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[FE8] RR Tag-Team Draft


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innes and amelia

Dude, it's not your turn and Amelia has already been picked anyways. The drafting order goes: 12344321, and then it repeats, in a snake-style. It's Jedi's turn first, and then your's.

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This game is so weird.

Prologue - 3 turns (3)

So apparently all you need to do to clear this is kill the boss. I never knew.

Chapter 1 - 5 turns (8)

Had to burn so Knoll wouldn't die.

Chapter 2 - 6 turns (14)

Dropped Ewan in some weird places. Aside from that, Knoll solo.

Chapter 3 - 8 turns (22)

Did a rescue chain to get NPC Marisa to frontlines before recruiting her. She killed the boss.

Chapter 4 - 5 turns (27)

Oh wow something that resembles good. Marisa took left, Knoll went right. Knoll had enough mag to replicate Garcia in the Eirika Garcia 5 turn duo of this chapter. Didn't trigger the reinforcements.

Chapter 5 - 5 turns (32)

Gerik runs ahead, gets danced and waits on the forest turn 1, ORKOing everything he touches apart from Amelia. Innes gets danced to recruit her, Gerik kills a Soldier. Marisa grabs the Armorslayer, and Amelia ferries it to him on turn 4. He ORKOed the boss with it. Got every village but the Torch village. But who needs it when you have L'ARACHEL and MARISA?

Chapter 5x - 9 turns (41)

Took longer due to TRAINING TIME.

Chapter 6 - 4 turns (45)

Gerik gets danced by Tethys and rushes the boss. Everyone else sits tight. L'Arachel Torch spammed, aided by Tethys.

Chapter 7 - 9 turns (54)

Wait since when do we have to walk around

Edited by Serious Bababas
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crap forgot to record turn count for chapters 6 but i have save from before so i can replay the maps

edit mis-counted forgot to check my addition

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Prologue: 2/2


Chapter 1: 6/8

Unfortunately my BETTER STRATEGY for Prologue makes the 5-turn strategy of this chapter impossible. So the 2-turn Prologue only makes a difference if you have either Duessel or Rennac so you're not doing a Knoll solo of C1.

Chapter 2: 5/13


Chapter 3: 7/20

Waaaaa Ewan couldn't ORKO the boss.

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its realy sad rennac was my main fighter till chapter 6s end also i have a great 5x strategy anyway im trying to beat chapter 9 i wish i had a delphi shield

also turn counts will come soon

also can some one test salehs heaven seal and see if it works for promoting him i already did so with the master seal i hacked him which replaced the heaven seal

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Chapter 4: 7/27

Damnit, Knoll can't dodge at all and only 2 fighters. Grr!!

Chapter 5: 3/30

Pulled Amelia Turn 1, recruited her Turn 2, and she was danced ahead to Killer Lance crit Saar on Turn 3.

Chapter 5x: 7/37

Orson rescued Kyle and dropped him here and there, and Ephraim stayed near the start point to wipe shit out. Ephraim missed a hit and couldnt get the Killer Lance fml.

Chapter 6: 3/40

Danced Amelia ahead so she could kill Novala Turn 3. Ewan killed shit.

Chapter 7: 7/47

Fuck Ewan is my most durable unit because he dodges like a boss and neither Amelia nor Knoll ever do.

Chapter 8: 7/54

It takes 2 turns to kill Tirado fml.


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Prologue: 3/3

Chapter 1: 5/8

Did 3+5 instead of 2+6 because it was easier.

Chapter 2: 4/12

I rescued Saleh this time, and had him chip in against the Brigand reinforcements. Dozla also hit stuff this time.

Chapter 3: 7/19

Not enough BODIES

Chapter 4: 6/25

Knoll was FASTER this time around, doubling Bonewalkers. Also dodged to save a turn.

Chapter 5: 5/30

Took 2 turns longer to save all the villages and get Guiding Ring.

Chapter 5x: 7/37

This time I got the Killer Lance!

