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Battle City Finals Minimafia: FINAL D4 [FINISHED, Now with Postgame]


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The thing is, due to the Marth kill N1, scum!Aere only makes sense with scum!Bizz as his buddy. There was absolutely no reason to kill Marth, a player who almost got lynched D1 and could easily have been mislynched D2, unless they knew his role. And if Aere is the scum Rolecop and inspected Marth N0, the only way he could have known Bizz's role on D1 is if they were scumbuddies. And I am not getting scumvibes from Bizz right now.

asdasfadfsa I say use your role Bizz.

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what is with the anonymous users

actually, that wasn't me for once

manix didn't always used to be anonymous, though, although in recent times he is; basically the anons are: me, prims, manix

elieson i think your votals are wrong, blitz is voting for shinori, not shinori himself :/

wouldn't care either way whether bizz uses her role or not.

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but what about iris

manix what do you think

about stopping the lynch? I still don't think it's a good idea. Aere didn't really give enough justification to indicate that he shouldn't be lynched, personally ("I'm not scum")

although right now we're going to NL :/

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Ugh. I need to go to bed. Like sometime soon. When is phase end? around 90 mins ish?

Ugh. Fine. ##Vote: Aere

I'm going to sleep. If you plan on changing the target make sure to do so, however if we aren't lynching aere I would prefer levy use her ability to stop any lynch so as we have another day guaranteed.

like here

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Shinori (2): La Levedad, Cap'n Flint

Aere (3): Manix, BBM, Shinori

Elieson (1): Prims

Voteless: Serious Bababas, Iris, Aere

29 min remaining

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Shinori (2): La Levedad, Cap'n Flint

Aere (3): Manix, BBM, Shinori

Elieson (1): Prims

Voteless: Serious Bababas, Iris, Aere

29 min remaining

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##Vote: Shinori

I don't really want to get lynched. I can just inspect more people N2, so...

If you are indeed town, you are getting hooked 100% tonight.

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Who do you think you are? I run this tournament, and I alone control the destiny of its competitors.

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