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NEWS on sony smash brothers (ripoff)

Cammy white

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I have no problem with a SSB ripoff, personally. I think it's a cool concept that bigger companies like Sony would be foolish to pass up on.

What I think is stupid is the lack of lots of real characters that made Sony a famous powerhouse. Characters like Jak and Daxter are sensible, and especially ones that give it flavor like Parappa the Rapper, but Cole McGrath? Fat Princess? Are these really characters that instantly spring to mind when Sony is announced? And don't even get me started on Big Daddy. Why? Just why?

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I personally welcome the idea.

It is, as you say, a blatant ripoff of the Smash Bros. series. Everyone knows this, thus I think this is Sony's goodwill gesture towards Nintendo. Nintendo owes Sony nothing, the way I see it.

Edited by Raven
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I dunno, Mario for the Sony game would be super weird. It wouldn't seem right.

And on the game in general the gameplay doesn't look as fun as SSB and I care/know way less about Sony characters, so I don't really think it looks fun, but eh, I'm sure it'll be fun for Sony fans.

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I have no problem with a SSB ripoff, personally. I think it's a cool concept that bigger companies like Sony would be foolish to pass up on.

What I think is stupid is the lack of lots of real characters that made Sony a famous powerhouse. Characters like Jak and Daxter are sensible, and especially ones that give it flavor like Parappa the Rapper, but Cole McGrath? Fat Princess? Are these really characters that instantly spring to mind when Sony is announced? And don't even get me started on Big Daddy. Why? Just why?

The bigger issue is that you can't actually kill anyone without using their final-smash-esque attacks. From what I've heard, it doesn't matter how much percentage damage occurs, as it will never let the opponent be defeated. It kinda takes away the specialness of the final-attack stuff if it's mandatory every time. That leads to repetition, which can lead to the final-thing becoming less and less awesome over time. A somewhat poor artistic decision :/

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when i think sony the only thing that instantly comes to mind is rachet clank jak and daxter

other than that for the most part its like who are these characters

i think i saw the trailer for this game during e3

and the physics look just like ssb

but hey as long as its fun let the ps3 owners have it

edit: now when is microsoft coming out with their brawl game

the only 2 playable characters will be master chief and gears of war protag

Edited by Agile Tit-Tyrant
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Does anyone have a link that shows that the developers want Nintendo characters in Playstation All Stars?

Anyways, as for my opinion on the game, I personally think it's neat and I'll definitely be interested in playing it. Though I personally don't think I'll enjoy it as much as Smash Bros.

Regarding the roster, I'm pretty much in the same boat as all of you (not knowing most of the characters that well, or in Big Daddy's and Radec's case, not even knowing they existed). Like a lot of other fans, I'm hoping that Crash Bandicoot and Spyro make it in (especially since the roster is way too PS2 and PS3 era heavy currently).

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Even tho they're not exactly Sony guys.

Okay, yeah, that's true. But Sony still needs to find a way to use characters like you mentioned; Crash, Spyro, Lara, Cloud, Rayman. I can understand the inclusion of new characters, but they shouldn't be everything in their arsenal. It needs to be ones that evoke a sense of nostalgia or ones that get the ball rolling for people that an unknowing audience-member might be interested to inquire about. One of the cooler things that everyone always liked about each Super Smash would be to explain everything for people who weren't hardcore fans of the series. "Whoa. Who's this Ness kid? What game is he from?"

Getting the Big Daddy had to have been a hassle in terms of money. I guarantee they could have gotten the rights to half a dozen more reminiscent characters (if, admittedly, less known by everyone) for the same price they had to pay.

The bigger issue is that you can't actually kill anyone without using their final-smash-esque attacks. From what I've heard, it doesn't matter how much percentage damage occurs, as it will never let the opponent be defeated. It kinda takes away the specialness of the final-attack stuff if it's mandatory every time. That leads to repetition, which can lead to the final-thing becoming less and less awesome over time. A somewhat poor artistic decision :/

I've heard this on general threads about /v/, and it sounds like an awful, awful decision. To add to that, a lot of the animations for characters seem to be the same. Like for when characters get collapsed, launched into the air, etc. Looks very lazy.

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It'd be a ripoff if it'd actually play like Smash Bros.

That's my biggest complaint about the game, actually. It isn't copying Smash Bros well enough!

Yeah, seriously. Even if it was a complete ripoff, that means we'd have four Smash Bros games instead of just three.

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Does anyone have a link that shows that the developers want Nintendo characters in Playstation All Stars?

I`ve searched and couldn't find anything :(:

But I wholeheartedly welcome the idea of Mario beating up Sony`s most(?) valued Mascots on their own console!

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The bigger issue is that you can't actually kill anyone without using their final-smash-esque attacks. From what I've heard, it doesn't matter how much percentage damage occurs, as it will never let the opponent be defeated. It kinda takes away the specialness of the final-attack stuff if it's mandatory every time. That leads to repetition, which can lead to the final-thing becoming less and less awesome over time. A somewhat poor artistic decision :/

Also, it seems like it would make the ability to connect with a final attack of huge importance in determining how good a character is...

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"What is Infamous and who is Cole?"


I think is more the problem. Nobody knows who anyone actually is. It's not "Oh ffs it's Cole", it's more "Who the fuck is Cole?", I think.

Because I for one have no idea who Cole is or even heard of the game 'Infamous'.

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inFamous (this is the "correct" spelling) is a series revolving around the development of superhero powers in a sandbox world. The player assumes the role of Cole MacGrath, who is along with thousands of others a victim of an explosion that tears Empire City apart. Cole survives the blast, and wakes four days later to find that he has gained the power of electrokinesis. However, Empire City is in chaos, and is consumed with rampant crime and plague. The government has quarantined the city, leaving Cole to clean up the city and discover the root of his abilities and what caused them.

It's a notable sandbox title, one of the better ones out there to be released within the past few years.

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