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Samias's Art Stuff


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My sides.

Please teach me. I try to draw but I am terrible. I can't shade worth crap.

As far as shading is concerned, even I ask for help from people way better than me! But the basics are to figure out where your volumes are. I'm trying to make something look like it has dimensions, so rather than shade along an edge, I'm shading where I think there's a change of angles. Then it's a matter of keeping the light source consistent. There's also a bunch of other theory involved that it's one of the things I find difficult to explain even as someone who's been doing this for a long time.

Anyway, I've been really sick but I put together some new things. Namely, Zero Suit Link because my friends demanded it!


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As far as shading is concerned, even I ask for help from people way better than me! But the basics are to figure out where your volumes are. I'm trying to make something look like it has dimensions, so rather than shade along an edge, I'm shading where I think there's a change of angles. Then it's a matter of keeping the light source consistent. There's also a bunch of other theory involved that it's one of the things I find difficult to explain even as someone who's been doing this for a long time.

Anyway, I've been really sick but I put together some new things. Namely, Zero Suit Link because my friends demanded it!


Between the Heels and the earrings, i'd barely think Link was a dude (well, except for the Torso)!!

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And the prompt's in the spoiler tags:

[spoiler=Sora vs JOKR]

Sora checked the credstick she received from her last delivery. Her back ached from all the deliveries she had to make that day at all corners of downtown Seattle. She was sure she did good by her employer that night. She looked up at the sky as the warm salty air rushed through the streets, neon and AROs flickering invitations to the various bars and nightspots of the district, but her heavy eyelids and aching feet begged for soft cloth.

She walked past the various spam messages littering the district, inviting her to the latest and greatest deals on everything from electronics to shoes to deep fried shrimp puffs. As she brushed them away, a stranger in a hooded waistcoat approached her. “Hello, ma’mn. Interested in a card trick?”

This man was certainly a stranger in every sense of the word, a hooded waistcoat cloaked his face in darkness, though his arms were bare and a diamond suit tattoo rested on his shoulder. His hands were wrapped in cloth and painted with black clubs on each hand as they riffled the deck with impressive skill and dexterity. dark grey slacks and shoes finished his ensemble as his slacks were adorned by the four card suits of a playing card deck. One could easily mistake this man as a poker enthusiast.

Sora sidestepped, chills creeping up and down her spine as the man shuffled his cards in front of her. “Gomen’nasai, Sir. I must get home.” The stranger stepped in her path once more and fanned the cards out, very neatly in front of her. “It won’t take but a minute, madam. Just pick a card. Any card.” A moment of awkward silence passed as the magician held the fanned cards in front of her. The magician proceeded to turn his head away, folding his elbow over his face. “I won’t even look. I swear.”

Sora sighed. This trickster might end up being more trouble than she would want to go through. She reluctantly pulled a card from the fan and looked at it. The Queen of Clubs. Fate once again shoving irony into her face unceremoniously. “Study it and put it back in the deck, ma’mn.” Sora committed the card to memory, slid it back into the fanned out deck and the magician then proceeded to shuffle the deck in front of her. His shuffling was showy and impressive, a demonstration of skill and talent with his line of work.

"If you have astral perception, ma’mn, you’ll notice I haven’t marked any of the cards in the astral either."

Sora shifted her perception and noted that the cards indeed were not visible on the astral. The magician, however was a veritable beacon. His aura, bright red with splotches of other colors over his hands, shoulder, chest and eye, shuddered with anticipation. He was nervous, or at the very least excited about something. The man was no mage, though. No spells were cast in his elaborate card juggling. The magician pointed to the street pole opposite him. “Could you stand over there, ma’mn?” Sora obliged, wondering what sort of game this magician was playing. The magician turned and took a couple of steps, absent-mindingly twirling the cards about in the air. Suddenly without warning, the magician turned and a card headed for Sora like a bullet.

Sora raised her arm, driven by instinct and her keen, awakened reflexes; as the card slid through her flesh and embedded into her bone. Sora screamed for a moment as she gripped her wounded arm and looked at the card. The Queen of Clubs embedded into her arm, pain coursing up and down her forearm like lightning bolts, blood dripping onto the ground and onto the card. The magician jumped up and down and howled like a beast. “FINALLY!” He cried, “A challenge! An honest-to-god challenge! I have been waiting for this forever!!!” Sora swore under her breath, her spine tingling at the sight of this madman. He seemed glad to have attacked her. Happy. Or rather happy she blocked his oncoming strike. Sora began to slowly turn away as the man landed in front of her from above, startling her and causing her to step back. The waist coat had been removed, revealing a heart shaped tattoo over his chest and a spade shaped one emblazoned over his eye. The stranger approached as Sora stepped back. “Oh, no you don’t. You have no idea how long I’ve waited for this.” Sora readied herself into a battle position and slammed her fist into the magician’s face.

The magician reeled around for a moment before facing her, red and black hair strewn about his face as he grinned, blood staining his teeth and dripping down his chin. “You ever just eat nothing but bad soyburgers for three weeks straight? By the end of the 3rd day of the last week you find yourself saying ‘please god, give me something different.’ Then, your patience pays off as a beautiful, real ribeye roast just passes right by you and you just have to have it.” Sora swung once again at the stranger as he ducked, slamming one fist into her stomach. Her abs contracted as they absorbed what felt like the brunt of a gunshot. She reeled, falling to her knees and gripping her stomach in pain; vomiting upon the concrete. The stranger spat blood upon the ground as he crouched in front of Sora. He looked into her eyes with excitement and anticipation. “You are my ribeye. Now get up and fight. We can’t have fun if I kill you early.”

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Jigglypuff! That picture just made my day.

Thank you! That picture of Jigglypuff is like one of my favourites. Jiggs is always going to have a special place in my heart; I have a Jiggs bag and Jiggs is also one of my go-to Melee characters to play as.

I've been brushing up on my painting skills. One's just a copy of a screencap of Bruce Lee, and the other... uh, well.


[spoiler=mildly risque]


Edited by Samias
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Woah your anatomy is really good! And your humor sense is great as well too!

I'm in love with that fight scene, specially how the background fits the bodies, also dat Jigglypuff lol

So, question, Regarding the Zero suit drawings, You do draw a colored outline first and then paint in a layer OVER it, right? Because it does look better than Actual outlines.

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