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Shining Force Mafia


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Well, that went well!

Also, worst flavour what is this.

What are you talking about? That was a beauteous masterpiece of flavour if I've ever seen one.

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What are you talking about? That was a beauteous masterpiece of flavour if I've ever seen one.

It should have been more like: "The Shining Force saw someone brighter than even they, and being jealous, decided to kill him."

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Maaaaaaan You guys are too active. Also its probably not smart for me to sleep until 4pm and then go out until 1am :/

LOL of BBM also. Lynchproof was terrible claim!

Party lifeNewYearsEmoticon.gif

I'm wondering if he did it on his own accord or if his scumbuddies are new/not around. If that's the case I think that can help narrow down our list of possible scum candidates.

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I'm wondering if he did it on his own accord or if his scumbuddies are new/not around. If that's the case I think that can help narrow down our list of possible scum candidates.

working on it

I have some material already, and in hindsight, it seemed so obvious. ugh

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ABOUT DAMN TIME. I was hoping Psych would have the kidnapper modkilled after what I did to his inbox. Here were my thoughts for the day:

psych, you are literally the only host that would complain about their game being active.

I had JB complain about his game being active, too. . .but that's because he had 120 notifications from me/RD alone. :P:

I'm bored.

1. Who do you find the most scummy currently?

Hello Bananas. Why are you throwing random votes onto people that make no sense? Kay's vote for me was pretty far down the silly territory; just 'cause you like Proto doesn't mean you should imitate him. Blitz needs to post things publicly, because we can't read his mind. Stuff that's in public can't be lied about later. I did not like this post at all; if you don't trust Shinori, Proto, why did you claim to him? If this is your way of trying to make yourself look scummy so you don't get shot, drop it. Scum knows each other, and I'm assuming any one of them with a brain will recognize this tactic and shoot you.

2. Who do you find the most town currently?

Strange as this will sound, Rapier. He tends to shoot his mouth off, and this time is no different. I don't have a reason to disbelieve Shinori/Bizz/Elieson. Yet. I'd like to talk to Manix/Marth/Aere in detail. Helios isn't displaying his usual scumtell, but this could be because he needs to talk more in-thread.

3. Who do you think is the most likely to die tonight?

Manix and possibly Strawman. If we have a half-competent scum team, and Proto's not on it, then him. Marth will probably live due to his ability to forget details.

4. As a cop who would you target tonight?

Kay/Lucina, while forcing Helios to talk in-thread.

##Vote: Serious Bananas

More notes for me.

Bizz, did you just claim in-thread?! There's no need for such things. After the events of last night, I'm not as happy with Lucina, but I'm not sure if those answers fall under clueless newbie or scum attempting to look like they're contributing, but not really. The rest of you, answer those questions; the more depth, the better.

Bananas, less drafting, more talking to people. Your votes make no sense, and that comment about people looking to be against you looks terrible.

I should just leave a scratch pad open or edit this PM.

To everyone saying that I'm gonna die tonight: Stop implying name-killing, dammit. I happen to like my role.

Did I see yet another claim in the thread? Guys, cut it out. Also, Helios, respond to things in-thread, and do so with more than a couple of sentences. The more you talk, the better a read I get on you.

BBM's default is somewhat shaky logic. If his claim is as bad as what I normally see out of him, that would be enough reason to vote him. I'll leave this up to Shinori.

Now, then. . .time to start smacking people upside the head.


##Vote: Proto

Stop acting like scum, no matter what side of the spectrum you're on.

With that, I'm off to claim. Helios will need to talk more meaningfully in-thread; little sentence bursts are meaningless.

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hey, eclipse, I never actually claimed in-thread but I just wanted to get out of the way that it is imperative that I am not nightkilled and it is in everyone's best interests

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I see I am doing well at the whole not looking notable in the slightest thing. It's a good thing too, else people other than hosts will figure out that I am awful at everything~

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Congratulations, Hika, you weren't terrible enough to be thrown into the "what the hell are you smoking?!" category. Thanks to the rest of D1, I'd put you as slightly town.

Now, then, mafia. . .how painful shall I make this game?

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(some quotes have been cropped for logistical purposes, but all are linked)

Take 3:

Don't target me. That bad thing I speak of, is death, in case you were wondering.

Reminder that this exists. Because town can't afford to hit him.

so BBM is probably scum doing that thing that scum does every game


Also (please don't take this as me trying to change the subject), Eclipse got kidnapped/silenced.

Oh the hindsight. Feigning ignorance, and trying to divert attention away from him being possible scum by mentioning the exact thing he was responsible for.

##Vote: Aere cuz I don't like Squirtle.

Psych is a fail host.

Also, I wanna do fun stuff.


##Vote: Aere

Ummm, why do I have three votes on me for no reason? That's a bit excessive for d1, even if it's rvs...

@Aere- Votes that are made without even an attempt at a logical reasoning are randomvotes. Why are you getting so worked up? I realize that I'm the last person who should berate someone else for over-reacting, but looking so nervous about a paltry 3 votes in a game with 19 people in it is suspicious.

