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Anonymous Mafia - Game Over


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[spoiler=Rules]- I'm the mod and my word is final, deal with it and don't try to find loopholes in my rules or do things that you would expect I wouldn't want you to do (if you're not sure, then ask)

- NOC, don't talk to people about the game outside of the thread unless your role lets you (this affects dead folks as well). when i say people i mean "anyone except the mods and informed observers", you don't even know who's in the game

- similarly: don't post at night unless I say you can, and if you're dead, you shut up unless I say you can talk

- don't claim your true identity. if you post in the game with you real account, or post outside the game with your fake account, there will be repercussions (using a different browser helps!)

- don't quote communications with the mod (role PMs, night results, etc) unless given permission

- don't screenshot things

- don't edit your posts

- 72 hour days, 24 hour nights

- 24 hours without posting = modprod, 48 hours without posting = modkill / forced replace

- on D1, the player with the largest amount of votes at the end of the day will be lynched. in the case of a tie, whoever has less posts in the thread dies.

- on D2 onwards, hammers are required to lynch people. the first time there's no majority by the time deadline hits while this is active, then i will RNG the lynch target. the second time, the game will instantly end in universal loss.

- if an RNG'd lynch target is not voting, they will be modkilled instead of lynched

- if somebody hammers, stop talking until I post the flip

- if a majority (same amount as hammer) is voting no lynch by the end of the phase, nobody will be lynched. if all living players except one are voting no lynch, the day will instantly end without a lynch.

- if a day phase ends and your anonymous account doesn't have an avatar for both mod and player convenience, you get modkilled

- if you're modkilled for a reason other than inactivity then you lose, gg

- if you get somebody else modkilled, you get modkilled too

- if you die for a reason other than modkill and no revival abilities are in play, you will be given access to the graveyard quicktopic, where you can discuss the game with other dead folks (though it's requested you keep your identity a secret).

- anything obvious that I forgot to mention applies

- don't be lame

- play2win

[spoiler=Set-up Information]- day start

- all players have roles

- all players are on the playerlist

- slight bastard mod. nothing incredibly mindfuckesque but expect some dodgy roles here and there, as well as subverted expectations

- roles are RNG'd independently of your anonymous name, but will be given (probably contrived) flavor based on RNG result

- only alignment and role names will be flipped, role PMs and identities are kept secret until postgame

- scum may only no kill once, a theoretical sk may no kill without limit

- the scum role sent on the NK will not be able to use other actions that night, unless they have a role or action specifically designed to bypass this

- dumb shit like jester, disguiser, death miller, death godfather, any cop sanity other than sane, any rng-based role (such as nexus or faith healer), etc is not in the game

- if posting restrictions are included (no promises), they won't mess with the clarity or tone of posts or otherwise hinder one's ability to play the game

- if you can't be seen by a tracker / watcher you will be explicitly told so

- you will be told whether your action failed or not, but not what caused it to fail

- you will be told if your action is redirected

- lylo and variations may or may not be announced. if they will be, then i will not confirm this until i actually have to announce them

Alive: (red = unconfirmed scum)

  • 5. ILoveTangerine [ISO]
  • 8. Shotta [ISO]
  • 12. Trafalgar [ISO]


  • 1. Asparagus, Town Doctor - killed Day 1 [ISO]
  • 15. Yoshimi, Scum Vigilante Enabler - lynched Day 1 [ISO]
  • 2. Colin Mochrie, Town Bingo Player - killed Night 1 [ISO]
  • 13. Vanilla Diet Coke, Town Gravedigger - lynched Day 2 [ISO]
  • 11. tails1996, Town Persuader - killed Night 2 [ISO]
  • 14. VoltTackle, Town Jack of All Trades - lynched Day 3 [ISO]
  • 9. Sparrrow, Town Crane Folder - killed Night 3 [ISO]
  • 10. Sundown Sundown, Scum Heavy Mole - lynched Day 4 [ISO]
  • 6. NE93B27J3U, ???????? - killed Night 4 [ISO]
  • 4. Eternlty Eternlty Eternlty, Town Janitor - modkilled Day 5 [ISO]
  • 7. Perseus, Town Interceptor - killed Night 5 [ISO]
  • 3. Daniel Craig, Town Insomniac - killed Night 6 [ISO]

Handy Links (30ppp):

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I am currently in the process of setting up the anonymous accounts, finishing up role PMs and sending them out. After that, the confirmation will begin. Do not post until I allow you to.

EDIT: All anonymous accounts created, awaiting admin validation.

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All role PMs are out. Confirm in-thread with your anonymous account when you receive yours. All roles were picked randomly and then I made up some silly flavor for them afterwards.

Remember to use a different browser for your anonymous account if it helps you not accidentally post with the wrong one or something.

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i kinda want to know this

Yes, under certain conditions (I need to keep track of the users and passwords, people can't use their anonymous accounts to post elsewhere, etc).

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Yes, under certain conditions (I need to keep track of the users and passwords, people can't use their anonymous accounts to post elsewhere, etc).


also i think i can tell who is who just by looking at their word patterns and grammar

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If you have player guesses, PM them to me. I'll give a shout-out to whoever did the best job on those during postgame.

This goes for the people who are actually playing, too.

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