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[FE7] Auction Draft


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1. This draft is for 5 players.

2. Hector, Marcus, Merlinus, Ninian/Nils, and Athos are free for all to use.

3. Bartre and Karla are drafted as a pair.

5. Marcus is banned after Chapter 20.

6. The game will be played on Hector Normal Mode, skipping Lyn Mode.


1. Undrafted units may recruit characters, rescue undrafted units and NPCs, trade, visit Shops and Armories, and dig up items in the desert.

2. Undrafted units may not do anything not listed above, including but not limited to meatshielding, building Supports, opening Doors or Chests, talking to Fargus in Chapter 17x, or Seizing Castles in Chapter 25.

3. All Gaiden Chapters except 19xx, 23x and 28x are required to be visited. 23x and 28x may be visited at the player's discretion, and don't count towards the total turncount up to 20 turns taken per chapter.

4. Other units may do as they please without penalty.

5. Defend chapters count the last played Player Phase for turns if the timer is waited out.


1. Undrafted units have a 4 turn penalty, per unit per chapter.


1. Matthew is free for Chapter 11.

2. Meatshielding is allowed for Chapter 13x.

3. Lyn, Kent, Sain and Wil are free for Chapter 16.

4. Undrafted Thieves may be used to obtain necessary Promotion items.


PKL: 43 - Florina (441), Karel (2), Dorcas (21), Priscilla (62), Isadora (170), Pent (211), Raven (50)

SB: 58 - Canas (150), Kent (305), Nino (17), Rebecca (23), Farina (220), Matthew (45), Eliwood (48), Erk (134)

Green: 0 - Dart (140), Lucius (263), Bartre/Karla (50), Renault (5), Hawkeye (150), Lyn (392)

Refa: 133 - Vaida (40), Rath (100), Wil (20), Lowen (290), Harken (4), Legault (20), Heath (393)

Horace: 0 - Oswin (199), Guy (15), Jaffar (30), Louise (42), Serra (75), Sain (200), Fiora (392), Wallace/Geitz (47)

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Stealing Horace's format because I'm a terrible person.


Easy 6 turn strat that also gave me the Red Gem.


Eliwood and Rebecca take on the south, Marcus dashes for the boss and Hector and Matthew fend for themselves up north.


Eliwood and Rebecca grab the village, Marcus carries Hector down, Matthew follows behind. Guy runs away towards Matthew for some reason so he's recruited for his Killing Edge. Marcus ORKOes the boss with the Silver Lance and Hector seizes.


Everyone tries to get as much exp as possible, and the village. Not too hard.


Marcus charges, Eliwood and Hector kill Pirates and Matt kills the Cavalier near the village with the Killing Edge. Erk was recruited.


Damnit I couldn't feed Sealen to Rebecca. Got the treasure.

Edited by Serious Bananas
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Marcus ferries Hector and ORKOes. Everyone knocks enemies out of the way.


Marcus ferries Hector, Kent ferries Matthew. I took an extra turn to steal the Knights Crest,


Hahaha Marcus is amazing. Got the Sleep Staff, Devil Axe and Canas.


Marcus carries Hector, Kent kills the Shaman in the way and Marcus drops Hector in Zoldam's range so he can kill. Everyone else trains.


Canas and Rebecca kill Snags, Marcus rushes through and kills Uhai. Erk and Eliwood went north, Matthew went south with the Killing Edge so he wouldn't be slowed down by Cavs and revealed Uhai turn 4. Hector guarded Dart.


Marcus ferried Hector and they teamed up to boss kill turn 2.


Took an extra turn to steal the Member Card, so Erk and Canas will have an easier time to get Warp. Erk retrieved the Brave Bow, Rebecca moved through the center building and everyone else rushed the middle.

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  • 2 months later...

I remember this so you don't have to! PKL, post this draft in DTE pleaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaase, I dun wanna remembuh this any more.


