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Carnival Phantasm Mafia


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I may be late for phase update tonight. If it does not happen on time, game will be in twilight until either Ether can update, or Rein can update, or I get back. This means any and all actions submitted after deadline will be void. Everything actually sent on time, will of course be legitimate.

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I'm not good enough for your little analysis, eh? ;_;

I'm hungry man, and if I talked about everyone I'd practically be listposting which is totes not creative and uncool.

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Except that I thought that a tie would result in a random lynch between Kay and I, and since Paper said Kay looked suspicious, I thought "If I'm gonna get lynched anyway, let's hope that I get someone who could be fakeclaiming down as well.". Thinking back, now that I know its an NL, I don't really think it was that bad. That's what I'm trying to say. I see your emphasis on better- so what? You still got info, right?

It's just that you had also indicated that you didn't want to lynch BBM and Kay, and I read here that you assumed that Tie = everyone with tied votes is lynch. BY THE WAY THIS IS WHY PEOPLE SHOULD READ THE RULES. ): I'm still strongly opposed to NL, for obvious reasons. Your defense has been pretty sketchy / shady, and you're leaning sucm, but I'm not sure if it warrants a vigshot, esp. if Haze might use his ability (and vig shot would be wasted).

Oh, and I really wanted to say this:

Anyone noticed the typo in BBM's claim? I don't know how usual it is for the host to make a typo, so...

Note: Hosts will provide assistance with Fakeclaims if asked. Do not take a difference in wording from another PM as proof of a fake, as there are two distinct hosts with distinct styles. If wording seems off in a role PM, assume host error.

Yeah. In SFMM2, my role had a spelling error, (Haze/Paperblade spelled 'seamlessly' wrong). Of course, I also noted the inconsistencies in the win condition for the people who turned out neutral anti-town, but that was bad and I should feel bad. >: Anyways, point is, I wouldn't take it as any sort of definite proof like Ether's note says (and if BBM's claim turns out true, shame on him for spelling things wrong); BBM's claim is obviously shifty since bomb is a popular mafia fakeclaim.

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Another night, another- Oh god what happened to scorri?!

From what you can tell, the poor soul was incinerated from above, and all that remains of her is a Role PM.

Dear scorri, you are Nrvnqsr Chaos


You are the Tenth of the Twenty-Seven Dead Apostle Ancestors, a being comprised of 666 different creatures.

You house within yourself a manner of Primordial soup, with 666 different creatures comprising your being. As such, you have a host of different abilities, and a creature specified to each. However, it seems that whatever power brought you here has also tampered with your ability to fully control them. During the night, you may reply "Night X - Sending Chaos after <USER>". You will perform one of the following actions at random, and will be informed of the result in the morning:

1.You will protect USER from any fatal actions.

2.You will receive USER's full role PM.

3.Any actions targeting USER will target you instead.

4.Any non-fatal actions targeting USER will fail.

5.You will kidnap USER, preventing them from acting or being acted upon. In addition, USER will not be present the following day.

6.You will empower USER, allowing them to kill someone during the day.

7.You will intervene on any attempt to lynch USER the following day.

8.You will prevent USER from taking any action for the night.

In addition, during the night, and only once, you may reply "Night X - Focus Chaos on <USER>, <NUMBER>" Number must be a number from 1 through 8, and corresponds with your 8 abilities. You will perform you chosen ability on USER.

You are allied with the Town. You win if all all threats to the Town are eliminated.

You quickly mourn the fallen Dead Apostle Ancestor, or those of you who care do, at least. But the games must go on!

Day 2 ends on June 11, at 12:00 AM EST.

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Stop killing the chicks early. ;/

Everyone, how much do you care about this game? Didn't care for Sion's role PM, but Nekro had a good one.

Last night's events were odd. Anyone else find that they were sent elsewhere?

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well, that could have been useful to have. Goddammit.

non-existent vig (or vig that doesn't listen) makes me sad. Although, is it possible that scorri gave someone the daykill ability? If so, if it was given to mafia... *shudders*

But if a townie got it, please please please shoot Marth in the face

##Vote: Marth

You should know exactly why I think this is a good idea.

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Also, Paperblade is unwilling to leave his house, and thus may not post in the game thread. He should still be capable of sending and receiving messages, though!

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Also, because it's needed: I idled last night, so Haze couldn't have blocked everyone's non-killing abilities because of SG and the mass LR.

So yes, I am claiming SG. Yes Blitzy and Elieson, you were right, but I didn't want to give the mafia an easy target.

Random thought on top of that: I somehow think that Marth might be a maf!redirecter. I thought of this yesterday, but it's has absolutely no base at all. Targeted LR and redirect are almost the same thing, so that's why it might be a possibility.

