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Which Fire Emblem 3 Character Are You?

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Katua (100%)

Paola (100%)

Est (86%)

Jeigan (86%)

Marth (86%)

Oguma (86%)

Abel (72%)

Chiki (72%)

Hardain (72%)

Nina (72%)

Chainy (43%)

Doga (43%)

Julian (43%)

Kain (43%)

Medeus (43%)

Rena (43%)

Gordon (29%)

Sheeda (29%)

Banetou (15%)

Linda (15%)

Navaare (15%)

Ryan (15%)

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Maric (0%)

Minerva (0%)

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Top Posters In This Topic

Catria/Palla - 100%

Est - 82%

Tiki/Caeda - 73%

Abel/Marth/Lena - 64%

Xane/Nyna/Ryan - 55%

Gordin - 46%

Fina/Cain/Linde/Ogma - 37%

Bantu/Julian/Merric/Navarre - 28%

DOGA/Jagen/Minerva - 19%

Hardin/Medeus - 0%


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100% Cain

100% Marth

89% Abel

89% Navarre

78% Jeigan

78% Minerva

78% Ogma

67% Bantu

67% Chainy

67% Hardin

the sad part is that I wear pants and I'm 100% Marth.....

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1. Julian (100%)

2. Navaare (100%)

3. Marth (92%)

4. Bantu (67%)

5. Hardin (67%)

6. Rena (67%)

7. Draug (59%)

8. Minerva (59%)

9. Oguma (59%)

10. Abel (50%)

Navarre, Minerva, Ogma, and Abel on my top 10. Not bad.

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Julian (100%)

Navaare (86%)

Rena (86%)

Marth (72%)

Jeigan (58%)

Linda (58%)

Oguma (58%)

Banetou (43%)

Chiki (43%)

Doga (43%)

Hardain (43%)

Maric (43%)

Nina (43%)

Abel (29%)

Est (29%)

Katua (29%)

Medeus (29%)

Minerva (29%)

Paola (29%)

Chainy (15%)

Fina (15%)

Sheeda (15%)

Gordon (0%)

Kain (0%)

Ryan (0%)

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100% Minerva and Navaare.

This might've meant something to me if I knew who these people are.

Minerva is a girl who rides on a dragon and I think is the princess or Queen of a place with people on dragons. She has a nice axe and red hair and red armor and probably a red dragon and come to think of it I owuldn't be surprised if the axe was red.

Navarre is sorta like a myrmidon, and comes with a killer sword and has to be recruited from the enemy lines. He is kinda like Guy, Ayra, Shiva, Rutger, Joshua and Zihark, I assume you know who one of those are.

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