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Mafia of the Manly Men

Excellen Browning

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@Shinori: I did a little research on Kenshiro Kasumi for you. Like I said earlier, he's the protagonist of the show this mafia is based on, and he's definitely a good guy. It seems that his goal is to fight three royal families and he gets the Japanese soldiers to help him out, so it makes a lot of sense that people would want revenge against him. It's very possible that whoever is looking for revenge is scum.

This was my thought process.

Originally before any flavor i thought that kenshiro might be sk but now I don't know, it's confusing.

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I just know which player Kenshiro is. I don't know if he's scum or town or the plausible sk. Except I do know some other bits of info that i don't feel at liberty to tell at the moment involving kenshiro directly.

As for what i said. I know someone that I talked to said they need to find kenshiro for revenge of some sort.

Which is why i asked recently if kenshiro is a good guy or bad guy.

Okay, that's fine. Kenshiro's the main dude, if I'm reading this right. If my role flavor is to be trusted, then I'm inclined to think he's town - otherwise, my character wouldn't be lending his aid in the form of a town role. However, I'm not sure how much of a bastard it would be to have the person looking for revenge be town, too. In the games I recall that had "look for this person for revenge" it resulted in suicide (Higurashi) and general mindfuck (Kamen Rider, where Rapier needed the doctor dead to win).

Paperblade, read what scorri had to say about Elieson's chart. Alternately, scorri shot Aere (she was suspicious of him), and mafia shot one of her/Elieson? If so, where did that third kill come from? Wait, from the wiki page, even though scorri/Elieson have names that are spelled the same when translated to English, the characters used in their last names are different. . .so they aren't related on name. However, their styles are related - scorri's is an offshoot of Elie's one. I think I'm reading way too far into flavor, but three kills in one night is driving me nuts.

Helios, I'm not gonna out who I intend on targeting tonight! There's several splits, some of which are easier to see than others. I think unifying them should oust scum in a hurry.

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Also, role sharing. Lots of it. You're not clear on behavior, and that's bugging me, because you should be clear. Town doesn't go nuts every time someone accuses them.

Psych, block obvscum, kthx.

Was referring to this, Eclipse. You've been cleared in my book so I'm gonna trust your judgment.

Also it's a good thing people read my theories on stuff. Maybe I need to become more memorable.

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Obvscum should be pretty obvious. Also, I decided to do more research on flavor, and wound up reading about how the guys I'm supposedly descended from did battle. . .which is kind of what I'm doing here. . .fucking hell. . .

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after straw's flip i don't anymore

but before that it was a combination of me somehow misinterpreting what paper said and some other stuff i can't remember right now :facepalm:

regardless i was responding to psych and his "i think this fight is being staged"

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Another day rose in Shanghai, but unfortunately, there were some that did not rise with the sun.

Kay has been killed! He was:

Dear San,

You are Zhang Tai-Yan

You are the Hong Hua Hui's number 2 man. You are a student of Hokuto Sōkaken, you are the current master's adopted son and share no blood relation with Zhang Lie-Shan. Your hobbies include killing newlywed men and then kidnapping and raping their wives. This has earned you the title of "Bride Thief".

At night you may reply to your role PM with "Night X - Kidnap <USER>". You will use all your years of experience to kidnap <USER>. <USER> will not be allowed to have to talk about the game with anyone in any way or form for the following day phase.

You are allied with the mafia. You win when you have achieved parity with the rest of the town.

Eclipse has been killed! She was:

Dear eclipse,

You are Takeshi Kitaoji

You are the head of the Kitaoji Zaibatsu and the founder of Towa Women's University. The Kitaoji Zaibatsu is one of the largest business conglomerates in Japan and it has branches in Shanghai as well. The life of you and your daughter were once saved by a certain student of Hokuto. Grateful to him, you decide to help him out.

At night you may reply to your role PM with "Night X - Keep an eye on <USER>" Your men will keep an eye of who <USER> visits and who <USER> is visited by and they will report back to you by the dawn of the following day. In short, you are the Tracker and Watcher.

You are allied with the town. You win when all threats to the town have been killed.

Helios has been killed! He was:

Dear Helios,

You are Kenshiro Kasumi

You are the 62nd successor to Hokuto Shin Ken. You are known in Shang-hai as Wang-Yan a.k.a. the God of Death. After meeting your old peng-you Li Yong-Jian, you learn of the trouble the Qing Bang and decide to return to Shang-hai to once again fight for your Peng-you. You are a chain smoker, bot for whatever reason have a better sense of smell than a dog's.

