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Shining Force Mafia


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Leers at Bizz

hey, i'm fucking serious about this shit. If you're so curious about me, contact me directly.

Now that I'm actually playing this game, this seems so much funnier in retrospect.

brb, heading to MSN to poke Bizz.

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Catching up on what went down with my past self.

Sadly choices are rough here from all the claims we have. So I'm going to go with the one that seemed the most scummy, BBM.


Based off his claim and the way he has acted in response to a few situations in thread. Such as his talk with rapier and his talk with Bizz I feel lynching him is the best bet at the moment.

His claim for those wondering is a lynchproof claim, which could possibly end up being true and if it is, we roll a no lynch today.

I still feel that BBM is the most comfortable lynch, however if people do not agree with this or want to chance it the next target is Rapier.

Shinori, can you clarify which conversation Rapier had with BBM? I'm trying to draw as many connections as I can between past!me and flipped scum.

You know, things like the following.

On the topic of Rapier. ##Vote: Rapier Hmm, unless you were reaction testing on Bizz, I think your reaction was pretty anti-town. Attacking other people's play styles doesn't have any in game relevance, at all and doesn't really count as relevant discussion. :/

All I've been told is that I'm a major scumspect, and so I'm diving in trying to figure out why and how. Then I can mount some defense, and then I can focus on the counter-offensive. Finding /real/ scum.

All assistance is appreciated.

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1. Rapier. Ad hominem is dumb. I think SB is newbtown, not newbscum. Look at how SB signed up. "Uh, Okay." Not very enthusiastic. And I talked to Eli, and he said that although SB had wanted to learn mafia, he did kind of give him a push to join, because we needed only 2 people at the time. I think he's just not paying very much attention to the game, and while that's annoying and frustrating, I don't think we should lynch him for it. So ## Unvote, ##Vote: Rapier

Was it this one? Where he's also scum voting me?


This is my Role PM. I would like the town in order before i die.

How the hell has a lightkeeper managed to live so long. I am baffled.

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He's going to live though so you all pay more attention to the lynch

oh man. Now I remember who contacted me while I wasn't playing the game. LOLOLOL. Psych, you are hilarious.

* Loaded log from Wed Jun 13 00:42:54 2012

[00:41:13] <Psych> bal are you there

[00:41:37] <Balcerzak> yeah

[00:41:40] <Psych> so

[00:41:46] <Psych> I have a 2 shot vig is SF mafia

[00:41:51] <Psych> and he can shoot at any time

[00:41:55] <Balcerzak> okay

[00:42:06] <Psych> and I'm wondering if the guy he just shot should end day phase

[00:42:16] <Balcerzak> how did you word it in the PM?

[00:42:22] <Psych> or to go with the lynch that will happen in 20 minutes

[00:42:28] <Psych> During the game, you can reply to your Role PM with 'Assassinate USER'. You will kill USER as soon as I see the message. You can use this during the day or the night, but be aware you only have enough power to kill 2 people.

[00:42:46] <Balcerzak> okay, in that case, I see nothing about phases ending due to shot

[00:42:50] <Balcerzak> proceed with the lynch

[00:42:54] <Psych> alright

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Dammit Shinori how do you hold the fact that people claimed to me against me? It's not my fault that people claimed to me, but it's probably because I'm as townie as it gets. Lynching me is a horrible idea if we have only one mislynch left.

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3. Who do you think is the most likely to die tonight?

Manix and possibly Strawman. If we have a half-competent scum team, and Proto's not on it, then him. Marth will probably live due to his ability to forget details.

That. I think that's what eclipse is talking about. I searched all of her posts, which is why it's not quoted, but this is my guess.

Why Strawman?

Whoever said "3. Manix and possibly Strawman". Strawman has been pretty forgettable all game and unless he's been doing a lot in OC, there isn't much known about him.

Eclipse said that. I was using that quote to say why she thought the mafia was thinking the same as her.

What the hell is going on here, scorri.

Oh, nevermind, proceed to confuse the fuck out of me instead of properly using quote tags.

I will come back and weigh in on this exchange later, as it is sticking out to me, but I don't fully know if there's anything that can be learned from it or not. Amazingly everybody involved (Helios, scorri, eclipse) seems to still be alive.

I'm bored.

1. Who do you find the most scummy currently?

Hello Bananas. Why are you throwing random votes onto people that make no sense? Kay's vote for me was pretty far down the silly territory; just 'cause you like Proto doesn't mean you should imitate him. Blitz needs to post things publicly, because we can't read his mind. Stuff that's in public can't be lied about later. I did not like this post at all; if you don't trust Shinori, Proto, why did you claim to him? If this is your way of trying to make yourself look scummy so you don't get shot, drop it. Scum knows each other, and I'm assuming any one of them with a brain will recognize this tactic and shoot you.

2. Who do you find the most town currently?

Strange as this will sound, Rapier. He tends to shoot his mouth off, and this time is no different. I don't have a reason to disbelieve Shinori/Bizz/Elieson. Yet. I'd like to talk to Manix/Marth/Aere in detail. Helios isn't displaying his usual scumtell, but this could be because he needs to talk more in-thread.

3. Who do you think is the most likely to die tonight?

Manix and possibly Strawman. If we have a half-competent scum team, and Proto's not on it, then him. Marth will probably live due to his ability to forget details.

4. As a cop who would you target tonight?

Kay/Lucina, while forcing Helios to talk in-thread.

##Vote: Serious Bananas

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First pass of the thread complete. Will do more detailed ISOs etc. later.

I was hoping to have been spending my time playing Muvluv Alternative, so you all should be grateful.

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Dear neighbors, you aren't supposed to get LOUDER.

At least yours aren't shooting up firecrackers from 2-4 in the morning. It's June 24th, what is there to celebrate? HAPPY 4 DAYS AFTER SUMMER SOLSTICE GUYS!!!!!!! NewYearsEmoticon.gif

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Okay, today we are lynching Helios. I've got a plan and for the most part I'm sticking with it. This plan is assuming I die at the moment.

Lynch helios today and I will reveal the plan on the flip, because the flip is what determines how the plan continues moving, same with the mafia NK.

##Vote: Helios

If you are town. I still love you.

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