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Whats on your to do list?

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MInes is

1.Wake up

2.Take cold shower

3.Eat Cornflakes while watching anger video game nerd.

4.Rage quit on FE7 HHM.

5.Go on Seresforest.

6.Change badge and avatar


8.Play FE10 for the 9001 time.





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1. open up the shop at 6:30

2. find food or make someone get it.

3. work

4. go home.

5. play games

6. Hygiene

7. Girlfriend

8. Sleep

OPTIONAL: BUY SKYRIM (no longer optional)

Edited by Jack - Keeper of the grave
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1. wake up

2. go to work

3. work

4. lunch

5. more work

6. go home

7. eat food, have fun, do hobbies

8. jack off

9. sleep

not directly important but on the long term to do list:

1. finish my sign ups for another year of college

2. have a talk with my bosses at work about how we're gonna go ahead with the project

3. have a serious conversation with my brother once again

4. go buy new clothes because mine are really out of fashing and it's making me feel unpopular when I'm walking around in them

5. buy that fucking second hand couch I wanted

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1. nothing, skip to step 4

2. work on that hack I'm supposed to be doing stuff for

3. work on that other hack I'm supposed to be doing stuff for

4. nothing

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1. Eat Food

2. Watch Mad Men

3. Take a Walk

4. Derp around for hours on end

5. Try to actually write but get distracted and put it off

6. Ignore the cell phone company threatening to break my legs

7. Sleep

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I was thinking about it a few posts ago.

It was the first thing that came to my mind as soon as I saw the topic.

But I thought to myself, "Nah, I'll be the bigger man here. I'm not going to bite the bait. Instead I'm going to quote Fox's post because her routine is pretty much exactly my routine".

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1. Cook breakfast

2. Shower

3. Book editing

4. Cook lunch

5. Job applications

6. Cook dinner

7. Skype with girlfriend

8. Job applications

9. Play game / Read book / Waste time

10. Sleep

What an exciting life I lead!

Edited by Wist
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