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FE4 Chapter 2: Anphony Castle


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On my first FE4 playthrough (not counting the short attempts) I've just done the part on the way to Anphony castle, let's say the part with Beowulf and those free knights and I had major trouble doing this part. With a lot of auto save abuse I managed to do this part after all, but I'd like to have some tips for a next time I do this part.

What went wrong is that those idiot bodyguards of Lachesis stormed towards the castle and started attacking those Armor Knights, which made them head for my group as well as the free knights at the same time. The battle was held between those cliffs just south of Macbeth's castle and, like I said, I had major trouble dealing with all the enemies at the same time.

My team was:

Sigurd lv. 11 - Silver Sword
Cuan lv. 10 - Silver Lance, Javelin
Aira lv. 8 - Steel Sword
Jamka lv. 9 - Killer Bow
Ethlin lv. 10 - Heal, Light Sword
Midir lv. 6 - Steel Bow
Lex lv. 13 - Steel Axe, Hand Axe
Noish lv. 9 - Steel Sword
Fin lv. 8 - Steel Lance, Javelin
Alec lv. 9 - Iron Lance, Iron Sword
Azel lv. 7 - Thunder
(Beowulf lv. 9 - Steel Sword)

And some characters that aren't used for fighting, also Levin and Sylvia haven't joined up with the rest, yet.

What was I doing wrong? Should I have taken a more offensive approach and charge the free knights instead of letting them charge me? Or am I severely underleveled?

I hope I'm a bit clear, I'm not good in explaining such situations... Thanks in advance!

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I've just been in a very similar situation. The NPC's attacked the armor knights and I feared that they would come attack me. But once all NPC's were dead, the armor knights went back to their former positions and only the free knights attacked. Don't know what the difference between us could be. Maybe you positioned your team too much in the range of the armor knights?

It was quite easy for me. Because of the NPC's, most free knights had only five HP (even Dew could kill them). I had Dew, Ayra and Holyn block the area between the cliffs with the guys who can attack on range behind them and the mounted units behind as well so they could hit and run.

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I did not have Holyn yet (mostly a blind playthrough, I did check how to recruit everyone, but I must have missed Holyn) and Ayra was quite vulnerable, she could handle the free knights but she had much trouble with the armors.

But I suppose I must've positioned my team too close to the armors. I'll try to watch that next time. Thanks!

edit: I think I also still have to get used to enemies actually being organized... The games I've played so far mostly had enemies scattered all over the map, only Gaiden came somewhat close.

Edited by Quirino
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My Ayra didn't have any problem. But yeah, that's no wonder without the armor knights. The free knights are weaklings with their 15 atk.

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HAve Beowulf kill Voltz and get the Elite RIng, then Pair with Lachesis for a good Delmud, and decent Nanna!

Also, How about not make Lachesis follow your troops.

And have Noish get the Pursuit ring.

And have the Mounts do everything, and Warp Levin back to the home castle to get Fury!

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HAve Beowulf kill Voltz and get the Elite RIng

You can easily train Beowulf without it. Units like Lachesis and Dew need it much more.

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You can go back and fight in the arena in this chapter to get Holyn but if you miss him in this chapter you miss him for good.

Regarding the Elite. I would give it to Sigurd's wife and have her staff abuse. Most if not all will disagree but that's what I would do.

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I have just recruited Holyn. However, besides obtaining him, I don't do arenas: I never do arenas in Fire Emblem. Makes the game more challenging in my opinion!

But that also means that the Elite Ring must go to someone who has the money for it. I had Dew collect money from all villages in chapter 2, so I'll have him give the money to the one whom I want to have Elite. Right now Aira has it because she killed Voltz (I didn't notice he had the elite ring).

Like I said, this is a semi-blind run, I only check how to recruit characters, the other stuff is all blind. The pairings I have right now are also completely random, those are AzelxAideen, LachesisxFin, AiraxLex, SylviaxLevin and FuryxBeowulf. I suppose those are not the best pairings since I picked the blindly, but just how terrible are these pairings? ^^' For a second run I'll pick the best pairings. Also, please do not mention the best pairings for the characters still to come, I also want to pick those random. The advices are merely for a second run :)

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If you want this to be a blind run I wouldn't come back to this forum until you finished the game. People will spoil this game and give you pairing advice!!! Run away!!!

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Taking out Voltz with Beowulf is really hard if you don't know what you're doing, and he's liable to miss and perhaps even get ORKO'd. Don't bother with that.

To make this part the easiest, you'll want to face the Free Knights first, then when they're gone the Armor Knights. So you want Lachesis's idiots to stay back. To do this, keep Lachesis far, far back, so that the NPCs stay close to her. I usually have her heal up the NPCs while she's walking to some castle where she can use the arena, and then heal someone else who keeps losing in the arena (like Ardan or Dew) to gain EXP.

