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Whats this I hear about a Special Nintendo vid? And whats with all the excitement over it?

It's like a brief conference by Nintendo that gives away information about upcoming games of theirs, like E3 2012 was. This one is based on releases in Europe and North America. Everyone is excited because there may be a mention of 'Fire Emblem: Awakening' and a potential release date.

We /hope/. XD

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I would lose my mind of if this was the case. I cannot wait for this game. If we are lucky, Nov 2012, but I can totally see early 2013 at the earliest and mid-2013 at the latest.

Don't jinx it you fool! Everyone shut up about dates and maybe we'll get lucky *crosses fingers*.

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FE was at nintendo direct.

No release beyond 'next year'.


Hey, they confirmed that they're not cutting out FEs DLC(LOL who thought they actually would~?). Can't tell if we're getting japan only characters or not.

Edited by L95
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I like how he said BW2 were the first direct sequels.


But Gold and Silver aren't direct sequels. You know they happened sometime after R/B, but you don't know how much time passed in the middle, or anything else. The plotlines are also pretty disconnected, whereas in BW2, you actually meet the character you played in BW, and he says he's looking for N.

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Actually a few NPCs tell you how many years ago the other games took place in during GS if you bother to talk to them. Red does appear as a special secret final battle thing too. You also go through Kanto again, and things have changed there, etc. And you finish off Team Rocket.

Edited by Only My Unit
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>Talks about Fire Emblem Awakening and Pokémon B2/W2

>Awakening is coming next year

>No official release date on B2/W2

>Curse you Purple Pikmin! D:<

But Gold and Silver aren't direct sequels. You know they happened sometime after R/B, but you don't know how much time passed in the middle, or anything else. The plotlines are also pretty disconnected, whereas in BW2, you actually meet the character you played in BW, and he says he's looking for N.

The time between RBY and GSC is three years. You even meet red on Mt. Silver at the end of the game.

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EU release of FE13 pushed back to 2013. Disappointing that they didn't (couldn't?) stick to their original projection. i'm too slow

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New drinking game: take a shot every time someone says the word "coin" when promoting NSMB2

Next year, eh? That's fine by me, I guess. And did they specifically say that we're getting ALL the DLC? I thought I heard him say that we'd get some really good DLC, not necessarily saying that we'd get all of it.

EDIT: Also, Namco/Bandai is working on SSB4? This could get insane, and I for one am hyped.

Edited by sallas09
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