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>you actually killed manix

hey look i'm shinori i'm going to actually kill people who are probably town

you actually killed manix

you actually killed manix what the FUCK

just when I thought I was starting to agree with you a bit more

you had the opportunity to kill scummier people and you didn't take it

I hereby disown you as town leader

(no not really eee leave me alone please)

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also mafia, I would kindly ask you to keep leaving me alone

I am glad that you have been courteous so far

I'm only looking out for you, you know

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I'm sure Shinori had his reasons for this. Sheesh.

He did. All I was saying is that he could have made it less bad for the Town, if he were to choose the scummiest person to vote last instead.

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Well... that was terrible. :/

I suppose it could've been worse though, as Manix lacked an ability. If we lost someone who had an ability, I think we'd be in even more trouble.

Day 3 is going to be crazy.

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Ok, so this is a post where I'm going to try and address both some of the past issues with my posts, and also put my views out here.

First things first. Explaining some of my views on this game.

1) The whole issue with Rapier vs BBM vote: I was looking at both of them, and finding Rapier more scummy than BBM. I voted Rapier because I viewed him as the better lynch target.

2) My suspicions of Marth for "buddying" with BBM: Looking back at this, I'm kinda ashamed of this one. That was a really weak reason to be suspicious of someone and I think that I was being paranoid and grabbing onto the smallest reasons to suspect someone because of how few reads I had. Since then, I have become more neutral on my read on Marth.

Moving on from there, I'm going to try and put my views on people here in a nice color coded list. I know that list posts aren't the best, but right now my brain sucks and it's either a list post or possibly me asking to be subbed, so you guys are getting a list post. (Note that I'm not including myself in this list because obviously I know I'm town and putting myself on that list won't change anything)


Shinori!: Our obvious town leader. He's been doing a good job so far and apparently has many more irons in the fire.

Eclipse: A couple reasons for this read. 1) I really don't think that the mafia would kidnap their own. It's a really bold move, and I dunno. I kinda just doubt BBM would have done that. 2) Overall, she's been really helpful, trying hard to get her views out and work together with the team. 3) She and I had a nice conversation last night where she explained some more of her thoughts and I just really got the sense that I could trust her.

SB: I think that SB is probably just noobtown at this point. He hasn't been around a ton, but the little I've talked with him has made me feel that he was just confused at first.

Aere: One shot BP is a pretty good town claim as far as I see it, has been making pretty good town helpful posts. Haven't talked much outside of thread, but the one or two things we have talked about have helped solidify this view.

Marth: I originally found Marth suspect because of buddying with BBM. But, as stated above, I've come to realize that I didn't really have solid reasoning, and was just looking for reactions to try and get info. After my most recent conversation with Marth, I find myself viewing him as more town because he does seem to be doing his best to help the town.

Iris: I find myself leaning slightly further towards town than neutral on Iris mostly because of the few conversations we've had outside of thread. I'd like to see more from her, but feel as if she's town for now.

Kay: neutral. The few short conversations I've had here haven't led me to either side. Kay's posted some solid posts, but some of them make me lead more towards town, and some of them make me lean more towards scum. So, I'd like to see more, and hopefully will get a better sense there.

Strawman: Once again, very little contact outside of the thread, but what little I have had has left me feeling neutral. The posts he's had in thread have been good, but the lack of contact from which to draw a read have left me feeling neutral.

Hika: Once again. No outside contact, and not a ton in thread. Neutral read.

Blitz: Leaning slightly more on the scum side here. There's a difference between having a few posts, but not a lot, and having one post. I would really like to see more from him in here, as well as outside contact.

Helios: Ugh, what started out as a fairly solid town read has slipped to a scum read for one major reason, and a few smaller reasons. The smaller reasons are mostly that his posts lately have mostly been one liners with very little content to them and that I haven't had any solid conversation with him since N0 really. The major reason is I found out he told my role to at least one other person. And, while the person I know he told is apparently trusted by our town leader, I still have a hard time getting over the fact that he told someone info that he shouldn't have.

