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Higurashi Mafia - Game over


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also based on the flavor (higurashi) the syndrome makes a person go nuts and kill everything. therefore, i'm inclined to believe that there's some nonsense like everyone goes nuts and becomes a serial killer at some point or some shit

so the doctor cures it?

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Okay, both me and Kay visited Bizz? Why vote me over Kay? I'll tell you guys my role and its implications if you want. I'd rather not before I ask the mods a question though.

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well it's largely because i'm getting more of a scum read off you than kay

and also because nobody visited you night 1, which bothers me since a ton of people were super suspicious of you d1

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Glad to see results, finally. I'm at work and will post more when I leave, but I have no reason not to vote bbm again (as I've been).

##Vote BBM

Wtf is this syndrome...anyone else have a role regarding it? Eclipse?

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Okay, I'll claim. I'm the Town Doctor. The fact that I was on Bizz last night and she still died implies one of the following things:

1)Kay is a Safeguard and the mafia have a Ninja who performed the kill on Bizz.

2)I was roleblocked last night and Kay is the Ninja.

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Side note, kay has been partially inactive, supposedly to deal with real life stuff, but I do know she tends to be less active and more lurky when she is scum. Thus why I want to hear from both of them.

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Okay, I'll claim. I'm the Town Doctor. The fact that I was on Bizz last night and she still died implies one of the following things:

1)Kay is a Safeguard and the mafia have a Ninja who performed the kill on Bizz.

2)I was roleblocked last night and Kay is the Ninja.

2) should read "and Kay is mafia"

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You do realize that ninja doesn't show up on tracker/watcher reports

##Vote: BBM

in lieu of me actually reading the thread, I'll settle for this

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I'll wait until Kay explains. Normally the fact that there were two kills would make me call BS but in this flavor (and seeing the death flavor of what I presume is a psychiatrist) I'm more than inclined to believe that we have an indeterminate number of independent serial killers (and that number will continue to rise). That being said, you're not completely off the hook yet.


Explain yourself.

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also based on the flavor (higurashi) the syndrome makes a person go nuts and kill everything. therefore, i'm inclined to believe that there's some nonsense like everyone goes nuts and becomes a serial killer at some point or some shit

so the doctor cures it?

Maybe it's some kind of priming thing, or a poison death? I know that mafia poisoners make their target die the next phase instead of the same night they poison them. And arsonist is a role that primes people and kills them later. The three stages thing makes me think something poisoner-ish. It's also a bit ominous that Bizz's role didn't actually cure it but only reduced it.

Hopefully if you get targeted with Hinamizawa syndrome you'd at least get some flavor about it in your role PM and could thus warn everyone, but it IS bastard modding, so...yeah.

That Watcher report is pretty darn useful, and Cam's claim is solidified in my opinion by his earlier post saying that only a watcher on Shinori could verify his claim; now that he's claimed that looks breadcrumb-ish to me, nice job Cam~

Kay has been pretty lurky so far so I don't have much of a read on her. BBM is the scummier of the two imo; now that Marth has flipped, his posts about BBM on D1 look a lot like distancing to me, suggesting that BBM may be Marth's scumbuddy. Hm, I'm less suspicious of Kay so I think I'd actually like BBM to claim first and Kay to claim only if BBM's claim makes him look clear. Now that I think about it, the fact that BBM was so sure so quickly that there were two mafias was also somewhat suspicious...unless it was obvious and I'm just dumb.

##Vote: BBM. Waiting for that claim.

Also, the fact that we had a watcher AND a tracker makes me worried that the mafia (mafias now, I guess) is very, very strong.

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also based on the flavor (higurashi) the syndrome makes a person go nuts and kill everything. therefore, i'm inclined to believe that there's some nonsense like everyone goes nuts and becomes a serial killer at some point or some shit

so the dead doctor cures it?

in case anyone was wondering

the syndrome is what made all of the characters in the original anime go nuts and kill everyone

hence why I believe that we will find ourselves with a quickly rising death count every night; this also accounts for why we had no kills n1 (one killing faction blocked) but n2 there were two (initial mafia + syndrome'd killer makes for two killers).

If the trend continues, we might be seeing three bodies on D4.


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You do realize that ninja doesn't show up on tracker/watcher reports

##Vote: BBM

in lieu of me actually reading the thread, I'll settle for this

I made a typo there.

I also heard back from Illuminate; I would have been informed if I was roleblocked, which I was not. So Kay is probably the SG, because if she has some Doc piercing killing ability I would question why nobody died N1.

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in case anyone was wondering

the syndrome is what made all of the characters in the original anime go nuts and kill everyone

hence why I believe that we will find ourselves with a quickly rising death count every night; this also accounts for why we had no kills n1 (one killing faction blocked) but n2 there were two (initial mafia + syndrome'd killer makes for two killers).

If the trend continues, we might be seeing three bodies on D4.


I think I get it. At the start of the game, all the townies had a varying, hidden level of the Syndrome. Every cycle, this level increases. Once it reaches some level, they go mad and gain the ability to kill. If this is so, losing Bizz this early was pretty disastrous.

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THis also explains why JB was all "HIGHLY EXPERIMENTAL" and also fits in with bastard modding

that being said if i'm totally wrong i will laugh my ass off

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Woops, epic ninjas. I'm not totally sold on the doctor claim yet and need to think more, but ##Unvote for now because lynching a doctor claim so quickly would be crazy risky.

BBM, for you to have been roleblocked but not know it, this would mean there is no flavor provided for being roleblocked. It's bastard mod so that is possible, but if anyone was roleblocked D1 and got flavor, now would be the time to tell us. Mafia ninja does seem likely since we had a tracker and a watcher, mafia safeguard is strong but as said in my previous post I do suspect the mafia is strong, so it's not at all impossible.

But if BBM's claim is true, then that would mean Eclipse was the kill target N1...but if the mafia had a safeguard, why not use it both nights? Possibly we have a town roleblocker who got lucky N1, or the mafia had some kind of hitman kill.

I'll wait for Kay's claim, I guess.

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No, I'm thinking Kay is the Town Safeguard who screwed my epic bodyguarding powers over. Mafia Safeguard is OP as shit and considering there are multiple kills going around, a super strong mafia is unlikely.

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Ninja'd twice in a row, I need to post faster or something.

So Kay is probably the SG, because if she has some Doc piercing killing ability I would question why nobody died N1.

But if the mafia had a safeguard, why not use it N1 as well? town roleblocker could be the explanation, admittedly.

I think I get it. At the start of the game, all the townies had a varying, hidden level of the Syndrome. Every cycle, this level increases. Once it reaches some level, they go mad and gain the ability to kill. If this is so, losing Bizz this early was pretty disastrous.

So...would that mean the mafias don't have a factional kill? Or they do but the real challenge of the game is finding them before we kill ourselves from the syndrome? ...if you're right then I hope we have at least one other role that stops the syndrome and not just Bizz's.

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No, I'm thinking Kay is the Town Safeguard who screwed my epic bodyguarding powers over. Mafia Safeguard is OP as shit and considering there are multiple kills going around, a super strong mafia is unlikely.

Ohh, I get it now. WAIT WAIT Scorri was the safeguard. Kay can't be the safeguard.

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