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"I just want to know one thing!" - FE13 Edition


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I beat Endgame and i noticed the Risen never spawn again, even tough apparently merchants still do.

So if you want to battle at that point it's only SpotPass and DLC ?

EDIT : Also, if Lucina dies at Chapter 6 do you get a game over ?

EDIT 2 : Actually Risen finally appeared on the world map, but it took days for this to happen...

Edited by Lanko
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I wanted to find out DLC Katarina's max stats... but they weren't in the main site...

I looked to see if SpotPass Katarina had any info, since SpotPass characters and DLC characters have same stats... None there either.

Can someone tell me what DLC Katarina's stat caps are?

(Yes, this question is for those of you who played the Japanese game... and the DLC... and beat it... and grinded to get the caps...)

...Does anyone even know? o_O

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what is the formula for internal levels and the cap for hard mode?

Wait...There's level caps?

Also, When you class change, do stats carry over? If so, what happens if you reclass and you have a stat higher than the new classes cap?

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Wait...There's level caps?

Also, When you class change, do stats carry over? If so, what happens if you reclass and you have a stat higher than the new classes cap?

Not level caps... internal levels have something to do with experience gain. I'm not exactly sure how it works, but it's something like "the more you level up, the less EXP you get" or something like that.

And yes stats carry over. HOWEVER, if the stats are higher than the class cap, it'll just be... capped. (But don't worry, the game will "remember" you previous stats, so if you reclass back, you'll get your stats back.)

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Not level caps... internal levels have something to do with experience gain. I'm not exactly sure how it works, but it's something like "the more you level up, the less EXP you get" or something like that.

There are level caps, for the Internal Levels that is, that change depending on the difficulty. Before they reach that cap, gaining EXP will really slow down on average, but then it will stabilize once the cap is reached.

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Katarina's mods are the same as a Magic Asset and Luck Flaw Avatar.

Oh, thanks!

I knew that all the DLC characters (except Pr. Marth?) were modified MUs... just didn't know the asset and flaw.

Great to know! (Since I want to use her.)


Hm... So that makes her caps: HP-80, Str-49, Mag-43, Skl-40, Spd-42, Lck-42, Def-50, and Res-52.

Eh, good enough.

EDIT 2: And I guess you don't have to beat the last DLC and grind to find it out. Awesome.

Edited by fireemblemfan4ever
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I wanted to find out DLC Katarina's max stats... but they weren't in the main site...

I looked to see if SpotPass Katarina had any info, since SpotPass characters and DLC characters have same stats... None there either.

Can someone tell me what DLC Katarina's stat caps are?

(Yes, this question is for those of you who played the Japanese game... and the DLC... and beat it... and grinded to get the caps...)

...Does anyone even know? o_O

+Magic -Luck

Again, info extracted from 2ch wiki.

EDIT - how long have I been staring at this page that 4 more posts showed up without me knowing?



Hm... So that makes her caps: HP-80, Str-49, Mag-43, Skl-40, Spd-42, Lck-42, Def-50, and Res-52.

Eh, good enough.

What class is that? 50 base Str, Def and Res? I think you mean Str 39, Def 40 and Res 42?

Edited by nocturnal YL
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It's all in Japanese...

Good thing I can understand most... some... a teensy bit of it.

Well, I bookmarked the page, so... maybe I'll refer to that... if I can decipher the all that kanji first...

Google translate can help.

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Question: Are there any hidden items in the desert chapters?

Just one, in Laurent's joining chapter, and apparently you get information about where to find it.

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Does DLC scale up depending on difficulty?

Almost all of it, yes. The exceptions are:

Gold and Silver

Endombed Haven

Infinite Divine Weapons

The Strongest One's Name

Which makes sense for most of them. The first two are designed to be trivial regardless of difficulty level, to the point of completing themselves. The fourth is designed to be the hardest challenge around, so you can get that challenge on any mode.

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Can you buy more stones for characters like Panne?

I never trained Manaketes and Laguz from the past series because I was afraid I would lose run out of stones.

Yes. Post-Ch12 for regular, post-Ch23 for the super ones.

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Does my EXP decreases the more times I promote and class change?

Not necessarily, but it does slowly decrease the more you level up so early promoting is actually generally recommended.

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Not necessarily, but it does slowly decrease the more you level up so early promoting is actually generally recommended.

No. Master Seals don't care what level you were, same as every game. Only Second Seals do.

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