I ordered Hector to move left and kill things. Matthew kind of helped, and he nabbed me a Red Gem. All in all, not one of my most complex strategies, but the payoff was nice!

Unit        Level    HP ST SK SP LC DF RS  Weapon Level
Hector      3.30     21 08 05 05 03 10 01  C Axes


Marcus took the initial couple of enemies downstairs on Chapter 1. I thought Hector solo might not go so well so I sent Marcus up to help. Meanwhile, Lowen was cleaning up the remainder of enemies Marcus left behind. Turns out the only help Hector needed was killing the mercenary and a particularly pesky archer.

Unit        Level    HP ST SK SP LC DF RS  Weapon Level
Hector      6.17     24 08 05 06 05 11 01  C Axes
Marcus      1.15     31 15 15 11 08 10 08  A Lances A Swords B Axes
Lowen       2.70     23 07 05 07 03 07 00  D Lances D Swords


Lowen and Hector were bros in clearing snags and taking tributes. Marcus was also amazing in getting the ORKO with the Silver Lance, sadly I don't ever remember telling him to put so little attention to his growths (+HP only). Oh well, those bases are sexy enough. I also bought several 1-2 range weapons, hopefully these will help me in the battle to come.


It's nice when your entire party is tanky as fuck. A majority of the enemies were killed and the village was visited, but sadly Puzon was not killed. Oh well, I got some good levels out of the whole ordeal.

Unit        Level    HP ST SK SP LC DF RS  Weapon Level
Hector      8.05     26 08 07 07 05 13 02  B Axes
Marcus      2.02     32 15 15 11 08 10 08  A Lances A Swords B Axes
Lowen       5.81     26 09 05 07 04 09 01  D Lances D Swords

...Wait, Hector hasn't procced STR since Chapter 11! Fucking FE7...


Hector not proccing STR twice out of a fuckwin of levels cost me a turn. :\ You know the drill, Marcus took most, Hector killed the Soldier to the north so that Serra could recruit Erk, Lowen the ones to the right, and they teamed up on the pirates. Problem is Hector couldn't ORKO the Iron Sword one, the asshat. Gave Hector the Goddess Icon because he could do with critting more and fuck, I really don't need the money.

Unit        Level    HP ST SK SP LC DF RS  Weapon Level
Hector      8.92     26 08 07 07 05 13 02  B Axes
Marcus      3.92     33 15 15 12 09 10 09  A Lances A Swords B Axes
Lowen       7.33     27 09 05 08 06 10 02  C Lances D Swords


Got Lowen some levels.

Unit        Level    HP ST SK SP LC DF RS  Weapon Level
Hector      8.44     26 08 07 07 05 13 02  B Axes
Marcus      3.75     33 15 15 12 09 10 09  A Lances A Swords B Axes
Lowen      11.60     30 10 06 08 08 12 02  C Lances D Swords


Lowen and Marcus ferried Hector, Wil got some levels on the bottomside. Thief tried to attack Merlinus, it was hilarious, for she tinked him.

I don't remember stats so look at the old ones again, have at you.

Unit        Level    HP ST SK SP LC DF RS  Weapon Level
Hector      8.44     26 08 07 07 05 13 02  B Axes
Marcus      3.75     33 15 15 12 09 10 09  A Lances A Swords B Axes
Lowen      11.60     30 10 06 08 08 12 02  C Lances D Swords


Easy as fuck when you have overleveled Lowen and Marcus to help you out. I even got Knight Crest!

Unit        Level    HP ST SK SP LC DF RS  Weapon Level
Hector     10.00     28 09 07 08 09 14 02  B Axes
Marcus      6.40     34 16 17 13 10 10 10  S Lances A Swords A Axes
Lowen      15.07     34 12 07 09 10 14 03  B Lances D Swords
Wil         5.86     21 07 06 07 07 05 01  D Bows


Marcus and Lowen tanked, Hector helped, and Wil did not die. Standard clear really. Gave Canas' Secret Book to Lowen because I honestly don't need money much as it is.

