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Carnival Phantasm Mafia


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Also Scum!PGO is the dumbest thing I've ever heard, and I've seen some pretty dumb roles (some of which were made by myself,) who hosted Kamen Rider Kyuuki?

Naglfar, who said he wanted "fun over balance" or something like that idk. I didn't read it until like the last day when Sho got lynched because JB was annoyed with him but I hear it was like 30 pages of people being dumb and 10 pages of getting shit done

Also I don't think scorri is, like, super protown from that post, it's just Blitz was immediately like "huh why would you post that"

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Okay, have fun cleaning house~!

Looks like the new players could use some guidance. I don't want to be the only one doing this, so guys with experience who tend to not post, POST DAMMIT (not you Paper, you're good about that).


##Vote: Kay

She should be back by the time I get a chance to check this again.

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Judging from the part about the world not allowing me to die and my flawless defenses, I'm pretty sure nightkills on me would blow up in my would-be killer's face.

Right, I see.

Uh Subieko? You're better off not doing stuff like list posting(it wasn't exactly a list post but eh, it gives me those vibes). I generally think scum try to do that to look townish(considering I've done that too when I was mafia in my first game- paid for it) Anyway:

List posting is fine. The thing is, more you have to be prompted to do such a thing, the more scummy it looks. Subieko did this on her own volition, which is quite okay.

I really don't think Haze's claim was a fakeclaim. @eclipse and Manix: Ok, mafia bomb is understandable, you get an extra kill but lose a mafia member. But Mafia PGO? The PGO never dies at night in the first place, and if every night the mafia had the potential to get an extra kill that would seem stupid. Hell we can't really do anything about him even if he fakeclaimed and is mafia- I sure as hell wouldn't want to risk targeting him to find out. Not to mention his claim was pretty early too, so I dunno.

@Bold because important: I had a derp moment earlier when I speculated about PGO. Not all PGO's necessarily have magical not-dying powers, but it is common. In this case, it seems that way.

PGO's are meant to claim early, because they are an anti-Town (but, they generally are town/anti-Town does not mean mafia) role that can easily screw over town. It prevents town from losing important PR's early. The alternative is not claim and stay under the radar and not get targeted, so the mafia kill themselves on you, but it's riskier.

Either ways my current suspect is Subieko for trying to list post( or a semi-list post, w/e). Also, Kay, Strawman and Pride are MIA currently(or has StSS posted here recently? I forgot)

Suspicions for a list post? Don't be daft. People play differently, and because we have no meta on Subieko, you can't take it to be scummy immediately.

Also, correct me if I'm wrong, but Watchers, as a non-visiting role, do not get killed by PGOs, right? If they don't, it would limit the power of a mafia PGO, because if multiple people die in one night and they all visited the Watcher's target, it'd be pretty obvious that this person was a PGO. And if they were a PGO that didn't claim, that's pretty scummy. Note, I don't think that Haze is a mafia member, because claiming as a PGO makes sense; I'm just saying that people shouldn't go PGO means auto-town.

You are correct about the Watcher point, afaik. See above for PGO discussion.

Also nice softclaim, didn't expect one vote to make you that jittery.

^ this.

I'm curious, why the daffodil would you softclaim this early under one vote? That's a very tangible reaction, and has my interest piqued.


##Vote: BBM

I think we could get something out of this lynch, actually. Depends.

(Alternative: another derp moment for me)

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I'm not quite getting the softclaim thing here. Do you think that BBM is softclaiming a particular role that I'm missing, or just claiming a PR in general? Cause I got that he apparently has some useful role, but not anything specific. Note, I'm not asking you to say what specific role if he is, just if he is or not.

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I'm not quite getting the softclaim thing here. Do you think that BBM is softclaiming a particular role that I'm missing, or just claiming a PR in general? Cause I got that he apparently has some useful role, but not anything specific. Note, I'm not asking you to say what specific role if he is, just if he is or not.

Softclaiming is generally a blanket statement that's basically along the lines of "I have a strong PR for town, don't lynch me plz". It doesn't specify a role.

Compare to claiming; which specifies the role.

Both can be fakeclaimed.

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1. I finally got a role where I'm better alive than dead.

This doesn't really make sense to me. Are you just complaining about being a crappy Rogue in Haphazard?

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Also list posting is scummier if you do it without prompting because it feels like you are trying to pretend like you are contributing without actually contributing. You basically get to give vague feelings on everyone that tend to just sheep the consensus.

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First, realized I forgot to ##Unvote

Second, I'm not Ether but I have the free time, so here ya go Paper:


Nano [0] Paperblade

BBM [3] Marth, Pride, Haze, Manix

Blitz [1] Manix, BBM

Eclipse: [0] Eclipse, Subieko, Haze

Elieson [1] Iris

Paperblade [1] Eclipse, Nano

Bizz [1] Elieson

Subieko [2] Blitz, Marth

Straw [1] Paperblade

Kay [1] Eclipse

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Also list posting is scummier if you do it without prompting because it feels like you are trying to pretend like you are contributing without actually contributing. You basically get to give vague feelings on everyone that tend to just sheep the consensus.

Yes and no. Yes in that is not done properly, it can be seen to be sheeping. But also no, in that people will still know what your thoughts are, and that can be used later to determine other reads and such.

Eh, just my thoughts on it, I could be completely wrong. As always.

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It tends to be a way to appear as if you're contributing and trying to help the town without actually contributing anything. If you're actively participating and helping, making a list isn't necessarily a bad thing, but if it's the only thing you do, or one of the few things you do, it can appear rather scummy.

