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Your most RNG-blessed/screwed units?


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Exactly what the title says.

On which of your units have the Gods of RNG decided to bestow all their favour, or dump all their hate?

In my case, the Roy I had in my only foray into Fire Emblem 6 was the main damage dealer of my team, alongside Rutger. Yeah, he was that good. +1 STR/DEF/SPD on every single level.

Also, my Lex! Patty was the second tankiest character in my team, alongside Leaf.

But the RNG seemed to hate all my healers and pegasi. Both Saul and Clarine hit lvl20 without gaining a single point of MAG. Lugh was my main healer in that run. :|

Also, Celice. Oh dear, Celice. I've never seen so many +1HP only levels before. He had 13 STR at LVL25.

And while it may not be stat-related, Delmud got killed after eating three hits on a 3 chance and missing twice at 99.

So, what about you?

Edited by Azran
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I haven't played SD in a while, but Abel tends to get insanely blessed most of the time I do play.

First time I played he got minorly blessed in most stats and got a +7 blessing in luck. Second time, he got +7 more HP than he should. And then he got something like +5str/spd and capped both insanely early.

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Florina always becomes an adorable killing machine.

FE9 Ike on the other hand is a dick. He always gets screwed somehow. Usually in STR.

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On my last playthrough of Path of Radiance, my Ike was fairly blessed. He maxed strength, skill, and speed absurdly fast in both tiers. With a steel blade in hand, he easily had the best combat out of all of my units, followed only by Marcia, who was also quite blessed. On the other hand, that same Ike was getting screwed in the defence department, but it didn't matter. In the same file, I had many, many level-ups where Mist simply did not gain anything. By 20/17 her magic was 20 and her speed was like, 17. Still more than serviceable but I hate seeing blank level-ups.

In Radiant Dawn, I never see Astrid proc more than 2 stats without bexp. Usually, she only gets a point in a single stat, which seems to often happen at random and completely disregarding her growths. It's never speed, either. It happens on every playthrough, to the point where it's uncanny.

I've had one Eliwood who had more strength and defence than Hector in one playthrough, but normally my Eliwood just ends up with high skill and everything else is so-so. Hector has always been good, and Lyn has occasionally been strength-screwed but always speedy.

Another current file of Sacred Stones had Seth only gain 3 HP in 6 level-ups despite a 90% growth. My Franz-Forde combo has been more blessed. I decided to go with Cav!Amelia, and at level 13, she has 8 strength, 4 defence and 6 res. Above average HP and speed can't make up for that.

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I think I only do savestate abuse when FE9 Ike's stats are on the line. I totally refuse to have a wimpy Ike.

Just remembered another one; I've got more empty levels in FE2 during Gen 2 than during Gen 1. For example, Azel!Arthur got 5 consecutive empty levels; almost rivalling Lachesis 3 empty levels during Gen 1.

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My Sain. Always. Gets. Spd-crewed. Relatively speaking, My Hector always gets skill-blessed, but his defense doesn't always turn out how it should be. Still, he's Hector, so it still ends up good, just not as good as usual.

Edit: I forgot that my Ike got somewhat defense-blessed in FE9, but it was probably because I gave him some shields. Also, in FE10, my Ike capped every stat by --/20/20. (It doesn't count as blessed because of blossom and BEXP abuse)

Edited by I don't play for turns
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I get all sorts of interesting units when I draft.

1. 20/20 Rath with max skill and speed, 17 resistance, and 21 defense. Yeah, he took the Afa's Drops, but that defense is ridiculous. He's blessed in skill by at least 5 or 6 points. All at the cost of just 1 point of strength. :P:

2. My Eliwood from the first Folgore draft was awesome. Max strength and speed. 26 luck, 19 defense, and 18 resistance. 21 skill and 56 HP as well.

3. Lucius from the same draft who had max magic and speed, but did not gain a single point of defense aside from promotion bonuses.

4. Hector from the second Folgore draft. He had terrible speed. I gave him a speedwings and he only had 8 speed at level 17. Yep ... he only got speed ONCE naturally. He ended at 20/7 with 16 speed, including the speedwings. Bleh ... Worst Hector ever.

5. Erk from the second Folgore draft. Promoted early at level 17, but still ... 16 magic at 17/16? 16 skill as well? What a failure. He barely had enough magic to Warp someone into Kishuna's room. I'm not drafting Erk again for a long time.

6. Guy from the second Folgore draft. He was promoted at level 16. He was really weird. He got a lot of strength early on and I think he ended at 13 or 14 strength before he was promoted. On the flipside, he gained not a single point of speed for ... what, three levels straight?

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Boyd in one of my RD playthroughs got no speed increases until he promoted, and no natural speed procs until he was 20/2.

Also, my current Micaiah has 15 speed as a 20/17 Light Sage...

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Welp, I just started a RD playthrough and my Leonardo hasn't gotten anything but skill so far.

Also, Sothe's got two perfect level ups from stealing.

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Gerik hero. Capped hp, def, str, and skill by lvl 15 having promoted at lvl 20 mercenary. Clom ended up with 51 hp as a rouge and had higher str and skill then Joshua!?!?

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I'm playing a no-promo run, and towered my cavaliers three to level 20, as they're a large chunk of my offense.

Franz: 36 HP 15 Str 15 Skl 17 Spd 6 Luck 8 Def 4 Res

Forde: 36 HP 15 Str 13 Skl 14 Spd 14 Lck 11 Def 5 Res

Kyle 39 HP, 18 Str 12 Skill, 20 Spd, 10 Luck, 12 Defense, and 6 Resist

I thought that FRANZ was supposed to be the amazing one.

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The most ridiculous unit I've ever had is Marcia in FE9, with her naturally capped Str, Skl, Spd, Def, and Res, with far above avg HP, Mag, and Lck. She is bane of magic users, evidenced by her insistence on critting every magic unit she's ever fought. She is the Random Number Goddess.

Edited by Wyvern Mage
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I could have sworn her stats were supposed to be slightly better. I think I gave her a Robe, a Dracoshield, and actually probably another Robe! Not really that bad, though.


Epitome of RNG screwage!

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I've actually had a insanely speed-blessed Roy once. It was a lord + girls only run, and he got so much speed he was able to fill in Rutger's role as Killing Edge bosskiller before Fir joined and took over. Now if he'd only do that every run...

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Vanessa and Caeda usually get very blessed for me. I once had a Forde that was at base + promo gains and a few points of res. Since that day, I think Forde is the worst! I also once had an 8 mag moulder and that was due to promo gains. Yeah, he only proc'd magic once. Worst warper ever. I did give him the 3 energy rings though since it was a draft and he was the only option anyway.

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I got him in a draft.

That is...an amazing Forde.

I once had a Sain that capped speed. And capped strength. It was glorious. When Florina caps strength, i happy dance.

My last Lute was...holy crap. She capped speed. I do not recall Lute ever capping speed on any of my runs. So she was running around with capped magic and speed at level 20/8. O_o nice.

My last Artur on the other hand....omg...he just...5 levels of only one stat going up and usually it was skill or HP. Ass...

I had a Micaiah that capped everything. Twice. She capped everything at second tier and then capped everything at third tier. FUUUUUU that ruled.

That was the same run i had Meg AND Fiona cap everything.

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On my current ENM file ... I have a horrible Heath with like 18 strength and 17 speed at 20/18 or so. If I feel like it, I'll post exact stats later.

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FE10: I've had an all-capped edward and very good leonardoes... And terrible shinons.

FE11: Lena was one of my primary offenive units. Cain fell behind in mid-game, but had rediculous growths and came to be one of my better units by endgame. Draug and Caedea are always terrible.

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