Unit        Level    HP ST SK SP LC DF RS  Weapon Level
Hector     11.12     29 10 07 09 10 14 03  B Axes
Marcus      6.50     34 16 17 13 10 10 10  S Lances A Swords A Axes
Lowen      16.60     35 13 09 10 11 15 03  B Lances D Swords
Wil         7.25     23 07 07 08 08 05 01  D Bows


Marcus and Lowen rush with some help from Hector. Wil didn't really do much outside of uh...half the turns, oh well.


Marcus breaks snag on turn 1 so Lowen can get the necessary STR proc (which was rather lucky, if it didn't happen, I'd have taken the 5 turn) to OHKO the next snag and help Marcus on his way to Silver Lancing the boss.

Unit        Level    HP ST SK SP LC DF RS  Weapon Level
Hector     12.18     30 10 08 10 11 15 03  B Axes
Marcus      8.61     36 17 18 13 10 10 11  S Lances A Swords A Axes
Lowen      17.78     36 14 09 11 12 16 03  B Lances D Swords
Wil         7.25     23 07 07 08 08 05 01  D Bows


For some reason or the other, I didn't get close enough to Aeon before the magic seal popped up....so I had to take an extra turn to kill him. Lowen got to level 20 though! I had Wil go to get the Goddess Icon, so I think Lowen should be the lucky recipient of it....or not, apparently I forgot to get it (facepalm). At least Wil got an extra kill for it, although I'm sure one kill for Wil \= 5000 gold statbooster, no matter how good Wil may be in Horace's patch.

Unit        Level    HP ST SK SP LC DF RS  Weapon Level
Hector     12.90     30 10 08 10 11 15 03  B Axes
Marcus      9.01     37 17 18 13 11 11 11  S Lances A Swords A Axes
Lowen       1.00     41 15 10 13 13 21 04  A Lances C Swords E Axes
Wil         9.88     25 07 07 09 08 07 01  D Bows

Compared to my current Marcus, Lowen and him currently tie on HP, Marcus has a pretty good edge over him in STR, absolutely demolishes him in SKL, ties in SPD, has as much less luck as Lowen has STR from him but luck's not that important so it is about even, Lowen's true victory is his ridiculous DEF, but he also loses out big time on RES. Also Marcus beats him by far in the ranks. Still, considering Lowen is 7 levels lower and just promoted, he's pretty fucking fantastic.

Fun Fact- Lowen had A lances before promotion.


First I had Hector chip the armour knight so that Wil could get the kill and some much needed EXP for his next expedition. What was that, you might ask? Well, he was unfortunately far too weak to get the Brave Bow, and I had no spare units to get it for him; but I really wanted the Brave Bow! It'll make Wil amazing after promotion or Rath just better! So my expert strategy was to have Wil divert the guard away from his spot so he could sneak on past and get the Brave Bow on seize turn (these corresponded perfectly). Speaking of seize turn, Lowen rescued Hector on turn 1, while Marcus soloed the entire battalion of enemies (neatly ORKOing Cameron with a Steel Sword was his finest accomplishment though). Next turn they moved closer, and Marcus went inside to chip boss on turn 3. Turn 4 was all about getting Hector in and it so happens Lowen got the boss kill too while he was at it.

Also I skipped Legault because fuck him, too much effort. Sadly, with Marcus being banned as of now, that means I'm two units short. Hopefully Ninian and Lowen can break up the slack.


I don't know how anyone manages to 3 turn this. Lowen couldn't aggro boss on turn 1. Maybe the game just hates me or something, I dunno. Anyways, I take the extra turn and uh...get Wil the boss kill, I guess.

