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"I just want to know one thing!" - FE13 Edition


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Depends. How much do you know about Lucina?

I don't want to mention anything, for fear of making it worse XD

Krom's daughter, saves Emmeryn at some point, is the real identity of masked marth, and the future is the Walking Dead set in a fantasy world at turned up to 11. Oh, and you can marry her with MU creating the worlds most complicated family tree.

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Sorry for asking so many questions, but I've been watching some of the dlc chapters on youtube and noticed a few things.

First off, the fact that it plays music from the past games. That's awesome. Are these soundtracks taken directly from the originals or have they been remastered? Also, how do they relate to the dlc chapter (is there a song from each game or for each legacy character or what)?

Also, the enemy characters. Most of them look pretty good, but I am wondering how much of them is customized and how much is generic. That is, as an enemy on dlc, the black knight wears red. When he joins you, does he wear black or blue (because black would be soooooo cool). Is only the hair color changed because I thought I saw a larger chin on Nergal but I may be imagining it and does the same go for dlc or are the dlc battle models more customized?

Last question, do the spotpass/dlc characters change models on dlc maps too? For instance, if I got spotpass Lyn, would she wear a kimono in the spa of bonds dlc episode?

I probably should have made a new topic for all of these questions, since I realize this topic is called "I just want to know one thing" and not "I just want to know five things" but I have been making way too many topics recently.


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Are these soundtracks taken directly from the originals or have they been remastered?

Originals. Just wav-ified since the 3DS can handle that space requirement unlike older games.

Also, how do they relate to the dlc chapter (is there a song from each game or for each legacy character or what)?

Depends on the DLC. Some are related to the map. Some are related to the DLC character. But most music tracks are associated with the past FE map.

Also, the enemy characters. Most of them look pretty good, but I am wondering how much of them is customized and how much is generic. That is, as an enemy on dlc, the black knight wears red. When he joins you, does he wear black or blue (because black would be soooooo cool). Is only the hair color changed because I thought I saw a larger chin on Nergal but I may be imagining it and does the same go for dlc or are the dlc battle models more customized?

All the DLC spotpass past FE characters use the MU/Avatar base for their models. All of them use the generic class models.

The Burger King Black Knight, I assume, will be wearing the generic blue colored armor as a general if you beat his spotpass level.

Only the DLC Bride and Demon Fighter (I personally think it should be called Mage Fighter from the Kanji) classes are new models.

Last question, do the spotpass/dlc characters change models on dlc maps too? For instance, if I got spotpass Lyn, would she wear a kimono in the spa of bonds dlc episode?

My DLC Lyn does:


So I don't see why spotpass Lyn wouldn't.

I probably should have made a new topic for all of these questions, since I realize this topic is called "I just want to know one thing" and not "I just want to know five things" but I have been making way too many topics recently.


It's fine. This thread is here to satisfy the curiosity of people who want to know about the game while they're waiting for it.

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Pretty sure Mark uses hair available to MU. Either way, there's no good way of telling at this point.

Aren't guest MUs sorted before storyline units on Streetpass team lists? (I did see someone say that's the case.) If so, then if that's not a good way of telling whether or not Morgan = Mark, I don't know what is.

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Are zero-stat level-ups possible in this game?

Now that I think about it, which were the games where it wasn't possible? Just the GBA games and Radiant Dawn, right? Or were they possible in the GBA games?

I'd assume they can happen in this game. As for the games where empty levels weren't possible, that'd just be Radiant Dawn.

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Are zero-stat level-ups possible in this game?

Now that I think about it, which were the games where it wasn't possible? Just the GBA games and Radiant Dawn, right? Or were they possible in the GBA games?

I have been corrected on this. And I have since seen them.

Yes, they can happen, but you must be REALLY unlucky or capped someone's 100% growth stat for it to happen.

It wasn't possible in Radiant Dawn unless you already capped everything.

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Alright, I got one revolving around Lucina:

So, I realized something. Interlude is where the timeline splits, right? If you do Krom x Robin, doesn't that mean that the good timeline would automatically happen? Robin kills Krom, so that means Morgan couldn't possibly be born unless they made it through. So, in other words, Krom!Morgan should be the best timeline. Then I realized if this was the case, Lucina would never have known her father OR mother in the bad timeline. Someone said the war may have lasted longer in the original timeline, which makes it seem much more plausible that Lucina had a relationship with her parents.

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This is a story related question, is there any mention of Medeus or Gharnef in the story? It seems odd that the world has forgot about these guys who almost had taken over the world twice.

Even if they're not mentioned by name, or an indirect reference.