Rapier: What was originally a fairly strong scum read has now turned into less of one. I still think that your discussion has not always been helpful for town, especially D1, but I also admit that I was probably tunneling. I still find you to be suspicious, but not as much as others.

Lucina: Right now, I find Lucina to be the most suspect. His posts have been almost all empty and he has yet to really post any opinions. I've yet to have any outside contact with him. The lack of content and the overall seemingly contentedness to let everyone else do the scum hunting and pointing fingers makes me strongly suspect scum here.


Third Party Party: Bizz! From Bizz's posts, I've gotten a fairly strong read that she's interested in helping the town as much as she can, but above all else, she has her own agenda that will not hurt the town, but it might not help it either. She's been pretty solidly set in my brain as third party for a bit now. She also seems to enjoy threatening the mafia that she will find them and hunt them down if they try to kill her. So, uh, go Bizz!

If I forgot anyone, or if you guys have any questions for me, I'm perfectly willing to answer them. I didn't get as much in this post as I would have liked, but my brain is rebelling against mafia right now after what happened in Higurashi Mafia, plus just general other outside real life stuff affecting me right now. So basically, if there's stuff you want to know, ask. I hope I didn't forget anything.

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omg scorri stole my colors >>:

(to be fair I haven't composed my list yet sooo)

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That shade of green and the default shade do not go well together. :P:

Shinori, I hope you've got everything lined up. I have a bad feeling about tonight.

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I vote we just lynch Cpt Flint on the basis that he's posted like 2 times.

I vote we remember this is OC. I'm honestly somewhat suspicious of Blitzy myself, but he is talking on IRC, it's not like he's ignoring the game completely. There are better reasons to lynch him than postcount alone.

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I vote we remember this is OC. I'm honestly somewhat suspicious of Blitzy myself, but he is talking on IRC, it's not like he's ignoring the game completely. There are better reasons to lynch him than postcount alone.

Care to elaborate? Or is this one of those things better not said in public?

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In a conversation I had, it was mentioned that saying things that would "help the mafia alot" should be avoided. My mind immediately thought of this. (excuse the poor paint skills)


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Care to elaborate? Or is this one of those things better not said in public?

Basically I feel like he's doing the OC equivalent of active lurking. I talked to him, but it seemed like he didn't actually say much. Plus, it is a bit weird that quite so little of his overall activity has been in the thread. Dunno whether that's considered scummy or not, but it might be to make it harder for people to compare stuff he says? I mean, logs can be posted, sure, but they're still somewhat less reliable, since they could be faked.

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I'm stupid and I didn't understand the joke. >:

By the way, if I'm one of the most scummy players who'll give a lot of info when lynched, why didn't anyone PM me? You know, the best way to solve this is to talk.

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You all wake up on this glorious day, for another action packed day of movies. Except for Marth, he doesn't wake up.

Bluedoom, Town Doctor, has died.

Dear Bluedoom,

You are Khris, Town Doctor.

You freed the Shining Force from prison, and decided to join. You heal your allies with your magic.

At night, you can reply to your Role PM with 'Night X - Heal USER'. You will save USER's life, should someone attempt to kill them that night.

You are allied with the Town. You win when all threats to the Town are eliminated.

Also, a royal messenger has delivered a small piece of paper. One of you picks it up and reads it aloud.

Hey guys! It's your friendly neighborhood announcer here! It was sad to see two townies die in one day, but we must continue to trust in our leader! He surely has a plan, and will see it through. In other news, be wary. There are still scum out there, and they could be anyone. Keep a close eye on those around you.

So, now since I'm out of things to announce (town leader makes the whole anonymous announcement thing kinda obsolete) , I'm going to talk about cake! Cake is delicious. Personally, my favorite is chocolate lava cake. It's so delicious and when you cut into the center and the chocolate just oozes out... mmmmmmm. So good.

... Apparently I'm supposed to talk about more serious things than cake. I guess I would just like to say, don't be afraid to go talk to someone you haven't talked to yet either though. Who knows? Maybe someone will slip and tell you something that they shouldn't know. Reaching out to talk to people is never a bad thing. Just be careful what you tell them. Some things should be kept secret. Trust in your instinct, and hopefully our District will win.

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