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Except PGO would give the mafia an extra kill, and that's overpowered.

People already refuted this with Interceptor but there's also Poisoner.

oh, well every time you bring up a role, it sounds like you are soft claiming it

This is really weird logic, Blitzy. Why does it look like that?

Sorry, leading was maybe the wrong word. What I meant was starting the discussion. Scorri wasn't trying to control anything as much as get the discussion going.

Also, what information would my alignment give you about anyone? Even if I turned out mafia (which I wouldn't), I haven't supported anyone to the extent that you could say that guy must be scum too, or argued against anyone to the point that you could say that guy must be town. Nor has anyone argued against me to the point that they would look more scummy if I flipped town. All that'd happen is that you would end up lynching a role you don't want lynched.

This post looks mad scummy. It's one vote. Don't freak out.

Okay, have fun cleaning house~!

Looks like the new players could use some guidance. I don't want to be the only one doing this, so guys with experience who tend to not post, POST DAMMIT (not you Paper, you're good about that).


##Vote: Kay

She should be back by the time I get a chance to check this again.

Hi Clipsey, whaddya want?

Softclaiming is generally a blanket statement that's basically along the lines of "I have a strong PR for town, don't lynch me plz". It doesn't specify a role.

Compare to claiming; which specifies the role.

Both can be fakeclaimed.

Not quite, I think. Softclaiming is implying stuff about your role instead of stating it outright. ("Maybe I can learn more about Ether tonight" as opposed to "HEY YO I'M DA COP")

##Vote: Subieko

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Not quite, I think. Softclaiming is implying stuff about your role instead of stating it outright. ("Maybe I can learn more about Ether tonight" as opposed to "HEY YO I'M DA COP")

True dat. Although, in this case, it seems to be that he implying that his role was good for town. And that's about it. Maybe I was being too specific? Probably.

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Maybe softclaiming that early wasn't the best idea, or necessary, but I just didn't want some wagon to build up on me... I've noticed in several games now that a lot of wagons don't get broken without some really great logic (which is not, unfortunately, my forte) or a claim, and I didn't want it to get to the point where I'd have to hardclaim either. Clearly, it backfired. >_>

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General rule of thumb, BBM. Only claim if you're about to get lynched/have a role that is better outed (like PGO). It helps a lot.

Softclaiming is okay in some situations, but it really depends on your role.

And having a wagon on you is just a part of the game, it's not always avoidable. It would be really good if it wasn't, but alas.

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##Unvote ##Vote StSS

Hi Paper.

Either ways my current suspect is Subieko for trying to list post( or a semi-list post, w/e). Also, Kay, Strawman and Pride are MIA currently(or has StSS posted here recently? I forgot)

I had not yet posted during Day 1. This will be my first. Sorry. I guess my recent hopes of being more active in games really aren't coming to fruition like I thought they would :/

Lets see here, I missed out on some fun things to discuss it seems.

Ah well. Here's my 2 pennies on a few things.

For now, I'm taking the PGO claim for just what it is. I don't have much experience with the role outside that I was it as mafia once, but even then it seemed like a completely way too powerful role for a mafia member to have. Granted it turned out not to be OP in that game because, tbh, people don't target me much. But in most cases a mafia pgo would be kind of ridiculous.

As far as posting lists goes, it can be a useful way to organize your thoughts. Plus, what really matters in whether isn't whether it is or isn't a list post, it should be the content of that list post. If someone posts a list that makes lots of fair points and clearly states their relevant opinions, i wouldn't call that scummy. Just taking all thought lists as scummy automatically could end up giving you maybe not the most accurate reads on those who use them.

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Maybe softclaiming that early wasn't the best idea, or necessary, but I just didn't want some wagon to build up on me... I've noticed in several games now that a lot of wagons don't get broken without some really great logic (which is not, unfortunately, my forte) or a claim, and I didn't want it to get to the point where I'd have to hardclaim either. Clearly, it backfired. >_>

Hmm, I know what you mean, but D1 wagons aren't usually like that unless the person gives a huge scum tell or something.

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@Kay, it just does

Maybe softclaiming that early wasn't the best idea, or necessary, but I just didn't want some wagon to build up on me... I've noticed in several games now that a lot of wagons don't get broken without some really great logic (which is not, unfortunately, my forte) or a claim, and I didn't want it to get to the point where I'd have to hardclaim either. Clearly, it backfired. >_>

when there is a wagon on you, try to find someone scummier to send the wagon to.Don't get get more troubles on your self that you can't handle.

and if you really need a lynch, start a wagon on the SF Scape goat

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Ether votals

I was gonna do them at 24 hour mark, but I'd fallen asleep in a nap.

BBM [3]: Bluedoom, Pride, Haze, Manix

Subieko [3]: Blitz, Bluedoom, Kay

Blitz [1]: Manix, BBM

Elieson [1]: Iris

Bizz [1]: Elieson

Strawman [1]: Paperblade,

Kay [1]: eclipse

Nano [0]: Paperblade

Paperblade [0]: eclipse, nano

eclipse [0]: subieko, Haze

##Vote: nano

##Vote: BBM

##Vote: Blitz

##Vote: Paperblade

##Vote: Eclipse

##Vote: Elieson

##Vote Cap'n Flint

##Vote: Paperblade

##Vote Bizz

##Vote: Eclipse

##Vote: BigBangMeteor



##Vote: Subieko

##Unvote ##Vote StSS


##Vote: BigBangMeteor


##Vote: Kay


##Vote: BBM



##Vote: Subieko

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