Unit        Level    HP ST SK SP LC DF RS  Weapon Level
Hector     13.81     31 11 08 10 12 15 03  B Axes
Marcus     10.36     37 17 18 13 12 11 12  S Lances A Swords A Axes
Lowen       1.00     41 15 10 13 13 21 04  A Lances C Swords E Axes
Wil        10.44     26 07 08 10 08 07 01  C Bows

I think these were the stats from last chapter but whatever, I'm lazy!


I had Lowen go straight for the boss, with a dance from Ninian. He could ORKO the boss in player phase (due to an STR proc in this chapter), which gave me some leeway in positioning my units on turn 3. Lyn was dropped to recruit Rath which happened on turn 3. I had Hector recruit Heath on the same turn and let him rack up some kills (Wil also got a few of his own). Since Heath's durability is a little suspect in the desert, I gave him Isadora's Angelic Robe, seeing as noone else was in need of it anyways.

Unit        Level    HP ST SK SP LC DF RS  Weapon Level
Hector     13.81     31 11 08 10 12 15 03  B Axes
Marcus     10.36     37 17 18 13 12 11 12  S Lances A Swords A Axes
Lowen       5.06     45 17 13 13 17 22 07  A Lances C Swords D Axes
Wil        12.55     27 07 08 11 10 09 02  C Bows
Ninian      1.60     14 00 00 12 10 05 04  -
Rath        9.00     27 09 10 11 05 08 02  B Bows
Heath       7.74     35 11 08 07 07 10 01  B Lances


I don't think Heath was quite prepared for any sort of 3 turn clear, but he got 4 turns with aplomb! All the levels gained for my team (which was my aim, to reach the coveted CH. 23X; explains why I didn't use Lowen except to weaken a few enemies).

Unit        Level    HP ST SK SP LC DF RS  Weapon Level
Hector     14.52     32 12 08 10 12 16 03  B Axes
Marcus     10.36     37 17 18 13 12 11 12  S Lances A Swords A Axes
Lowen       5.26     45 17 13 13 17 22 07  A Lances C Swords D Axes
Wil        14.16     29 08 09 11 11 09 03  C Bows
Ninian      2.13     15 00 00 13 11 05 05  -
Rath       10.74     28 10 10 11 05 08 02  B Bows
Heath      10.66     37 12 09 09 07 12 01  B Lances


I believe I finished this on turn 10ish, atlhough it took like 8 more turns for that Silver Blade; it's sooooo worth it.

Also I gave the Afa's Drops to Rath because he's my lowest level unit sans Ninian. Oh, and the next Skill Book to Lowen without say.

Unit        Level    HP ST SK SP LC DF RS  Weapon Level
Hector     14.52     32 12 08 10 12 16 03  B Axes
Marcus     10.36     37 17 18 13 12 11 12  S Lances A Swords A Axes
Lowen       6.63     46 17 15 13 17 23 07  A Lances C Swords B Axes
Wil        19.50     33 12 13 12 13 09 05  B Bows
Ninian      4.04     17 00 00 15 13 06 06  -
Rath       12.46     30 11 10 13 05 08 02  B Bows
Heath      15.09     41 15 11 12 09 13 02  B Lances


Lowen was too slow for the one turn clear, and besides, I needed the Earth Seal for good ol' Rath. Finally got Wil to promotion.

Unit        Level    HP ST SK SP LC DF RS  Weapon Level
Hector     14.66     32 12 08 10 12 16 03  A Axes
Marcus     10.36     37 17 18 13 12 11 12  S Lances A Swords A Axes
Lowen       6.91     46 17 15 13 17 23 07  A Lances C Swords B Axes
Wil         1.00     37 13 16 15 14 11 09  A Bows
Ninian      4.24     17 00 00 15 13 06 06  -
Rath       14.02     32 13 12 14 05 08 03  B Bows
Heath      15.66     41 15 11 12 09 13 02  B Lances


Heath flew to the right, Hector/Lowen to the left, and Rath, Wil and Ninian for the bottom. That's right, Wil saved a turn, who's your god now?

