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How much do you think the English voice acting will suck?

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// looks her up

Ciel, huh. I can get behind this.

I actually just like her performance as Rei, but to each their own.

Although, her as both Rei and Lucina would be funny to me, since their both Moe Action Girl badasses who are also total freaking woobies.

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I actually just like her performance as Rei, but to each their own.

Although, her as both Rei and Lucina would be funny to me, since their both Moe Action Girl badasses who are also total freaking woobies.

I don't watch anime much, so my knowledge of the VAs tend to only be from, well, mostly Black Butler.

Still, considering Ciel's a dude (a shota but still male) it'd make sense for Lucina to have a VA capable of pretending to be a guy anyway.

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im sorry but did you just say baten kaitos had good voice acting

The first game in genuinely terrible, but Baten Kaitos Origins will surprise you in a good way. The supporting cast is alright, but Sagi, Milly, and Guillo are the most magnificent trio of man characters ever.

Personally my preference for voice actors just doesn't exist, only that I hope they don't hire what sounds like office interns like Arc Rise Fantasia's cast.

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I also think Brina Palencia would be a fabulous Lucina, but that may just be me.

Hmm, that would actually be pretty fitting! Brina actually has voiced a character that was a woman disguised as a man before. I don't know if anybody here has seen it, but the anime was Romeo x Juliet. She was the voice of the Juliet herself in disguise as Odin/The Red Whirlwind.

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Kid Icarus Uprising shows that Nintendo cares a bit more about voice acting... let's hope it passes over to Awakening. I will laugh by the way if Johnny Yong Bosch gets a role in this game.

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Really? I think he's overrated mind you, but I don't see him being a good fit either.

So I'm not the only one who thinks he's overrated...

I admit that he's a really cool guy in person, but it feels like he uses the same voice for every character, except at different pitches.

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I love Troy Baker but I don't think I can see him as Krom. D:

I think his voice would fit Ronku, though. Maybe that's just me~

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The first game in genuinely terrible, but Baten Kaitos Origins will surprise you in a good way. The supporting cast is alright, but Sagi, Milly, and Guillo are the most magnificent trio of man characters ever.

ESPECIALLY Guillo. I don't think I ever skipped an Guillo dialog without listening to the full audio clip.

And honestly, if you turn on surround sound in Eternal Wings (so you don't get the distorted filter), the main cast is pretty bearable, with deliciously cheesy battle quotes.

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I'm hoping David Hayter does Krom~~

But seriously, the voice acting will probably be just as bad as FE9/10.

I'm expecting quality that matches something like

, without the delay between sentences. Edited by Phoenix Wright
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I'm hoping David Hayter does Krom~~

But seriously, the voice acting will probably be just as bad as FE9/10.

I'm expecting quality that matches something like

, without the delay between sentences.

The delay is a technical limitation anyway. Lots of games have it (even Skyrim for example), and it's usually why I like being able to move forward dialogue on my own during a VA'd scene. Still, SoD had decent VA, though I'll be fairly happy as long as it doesn't sound like Chaos Wars.

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Really? I think he's overrated mind you, but I don't see him being a good fit either.

Mhmm. Something about his performance in NG3, which wasn't really all that different from Snow's in FFXIII voice-wise, strikes me as a perfect Krom.

Oh, and get Christopher Sabat to do Valhart.

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I honestly think someone like Will Friedle would be a better fit for Krom, and someone like Tara Strong being a good fit for Lucina. But that may be just me.

And apparently, I'm the only one who thinks this.

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Now for characters who haven't been mentioned. Or haven't been mentioned as much.

Gaia = Todd Haberkorn

Velvet = Cris Vee

Libera = Jerry Jewell or Trina Nishimura

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