Chapter 6: 3/40

Amelia rushhhhh

Chapter 7: 7/47

Same as before.

Chapter 8: 6/53

Tirado went down earlier this time.


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Prologue 3/3

Used Refa's strategy or else this would have driven me insane

Ch 1 6/9

Had to be careful with Knoll, then I got the tanky Duracell which made things a bit easier

Ch 2 7/16

Knooooll gets 2hkoed by everything but careful planning got him and Duracell in the right spots

Ch 3 8/24

Dozla is.... Ok but misses alot but he 2 shots walls with the Brave Axe [i had to reset this ch a bit due to death] and Duracell takes on the boss

Ch 4 7/31


Ch 5 5/36

Rush upwards distracting Amelia with Duracell then chatting with her, for the killer lance, Knoll and Dozla meanwhile get better at hitting stuff

Ch 5x 9/45

Orson's Charge

Ch 6 3/48

Go North! Use Dancer! Go East! Duracell Kills Boss! While the others play DISTRACTION

Ch 7 8/56

Just rushed and almost got Knoll killed by the Balista but it worked out in the end and now I'm trying to decide if I should promote Duracell

Promoted Duracell at Lvl 16 Cavalier

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Chapter 9: 13/66


Chapter 10: 5/71


Chapter 11: 6/77

Can't really do it faster without a flier, since some of the Mogalls don't reach you until Turn 6 EP. Torch Staff Ewan MVP.

Chapter 12: 4/81

Danced Amelia ahead, she killed stuff and could have killed the boss on Turn 3 EP, but I had her take an extra turn so Franz could get to Boulder.

Chapter 13: 8/89

Whoever has Artur needs to do some editing. Currently he's a Dancer who can both use Light magic and dance, with Dancer caps. Anyways, Amelia and Franz went right; Ewan, Kyle and Ephraim went left. Ewan ORKOd everything (including Selena with a Thunder crit) but Kyle couldn't and sadly Ewan couldn't be everywhere. Moulder used Physic once but was mostly useless because he was OHKOd by Bolting. I think Ephraim killed a Shaman. No flier or Pirate sucks.

Chapter 13: 6/87

I redid this, sending Ephraim down over the river and Franz right instead of left. Any 5-turn strategy I could think of required either Ephraim to dodge far more stuff than he was capable of, especially as I forgot Pure Water, or would have needed Ewan to ORKO Selena, and rigging crits with Thunder is lame.

Chapter 14: 5/92


I hate this chapter so much. Ewan killed the boss over Turn 4 PP and EP. Again, I could have done it in one turn less if I'd rigged a crit. As it was, I had to rig a lot of status staves missing, because Ewan couldn't use Restore and Moulder is a chump with 5 movement who kept getting silenced anyways.

Basically, using Tethys, I had Kyle drop Ewan further ahead and they destroyed the Fighters. Then on Turn 2, Ewan killed the Knight with the Door Key. Kyle traded, opened, and Canto'd ahead far enough that the Shaman with the next Door Key would suicide on EP. Amelia rescues Tethys after she helps Moulder double-Physic Kyle, and moves forward. Turn 3, Amelia kills a Knight blocking Kyle's path, Ewan takes and drops Tethys, and Kyle opens the door. Now on Turn 4, Amelia unblocks the path and is then danced forward to kill the Sleep Bishop. Ewan moves forward and heals Kyle. Here, I could have had Tethys dance for Ewan and rig a crit to let him ORKO Vigarde. Now, Kyle retreats so all the Mages can't attack him. Turn 5, Amelia and Ewan kill Vigarde, and Tethys helps Kyle seize and complete the chapter.

Basically, if the Berserk Druids had hit Kyle/Amelia I would have been screwed. Ewan was the only one whom I could trust to dodge those staves.

