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"I just want to know one thing!" - FE13 Edition


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Wasn't able to add funds with my International Card mellow.gif

It asks for the ZipCode of the country of the E-shop. Which won't match my International card, obviously.

That's really strange, i can buy RP for League of Legends, on E-bay, deals via Pay-Pal and never saw something like this.... Which is really incomprehensible, as instead of adding fundings directly to the E-Shop i can use the same card to buy Nintendo pre-paid cards and add the same funds anyway...

What is even stranger is that people here say they buy from the american E-shop without any problems even with an unmatched zip code...

Every time I buy something internationally my bank blocks my credit card because they think it was stolen. So maybe that's what is happening to you?

Also what is an "international card?" I've never heard of that before.

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When a lord, Olivia or Valhart are the parents of Morgan, what are their base weapon ranks as tactician and what weapons/items do they join with? Same question goes for cavalier Morgan I suppose.

I know the answer to this following question has been posted in parts by different people or not expanded on, but which of the 2nd generation sidequests are the hardest and what does the challenge in them consist of? Can the challenge be reduced by someone with a good enough Rescue range or would there still be problems? (I mean this for Normal/Hard mode.) I assume Selena's could be hard with those Silver Axe berserkers on the way, but maybe someone can keep rescuing her to the back until the coast is clear for her to talk to Holland (does Holland move too or does he stay put?).

Tactician: Sword C Tome C

Cavalier: Sword C Lance C

IIRC, Morgan will join with Steel weapons and Elfire.

By the way, healer Morgan will have Staff C, even though Brady joins with Staff D (the only child to join in without a rank C).

Hardest sidequest, hmm... Personally, I'd say Jerome's chapter, because of the terrain. The reinforcement points are so far away that blocking them befoehand isn't an option.

Cynthia's a bit tricky (but not hard), since it's very easy for you to accidnetally kill her. The boss will try to run away when approached, which makes low-turning difficult.

Holland never moves. Selena is going to be safe if you send a few flying units to clear the path for her along the way. Rescue will come in handy, but you don't always need it.

Edited by nocturnal YL
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When the description for magic weapons (Levin Sword etc) says it counts as magic, does that mean it uses MAG instead of STR, RES instead of DEF, or both?

Magic weapons use only Mag and deducts enemy Res. No Str and Def involved for both melee and ranged attacks.

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Magic weapons use only Mag and deducts enemy Res. No Str and Def involved for both melee and ranged attacks.

But it still counts as a sword with regards to the weapon triangle, right?

So if you were using a Levin Sword and you were up against a General with an Axe you would have a weapon triangle advantage along with the low RES of the general (assuming you had good MAG)?

Is there another scenario where a magic weapon would be good? It seem like you would have to be a class like a Grandmaster to take advantage of it.

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But it still counts as a sword with regards to the weapon triangle, right?

So if you were using a Levin Sword and you were up against a General with an Axe you would have a weapon triangle advantage along with the low RES of the general (assuming you had good MAG)?

Is there another scenario where a magic weapon would be good? It seem like you would have to be a class like a Grandmaster to take advantage of it.

Yes, it still counts as a sword for other purposes. Good against axes, weak against lances, and will be blocked by Great Shield but not Holy Shield.

Magic weapons are good for units that use physical weapons but are better at magic. Most typically, that'd be Trickers and Battle Monks/Clerics. It's good for sword/magic units when it comes to battling axe units and gaining sword weapon ranks too. Swordmasters can also make limited use of Levin Sword, because it's the only common weapon that can have 2-range attacks.

I'd say Shocksticks are good for nothing, though. It's the absolute worst magic-based weapon I've seen, because of its range. It also indirectly made me dislike Brides, because magic-oriented units can't use the Bride class very well.

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Playing the demo, I noticed that Eirika's Swiftsword seemed Rapier-like in appearance, its sprite at least, although I couldn't get to use it and check its 3d model. Anyway, I'm just wondering, is there any other sword that can be equipped by any class that looks like a rapier like that?

