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Another FE8 PMU

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So uh, only 9. I want to try and clear valini and lagdou with them afterwards as well. Feel free to pick classes as well. Also, no Seth. I may or may not log this, but I'm not LTCing. I won't grind in the tower and will go whichever route I see fit.


1. Super Recruit Amelia - Horac

2. Super Pupil Ewan - BBM

3. Sniper Neimi - breeze

4. Assassin Marisa - Jedi

5. Super Recruit Ross - Refa

6. Warrior Garcia - Shin

7. General THWOMP - CR

8. MK L'Arachel- 13th

9. Myrrh - Lucina

Edited by Serious Bababas
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Just stabbed everything with Eirika and got repaid with an awful level up.

Chapter 1

Eirika ran into some trouble due to unlucky hits from fighters landing. THWOMP procced speed on his first level. Eirika has not procced speed at level 4.

Chapter 2

Grabbed Ross and left Garcia to fend for himself. Ross got about 3 levels, and a speed proc. Eirika still hasn't got a speed proc.

Chapter 3

Eirika finally gets speed. I grabbed a chest key for the angelic robe later on, and tried to feed kills to Ross and Neimi. In fact, I spent about 20 turns trying to feed Neimi the bosskill.

Unit	T0	T1	T2	HP	Pow	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res	Weapon Ranks		Supports
Eirika	-	8.24	-	18	6	12	12	9	6	4	Sword - C		None
Gilliam	-	7.22	-	27	10	7	4	4	10	4	Lance - C		None	
Ross	6.00	-	-	19	10	4	6	9	4	0	Axe - E			None
Garcia	-	4.94	-	28	8	7	7	3	5	1	Axe - C			None
Neimi	-	2.85	-	17	5	6	7	5	3	2	Bow - D			None

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