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Shining Force Mafia


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Blitz[9]: Shinori, scorri, eclipse, Hika, Iris, San, Lucina, Iris, eclipse, Rapier, scorri, Aere, Helios

Shinor[1]i: Blitz

No Lynch[2]: scorri, Bizz, Hika, Helios, Aere

That should be majority easily. Psych: *poke*

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You lynched Blitz. He was Zylo, Mafia Rolecop.

Dear Cap'n Flint,

You are Zylo, Mafia Rolecop.

You are a wolfman, and extremely strong. You had been poisoned and went insane by the army of Runefaust, but likely the Shining Force was able to save you.

At night, you can reply to your Role PM with 'Night X - Investigate USER'. You will receive USER's full Role PM.

You are allied with the Mafia. You win when the Mafia achieves parity with the amount of remaining players.

Night 4 ends 6/24 at 5 PM EST.

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My conversation with Blitz when he decided to vote me.

Session Start: Thu Jun 21 04:54:24 2012

Session Ident: Vaia

01[04:54] <Shinori> was asleep

[05:22] <Vaia> really

[05:22] <Vaia> ?

01[05:22] <Shinori> Yes.

01[05:22] <Shinori> I just fuckin woke up

[05:23] <Vaia> oh

[05:23] <Vaia> what about the past couple of days?

01[05:23] <Shinori> I've been sleeping earlier than I have been and you don't get on until like 2-3 am my time

[05:24] <Vaia> it still smells like fish

01[05:24] <Shinori> Wut does?

[05:24] <Vaia> you claiming to not be around when I am


01[05:25] <Shinori> Because I got your role pm from cop last night as scum.

01[05:25] <Shinori> And you can say it smells like fish all you want but it's obviuously been proven by me not being around

[05:26] <Vaia> I would like to point out that Straw was a framer

01[05:27] <Shinori> He was a tailor but had only 3 specific roles he could give out and I would assume he would give his two roles to mafia first so they wouldn't get caught in their act when fake claiming.

[05:27] <Vaia> and I have most likely been framed

[05:28] <Vaia> I thought we didn't even know what the roles were

[05:29] <Vaia> what makes you say that the roles have anything to do with protecting mafia, and not framing others?

01[05:29] <Shinori> No we don't but we know that there was 3

[05:29] <Vaia> actually

[05:29] <Vaia> never mind

[05:29] <Vaia> just remembered BBM

[05:29] <Vaia> he had always wanted a scan on himself

01[05:30] <Shinori> He wanted a scan to prove what he was which would make him look town, not scum. It would have given him a town role

[05:30] <Vaia> and that would leave two more roles

[05:31] <Vaia> which are most likely to frame the target

[05:31] <Vaia> one of which was used on me

01[05:31] <Shinori> Except he was roleblocked N3.

01[05:31] <Shinori> Therefore only 1 other role was used to frame

[05:32] <Vaia> what day is it today?

01[05:32] <Shinori> N2*

[05:33] <Vaia> well, I guess the role blocker is telling the truth

[05:33] <Vaia> but he could have used it on me N1

[05:34] <Vaia> Shinori?

01[05:34] <Shinori> Im here

01[05:35] <Shinori> But I would think the mafia tailor would be busy protecting his mafia members before putting someone who is town and not under much suspicions Day 1 to make look guilty

[05:36] <Vaia> ones again, what makes you say he was protecting someone and not framing one

[05:37] <Vaia> what makes you even say he was the other roles were protective?

01[05:37] <Shinori> Why would mafia frame someone that I'm most likely not gonna inspect right away vs protecting a scum that's under suspicion or a scum that is viable for their plans to succeed.

[05:38] <Vaia> I still don't get how you know the other two roles were protecting types and not framing one

[05:38] <Vaia> ones*

01[05:39] <Shinori> I don't but and I never said I didn't

01[05:39] <Shinori> IF anything though I would it would be 2 for 1 trade on the tailor with 2 being protection and 1 framing

[05:39] <Vaia> you sounded like you did thopugh

01[05:40] <Shinori> No. I said I WOULD THINK

01[05:40] <Shinori> Don't put words in my mouth.

01[05:40] <Shinori> It's an assumption

01[05:40] <Shinori> And with a tailor in the game

01[05:40] <Shinori> that got two suits off

01[05:40] <Shinori> I can only go with an assumption

[05:40] <Vaia> okay, so what do you think the other protection role is besides lynchproof?

01[05:41] <Shinori> Not sure yet, I think it might be a vanilla.

[05:42] <Vaia> but wouldn't have been wiser to claim vanilla for the mafia than lynch instead?

[05:42] <Vaia> I mean, vanillas are easy to prove roles

01[05:43] <Shinori> There are some people that have claimed vanilla.

[05:43] <Vaia> and hardly any game doesn't have less than two

[05:43] <Vaia> I don't know, but I would think BBM would claim vanilla if he could have

[05:43] <Vaia> it makes more sense

01[05:45] <Shinori> Maybe he wasn't the one framed N0 then

01[05:45] <Shinori> And they couldn't have everyone claim vanilla.

[05:47] <Vaia> I will agree that sounds more likely

[05:47] <Vaia> but anyways

[05:47] <Vaia> once again, you can't say that role was vanilla

[05:47] <Vaia> I mean, it could be something else

01[05:47] <Shinori> No I can't And No one currently knows the three suits except the mafia

01[05:48] <Shinori> What's to say all 3 were for protection?

01[05:48] <Shinori> Whats to say all 3 were framing?

01[05:48] <Shinori> We don't know. We can only assume at the moment.

[05:48] <Vaia> BBM says all three were not framing actually

01[05:49] <Shinori> how could bmm hvae said that? He's dead so he couldn't have said anything

01[05:49] <Shinori> and he was never inspected.

[05:49] <Vaia> yeah

[05:49] <Vaia> but he wanted a whole lot to be inspected

01[05:50] <Shinori> No he just kind of mentioned there was the possibility of him being inspected. He thought that would be the better way of proving his role without outing his role

01[05:50] <Shinori> so yeah

01[05:50] <Shinori> most likely lynch proof is one of them

01[05:50] <Shinori> Stil no garunteed proof on it.

[05:50] <Vaia> fine

[05:51] <Vaia> but there is a much higher chance of lynch proof being a role

[05:51] <Vaia> than vanilla

[05:51] <Vaia> so, how many mafia members would you be expecting?

01[05:51] <Shinori> 5.

[05:52] <Vaia> well, if one guy died D1 l(like what happened)

[05:52] <Vaia> they would have protected everyone

[05:52] <Vaia> by N2

01[05:52] <Shinori> Roleblocked N2.

[05:52] <Vaia> excepting the framer of course

[05:52] <Vaia> yeah

[05:53] <Vaia> but I meant could have happened

01[05:53] <Shinori> except the framer and the blocked one

[05:53] <Vaia> which is very broken

[05:53] <Vaia> whatever

[05:54] <Vaia> I have to leave now

[05:54] <Vaia> do what you like

Session Close: Thu Jun 21 15:13:24 2012

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Requesting that players use the entire night phase to talk, not really wanting to end the night phase right away if I can afford to. Talk to other players get new opinions on what you think and then tell me who you find scummy, with the involvement of a tailor this makes things a little more rough.

Also a question to everyone.

How many mafia do you think are still in this game?

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Also a question to everyone.

How many mafia do you think are still in this game?

why do you want me to answer this anyways?

but I will do so as requested

I think there are 99 hidden mafia players, plus Shinori (so a hundred)

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