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June 7th DLC - Eirika


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"This dress? Oh no, it's not like I was in the middle of a wedding ceremony or anything..."

Well I just looked at it quickly.



Now that I looked at it again, the most direct one would be...

"Huh? This dress...?

No, I wasn't in a middle of a wedding ceremony...▼"

I pretty much added the "not like" and "or anything..."

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Eirika does have the skills she would need from the class and therefore not much reason to stay in it. Needs to reach LV30 to reclass directly to promoted classes, though.

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From the same thread there's a bit more to the class


So like Rey said she's not going to her wedding, but it's just because the special powers of the item she suddenly turned into that.

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Hm... now I'm thinking about the possibility of combining Love Cry with Rainbow Cry. Other than DLC (who all can access Grandmaster, and therefore all females can combine the two skills), the combination would be limited to MU and all female children.

So either we have Male MU marry a woman that has a daughter to get two female Strategists, or have Female MU marry Krom and have Lucina able to have the combination*.

(* This assumes that, like Demon Fighter, Bride's skills are uninheritable. Otherwise, it would be possible to pass Love Cry onto Male Mark by stalling recruiting him until you can clear the DLC.)

Hm... a single character with Rainbow+Love Cry, Charisma or Luck Cry, Secluded Lady, and Boon, to provide massive bonuses to nearby units....

Edited by Saethori
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Stacking other Cry skills like Speed Cry and Defense Cry would probably be better choices for the other slots, although Bonds could really come in handy.

Rainbow/Love/Speed/Defense/Movement Cry

+6 Str

+6 Mag

+6 Skl

+10 Spd

+6 Luck

+10 Def

+6 Res

+2 Move

All from a single character's action to all nearby allies.

Edited by Othin
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I'm sad Eirika can't use swords as a bride, but I always wanted her to use lances so it's ok ;3;. In one of her conversations she says her brother taught her how to fight, but I never understood how he taught her swordsmanship if he used lances and she used swords ^^'.

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Meh I don't see the problem me personally I love the artwork and the dress is well designed so that's a plus in my book. Its not really that impractical for battle as the healers are never at the front of the lines. I did wish she had her original costume though but it this works as well.

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so, getting out of the Bride class is like, what? Divorce?

maybe when she got married to whoever, she was forced to give up her sword so she would be his healer and junk. Which would explain her being meh in all of those weapons lol

yeah, yeah. Like I've been saying, Eirika's use as this class doesn't seem terrible, it's really just the class itself and the fact that it is Eirika. If you turn off your brain, grit your teeth, and think happy thoughts, you can ignore it. . . for the most part.

Edited by StrategistPockystix
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So like Rey said she's not going to her wedding, but it's just because the special powers of the item she suddenly turned into that.

So... Bride = Sailor Moon-type magical girl transformation?

(Also, L'Arachel as Battle Cleric seems a little out of place compared to getting Valkyrie instead, though it's obvious one way or another she's 'promoting' from her natural Troubadour state.)

But Battle Cleric fits her better than her original class! FE8 should be retconned and include Battle Clerics just for her!

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I'm deeply disappointed over the fact that she can't user Swords. Swords were like her trademark weapon (she even has a sword named after he in this game!) and she can't use them? Absurd. I would give up 2 any of the 3 weapon types she can currently use just to use Swords.

Honestly it's just an onslaught of bad news. I'm definitely reclassing her into a myrmidon.

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yeah, yeah. Like I've been saying, Eirika's use as this class doesn't seem terrible, it's really just the class itself and the fact that it is Eirika. If you turn off your brain, grit your teeth, and think happy thoughts, you can ignore it. . . for the most part.

I forgave IS for everything they possibly have done after they revealed that Frederick is actually based on a butler. He even has Sebastian's voice ffs * u *. Still wish I got a butler class change item though to balance out this.

Edited by Fat Bunny
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Awww~ I love lances and idk why but it doesn't really bug me the way it does to everyone else that she doesn't use swords... Maybe it's just because she uses a bow and lance now and those are my two favourite weapons~

So like Rey said she's not going to her wedding, but it's just because the special powers of the item she suddenly turned into that.

~Magic~? XD

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I'm deeply disappointed over the fact that she can't user Swords. Swords were like her trademark weapon (she even has a sword named after he in this game!) and she can't use them? Absurd. I would give up 2 any of the 3 weapon types she can currently use just to use Swords.

I don't know about you, but I'd rather have a class with a unique selection of weapons than a generic one just to fit one character that you can reclass to anything you want anyway.

Edited by Striped Shirt
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Doesn't look like Eirika, though I must say this rendition is rather regal. I thought we had another version of Elincia for a second.

You didn't think it looked like Eirika? Care to point out what exactly it was? I recognized her pretty much instantly so I'm curious as to what makes others mistake her for someone else (I had someone call her Ninian once, but I assume this person had little FE exposure)

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Makes me wonder exactly why IS never kept Halberdiers/promoted Soldiers for this game. Wish we could've had a promotion for Villagers too.

And Great Lords are still lance-using footsoldiers, aren't they? I mean they aren't distributed well but still...?

Edited by sallas09
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I don't know about you, but I'd rather have a class with a unique selection of weapons than a generic one just to fit one character that you can reclass to anything you want anyway.

Ordinarily, i'd say the same thing but.

1.It's Eirika, arguably my favorite character in the entire franchise. How would you feel if your favorite character couldn't use their weapon of choice? Like let's say they make Ike a DLC character, and give him a Lance / Tome / Staff? It's really just depressing.

2. It's Eirika (again) I can live with the fact by making her into a myrmidon she'll have a generic spri- design(?) because I really like her character. Also supposedly her skills aren't half bad, so I can live with that.

Edited by Starwave
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