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I'm starting to hate youtube now.

Gold Vanguard

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No matter what video I see or go to someones always starting a argument. Whether it be about relgion, race, some douchebag making a stament about something and argumenst start. Whenever I see a video I look at the comments to see what other people thought of the video. I look at video about birds,I see people argueing about race and etc. Damnit why does youtube have to be filled with such assholes?!?!

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Part of being a successful internet user is having a thick skin, or knowing how to not take comments personally and avoid unproductive exchanges. If you got caught up in every argument you saw in YouTube comments, you'd never have the time or emotional energy to do anything else. Don't be afraid to state your opinions from time to time, but leave the nitpicking and flame wars to the fat unemployed people posting from a public library or somebody else's basement. Just thumbs up the comments you agree with and thumbs down the comments you dislike, if you feel that strongly about them, maybe flag a comment or two if it's clearly defamatory, and move on.

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Why are you hating on Youtube? It's not the site's fault it has a crap for a community. It's like saying life sucks because people suck.

Oh wait...

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why are you reading youtube comments

seriously, isn't one of the Rules of the Internet TM "don't read the comments section"?! (obvs on blogs and stuff it's not quite so necessary, but would think it would be common sense on Youtube by now)

Edited by kdanger
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why are you reading youtube comments

seriously, isn't one of the Rules of the Internet TM "don't read the comments section"?! (obvs on blogs and stuff it's not quite so necessary, but would think it would be common sense on Youtube by now)

I suppose this is a good point. Then again, every so often, if you're lucky, find a video that's agreeable and has only had a few views you sometimes find something somewhat witty or insightful. And most of that sentence was qualification dry.gif. Archery videos are particularly fun, when someone posts a video of their shooting expect to find an argument over their form in the comments section and perhaps an argument about... the prominence of bowhunting in the US... if the video has anything to do with target shooting.

I just want to chip in that youtube's userbase is not youtube: youtube's userbase have a tendency to troll, flame and generally be asinine but youtube itself is an amazing resource; I'm a musician and youtube has loads of recordings to browse when practicing or preparing a piece and it's transformed the musical world.

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No matter what video I see or go to someones always starting a argument. Whether it be about relgion, race, some douchebag making a stament about something and argumenst start. Whenever I see a video I look at the comments to see what other people thought of the video. I look at video about birds,I see people argueing about race and etc. Damnit why does youtube have to be filled with such assholes?!?!

Well what else did you expect?

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The adverts are what piss me off. And it's hella annoying when you have to stop what you're doing just to play a song in your playlist because of some fucking advert breaking it up. They think the forced 5 seconds will be enough to make me interested in the advert. I give not one single fuck about anything except the song I want to listen to.

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The adverts are what piss me off. And it's hella annoying when you have to stop what you're doing just to play a song in your playlist because of some fucking advert breaking it up. They think the forced 5 seconds will be enough to make me interested in the advert. I give not one single fuck about anything except the song I want to listen to.

Thank you. This has always piss me off.

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The adverts are what piss me off. And it's hella annoying when you have to stop what you're doing just to play a song in your playlist because of some fucking advert breaking it up. They think the forced 5 seconds will be enough to make me interested in the advert. I give not one single fuck about anything except the song I want to listen to.

Ad block exists. I have an addon thing that disables those. And its amazing....An Amazing Thing!

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Alas! The internet is a wretched hive of scum and villainy. (As far as ads go I actually hate those scroll over with sound ones more than the youtube ones. Though if I have to watch another ad about Obama or Romney....)

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Why are you hating on Youtube? It's not the site's fault it has a crap for a community. It's like saying life sucks because people suck.

Oh wait...

Except that when utube users posting comments suck, you aren't even aware of their existence most of the time because you don't read the comments since they're below the video.

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The adverts are what piss me off. And it's hella annoying when you have to stop what you're doing just to play a song in your playlist because of some fucking advert breaking it up. They think the forced 5 seconds will be enough to make me interested in the advert. I give not one single fuck about anything except the song I want to listen to.

I agree with this so much. The comments don't really bother me. Just people being people. At least the stuff you're seeing is better than all the illuminati shit that pops up on music videos.

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I also find the adverts to be more annoying than the comments. It's true that sometimes you are not expecting to read this when you scroll down to look at comments :dry: but you can just ignore it. Some adverts don't even have the 5 seconds before you can skip them , you have to watch them entirely. And in the worst cases they bug so the video won't start --' YT was better 2 years ago in that regard.

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[spoiler=shh they have eyes everywhere]The good news is that refreshing the page in the middle of the ads usually lets you go straight to the video the second time around.

I've seen some discussions approximating something interesting in even the sites most notorious for their comments, which is why I hesitate to block them completely, but yes, when it's bad it's pretty bad.

Edited by Rehab
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[spoiler=shh they have eyes everywhere]The good news is that refreshing the page in the middle of the ads usually lets you go straight to the video the second time around.

I've seen some discussions approximating something interesting in even the sites most notorious for their comments, which is why I hesitate to block them completely, but yes, when it's bad it's pretty bad.

For me, once something becomes so bad that it becomes boring, any more badness is an improvement.

...OK well I take that back. But on youtube, that is the case.

Edited by Hawkeye Hank Hatfield
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