The Free Knights are annoying because there's like 500 of them and they have high hit and can gang up on someone with Canto, but they actually also have really really low Atk. So what you want to do is find someone who can take a bunch of hits from them (Sigurd, Lex, Holyn, Cuan) and put that guy in range of just enough not to get killed. Sigurd can mow them all down in one round if he's trained, but if not you can just pick them off on your next turn. Voltz is just really strong and you need to get a little lucky...try to have Fin and Cuan talk while heading there so you have the Hero Lance, and try to take out Elliot with Cuan so he has the Silver Lance. Those two and Sigurd should be able to hit him for a ton of damage.

Beowulf likes to suicide so recruit him with someone who you don't need to attack but has enough gold. Usually ends up being Lex for me.

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Beowulf isn't even that good for the trouble it takes to recruit him. I guess it should be pretty obvious when he gets killed just as easily as the other chump Free Knights.

Edited by Refa
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I'm currently trying the chapter 3 arena, but none of my characters seems to be able to fight all 7 opponents. Does this mean I'm simply screwed or am I missing some tips/tricks? It doesn't seem like a good idea to send all of my units on the battlefield with 1 HP. Should I just quit when I think my character can't beat an opponent? (Azel, for example, falls already against the third enemy, does that mean he can only fight 2 enemies?)

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How far you'll get in the arena mostly depends on how strong your characters are. Characters like Azel probably won't be able to clear the arena. But the arena is more of a bonus than a necessity; you only miss out on experience and money, nothing drastic. Losing in the arena is a good way to get experience for your healers. ;)

There aren't any strategies that I'm aware of, apart from RNG manipulation/abuse, and if you're rich enough, buying up the best weapons/stat rings to make fights less luck-based.

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I see, thanks. Apparently, none of my characters (not even Sigurd and Cuan) can take on the Jormungand mage of chapter 3 (arena level 5), so I guess I'll just be training everyone up to level 4 of the arena.

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I'm currently trying the chapter 3 arena, but none of my characters seems to be able to fight all 7 opponents. Does this mean I'm simply screwed or am I missing some tips/tricks? It doesn't seem like a good idea to send all of my units on the battlefield with 1 HP. Should I just quit when I think my character can't beat an opponent? (Azel, for example, falls already against the third enemy, does that mean he can only fight 2 enemies?)

If you want to keep trying, burn some RNs with a different character, then come back and try again. If you're on an emulator, fast-forwarding is fun here :p

Generally, it's just like a normal battle. If you're not strong enough to win, you're not strong enough. It doesn't really indicate something bad--just that your Azel isn't capable of taking the enemy on in its current state. You have the entire chapter to use the arena, so you can always come back at the end of the chapter if you feel like it. Personally, I just rush through as much as possible before starting the chapter and use it as I go through to finish off anyone who couldn't the first time around.

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Weaker characters have very tough times clearing the Arena. People like Sigurd, Fury, and Levin have little to no trouble with it. You might want to consider shuffling Rings around if need be. That may be the key to winning a battle. Especially the Pursuit/Shield rings.

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You might want to consider shuffling Rings around if need be. That may be the key to winning a battle. Especially the Pursuit/Shield rings.

I'd like to add the Elite one to that list, but he might be a bit too poor at the moment for this.

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I'd like to add the Elite one to that list, but he might be a bit too poor at the moment for this.

That yes. And I don't have the Paragon ring either, I didn't know about those secret events, so Lex has no hero axe either... I hope he'll be useful enough with a silver axe.
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Elite Ring was dropped by Voltz, so unless you seized Amphony without killing him or a NPC killed him, you should have it somewhere.

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That yes. And I don't have the Paragon ring either, I didn't know about those secret events, so Lex has no hero axe either... I hope he'll be useful enough with a silver axe.

Earlier you said Ayra has the elite ring - that's more or less the paragon ring (it doubles xp growth). I don't think there should be anything called the "paragon ring" in FE4.

Hero axe is awesome cuz it doubles, as you probably know. I doubt you will need it though. You will also be able to get a dropped hero axe from a boss later.

I see, thanks. Apparently, none of my characters (not even Sigurd and Cuan) can take on the Jormungand mage of chapter 3 (arena level 5), so I guess I'll just be training everyone up to level 4 of the arena.

Dark mages are actually fairly strong in this game, though extremely slow - Jormungand has 20 might and 90 accuracy. There are enemies stronger than the arena enemies in this game, of course, but you won't be limited to one on one combat with no healing and whatnot.

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