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Shining Force Mafia


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why do you want me to answer this anyways?

but I will do so as requested

I think there are 99 hidden mafia players, plus Shinori (so a hundred)

You mean ~4,360. ;/

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Rapier, Lucina, you realize that there are 11 people left in the game, right? If there were 4 mafia left and Bizz is telling the truth about her role (which I think she is) then the current breakdown is 6/4/1. That means that tomorrow, third party and mafia could joint to win, with us having only had one mislynch. That would be extremely high numbers of mafia.

Personally, my guess is that the mafia only had 4, *maybe* 5 people from the start. So I'm guessing 1 maybe 2 mafia otherwise these numbers would have been rather skewed in mafia's favor I think.

Also, I'm going to ask a question to!

What do you think the likelihood of hidden players existing is and if so how many?

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I think three is plausible, if you think about it our one misslynch cost two townies so technically could be seen as two misslynchs.

As for hiddens i think there is the possibility that their might be one in the game.

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1) I think at most there is 3 mafia left

2) Though I'm not sure where all the hidden player drama came from, I could see there being a third party hidden just to mess with us.

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The hidden player stuff started when the announcer mentioned it in a message that I can only assume from the rest of the message was directly from Shinori. Personally I think that Psych is just screwing with us when he indicates there are hidden players, but I think I'm one of the few to hold that opinion.

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I'm back, cmon people communicate. IF you have time to post somewhere else you can post here, we are at a pretty critical state at the moment and I'd like more people to talk. If you don't want to talk explain why, because I would definitely like to know for the reason of that.

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I am around now, and will be for probably the rest of the night. Message me if you want to talk! I'm here, on irc and I'll even sign onto skype for the occasion. *gasp* My nick on skype is scorrikitty

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There, I'm coherent.

1. As I'm seeing vanillas, I'm guessing 2-3 mafia at most. Unless there's a lot of town roles that are really broken.

2. After something Paperblade said, none. Psych forgot to update the rules.

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Paper told you there are no hiddens?

Can I get a mod/co-mod verification on that? O.o

You aren't. The best I can do is a convo from Psych regarding the Blitz lynch.

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Paper told you there are no hiddens?

Can I get a mod/co-mod verification on that? O.o

Also since Psych refuses to explain to people and is confusing them, majority in this game is 2/3 of living players.

I told Psych several times to tell people because it is a difference from every other game people host or I would do it myself. He checked the PM and said nothing, so I did it myself.

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No one likes Kalamari.

Dear Lucina,

You are Domingo, Town Roleblocker.

You hatched from an egg, and joined the Shining Force because of Max who found you. You are a mage and can fly, and you excel in Ice Magic.

At night, you can reply to your Role PM with 'Night X - Cuddle USER'. You will spend all night hugging USER, and they will be so distracted by how cute you are that they will not complete their night action.

You are allied with the Town. You win when all threats to the Town are eliminated.

Also, a royal messenger has delivered a small piece of paper. One of you picks it up and reads it aloud.

Ok guys! Once again, it's your announcer here! We're getting pretty far into this, and I can only hope that we're reaching the end of the tunnel soon. The last few mafia should be trembling in their boots because this town is going to find them! Once again I have a message from our fearless leader and here it is:

RB on Helios, scan on Kay. Scum is most likely amongst the passive roles, quite probable the vanilla claims. RB could also be scum, but 90% sure town.

Let's finish this out strong guys. We can do it!

Day 5 will end 6/26 at 11:30 AM EST.

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I'm doing very well in my FE11 normal draft. I hope it becomes a lesson to all as to why you limit the prologue/gaiden turn counts.

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Rapier and Helios are the two most scummy targets at the moment.

Both are vanilla claims, both are still in game, but not saying much, rapier vanished a long time ago but isn't replaced, therefore he's doing something I would assume. Supposedly he's randomly back now for whatever reason.

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Okay so based off the info I know. EVEN WITH ROLE COP. mafia has alot of info. They knew doc tracker RB possibly vig and bit's of other info I don't want to out. This means either A. Someone told them this info (AKA third party) OR B. Someone with this info was mafia.

Now assuming levy wins tonight and gets out we don't have to worry about her anymore whatever.

That leaves two targets that had bits and pieces of info.

Helios had gotten the doc and cop to claim to him, found out the announcer, as well as found out SB was tracker I believe. Possibly knew roleblocker as well not positive.

The second target to know any of this info was Aere, who was originally my back up town leader and I still feel is a lot more town than either rapier or helios.

Rapier didn't have any of this info first hand that I know of.

Also our third party which i think is legitimately third party doesn't want helios lynched, maybe she's doing it in sakes of town, maybe it's for scum.

But based off just the fact of info and knowledge that helios had combined with that makes him a more likely target for me.

Still thinking, would like to talk to aere and eclipse once you two get a chance message me or hop on IRC if possible.

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