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[FE11] Person-Promo SOYO Draft


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Doing this for some people via IP Chat.


1. This draft is for 7 players.

2. Marth, Jagen and Nagi/Gotoh are free for all to use. JAgen can be reclassed at will.

3. The game will be played on H2

4. This is a SOYO. You will not be drafting for yourself, you'll be drafting for the person next in line of you, and picking a class for their unit. The person at the beginning of the line picks the second unit for the person at the end, and the person at the end of the line picks the second unit for the person at the beginning, to retain equality. Somewhat.


Darros, Refa, BigBangMeteor, Horace, and Shin are drafting in that order.

Darros picks for Refa.

Refa picks for BigBangMeteor.

BigBangMeteor picks for Horace.

Horace picks for Shin.

Darros picks for Shin.

Shin picks for Horace.

Horace picks for BigBangMeteor.

BigBangMeteor picks for Refa.

Refa picks for Darros.

Shin picks for Darros.

Darros picks for Refa.

5. Each unit is draftable twice ,however you may not give the same unit to a player twice. You also must make the second reclassing different from the first.


Refa gives Darros Dracoknight!Wendell

Darros can no longer have an Wendell unit, and the next person to give out Wendell cannot make Wendell dracoknight.

6. Units that can't be reclassed are banned, except Julian who is conditionally free. He can meatshield and open chests/doors/bridges, but he cannot attack.

7. Leftover units are b&. If there are any. I didn't do the math.


1. Undrafted units may recruit characters, visit houses, trade, meatshield, and shop.

2. Undrafted units may not do anything not listed above, including but not limited to opening chests/doors.

3. Gaiden chapters do not count towards the total turncount up to 20 turns taken.

4. Marth may not Seize the throne in Chapter 19 before Turn 5.

5. Forges are only allowed of Iron weapons and the Fire tome and to +/- 3 MT and WT, +/-15 Hit and +/-9 Crit. Please indicate when and how much you forge a weapon (Ex. Forged a lance for Vyland called Awful with +3 MT and -3 WT).

6. If you cannot reclass to your given class because that spot is not being taken by an undrafted, free, or generic unit, you must reclass the undrafted, free, or generic unit to something else to allow your drafted unit to use that class (so you can't weasel your way out of having a dark mage).

7. If you cannot reclass to your given class because that spot is taken by a drafted unit, you are free to reclass that unit as you please until a spot becomes available. However, the units at the top of your list take precedence. This is to avoid all-X teams so that if someone does give a team of all one class the reciever can reclass some units as they please.


Refa and Shin gave Darros Dracoknight!Wendell, PegasusKnight!Lena and PegasusKnight!Caeda in that order. Because there's only two spots for Peg/Dracoknights until Minerva is recruited, Darros must reclass Caeda into something else until a third pegknight spot becomes available. If you bench a character for any length of time, the precedent rule still applies (So if Darros sits out Wendell he still must be classed as a Dracoknight) but the list shifts if one character dies (If Lena dies, Caeda must fill the pegasus kinght slot)


1. Forging, Wi-Fi Shop, and usage of the Warp staff are strictly prohibited.

2. You may not use loaner units.


1. Undrafted units have a 4 turn penalty, per unit per ingame turn (As in, If undrafted Midia gets attacked 4 times in one turn it's only one penalty, but if he gets attacked 4 times on four seperate turns, it's four penalties).

2. Using a unit in a class other than its given class (after reclassing is available for that unit) has a 42 turn penalty (as in, don't do it).

[spoiler=units remaining]

Cain x2

Abel x2

Caeda x2

Gordin x2

Draug x2

Wrys x2

Ogma x2

Bord x2

Cord x2

Barst x2

Castor dark mage

Darros x2

Lena x2

Navarre x2

Merric myrmidon

Matthis x2

Hardin x2

Sedgar x2

Wolf x2

Roshea x2

Vyland mage

Wendell x2

Athena cleric

Caesar x2

Radd x2

Roger dark mage

Minerva bishop

Midia bishop

Dolph pirate

Tomas mage

Boah x2

Astram horseman

Palla x2

Catria mage

Lorenz sorceror


Jedisupersonic – Berserker!Etzel, Mercenary!Dolph, Sorceror!Horace, Cleric!Athena

General Horace - Myrmidon!Merric, Dark Mage!Castor, General!Samson, Horseman!Horace, Sage!Jeorge

Callum of Iris - Myrmidon!Elice, Swordmaster!Arran, Myrmidon!Linde, General!Etzel, Bishop!Minerva

Serious Bananas - Mage!Catria, Archer!Elice, Swordmaster!Midia, Bishop!Arran, General!Ymir

Hawk King - Paladin!Jeorge, Archer!Maria, Berserker!Lawrence, Mage!Est, Mage!Vyland

BigBangMeteor - Sorceror!Lorenz, Horseman!Samson, Sorcerer!Ymir, Pirate!Dolph, Bishop!Midia

MJ_Thom 2009 - Merc!Macellan, Archer!Linde, Mage!Tomas, Dark Mage!Roger

Refa - PegKnight!Maria, Cleric!Est, Horseman!Astram, Knight!Macellan

Edited by Knuckles
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With the way its set up there will be 17 rounds of drafting, with 4 picks left over... Thats waaay too many picks. Some gaidens would require some people to kill off their drafted units.

You need to make like 10-12 draftees (very bad idea) or not have everyone drafted 2x... Otherwise this draft will be very messy.

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With the way its set up there will be 17 rounds of drafting, with 4 picks left over... Thats waaay too many picks. Some gaidens would require some people to kill off their drafted units.

You need to make like 10-12 draftees (very bad idea) or not have everyone drafted 2x... Otherwise this draft will be very messy.

Well, there is no forced recruitment or deployment at all, so if someone gets a gaiden character they can't recruit (shouldn't be a problem except Ymir) that's too bad for them. I don't want to remove the 2x drafting thing, as that completely throws out the person promo part and just makes it another ordinary SOYO reclass draft.

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Ok, well then you might want to make it like 8 or 10 drafters and maybe throw out Tiki, Bantu, Beck, Jake and Xane since they cant reclass anyway. Idk about the thieves, though. Maybe throw them out too but have Julian free for opening doors and chests?

Im interested in this as long as there isnt 17 picks.

Edited by Hawk King
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RULES CHANGE: This is now a 7 person draft, and the unreclassable units have been thrown out, except Julian who is conditionally free.

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That's a problem. I'm not sure whether to keep 6 or make 7. Perhaps 7 will give more appeal because of less draftees though.

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There are 92 picks now, thats 15 each for 6 drafters. 13 each for 7 drafters and 11 each for 8 drafters.

Im in either way but lets shoot for 8 drafters.

are you not participating Knuckles??

Edited by Hawk King
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No, I'm not playing this draft, no desire to draft anything ATM really, I'm hosting on behalf of BigBangMeteor. But I'll fill in 7, if an 8th signs up that's fabulous, if not we'll live.

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RANDOM.ORG says...

  1. Jedisupersonic
  2. General Horace
  3. Callum of Iris
  4. Serious Bananas
  5. Hawk King
  6. BigBangMeteor
  7. MJ_Thom 2009

Jedi, you start by picking for Horace.

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