I will admit that I might be a little upset too, especially if they were just completely random votes. The small train itself might look a little suspicious, as it could be seen as a subtle effort to get a lynch train on Aere, who would happen to overreact to it and become a very easy mislynch if the town found this particular reaction suspicious.

Well, I don't think Marth will mind, so I'm just going to say that yesterday night, Marth and I were discussing whom we thought had shown suspicious signs up to that point. We (or at least I) only had Aere up to that point who had made any noteworthy reactions, so he piled a third vote on you to see if you would react even more and (if you were scum) maybe slip up. I don't actually find you that scummy Aere, just the scummiest of the bunch because damnit more people need to post or I need to talk to more people outside. >_> And I feel that some people are using OC as an excuse to just lurk.

Quote string for funsies. This has do with the piling of randvotes on Aere, and seeing that BBM flipped scum, and how much coordination he seemed to have with Marth, isn't making Marth look too good from this whole exchange.

wrt bolded part: I'm starting to maybe think that might have been the case. Which kinda makes me think that Aere is a bit more likely town from this.

To make this post on-topic, umm... Shinori, how many people have claimed so far? No need to say who has/hasn't, I just want to know how many of us trust you, mainly to see if mafia have had time to make fakeclaims yet.

hai there blatant breadcrumb, how did we miss you before

because he would have well known about fakeclaims. Since BBM said that LP was a bad fakeclaim, I'm going to assume they weren't given fakeclaims/had limited fakeclaims. Any objections?

getting scum vibes from bbm


also, I think that Bizz can be trusted a bit more from this and the other quote I put near the start of this post.

Were you paranoid in GSM? Can't remember why we lynched you.

Also, like I said earlier, I revoked my statement about how Shinori shouldn't have outed himself. My first reaction was just one of paranoia that the town leader, who is obviously a target, would actually hurt the town when he died, more than just a normal townie death. But eh, after a minute I realized that the Doctor would probably be on him and he'll be okay. Unless they have a pierce or something.

Yeah. Doc will probably be on Shinori tonight. Unless the mafia have some sort of pierce like they did in SFMM2 (which is possible, I guess), I don't think Shinori will die tonight.

Paranoia is fun: It separates townies from scum quite easily.

wrt to bolded: I suspect additional breadcrumbs. I might actually get a meal out of this at the rate I'm goi-*shot*

Shinori became the Town Leader? Is there any particular reason why people are claiming to Shinori or is it just because his claimed rolename is Town Leader? Or was he able to prove his alignment somehow?

I still find it strange that Shinori managed to get investigated in N0, so he could conveniently become the Town Leader.

But I'll go with it.

Two people that are paranoid. Oh what fun. It doesn't look good for either of them, and particularly Proto, whose other posts seem quite out of character for him (?, check my logic plz).

4. Objectively speaking, any of the people who have/had suspicion on them this phase. In order, that's:





I think those were the only real suspicions, but I might have forgotten someone. Other than that, I dunno.

This was in response to the question list. I'm putting some doubt that he would out his entire scumteam or even just one of them. Although, since he put himself on the list, I wonder if there is a possible tailor in the mafia?

Yeah, this is my first OC mafia game, but I have played mafia and werewolf before. So I'm not totally new.

I'm still waiting for some kind of slip up, which is why I'm not posting much.

This post irks me to no end. Why wait for a slip-up to post?

His claim for those wondering is a lynchproof claim, which could possibly end up being true and if it is, we roll a no lynch today.

I still feel that BBM is the most comfortable lynch, however if people do not agree with this or want to chance it the next target is Rapier.

Noting this again.

BBM: I've been looking at his posts, and while he's been kinda a little all over the place, I still get the feeling that he's trying to work towards the town. He voted Rapier a while back for maybe not the best reasons, but it seems to me like he's going with his gut. Also, I feel like claiming unlynchable when you're not is really just kinda dumb. Like here's the most likely way it will play out. "Hey, I'm unlynchable!" "Oh really? Let's test that!" "Lol, now I'm dead."

wrt to bold: Funny how it works out like that. I don't like how you guessed the outcome well before it happened. And that you thought he was town... I don't like this.

I have problems with our two lynch options.

BBM: Its quite obvious, and I agree with Aere, but outing him as the unlynchable just makes him another mafia target. I honestly think we shouldn't waste time for today, trying to lynch a claimed unlynchable. Its basically a no-lynch, not a lot of us favor no-lynches, amirite?

Hey look, we lynched him. Since people like to test LP, it was going to happen. Why would you want it not to?

To me, this makes BBM sound more scummy. To me, it seems pretty clear that he's lying for the above reason. Unless he's some kind of suicidal townie, I see no reason to vote for him to prove his trustworthyness, and it's Day 1 so we aren't totally screwed if we mess up.


If I counted correctly, Lucina's vote is the hammer.

Now you shall see...

Combined with the other post wrt to Lucina, I suspect this might be a maf trying to get town cred by successfully hammering a maf. Iunno, just seems possible.

From this post:

Scummy mcScumdom: Lucina, Proto, Rapier, Marth

I warned you it was long. :P

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Yes, one mafia down! :D

psych where are my votals and that flavor was horrible how am i supposed to analyze vote wagons without it? ):

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