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Holy crap it's raining right now


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What the hell, SoCal? It's the middle of summer. :U

ITT: weird weather

It's raining?

*looks outside window*

I guess you live in a different part of SoCal than I do.

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I don't mind the rainy weather, guys. It's just always so dry here during the summer that rain is the last thing I'd expect to see in the middle of July.

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It's usually disgustingly hot during the days for me, which means when it storms, it's like the ocean evaporated, and is dumping itself over my town. Of course, the whole one time it stormed during the day, I was waiting for the bus, and I saw lightning hit a tree, and the thunder crashed and destroyed my eardrums. It was pretty cool, actually.

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It was pretty brief.

God, it's such a refreshing surprise. I hope it continues on tomorrow.

Please, Mother Nature, please? And if it isn't too much to ask... please send some to Celice.


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The coolest storms go away so quickly around here.

Ugh why do I complain so much

damn city life

you have spoiled MEEEEE

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Esme lets go play in the rain! <3

Yeah~! <3

Thank god for the rain, this nasty ass muggy weather was getting to me. Reminded me of florida.

>dat song

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It would if it's high enough.

It's not like I'm planning on having a zoo on top of my arch.

You are going to have all of SF along with their families, their pets, friends of the family, friends of friends of the family, pets of the friends of the family, pets of the friends of the friends of the family... You know what just put earth on it.

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You are going to have all of SF along with their families, their pets, friends of the family, friends of friends of the family, pets of the friends of the family, pets of the friends of the friends of the family... You know what just put earth on it.

So basically it's not an arch, it's a gigantic U.

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