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What seats do you prefer on the bus?

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What sucks is people pretending to be asleep so that nobody sits with them...

What are you talking about.

Can anyone tell me why people these days are so anti-social?

Because hipsters try to be "different". =(

why are you trying to talk to people on the bus that you don't know

anti social = not talking to everyone you don't know

I like how that doesn't answer the question at all.

Look, you go on the bus. You look out of the window or some shit, if you came on with someone you talk to them, but most of the time you vague out and all you want to do is make fucking sure you get off at the right stop when this fucktard neckbeard in a fucking naruto shirt sits next to you and is suddenly "OH MY DAY WAS SHIT I TRIPPED OVER AND STUBBED MY TOE AND" and then you're tempted to commit murder.

You don't talk to people you've never met before without any reason, not on a bus.

Thta's funny coming from someone who never leaves their house. :smug:

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Huh. Usually I just try to take a nap on the subway to pass the time. I still get people sitting next to me about as often as ever, at least when the car starts filling up.

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anti social = not talking to everyone you don't know

Well, then, why else would you intentionally sit next to someone with a bus full of empty seats?

Thta's funny coming from someone who never leaves their house. :smug:





Of course I leave the fucking house, you stupid twat.

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Huh. Usually I just try to take a nap on the subway to pass the time. I still get people sitting next to me about as often as ever, at least when the car starts filling up.

I dunno why but when I've been in the DC metro I always get the feeling that the space is not used efficiently compared to a NYC, Paris or Tokyo metro.

Somehow seats on the side of the train with more standing room in the middle feels like there's more space than seats in rows and less standing room? I'm probably rong.

That being said the DC metro stations are pretty nice (though sometimes the escalators are ABSURDLY long but I think NYC is like that too...).

Edited by Hawkeye Hank Hatfield
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Well, then, why else would you intentionally sit next to someone with a bus full of empty seats?





Of course I leave the fucking house, you stupid twat.

Hm... Maybe I should start stalking you. That should be fun.

Especially since you're such a huge twat yourself only you seem to be filled with rage at all times and feel the need to release on anyone and everyone just so it seems you have something of note to say.

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Huh. Usually I just try to take a nap on the subway to pass the time. I still get people sitting next to me about as often as ever, at least when the car starts filling up.

No i don't mean it like that. I mean the jerks in my school that put their backpacks in the seat and then fake sleep. Plus you can tell they are faking, because they suddenly wake up after the bus starts to move and more than half of them are picked up at the stop before mine.

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Personal experience from jerks in my school bus.

No wonder.

I was actually going to answer with "PEMN", but didn't.

It's funny that it's working for them, tho. You're making it work for them.

Well, then, why else would you intentionally sit next to someone with a bus full of empty seats?

I have my reasons. And I don't suck like most of you do asocial twats. ;/

And it's not like it's often there's many empty steas.





Of course I leave the fucking house, you stupid twat.


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IDK man

I'd think you're some creeper if there's plenty of fully empty seats and you choose to sit next to me

I happen to like having personal space

And idk about buses but it happens often on non-peak hour trains over here

empty seats that is

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It's not creepy, it's just being annoying.

Personally, I wouldn't do it.

Reminds me of a time me and some friends went to the theatre...there was a couple and sandwiched them between seats. xdddddd

Edited by B.Rabbit
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