Chapter 15: 5/97

Ewan slaughtered the entire bottom half of the map, while my paladins went top. Natasha killed the Mercs, Berserker, and a couple Wyvern Riders until Kyle could get there to take care of the Peg Knight reinforcements, as she couldn't ORKO them. Meanwhile, Amelia and Franz took out Caellach and stuffs. Undrafted Ross saved me a turn like a boss by blocking off a path that a Javelin Peg Knight could have taken to attack Steel Sword Franz on Turn 5 EP.

Chapter 16: 4/101

This was kind of tricky because Kyle sucks and Moulder has base Warp range. Basically, I had Amelia rescue Ewan, and then she was danced. Moulder warped them just over the wall, and she went her full range before dropping Ewan. Then on Turn 2, Moulder warps Kyle over, who moves as far as he can and Pure Waters, while Amelia and Ewan also move forward. Turn 3, Amelia and Ewan combine to take down Orson (who tinks Ewan at range, lololol), while Kyle still moves forward. Turn 4, Ewan and Amelia clear up some guys in Kyle's way (a Druid and a Priest on the throne) and Kyle seizes. While this is happening, people are fighting for EXP outside the castle.

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Chapter 17: 2/103

Warp and kill. Moulder didn't have enough range for a 1-turn, grumble grumble.

Chapter 18: 7/110

Everyone runs around killing eggs. I decide not to use Warp here.

Chapter 19: 2/112

Natasha torch spams as much as possible but is a sliver away from A staves, ughhh. Amelia runs forward and with Tethys's help, ORKOs Riev with Killer Lance on Turn 2.

Chapter 20: 4/116

No flier and still no A Staves no Nat, waaaah. Anyways, I feed both Energy Rings to her. Moulder can just barely Warp her over the mountain. She Rescues Ewan who's holding Kyle. Turn 2, she Rescues Tethys, gets danced, and then Rescues Moulder. Ewan moves into a position where Moulder can Warp him over the lake, and is then Warped. Turn 3, Moulder trades Warp to Natasha, who Warps Tethys over. Ewan drops Kyle, is danced, and then kills Morva. Turn 4, Kyle seizes. Meanwhile, Myrrh kills stuff for EXP.

Endgame Part 1: 2/118

Warp Ewan Warp Myrrh dieeeee

Endgame Part 2: 2/120

gogogogogogogogo Ewan Amelia Myrrh

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Knoll: Hahaha so frail. Summons were kinda useful in c18. But he was absent for half the game, since I took Kyle route.

Ewan: MVP. He was actually several points screwed in SPD, but he capped MAG fairly quickly due to the shitty MK MAG cap, and raped everything.

Amelia: Also very good. Better than Ewan before he promoted, but she couldn't match the extra offence magic gave him once he got a horsie. Still, invaluable early game and the 1 movement over Ewan was also quite useful.

Tethys: Dancer. Obviously very helpful.

Ephraim: Holy crap he was much worse than I expected him to be. Reginlief gave him some marginal use here and there, but not good at all. For some reason, his bases were lowered even though his level was increased. >_>

Kyle: Holy crap, SO BAD. I am NEVER drafting this guy in vanilla. He had 13 speed as a level 14/3 Paladin after a Speedwing. He also missed like a maniac despite a Secret Book as well. The best that can be said of him iss that he helped out in some rescue chains and didn't nee ferrying everywhere since he had a horse. He was worse than nerfed Ephraim.

Franz: Decent mounted filler. I was slightly disappointed with his base stats, but he got the job done most of the time.

Moulder: He was a Warpbot until Natasha got A staves. His range was absolute crap, but it still saved me turns in crucial places. He died in C20, but he'd done his job by then.

Eirika: Pretty bad, but meh last pick. She killed some monsters with Sieglinde and helped out in C18 with her horse.

Natasha: Ugh, she got to A Staves too late. Would've been much better in Knoll route. Still, Rescued/Warped to good effect once she could do so.

Myrrh: Nothing much to say about Myrrh. Did her job against Lyon and Fomortiis well.

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