Edited by NeonZ
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I know the answer to this following question has been posted in parts by different people or not expanded on, but which of the 2nd generation sidequests are the hardest and what does the challenge in them consist of? Can the challenge be reduced by someone with a good enough Rescue range or would there still be problems? (I mean this for Normal/Hard mode.) I assume Selena's could be hard with those Silver Axe berserkers on the way, but maybe someone can keep rescuing her to the back until the coast is clear for her to talk to Holland (does Holland move too or does he stay put?).

Enemy strength is a big factor. Degel's sidequest has mostly unpromoted enemies no stronger than what you already faced in Ch13 to unlock her map, while Noire's sidequest has all promoted enemies at much higher levels, with enemy strength around that of Ch20. Those are pretty much at the two extremes; other maps either have similar enemy strengths or something in between the two.

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Playing the demo, I noticed that Eirika's Swiftsword seemed Rapier-like in appearance, its sprite at least, although I couldn't get to use it and check its 3d model. Anyway, I'm just wondering, is there any other sword that can be equipped by any class that looks like a rapier like that?

Going from the art in the book, Eliwood's Blade looks rapier-like


Also, Eirika's Sword for comparison


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Hm.... nice, thanks. I guess those are the closest things to Rapiers available.

It's kind of silly, but when I start playing around with DLC or spotpass lords, aside from Marth, like Roy, Eirika and Eliwood, I want to give them those Rapier-like weapons.

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I'd say Shocksticks are good for nothing, though. It's the absolute worst magic-based weapon I've seen, because of its range. It also indirectly made me dislike Brides, because magic-oriented units can't use the Bride class very well.

I'd personally say they couldn't be worse than the FE9 Bolt Axe, snce NONE of the axe users in that game could use that well at all.

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I'd personally say they couldn't be worse than the FE9 Bolt Axe, snce NONE of the axe users in that game could use that well at all.

The Bolt Axe at least hit at range.

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The Bolt Axe at least hit at range.

You got me there, but in my humble opinion, that doesn't make up for the fact that it's practically unusable (mainly in the term of "why would I want to use this over a physical weapon knowing that pretty much 10 times out of 10, I'll do more damage attacking physically?").

Edited by Levant Fortner
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Thanks nocturnal YL and Othin for your answers. It seems I'll have to leave Noire's and Jerome's for last (more time to train Serge then).

Speaking of Jerome, I think I saw some rewards for the amount of NPCs saved. Are the rewards cumulative or do you only get one for the amount saved?

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Yes, it still counts as a sword for other purposes. Good against axes, weak against lances, and will be blocked by Great Shield but not Holy Shield.

Magic weapons are good for units that use physical weapons but are better at magic. Most typically, that'd be Trickers and Battle Monks/Clerics. It's good for sword/magic units when it comes to battling axe units and gaining sword weapon ranks too. Swordmasters can also make limited use of Levin Sword, because it's the only common weapon that can have 2-range attacks.

I'd say Shocksticks are good for nothing, though. It's the absolute worst magic-based weapon I've seen, because of its range. It also indirectly made me dislike Brides, because magic-oriented units can't use the Bride class very well.


Wouldn't a Dark Pegasus be able to use the shockstick effectively? If I remember correctly they can use lances and staves.

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Hm... But what about what you had mentioned before, a magic user class changed to a bride? Raising the lance ranking to C shouldn't be too hard.

It kinda is when you need 15 battles with Bronze and then 20 with Iron, all with a shit Str stat. And when all you get for it is a rare, randomly obtained weapon that doesn't hit at range... doesn't seem like a great trade-off.

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So yeah for a Dark Pegasus you'd pretty much just be better off going with some tome.

That reminds me, do the secondary weapons for promoted classes start at E rank? I assume that's the case, but hey, couldn't hurt to ask.

Edited by Levant Fortner
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