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"I just want to know one thing!" - FE13 Edition


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oops. +speed, -strength

and Lucina's married to Gerome, so probably him or her brother (Morgan).

for dlcs, I'm probably looking more into FoD maps and TSON.

I would recommend pairing with Gerome for S-Rank support.

So, Lucina has these stat modifiers...

STR: -1

MAG: +1

SKL: +3

SPD: +6

LCK: +4

DEF: -1

RES: +0

So, because Avatar is the mother, and Lucina therefore has access to all skills, but with slightly stronger Mag, I would say Grandmaster because Parallel Falchion (or max forge Alm's Blade or something of the like) and Book of Naga with Armsthrift, unless you were thinking of having Lucina using other weapons primarily.

Also, I would be able to make a sounder judgment if you told me who Gerome's father is, and what skills you are planning to have both Lucina and Gerome use.

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I would recommend pairing with Gerome for S-Rank support.

So, Lucina has these stat modifiers...

STR: -1

MAG: +1

SKL: +3

SPD: +6

LCK: +4

DEF: -1

RES: +0

So, because Avatar is the mother, and Lucina therefore has access to all skills, but with slightly stronger Mag, I would say Grandmaster because Parallel Falchion (or max forge Alm's Blade or something of the like) and Book of Naga with Armsthrift, unless you were thinking of having Lucina using other weapons primarily.

Also, I would be able to make a sounder judgment if you told me who Gerome's father is, and what skills you are planning to have both Lucina and Gerome use.

Hmm... kinda forgot about Grandmaster on her.

Gerome's father is... Virion. As for skills, I really have no clue for Gerome though except I got Dual Support+ passed down for him.

For Lucina's skills, I'm probably going to try to get the Breaker skills on her? At the moment, the ones worthy to mention would probably be Armsthrift and Veteran along with her default skills. And Limit Breaker is also one...in the future.

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What's best for Brady with Libra as father? I reclassed into Dark Mage and then I'm gonna promote him to either Sorceror or Dark Knight. I'm on hard mode so I don't need rofl Nosferatu build at all, and his strenght (17) is nice too...

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Hmm... kinda forgot about Grandmaster on her.

Gerome's father is... Virion. As for skills, I really have no clue for Gerome though except I got Dual Support+ passed down for him.

For Lucina's skills, I'm probably going to try to get the Breaker skills on her? At the moment, the ones worthy to mention would probably be Armsthrift and Veteran along with her default skills. And Limit Breaker is also one...in the future.

Right, so, Gerome's stat modifiers would be:

STR: +4

MAG: +1

SKL: +2

SPD: +2

LCK: +0

DEF: +1

RES: -1

And Gerome has access to Wyvern Rider, Wyvern Lord, Griffon Rider, Fighter, Warrior, Hero, Priest, War Monk, Sage, Archer, Sniper, Bow Knight, Mage, Dark Knight, and Dread Fighter if including DLC.

So, because Lucina has a -1 STR Modifier, I would still say Grandmaster, so she can balance her strengths out, while still keeping access to Parallel Falchion.

Gerome's pair up stat bonuses should cover Lucina's -1 STR modifier, and you can determine which class Gerome should be for the best pair up bonus to Lucina here, but I would recommend War Monk because it seems to be the most balanced class Gerome has access to, unless you want Lucina to focus more on STR or MAG, in which case I would say Sniper for STR because of the +3 STR, +3 SKL, and +2 DEF, or Sorcerer/Sage for MAG. Sorcerer has a DEF bonus over Sage, but Sage has more of a MAG bonus.

As for skills, it depends on whether or not you want Lucina to be more of an attacking force, or a defending force.

Rightful King + Aegis & Pavise works extremely well, and Rightful King + Lethality can be devastating.

It all really depends on how you're planning to use Lucina, but I would say that you should have Lucina's skill set revolve around Rightful King, especially considering how she has access to nearly all of the skills in the game as the Avatar is the mother.

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How hard is "The future past 3"?

It's definitely endgame level. I personally found to be about the same difficulty as the future past 1 and 2, but I had an easier time keeping the children alive.

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When a character has a high stat in a promoted class (lets say 35) but then changes back into a base class their stat reduced. If they change back into a promoted class, do their stats go back up, or do they need to be brought back up?

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When a character has a high stat in a promoted class (lets say 35) but then changes back into a base class their stat reduced. If they change back into a promoted class, do their stats go back up, or do they need to be brought back up?

They go back to what there stats were for that class. So let's say Chrom is a Great Lord with 40 skill. And let's say for whatever reason you second seal him back into Lord. His skill would be 26. If you promote him back to Great Lord his stats for Great Lord will return.

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I thought it was Veer-ee-own, because he owns people and the whatnot.

Speaking of names, how are Panne and Yarne supposed to be pronounced as? I say Pahn and Yarn-ay, but I want to know how to pronounce them correctly.

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I thought it was Veer-ee-own, because he owns people and the whatnot.

Speaking of names, how are Panne and Yarne supposed to be pronounced as? I say Pahn and Yarn-ay, but I want to know how to pronounce them correctly.

For Panne I say Pan-e. I say Yarne the same way you do. Edited by Majestic Paladin
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I thought it was Veer-ee-own, because he owns people and the whatnot.

Speaking of names, how are Panne and Yarne supposed to be pronounced as? I say Pahn and Yarn-ay, but I want to know how to pronounce them correctly.

Virion must rhyme with almost all words that end in "-ion." It'd be "vee-ree-own" if the letters had their Spanish pronunciations. It's all about the vowels. The "iri" in Virion is probably how it is in delirious.

I think of Panne like the name Anne.

For pronouncing the end of Yarne, think about the "e" in airborne. Click on the speaker symbol on the following page to hear how "lucarne" is pronounced: http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/lucarne

Few characters' names are actually pronounced in English in Awakening (I know of Chrom and Nowi), so anybody can pronounce a name in whatever way he or she believes it is. But if you prefer to make use of other English names/words to reason make sense of how to pronounce names, then I think that makes the most sense (rather than just making up pronunciation rules).

Edited by BlueFire
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Do multiple charms stack with themselves (e.g. one from Chrom, one from Pr. Marth)?

Does Charm affect the user itself? Does it affect the tag partner? What if the Charm user is in the back, does it affect the tag partner and/or units in range?

Same questions with Demoiselle, although I suspect the answers are identical.

Are Indoor Figher and Outdoor Fighter triggered by map, or by terrain? e.g. some maps (especially side stories) are partially inside and partially outside, does the entire map trigger one skill, or is only one triggered depending on where you're standing?

I realise this is 11 questions not 1, but still not worth making a thread over.

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Do multiple charms stack with themselves (e.g. one from Chrom, one from Pr. Marth)? No

Does Charm affect the user itself? No Does it affect the tag partner? (I don't understand the question) What if the Charm user is in the back, does it affect the tag partner and/or units in range? Yes

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Aww, no stacking? Lame. Yes, I was referring to the pair up partner. Or perhaps I should ask a better question, does it boost the hit of the user's partner, and does it boost the hit of other character's in ranges partners?

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Yes to both, I'm pretty sure.

In a recent run, I had Avatar (pocket Chrom) attack an enemy at n% accuracy. I noticed that moving Lucina (who also had Charm) in range of Avatar did not change Avatar's hit rate, leading me to suspect that Chrom's Charm helped Avatar even while he was in the secondary support slot. If Chrom's Charm worked for Avatar, I don't see why it wouldn't work for the other units in range.

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