be a Paladin without being redundant with any other redesigned characters, while Lyn cannot take on her one suitable ingame class without being redundant with Celice. As for the arrangement, I suspect Eliwood will join at the end of RvB3, while Ike will join in LvD3. This leaves each game as having one representative available in each of the first three sets reasonably accessible ingame, while the duplicates from their respective games, Ephraim, Sigurd, and Ike, are reserved for LvD, designed for postgame.

In summary, this is my new DLC outline:

ST1: Marth - Star Lord

ST2: Roy - Mercenary

ST3: Micaiah - Dark Mage

KvK1: Leaf - Trickster

KvK2: Alm - Demon Fighter

KvK3: Celice - Swordmaster

RvB1: Elincia - Falcon Knight

RvB2: Eirika - Bride

RvB3: Eliwood - Paladin

LvD1: Ephraim - Great Knight

LvD2: Sigurd - Master Knight

LvD3: Ike - Hero

Now, if they keep releasing one character DLC every two weeks, this means we should see the final DLC, starring Ike, announced immediately following Paris's release, to conclude the sets of new maps in seven weeks. Interesting.

We should also see more monster DLC, probably one at the 3-star level and one at the 5-star level to complete the set. I suspect these two will have two more non-redesigned characters like Eltoshen, bringing the total number of DLC characters to a sensible 15. Now, I don't know who the third of these characters will be, but I think I know the second. After all, one character has had a weapon bearing his name featured in the game, yet has not so much as made it into a SpotPass team. Just one. Isn't that strange? Yes, I do believe one of the two remaining monster DLCs will feature Othin as a reward.

Perhaps all of this is wishful thinking. After all, it's pretty much all things I would want. But it seems to me that IS is being very sensible and consistent with these releases, at least from a gameplay perspective, and this is what fits all of that.

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From that pattern, I think they'll release a fifth set for Lyn, Hector and Celica to include all of the lord/main characters. If anyone else is named in the weapons, they'll get Spotpass or Monster DLC versions.

Edited by Only My Unit
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so that between their DLC classes, all males would have inherent access to all weapon types except staffs, and all females would have inherent access to all weapon types except axes. This array of options would certainly be a plus.

Maybe it's just me, but I want more guys with staves.

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