Unit        Level    HP ST SK SP LC DF RS  Weapon Level
Hector     15.47     33 12 08 11 12 16 03  A Axes
Marcus     10.36     37 17 18 13 12 11 12  S Lances A Swords A Axes
Lowen       7.74     47 17 16 13 17 23 08  A Lances C Swords B Axes
Wil         1.59     37 13 16 15 14 11 09  A Bows
Ninian      4.24     17 00 00 15 13 06 06  -
Rath       14.86     32 13 12 14 05 08 03  B Bows
Heath      19.40     45 16 13 15 09 14 04  A Lances


Everyone went everywhere, Wyvern Knights were killed, yaddayaddayadad.

Unit        Level    HP ST SK SP LC DF RS  Weapon Level
Hector     18.68     36 15 09 12 14 18 04  A Axes
Marcus     10.36     37 17 18 13 12 11 12  S Lances A Swords A Axes
Lowen      10.02     50 18 16 16 19 24 08  S Lances C Swords B Axes
Wil         4.32     40 13 18 16 14 11 09  A Bows
Ninian      5.65     18 00 00 16 14 06 07  -
Rath       19.09     34 16 15 15 07 08 03  A Bows
Heath       2.77     51 17 16 17 09 14 06  A Lances E Swords

CHAPTER 27- 10/101 TURNS

I recruited Harken, come at me.

Unit        Level    HP ST SK SP LC DF RS  Weapon Level
Hector     20.00     37 16 11 13 15 19 05  A Axes
Marcus     10.36     37 17 18 13 12 11 12  S Lances A Swords A Axes
Lowen      10.32     50 18 16 16 19 24 08  S Lances C Swords B Axes
Wil         5.71     40 13 18 17 15 11 10  A Bows
Ninian      6.54     19 00 00 17 15 06 07  -
Rath       20.00     35 17 16 16 08 08 03  A Bows
Heath       6.25     55 19 19 21 11 16 10  S Lances E Swords
Harken      8.00     38 21 20 17 12 15 10  B Swords B Axes

CHAPTER 28- 15/116 TURNS

We saw, we came, we conquered. Viva la revolution! The empire shall fall!

Also skipped Night Of Farewells, it is so superfluous for my team.

Unit        Level    HP ST SK SP LC DF RS  Weapon Level
Hector     20.00     37 16 11 13 15 19 05  A Axes
Marcus     10.36     37 17 18 13 12 11 12  S Lances A Swords A Axes
Lowen      10.93     50 18 16 16 19 24 08  S Lances C Swords B Axes
Wil         6.83     41 14 19 17 16 12 10  A Bows
Ninian      7.66     20 00 00 18 16 06 08  -
Rath       20.00     35 17 16 16 08 08 03  A Bows
Heath      11.09     59 22 20 22 13 19 13  S Lances E Swords
Harken     11.30     41 22 21 19 13 16 10  B Swords B Axes


Well that was not bad, although had to waste extra turn for Lowen to get to village. That....probably could have been done better.



Unit        Level    HP ST SK SP LC DF RS  Weapon Level
Hector     01.66     40 16 13 16 15 20 10  A Axes D Swords
Marcus     10.36     37 17 18 13 12 11 12  S Lances A Swords A Axes
Lowen      12.51     52 19 17 17 19 25 08  S Lances C Swords B Axes
Wil         8.25     43 14 21 19 17 12 10  S Bows
Ninian      7.66     20 00 00 18 16 06 08  -
Rath       20.00     35 17 16 16 08 08 03  A Bows
Heath      11.09     59 22 20 22 13 19 13  S Lances E Swords
Harken     17.15     45 24 26 21 14 17 11  B Swords B Axes
Vaida      10.02     44 21 19 13 11 21 07  A Lances A Swords

CHAPTER 31- 11/137 TURNS

Hector basically soloed the chapter, it was glorious.


Grinding and stocking just in case I need it for secret boss!