Edited by Knight
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Alright, I got one revolving around Lucina:

So, I realized something. Interlude is where the timeline splits, right? If you do Krom x Robin, doesn't that mean that the good timeline would automatically happen? Robin kills Krom, so that means Morgan couldn't possibly be born unless they made it through. So, in other words, Krom!Morgan should be the best timeline. Then I realized if this was the case, Lucina would never have known her father OR mother in the bad timeline. Someone said the war may have lasted longer in the original timeline, which makes it seem much more plausible that Lucina had a relationship with her parents.

I don't think I can answer story-related questions very well, but this is my take:

[spoiler=Post-Chapter 13]Interlude takes place in the bad future. Prologue marks the beginning of the timeline split. (Either that or the timelines are slightly different anyway and Robin's arrival simply complicated things, since even different bad futures (see DLC) don't look the same.)

It's likely that the war lasted long enough for Lucina to remember her parents, yeah. If Chrom died and Robin turned evil before Lucina could remember things, her support conversation with her parents will feel really strange.

Morgan doesn't seem to be from the bad future, seeing that he does remember things about Robin as a master tactician. But there are just so many mysteries surrounding him - it may even be possible that Robin sent him to this world as a last-ditch effort to save him from her evil clutch, giving him false memory (since she's already partly Grima-ified) along with the move. This may explain why his sibling will seem to recognise him. Although again, it is possibly that his sibling doesn't know about him, and just say they do upon realizing he is from some alternative world. There is just no way to tell.

(For some reason, I have an urge to call them Reflet and Marc... but since you're using the localized names, I'll follow suit.)

This is a story related question, is there any mention of Medeus or Gharnef in the story? It seems odd that the world has forgot about these guys who almost had taken over the world twice.

Even if they're not mentioned by name, or an indirect reference.


I think the fanbook mentioned that there is an internal setting that the final boss is an earth dragon (not mentioned at all in the game), but that's it.

(...I think, since I failed to get the book myself. Silly exams getting in the way.)

Speaking of historic references, Naga-worshipping is practised by many (probably because you can actually see her spokesperson, Tiki) and Mila is not completely forgotten (Fels mentioned it in her battle conversation with Chrom). Stories in FE4 and FE10 appear in form of novels, while Abel and Cain have became legendary knights.

Edited by nocturnal YL
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^ Medeus is referenced in Marth's profile, and Gharnef is actually playable. Other than that, I'm not sure.

Alright, I got one revolving around Lucina:

So, I realized something. Interlude is where the timeline splits, right? If you do Krom x Robin, doesn't that mean that the good timeline would automatically happen? Robin kills Krom, so that means Morgan couldn't possibly be born unless they made it through. So, in other words, Krom!Morgan should be the best timeline. Then I realized if this was the case, Lucina would never have known her father OR mother in the bad timeline. Someone said the war may have lasted longer in the original timeline, which makes it seem much more plausible that Lucina had a relationship with her parents.

[spoiler=My Response]No. The "good" ending to the game, if I'm not mistaken, requires either Chrom or Lucina to deliver the finishing blow to Grima. Whatever pairs that are made, including those that make Lucina, have no relevance to the ending in that regard. Though, I will mention the Lucina vs. Grima scene does get pretty intense if Lucina happens to be Morgan's sister/mother.

And Lucina was born sometime before Future!Robin became Grima's host. Wheras Morgan is heavily implied to come from a timeline that's different from the bad future timeline, no matter who Robin marries.

Edited by Little Al
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^ Medeus is referenced in Marth's profile, and Gharnef is actually playable. Other than that, I'm not sure.

[spoiler=My Response]No. The "good" ending to the game, if I'm not mistaken, requires either Chrom or Lucina to deliver the finishing blow to Grima. Whatever pairs that are made, including those that make Lucina, have no relevance to the ending in that regard. Though, I will mention the Lucina vs. Grima scene does get pretty intense if Lucina happens to be Morgan's sister/mother.

And Lucina was born sometime before Future!Robin became Grima's host. Wheras Morgan is heavily implied to come from a timeline that's different from the bad future timeline, no matter who Robin marries.

should not have read that otl

Ah well. Not like I'm free of plot spoilers anyway.

Can you name forged weapons, like in PoR/FE12? Serene's doesn't mention this.

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Alright, I got one revolving around Lucina:

So, I realized something. Interlude is where the timeline splits, right? If you do Krom x Robin, doesn't that mean that the good timeline would automatically happen? Robin kills Krom, so that means Morgan couldn't possibly be born unless they made it through. So, in other words, Krom!Morgan should be the best timeline. Then I realized if this was the case, Lucina would never have known her father OR mother in the bad timeline. Someone said the war may have lasted longer in the original timeline, which makes it seem much more plausible that Lucina had a relationship with her parents.

