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Rate the Unit: Day 38 - Ike

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Disclaimer: Can I append scores? I realized I made a mistake with Calill... thinking it over I definitely overestimated her usefulness and my bias slighted my score. Truth be told I think she deserves a 5.5 (and a 6 with bias).


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10/10 cause Aether just turns him to imortal. He doesnt need a support to avoid most common chars and [spoiler=as u all know]he kills Black Knight!

. Can't give him more points cause he doesnt have canto. Just cause of that.

Edited by Russa
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You suck at reading. It's why I said they're there.

Also SM's have a habit of having high skl and the highest beorc caps for it so the low hit really isn't an issue for most/all of them unless you're earlygame edward

Lol, so what if they're there? They still suck and are basically useless.

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Lol, so what if they're there? They still suck and are basically useless.

Level 13 Ike (T) w Wind Edge - 33 Atk, 135 Hit, 26 AS

Level 13 Ike w Wind Edge - 31 Atk, 132 Hit, 24 AS

Level 14 Haar w Hand Axe (and Speedwings) - 34 Atk, 136 Hit, 23 AS

Level 17 Titania w Hand Axe (and Speedwings) - 34-35 Atk, 134 Hit, 23-24 AS

Level 12 Gatrie w Hand Axe - 35 Atk, 123 Hit, 21 AS

Level 10 Boyd (T) w Hand Axe (and Speedwings) - 34 Atk, 126 Hit, 23 AS

Level 14 Oscar (T) w Short Spear - 33 Atk, 124 Hit, 24 AS

Level 14 Oscar w Short Spear - 31 Atk, 120 Hit, 22 AS

Level 10 Boyd w Hand Axe - 32 Atk, 126 Hit, 19 AS

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Level 13 Ike (T) w Wind Edge - 33 Atk, 135 Hit, 26 AS

Level 13 Ike w Wind Edge - 31 Atk, 132 Hit, 24 AS

Level 14 Haar w Hand Axe (and Speedwings) - 34 Atk, 136 Hit, 23 AS

Level 17 Titania w Hand Axe (and Speedwings) - 34-35 Atk, 134 Hit, 23-24 AS

Level 12 Gatrie w Hand Axe - 35 Atk, 123 Hit, 21 AS

Level 10 Boyd (T) w Hand Axe (and Speedwings) - 34 Atk, 126 Hit, 23 AS

Level 14 Oscar (T) w Short Spear - 33 Atk, 124 Hit, 24 AS

Level 14 Oscar w Short Spear - 31 Atk, 120 Hit, 22 AS

Level 10 Boyd w Hand Axe - 32 Atk, 126 Hit, 19 AS

Ike(N)'s 2-range is pretty bad, no denying that.

This isn't the tier list thread, so I have the liberty to list transfers as well. Just some really quick, maybe slightly flawed calculations:

Level 14 Haar(T) w Hand Axe (and Speedwings) - 36 Atk, 140 Hit, 25 AS

Level 17 Titania(T) w Hand Axe (and Speedwings) - 36-37 Atk, 138 Hit, 25 AS

Level 12 Gatrie(T) w Hand Axe - 37 Atk, 123 Hit, 23 AS

Oh, Haar is likely to take the 3-3 Master Crown, so there's an extra 2 might.

Level 1 Haar(T) w Hand Axe (and Speedwings) - 38 Atk, 144 Hit, 27 AS

Edited by Aeine
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Ike(N)'s 2-range is pretty bad, no denying that.

This isn't the tier list thread, so I have the liberty to list transfers as well. Just some really quick, maybe slightly flawed calculations:

Level 14 Haar(T) w Hand Axe (and Speedwings) - 36 Atk, 140 Hit, 25 AS

Level 17 Titania(T) w Hand Axe (and Speedwings) - 36-37 Atk, 138 Hit, 25 AS

Level 12 Gatrie(T) w Hand Axe - 37 Atk, 123 Hit, 23 AS

Oh, Haar is likely to take the 3-3 Master Crown, so there's an extra 2 might.

Level 1 Haar(T) w Hand Axe (and Speedwings) - 38 Atk, 144 Hit, 27 AS

It's pretty impossible to get Haar Str or Spd transfers. It's also difficult (and unrewarding) to get Titania a Str transfer because she caps her tier 2 Str anyways (so she can't exceed 35 Atk with a Hand Axe at tier 2). Likewise, Gatrie caps tier 2 Hand Axe Atk at 36. Giving Titania (T) a Speedwings is also wasteful; she has no difficulty capping her tier 2 Spd. I was making this comparison at 3-2, hence no third tier consideration. One lucky unit can get a snazzy boost to his/her 1-2 range performance starting in 3-4, of course.

Edit: Also, Haar's tier 2 Spd cap is 24. Man, that was a lot of mistakes.

Edited by aku chi
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Lol, so what if they're there? They still suck and are basically useless.

