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Battle City Finals Minimafia: FINAL D4 [FINISHED, Now with Postgame]


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And if you hadn't been "cleared" by the rolecop, I'd be all over you, Bizz. And do you think I am a scum neighbour or not? Don't say "Nope I refuse to believe there is one, even though it would actually make sense." Take a side.

Scum apparently have a roleblocker (town roleblocker didn't claim so we can assume it's scum unless Aere is a great liar), so we can rule that out

but we don't know the other scum role

also I refuse to believe there is one even though it would make sense in this setup, I'm not going to lie. go ahead and hound me.

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I fully agree that it would make sense in this set-up. I was half suspicious of Helios before he himself brought up the topic of scum neighbours, which made me feel better because a scum neighbour would be unlikely to bring up the topic himself. I just don't like how you're casting suspicion on me while saying that you don't think I'm scum at the same time.

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I'm not trying to cast suspicion on you? It's just that you said it yourself: don't trust all claimed roles. Why are you suddenly telling me to do the opposite, and why are you being a hypocrite?

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You are casting suspicion on me, with statements like "I've been getting scumvibes from BBM since before N1 ended." And I'm not being a hypocrite by asking you to stick with one side or the other.

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Just because I've been getting scumvibes from you doesn't make you scum

You're misunderstanding me a lot

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why is it that's it's perfectly ok to cast suspicion on me when I'm not really sure what the case is anymore, but it's not ok to state that I have scumvibes on you and leave it at that? I might be like the only one in the game who's even remotely suspicious of you right now, why do you care so badly?

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Okay, all right with Manix lynch, but I refuse to hammer.

Will be mad if you guys lynch me, since my role hints of changing. Also, like someone mentioned, I am Bakura. Also, why doesn't everyone character claim, I don't see how at this point it could hurt anyone. Like, Vanilla!Tristan kind of makes sense since Tristan is totally useless, etc, if anything, it makes claims more sound.

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I agree with a character claim, we've all massclaimed at this point

even though I don't know how much more it will help really

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The point isn't that there's just one person who's even remotely suspicious of me, the point is that to me, it looks like that one person is trying to play both sides, by essentially saying that I seem suspicious, but am probably not scum. And I'd dropped my case against you for the most part until you started saying this.

Can we please drop this now? I don't think it's getting us anywhere and is wasting our time because we're like the only people here with only 7 hours to go, and there's no clear lynch target as of yet.

Also Tristan saves Serenity in Noah's Kingdom.

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Manix- ???, Bomb

Shinori- Tristan, Vanilla

Aere- Mokuba, Rolecop

Eclipse/Iris- Bakura, Lyncher

Serious Bananas- Yugi, 1-shot Deathproof

BBM- Mai, Neighbour

Cap'n Flint- ???, Vanilla with Info

La Levedad- Kaiba, 1-shot Governor

Those are the claims so far

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But I'm not trying to play both sides


also it looks like people want to lynch Manix but he needs to get in here first, and we need to decide on a hammer

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Manix (3): Cap'n Flint, Shinori, BBM

Shinori (1): La Levedad

Elieson (1): Prims

Voteless: Manix, Serious Bababas, Iris, Aere

Manix is at L-2.

6 hours left.

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Definitely the former type of bomb, the nightkill only type. If you really don't want me around, just policy lynch me.

I'm also Duke Devlin, btw. I get to throw dice at my killer to kill them in return. (Don't argue with this, its the flavor I got)

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Or we could just unvote/tie it up.

After a closer inspection of Bizz's role, wouldn't it make more sense if it was scum? Town can always just unvote.

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Or we could just unvote/tie it up.

After a closer inspection of Bizz's role, wouldn't it make more sense if it was scum? Town can always just unvote.

Tie it up?

And let scum quick hammer?


If we are at 5-2-1 scenario that means we lose.

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Can we stop considering that i may be scum

Scum can always have a rolecop to counter the bomb and stuff you know

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