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Rate The Unit 19: Palla


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Dat Rules (borrowed/stolen from Integrity)

- Ratings are assumed to be on Normal.

- Votes need some explanation regarding their gameplay performance to be counted. If somebody has already given good reason for a score +/- half a point from yours, you can decide not to explain your score, but I always encourage personal reasoning. Incredibly low scores or high scores without proper justification will not be counted. Don't put in some random text thinking it'd count as justification. Put in at least a little thought and give REAL reasoning.

+/- ≤1 point extra regarding personality/appearance is encouraged, but no more. If you exercise your bias privileges, please do so explicitly. Also, if your vote is already a 10/10 or greater than 9 and you give a full point of bias, The score may not exceed 10!

- Numerical votes out of 10, or something proportional to it. Make it easy to calculate for my sake.

- Every ranking phase ends from 2100 to 2200 EST. Every ranking phase starts from 2200 EST to 2300 EST. Do the math if you are in another timezone!

- I will insist you do not use the "Not X" reason on any character, where X is another unit. If you do, your vote will be thrown out.

- "Recruits X" or "takes you to X chapter" arguments are explicitly banned. C'mon, people, this shouldn't need to be a rule. That's not gameplay performance.

- Assume that the character in question is being recruited.

- Similar to the "Recruits X" rule, do not use "He Comes with a Free Weapon" as an argument.

- I withhold the privilege to tell you your rating is bogus and demand you revise it if it breaks any of the above. I will not throw out votes anonymously, you will be informed and given a chance to revise.


Clerbe/Cleive: 3.91

Robin: 4.45

Boowy/Boey 4.64

Cellica/Celica: 6.06

May: 6.15

Fols/Force: 6.78

Grey: 6.85

Valbo: 7.10



Clea/Claire: 7.58

Jenny 7.61

Ruka/Luka: 7.89

Cliff: 8.31

Silk: 8.47

Paison/Python: 8.60

Sevr/Saber: 9.26

Alm: 9.59


A Goddess. I mean it. A Goddess. Flies, nice base stats, good joining time. Sure she doesn't grow well in skill, speed, and luck. But she does get more Defensive Parameters than any other flier not named Est. In no time, she will be a great asset against monsters after class change and giving her the holy spear before she can reach that goal. It's best to give her the Angel Ring for the first few level gains, so she doesn't have a hard time in the desert chapter whereas you have to fight either Sonia, or Deen. Plus not taking bonus damage from arrows. You can expect her to cap in a few 40's too with enough work. ^_^ Use her. She is the third best unit in the game! Wish she was this good in Marth's games.

Note: I never lost her in combat in any of my 10+ something runs. That's how invincible she is.


Edited by アイネ
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Shee's pretty good though flawed from the get go, then amazing once she becomes a Falconknight. She has problems against certain enemies due to her speed, but her value in destroying monsters cannot be understated. Flying and triangle attack are nifty too. 8.5+1 bias for a 9.5/10

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Shee's pretty good though flawed from the get go, then amazing once she becomes a Falconknight. She has problems against certain enemies due to her speed, but her value in destroying monsters cannot be understated. Flying and triangle attack are nifty too. 8.5+1 bias for a 9.5/10

8.5 for me not a big a fan so no extra bias point .

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Broken... The pegasus sisters are absolutely broken in this game, because they'll have a huge advantage in chapter 3 and 4 when about all other units will be slowed down due to terrain, they fly, have high movement overall and the best thing: all three of them are actually usable in this game, including Est, which means they become excellent boss killers thanks to the triangle attack. Not to mention they'll also be your main units against monsters, against which they do extra damage as soon as they're promoted.

Okay, now Palla in particular. Good bases and okay growths. Her stats will still be very good, except for her speed. Later on, she usually loses the ability to double, but she is usually the more durable of the two to me. You may want to give her the silver lance and Catria the heavier Javelin because of this. But still a goddess on wings and one of the best combat units in the game, especially against monsters. Only Alm and Catria are better.


Edited by WindMage25
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So what can I say about Palla that's not already been said? On Celica's side flying utility is absolutely amazing and Palla's a pretty great unit on top of that. Her bases are good and strong growths in HP, strength and defence will mean she'll remain bulky, basically a stand-in for a Dracoknight. She's probably the worst Pegasus Knight on Celica's team, mostly because Catria and Est (when she gets going) are even better but her lack of skill and speed will let her down later in the game. In spite of this, though, she's one of the best units in the game and will absolutely dominate in chapters 3 and 4.

8.8/10, amazing flight utility and great combat, a little let down lategame by mediocre skill and speed

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