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Looking for a Good Game to Play

luigi bros

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I've pretty much got no games that I want to play, so I'm looking for advice on a game or series to get into.

I've played:


Donkey Kong


Final Fantasy

Fire Emblem (Obviously)


I've tried the Disgaea, Pokemon, and Sonic series, but I didn't really get into it or enjoy it.

So any advice as to what to play? I know there are a lot of different gamers here that have different interests, so based on what I've played, what is similar?

Also, I can't stand blood, so anything gory is out.

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Castlevania: I recommend the ones on GBA(play at least Aria of Sorrow) and DS(all of them cause they are that good). Though I wouldn't hurt to play the classic non-metroidvania games too.

Radiant Historia: Very good RPG, that's all I have to say.

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Dragon Quest? Maybe give us some tips on what kinds of games or genres you enjoy.

RPGs mainly. That and platformers like Mario.

Are the Dragon Quest series good? I've very briefly played the first one, and it didn't stand out.

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Super Robot Taisen J. There's an English patch for it and it's definitely one of the easier SRWs I've played (just go with Granteed or Bellzelute as your original).

Golden Sun series

Contra series

Castlevania series

Megaman, Megaman X and Megaman Zero series

Advance Wars series

Metroid series

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RPGs mainly. That and platformers like Mario.

Are the Dragon Quest series good? I've very briefly played the first one, and it didn't stand out.

They're pretty fun, if you can get into them. They're much more about the barest of RPG playing though, with the later games having really quirky, episodic, flavorful story-telling.

You want JRPG games mostly? 'Cause, you can go with something like Neverwinter Nights 2 and be happy for ages probably. Ever played the Breath of Fire games?

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I really enjoy the Tales of _____ series, they are kinda hard to find but in the story alone you should get at least a good 40 hours worth of playtime.

Idk what systems you have but Tales of Symphonia(gc/ps2), the Abyss(ps2 and 3ds remake), and Vesperia(360) are awesome. They are jrpgs if you are wondering.

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Are there any other series like Golden Sun?

In what way? In terms of the djinn/class system, I don't know of any.

Are the Dragon Quest series good? I've very briefly played the first one, and it didn't stand out.

The first one is a bit retro, I think, though I wouldn't be surprised if it has its good points. I would say that DQVII and IV are the high points for the DQ games I have played. DQVII has a plot which is almost entirely about exploring a world that you're helping to expand, and is just really fun to, umm, explore. Class sytems are fun too, though for my part I did end up grinding some when I first got classes, and near the end of the first disc. DQ IV has a shifting POV and I just thought it was a lot of fun. I really liked DQVIII at first but got a bit bored after recruiting Angelo, hopefully I'll get back to it at some point. Others can speak to the other games in the series.

If you like Mario and Donkey Kong, try Megaman and Megaman X series, Metroid (probably best to start with Prime 1, Fusion, or Super Metroid), Castlevania (specifically SotN or Ecclesia might be good starting places), as mentioned above. You could also see if you like Cave Story, which is free. In terms of 3d platforming, I'm not as huge a fan of Ubisoft's flagship 3d climb and jump titles (Assassin's Creed and Prince of Persia) as most people but I think the first 3d Prince of Persia game was still really fun. I'd also look into Beyond Good and Evil. Speaking of desert princes in 2d, I've heard great things about Disney's Aladdin.

I'd also recommend the Portal games. They're not that long, but they're great all the same.

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Like many others others I'd recommend Mega Man and some of the spinoffs (It even has a few good RPGs!). If you're going to check it out, this site would be a great help! On a side note, this is the same site that got me into spelling it with a space (which is apparently quite important to Capcom themselves, believe it or not).

Note: They could be hard to find, but they're easy enough to emulate.

Edited by CrashGordon94
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... Well, I was going to say FPSes before the age of 'cower behind a wall to regenerate health', but the no blood thing kinda cockblocks that. You CAN turn off blood in UT, but... that would just feel weird.

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I've pretty much played the entire series of the games of mentioned.

I've played a Megaman game, but it didn't really stand out (the original one).

I'll look into Dragon Quest, Golden Sun, and Radiant Historia.

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I've pretty much played the entire series of the games of mentioned.

I've played a Megaman game, but it didn't really stand out (the original one).

I'll look into Dragon Quest, Golden Sun, and Radiant Historia.

Try Megaman X 1

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I'd recommend Ys: The Oath in Felghana, if you're gaming on the PC. It's a RPG with some platforming elements (suited to your tastes, so far) and a heavy focus on fast-paced action. It's also on sale at a very cheap price at the moment...

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It seems you are into titles which are abundant on Nintendo systems, and like meat and bones on them, but not ones that tend to be more "hardcore" titles. So I would echo the above to check out Golden Sun 1 and 2 and Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow, for the GBA. I would also like to pitch in and recommend trying out the Phoenix Wright series for the DS.

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Skyrim is gory?

You kill humans and there is blood everywhere.

And then I could rob them of their equipment and they would be half naked!

Nevermind the capacitations and finishing moves!!

Edited by Ike-Mike
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You kill humans and there is blood everywhere.

And then I could rob them of their equipment and they would be half naked!

Nevermind the capacitations and finishing moves!!

The only thing up until now that I found slightly gory were the bloodied werewolf heads on stakes. And that one decapitation. For everything else, the blood looks fake, wounds are red paint applied to the body, you can't chop limbs off, fire doesn't leave scary burn wounds, the finishing moves aren't really as brutal as they're made out to be(they're actually kind of stupid. shoving a not-so-sharp sword straight through a skull? You can do better than that, Bethesda)

And then it made me wonder why the towns never have heads on sticks near their gates, like was usual in medieval times.

So again, I don't really get how skyrim is gory.

Edited by Daigoji Excellen
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... Well, I was going to say FPSes before the age of 'cower behind a wall to regenerate health', but the no blood thing kinda cockblocks that. You CAN turn off blood in UT, but... that would just feel weird.

Play German version of whatever FPS--most gore is explicitly removed or exchanged for something else (TF2 turns gibs into rubber duckies and junk...).

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Skyrim occasionally has gore in the environment but the player character is incapable of inflicting any sort of wound that looks realistic. I am not a gore fan either but I find Skyrim palatable for my weak sensibilities. I personally like the game but your enjoyment really hinges on how much one enjoys sandbox games in the first place. Always buy these types of game for the PC as there is a robust mod community.

As for my own recommendation, I seriously love Ghost Trick for the DS and iOS. Rune Factory 3 on the DS is also excellent and requires no familiarity with previous entries into the series. However, Frontier and Tides of Destiny are also solid entries available on the Wii, the latter also on the PS3. I also recommend Xenoblade if you have a Wii, and the Persona and other Megami Tensei games if you have a PS2.

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