The war lasted longer. Lucina specifically talks about knowing her father in the future, which wouldn't have been possible if it went as quickly as before. Morgan was born before the events of the interlude, though whether the Morgan we see in-game is the same Morgan that Lucina knew or one from another alternate timeline is unknown. So no, Chrom!Morgan is from no better a timeline than anyone else.

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(about Morgan(?)/Mark)

And Lucina was born sometime before Future!Robin became Grima's host. Wheras Morgan is heavily implied to come from a timeline that's different from the bad future timeline, no matter who Robin marries.

That's wrong. If Mark's other parent is either Chrom or any of the first gen women that have children assigned to them, Mark's sibling will recognize him. So, no, he doesn't come from a third timeline in that case. He's implied to come from a third timeline only if he's the son of a second generation character.


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should not have read that otl

Ah well. Not like I'm free of plot spoilers anyway.

Can you name forged weapons, like in PoR/FE12? Serene's doesn't mention this.

Yes, you can name weapons. (If that's not true, then I'm blind. XD)

One of the NA trailers (I forgot which one) shows forging... I think it was a steel sword... named Neat Sword. :P

I'm going to forge a +5 MT +15 Hit Aversa's Night and name it Welcome to Death's Door! Fine, that's too long... Just "Death's Door" then...

(Any unit facing sorcerer Morgan with Weapon Saver and the dark tome would certainly be at death's door in a hit or two. :P)

EDIT: How does the SpotPass stuff work? When you connect to the internet, can you download just what you want? Or do you get everything? In other words, do I pick which, say, SpotPass teams I want, or do all of them get sent at once? Does the same apply to Dual Tag Teams, items, and sidequests?

Edited by fireemblemfan4ever
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Aren't guest MUs sorted before storyline units on Streetpass team lists? (I did see someone say that's the case.) If so, then if that's not a good way of telling whether or not Morgan = Mark, I don't know what is.

I'm pretty sure you can choose the order of the non-Avatar units, but I'm not certain. Can anyone confirm one way or the other? I can't check for myself right now.

EDIT: How does the SpotPass stuff work? When you connect to the internet, can you download just what you want? Or do you get everything? In other words, do I pick which, say, SpotPass teams I want, or do all of them get sent at once? Does the same apply to Dual Tag Teams, items, and sidequests?

When you do the download, you get everything that's ever been available downloaded onto your game, but it doesn't show up ingame until you select it from the SpotPass menu. So from that point, you can summon whatever teams you want, up to a total of 10 at one time. Also, you're a bit limited initially in the teams you can summon from whatever the most recent series: when the FE1 team becomes available, for example, you'll first have one character available, then 24 hours after that, you'll get another, and so on. They all become available when the next team comes out, though.

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How do you pronounce Virion? Is it VEE - ree - on, ver - EYE - in, or something else? I might have missed it in the demo because I find his accent a bit hard to understand sometimes.

I haven't played the demo but I think it is pronounced veer- e- in.

Like this

Just click on the speaker button on the english side. Ignore the japanese side.

I've also found that google translate does a good job at pronouncing other names as well.

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You get everything. Everything will be put under an item in the main menu, and it is up to you to decide whether you want them or not.

SpotPass teams can be summoned as many times as you want, while other things are one-off. Of course, you CAN fight the same Dual Tag team multiple times once they're added...

Forged Aversa's night with Weapon Saver is the closest thing to Imhullu we'll get. Forget Falchion, Imhullu's what I really want to take from Garnef!

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I'm sorry if this has been asked before, but how is the difficulty in this game?

I'm not the best fire emblem player so I won't ever though lunatic, but so far I have no idea if I should pick normal or hard.

In fe7/8/9 normal mode is too easy for me, but in fe10 I thought normal mode was fairly challanging so how does normal and hard mode compare to the previous games.

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How do you pronounce Virion? Is it VEE - ree - on, ver - EYE - in, or something else? I might have missed it in the demo because I find his accent a bit hard to understand sometimes.

I've always called him Vih-ree-on myself

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I'm sorry if this has been asked before, but how is the difficulty in this game?

I'm not the best fire emblem player so I won't ever though lunatic, but so far I have no idea if I should pick normal or hard.

In fe7/8/9 normal mode is too easy for me, but in fe10 I thought normal mode was fairly challanging so how does normal and hard mode compare to the previous games.

FE10 "Normal" is challenging because it is actually called Hard in the Japanese version. The localization team decided to rename it Normal.

If you can mange FE10 "Normal", by all means try Hard mode in FE13.

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