Hector/Heath rush, they both kill the boss on player phase (which is nice). Everyone else does stuff, Vaida got Talisman for HEATH.


The long way around took a long time!


So that's what happens when you run out of Door Keys...don't do it!


Hector and Athos attack, I win, finally.

So compared to my last team which was a little too big, this team is very compact and small; perhaps too much so! Nevertheless, it was quite fun, if not a little mindless.


This is...the best Hector I've ever gotten. He completely turned around in the last couple of chapters to be fucking incredible (beforehand he was merely good).


Saved me for the first half of the game before Lowen got good. The highlight of this playthrough were when Marcus and Lowen were broing it up, two promoted paladins doing their thing in Dragon's Gate.


Speaking of units....yeah, Lowen also turned out amazing. It's always nice to have another fantastic high move unit, and he was just ridiculous.


Wil on the other hand...oh my. He was pretty helpful, and his excellent secondary stats ensured he gained a bunch of crits, but...6 points STR screwed.


Best unit on team, no questions asked.


Poor Rath, I couldn't promote him until Chapter 32; he's still better than Wil!


Also amazing. My team seems to have a never ending abundance of amazing units.


Pretty OK filler, although she didn't do anything too special; nice stats though.


Not as good as Edward.



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  • 3 months later...

Chapter 11 - 6 turns (16)

The standard Red Gem run.

Chapter 12 - 4 turns (10)

Enter Marcus and the scrubs.

Chapter 13 - 4 turns (14)

Eliwood and Rebecca get the village, Matthew grabs Guy for his Killing Edge.

Chapter 13x - 7 turns (21)

Rebecca killed Puzon lolololol

Chapter 14 - 4 turns (25)


Chapter 15 - 7 turns (32)

Erk training time!

Chapter 16 - 5 turns (37)

Marcus' retirement... wait, no it isn't!

Chapter 17 - 7 turns (44)

Free Marcus does things to your TCs man. It does glorious glorious things. Got the Crest.

Chapter 17x - 3 turns (47)

Got Canas. Marcus rushes and everyone else feeds off of the scraps.

Chapter 18 - 2 turns (49)

Marcus Javelin'd the boss.

Chapter 19 - 4 turns (53)


Chapter 19x - 4 turns (57)

Marcus rush, Kent and the others train.

Chapter 20 - 4 turns (61)

Darin stinks.

Chapter 21 - 2 turns (63)

Kent promoted and rescued and dropped Erk to lure Oleg, got the Whip, Erk finished Oleg.

Chapter 22 - 4 turns (67)

Kent sucks.

Chapter 23 - 4 turns (71)

Neither Erk or Canas promoted, so I got enough exp for genesis.

Chapter 23x - 19 turns (71)


Canas promoted and started staffspamming.

Chapter 24 - 2 turns (73)

1 strength short Kent. 1 strength!

Chapter 25 - 7 turns (80)

Kent got blocked. I hate you Kent.

Chapter 26 - 11 turns (91)

Defend. Eliwood promotes.

Chapter 27 - 6 turns (97)

Erk needed a promo item.

Chapter 28 - 15 turns (112)

Staffspamming with Erk and Canas.

Chapter 28x - 19 turns (112)

Thank god Erk barely hit A

Chapter 29 - 4 turns (116)

Rescue staff usage and stuff. Just blitzed through the middle mostly. Boots to Eliwood.

Chapter 30 - 3 turns (119)

Boots Eliwood and Canas with Warp.

Chapter 31 - 11 turns (130)


Chapter 31x - 5 turns (135)


Chapter 32 - 4 turns (139)

You need a flier who can rescue Hector to 3 turn.

Chapter 32x - 1 turn (140)

Death to Kishuna

Final Part 1 - 2 turns (142)

Double Warp and a bit of luck (Beserked Lloyd crit Linus lolololol)

Final Part 2 - 1 turn (143)

Canas, Athos, Hector and Eliwood slay the dragon.

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