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"I just want to know one thing!" - FE13 Edition


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Originals. Just wav-ified since the 3DS can handle that space requirement unlike older games.

Are you sure about this, because while listening to some of the dlc music I realized that a few of them (decisive battle, confront the past, muderous puppets, the devoted, advance) seemed noticeably different. Also, Brom's face sprite seemed a little bit more cartoonish (of course I am probably just imagining this).

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I know I read this before somewhere here... I just forgot where. (And YES, I tried searching...)

How big are all the DLC together? All of them? I know it's 100-something MB... about...

Exactly how big is it? In MB? In blocks?

i asked that about 5 or so pages ago i believe all total was 967 its on here if you wanna search for that post

EDIT i cant find my post either someone double check my number please

Edited by spoon98
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Just out of curiosity: does the game mention the titles of previous games in the series anywhere? Like, say, for Leif's DLC, or the menu where you choose spotpass teams, does it actually say Thracia 776 somewhere?

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Just out of curiosity: does the game mention the titles of previous games in the series anywhere? Like, say, for Leif's DLC, or the menu where you choose spotpass teams, does it actually say Thracia 776 somewhere?

The SpotPass team menu, yeah.

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Yeah, looks that way. Which raises the question, what the hell are they going to do with FE7? Would look really funny calling it just plain "Fire Emblem" in the middle of that list.

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Quick question: Is Concentration (Mage skill, +10 crit if no allies in a 3 square radius) useful to stick on a myrmidon/swordmaster/assassin?

It seems only children characters like Wood can get this skill with the myrm/assassin classes, which might be a pain; but what I'm concerned about is whether it's needed?

Does it add to lethality activation%? Do myrms/swordmasters/assassins already have sufficiently high crit? Oh, and does it still work when doubled?

Edited by lancerusso
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You can't grind on higher difficulties without DLC, apparently.

(Well, in lunatic the skirmishes have harder enemies than the main chapters. Or so I hear.)

Understatement of the year.


This was the only skirmish available as I beat Chapter 7.

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Geez. And they come with forged silver weapons too, don't they?

Yep. That Silver Sword it's holding is forged to have +8 Mt, for a total of 19. Hence the 64 Atk.

For reference, the most Mt it's actually possible to forge onto a weapon is +5. So yeah, Lunatic enemies are cheating bastards. By the last few chapters, they all use weapons with those same impossible forging bonuses. (+8 Mt with +20 Hit)

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Realistically, what kind of end game level are we talking about for Hard?

Like would taking Chrom Lord->(Level x)->Cavalier->(Level 10)->GK->(Level 10)->Great Lord be feasible? (I'm picky about what class I want my characters to be by the final, so I'd like to know in advance whether or not I should be Change Sealing guys I want to finish in their original classes Tier 2.)

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Depends on your team size. For Chrom, it should work, but for others, that might be pushing it unless you use them unusually often. You could certainly make it happen, though.

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Only one skill can activate per battler, right? So something like weapon saver and astra can't activate at the same time, correct?

Weapon Saver can stack with anything, but the "mastery" set (Luna, Astra, etc.) can't stack with each other.

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Well, this isn't exactly about FE13, but it's somehow related...

Ok, i'm gonna buy the game via e-shop otherwise the cartridge will only arrive around here at like the 20th...

So i went to e-shop and to test if my credit card works, i went to purchase Touch Solitaire on the ''Games Under $2''.

But it says ''Nintendo DSiware'' and asked for a zip-code ( i used one from a McDonalds).

So...is this one a physical copy or digital ? I believe everything in the E-Shop is digital, but just in case...

Edited by Lanko
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