At night you may reply to your role PM with one of the following:

"Night X - You are already dead". That night, you will kill regardless of any protections. However, if you kill one of your Peng-you, you will commit suicide out of shame.

"Night X - Smell ". That night you will use your extraordinary sense of smell to learn your target's alignment.

"Night X - I will protect my Peng-you !". You will protect from all lethal night actions.

"Night X - Stay Awake". You will stay awake, all night actions including lethal ones will be blocked, and you will learn who visited you that night.

However you may only use all of these above powers once. In short, you are the Jack of all Trades.

You are allied with the town. You win when all threats to the town have been killed.

Also, La Levedad has won! She was:

Dear Levedad,

You are Yasaka

A mysterious green-eyed warrior, you are the descendant of the Yuezhi people who carries a 2000 year old grudge against the Hokuto. You are a student of the Seito Gekken style, on which Hokuto found its basis. You from time to time claim your name means "to see God" in ancient Hebrew. You have come to Shanghai to sacrifice the men of Hokuto to your God. You hold a grudge especially against Kasumi Kenshiro, for it was his ancestor who caused the grudge.

Every night, you must respond to your role PM with "Night X - Fight <USER>". You will have a duel to the death with <USER> to please your God. This will usually kill them, but might end up killing you instead. You have been warned. Not fighting one night will make your God displeased and he will smite you down with lightning.

You win when you fight Kenshiro Kasumi. Alternatively, when Kenshiro Kasumi has died, you win when you are the last one standing.

La Levedad has fulfilled her wincon and has been removed from the game.

Remember, Paperblade is allowed only one CPS instead of the normal three.

It is now Day 3. Phase ends in approximately 75 hours and 30 minutes from this post on, or 10:00 GMT +1 on Wednesday.

If you should have recieved a result but did not, please contact me or Daigoji Excellen.

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....I don't even.

I'll just assume mafia killed someone, Helios killed someone and died cause it was the wrong person, and then Bizz killed someone and won.

5. Psych

7. paperblade

10. bigbangmeteor

11. Iris

14. Shinori

15. Camtech

There are all the people left, right?

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5. Psych

7. paperblade

10. bigbangmeteor

11. Iris

14. Shinori

15. Camtech

There are all the people left, right?

Because I cannot edit the OP, Yes.

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okay it's pretty obvious bizz killed helios

do we have another vig? It's possible helios killed kay (actually i wouldn't put it past anyone)

and maf shot eclipse for being obvtown and trackerwatcher



now what

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Not sure. We don't really have many other targets, but I out of everyone left I would say Shinori and Paper are the scummiest.

##Vote Paperblade

I mean, BBM is pretty clear. It is possible Paper picked eclipse as the target last night cause of the arguement, but still....

Unless we want to lynch Cam because of his powers I don't thnk we have any other targets. Shinori's role is kinda weird, and now that most everyone is dead I'm not even sure if his thing will work.

Not sure about Iris, but she seemed fine from my CPS with her, so yeah, things point to Paper.

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i seriously doubt we're at mylo

we've gotten three scum now so it's most likely that there's only one left (unless 5 scum apparently isn't unbalanced for a 15-player game?)


if we are

lynch me

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I know I'm town.

Camtech is supposedly virgin, is plausible to lynch tonight if need be.

BBM is town cause of cop.

Which leaves iris paper and psych.

15 players and a hostile third party that actually has to kill a specific person.

4 scum 1 third seems decently balanced with a godfather I think.

Which means 1 scum left is most likely probably.

Test run:

Lynch Person A today: 4-1

Nk - 3-1

Lynch person b 2-1

nk 1-1 lose game.

Which means we pick from paper iris and psych we can lynch two, if we have another sort of killing ability we can kill another, if mafia can kill twice we go into this scenario:

Lynch person a today 4-1

two deaths 2-1

Lynch 1-1 lose game.

Obviously both of the above is assuming nothing but ML's to see where we stand at.

If what psych is saying is true that means Paper is scum. I kind of want to say he's bullshitting me but I think paper has been scum as well for most of the game.

Therefore, Vote: Paperblade

Most probable scum.

Also Cam i was the first person in the game to openly claim I believe. My entire role pm is back on day 2.

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