No they don't

Sure they're pretty weak and inaccurate, but so are all of the 1-2 ranged physical weapons except for the hand axe and the tempest blade (which equals the ragnell and alondite in Mt). Storm swords are more powerful than the short spear and equal the short axe. And the Tempest blade is the most powerful non-SS 1-2 range physical weapon in the game

Also: no matter how much they supposedly suck or how little damage they supposedly do, they still allow swordies to counter 2 range attacks or to attack stuff at 2 range themselves. And that in and of itself is worth very, very much.

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Ike is a pretty good unit, with solid bases, str, skl, spd and def.

Bad things... mmm... RES !

Score 9.0 + 0.5 (Ike fights for his friends) = 9.5

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Fuck Ike.

Overrated as shit, Gary Stu, annoying as fuck. I can't stand him.

Nonetheless he's one of the best units in the game. The best footie, by far. I think he took 'roids after POR.

But a swordlocked footie in Lanceland with only a Wind Edge until 3-11 sucks dicks. And not in the good sense.

Also hogs Speedwings in a "perfect" clear (aka recruiting Lehran) and has lolres.

-1 bias because Fuck Ike.


Edited by Laurence Olivier
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^This also.

And who wouldn't?

Fuck Ike.

Overrated as shit, Gary Stu, annoying as fuck. I can't stand him.

Nonetheless he's one of the best units in the game. The best footie, by far. I think he took 'roids after POR.

But a swordlocked footie in Lanceland with only a Wind Edge until 3-11 sucks dicks. And not in the good sense.

Also hogs Speedwings in a "perfect" clear (aka recruiting Lehran) and has lolres.

-1 bias because Fuck Ike.


This guy apparently. O_O

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I won't be rating, but...

Also hogs Speedwings in a "perfect" clear (aka recruiting Lehran)

As to this, personally, I don't really think recruiting Lehran's worth it.

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You also don't actually need one. Average 20/0 Ike may only have 26.15 speed, but that's completely ignoring bexp, granted RNG screwage can happen. With transfer he needs 2 points to reach 27 speed. If he doesn't get 2 points in 9 levels, the RNG hates you. And even if he doesn't get 27 speed, you can just have him use a magic card to avoid a counter and rescue him away with someone like Haar. It's not like Haar losing out on killing a few more enemies is going to make a difference. Plus you're probably retreating anyway since the BK is terrifying at this point in the game.

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Gonna leave this up until tomorrow morning, because I'm like really tired and don't want to tally right now.

But yeah, I didn't forget about this.

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But a swordlocked footie in Lanceland with only a Wind Edge until 3-11 sucks dicks. And not in the good sense.

There is no weapon triangle in NA Hard/JP Maniac, so being swordlocked actually doesn't make Ike any worse against lances. He's just stuck with Wind Edges, which suck compared to hand axes, but as has been already shown, Ike's bases make the difference nearly trivial.

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I like Ike. Disappointed I just caught on to this today instead of for the previous unit because Calill is my homegurl and one of my favorite characters to grace any Fire Emblem (as a unit, she shouldn't have scored higher than Micaiah, but I'm glad she did all the same).

As for Ike:

-really great combat

-Ragnell for a decent amount of time

-Earth affinity

-great all around stats

-forgettable personality

-obnoxious forced promotion time


He's undeniably a great unit, despite his flaws.

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Ike(N)'s 2-range is pretty bad, no denying that.

This isn't the tier list thread, so I have the liberty to list transfers as well. Just some really quick, maybe slightly flawed calculations:

Level 14 Haar(T) w Hand Axe (and Speedwings) - 36 Atk, 140 Hit, 25 AS

Level 17 Titania(T) w Hand Axe (and Speedwings) - 36-37 Atk, 138 Hit, 25 AS

Level 12 Gatrie(T) w Hand Axe - 37 Atk, 123 Hit, 23 AS

Oh, Haar is likely to take the 3-3 Master Crown, so there's an extra 2 might.

Level 1 Haar(T) w Hand Axe (and Speedwings) - 38 Atk, 144 Hit, 27 AS

Haar has competition for the Crown.

Also, swordlocked units have the highest skl caps.

And, the majority of them are Trueblades, who can just take Adept+Wind Edges and have a bit of fun.

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I guess I can put in my score for Ike.

He has awesome bases, his growths are decent, and he can SS Swords and Axes after Promotion. My only dislike with him is his Res and Spd, but statbossters are there for a reason.

9.5/10 - 0.5 bias because I dislike him for some reason.

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Ike is pretty solid. Wind Edges work okay with his good bases, and his growths are tolerable enough to keep Ike going. Getting Ragnell early is pretty slick, too, since he has situations where it's pretty useful.

He hits hard, he takes hits nicely, the only weakness is needing BEXP for his stats, lacking a mount, the level cap lock (though in my runthrough it wasn't an issue), and I guess not really taking to Mages too well. Neither does Haar on the final point, though.

9/10, though -0.5 for being a pretty big Gary Stu.


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