Also, that's why I don't think that single!LR was as believable either. I can see maf!redirecter being a thing.

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Duplicate roles. Town having a SG and mass LR screws over the town more, so that's why it is likely to exist. Eh, it's speculation at it's finest.

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Bleh, that was a pretty powerful role. :(: You shall be avenged, Scorri!

Also, we have a Silencer of some kind for one of our mafia roles.

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So scorri was the real deal, eh? And had a pretty beasty role too.

Paperblade is unable to post, so either he has a role with some kind of "no-posting" cooldown when actively used, or he was just detained somehow. Probably the latter since nothing else happened last night, but then again the lack of things happening last night is weird too. No action from vig, despite several people clamoring for Marth to get shot, speaks of either a shot limit the vig didn't feel like expending, or personal insecurity on Marth's guilt. That is, if we even have that role.

On to more recent revelations

I idled last night, so Haze couldn't have blocked everyone's non-killing abilities because of SG and the mass LR.

I'm dumb, so put this in layman's terms for me, why'd you idle, again?

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Also, because it's needed: I idled last night, so Haze couldn't have blocked everyone's non-killing abilities because of SG and the mass LR.

So yes, I am claiming SG. Yes Blitzy and Elieson, you were right, but I didn't want to give the mafia an easy target.

Random thought on top of that: I somehow think that Marth might be a maf!redirecter. I thought of this yesterday, but it's has absolutely no base at all. Targeted LR and redirect are almost the same thing, so that's why it might be a possibility.

Also, that's why I don't think that single!LR was as believable either. I can see maf!redirecter being a thing.

I still don't get why you're claiming SG. It just doesn't seem believable. If you idled last night, then you could have as well claimed it earlier. Yeah, Haze didn't claim the Mass LR earlier, but still. I just find it odd, why are you claiming now? You'll just be killed next night. Or roleblocked. No, that's not a good thing for the town SG.

I still don't understand what your SG has to do with Haze's Mass LR, care to explain?

Also, I'm thoroughly confused as to why I was Roleblocked, unless everyone else has been roleblocked as well, or there was some sort of redirector.

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Bleh, that was a pretty powerful role. :(: You shall be avenged, Scorri!

Also, we have a Silencer of some kind for one of our mafia roles.

And how do you know the silencer is part of the mafia?

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I think he meant how do you know the Silencer is not town, to which I answer, preventing someone from contributing to the Day's discussion is a pretty scummy role. I would expect a town Silencer to ask whom they should target, or at the very least, target someone scummier.

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I think he meant how do you know the Silencer is not town, to which I answer, preventing someone from contributing to the Day's discussion is a pretty scummy role. I would expect a town Silencer to ask whom they should target, or at the very least, target someone scummier.

Well in GSM Kay was Town Silencer and she didn't claim till late game. So yeah, you never know.

Same thing in SG mafia. Levity did not claim Town kidnapper either(well more of a jailer but w/e)

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I still don't get why you're claiming SG. It just doesn't seem believable. If you idled last night, then you could have as well claimed it earlier. Yeah, Haze didn't claim the Mass LR earlier, but still. I just find it odd, why are you claiming now? You'll just be killed next night. Or roleblocked. No, that's not a good thing for the town SG.

Because I'm SG. That's why. And no, claiming it earlier would have made the mafia go "oh, he's a PR, let's kill him and then town is down a SG". Instead of that happening last night, it'll probably happen tonight. Delaying it because it keeps me in the game just that bit longer to actually be able to use my role properly. There's a reason I didn't do anything N0 and N1, because I'm more likely to screw over town by blocking a hook on the mafia kill, doc protection, cop scan, the list goes on. And that's why I'm likely to idle when Haze chooses to prove his mass LR, because I don't want the mafia to know which people have active roles.

Additionally, I did pretty much claim, because of breadcrumbs everyone that people picked up on. But I didn't want to outright claim that night because I might be more useful alive than dead. If I die tonight, then eh, it's not really a problem. town!SG is almost useless early, but better late.

Also, I would except SG to have a higher priority than hooks, so it can actually, you know, block them. iunno, might just be me, don't take this part to heart.

I still don't understand what your SG has to do with Haze's Mass LR, care to explain?

If I'm active on the same night as he chooses to use it, all non-killing actions should fail. That immediately puts town back one night's worth of actions, while the mafia still gets to kill someone. Net negative for town. You having a single target LR is basically a redirect anyway, and would be stupid hard to coordinate with me anyway. Also, the self-redirect may as well also be a second alternate SG, which kinda is making me think it's not terribly likely.

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