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Battle City Finals Minimafia: FINAL D4 [FINISHED, Now with Postgame]


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Aere (2) - BigBangMeteor, Manix

Manix (5) - La Levedad, Shinori, Aere, Cap'n Flint, Serious Bababas

Serious Bababas (1) - Iris

3 hr Grace Period Go.

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With the first round matches ending with epic plays and surprises to everyone, the announcenents for the Semifinals were made.

Yugi vs Bakura, Yugi Wins.

Seto vs Ishizu, Seto wins by default.

Joey vs. Marik, Joey wonMarik won by default, since Joey flew straight towards Earth prior to the match.

Namu vs Mai, Namu wins, and reveals himself to be Marik

Something wasn't right though. When the final match revealed the real Marik, the skies went black. The Shadow Realm was made evident around them.

A deep, mysterious voice spoke from the darkness "Soon children, soon", and then the skies cleared as quickly as they had appeared. With this, the Duelists, and everyone else felt they knew who called the Shadows. Almost compelled to attack, everyone grabbed a blunt object, clenched their fists, and stared down the one whom they felt was responsible for this madness.

When the dust had settled, and everyone regained their senses, it was.apparent. They all stood in a circle around the bloody mess that had once been breathing alongside them all. Everyone swallowed their fear and looked to the sky in peace; they had made the right choice.

Manix has been lynched. He was.....

Dear Player Manix, Marik Ishtar.

You are a blood child of the Egyptian Guardians of the Millenium items of ancient past. You have studied through and through, the power the the Millenium items are capable of. However, this knowledge has unleashed a greed inside of you and your Millenium Rod, that has created an alternate personality within yourself that you cannot control, and is obviously evil. You are facading as Namu, an innocent boy, in the tournament, to get closer to Yugi and Kaiba and take their Egyptian God cards for yourself.

You use your mind controlling powers of the Millenium Rod to take what it is that you want, through the efforts of the Rare Hunters, in an ultimate hunt for the 3 Egyptian God Monsters' cards. You have one, but seek the power of all three.

With your Millenium Rod, you have the power to stop others from acting on their own, but because of some strange presence within the tournament, you are unable to use this ability consecutively.

You are the Non-consecutive night Role Blocker. You may block anyone's role, starting on any night, but require an entire night to refocus your energy and role block again. You may respond to your role PM with "##Night XX: [uSER], perhaps you would rather sit this one out."

You are allied with the Mafia. You win if all Town are eliminated.

Night preperation 2 for tommorow's Semifinal duels begin now, bringing Phase End to 36 hours from now, or 2000 GMT -6, 8/2 (9 pm Eastern US, 8 pm Central US, or 6 am Western US).

Begin Night Duel Preperation 2 everyone.

Edited by Elieson
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Manix was Marik

alliteration woop

But I'm surprised Manix would out his own teammate, it really strikes me as odd. Maybe Aere isn't actually his scumbuddy, or there is a third scum in the game.

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With the setting of the moon came the light of day, of the Semifinals of the tournament that controlled the fate of the world. With Marik stopped, things seemed at ease for now, but once again, the ancient influence of the Shadows was still causing fear and concern among the duelists.

As the remaining competitors and visitors arrived at the Sky Deck, something seemed amiss.

"One, two, three... Everyone's here. Wait, we are a head shy. Has someone overslept? We got rid of Marik, so everyone is safe, right? Wait...an obvious duelist isn't here."

Wrong, were the words of the survivor. As time passed, it grew more evident that the anxiety each individual felt from the night was not without fair reason. The duelists, all agreeing on a temporary game halt, searched the airship for any strange activity.

"Hey everyone, over here! You might want to check this out...."

La Levedad has been killed. She was.....

Dear Player La Levedad, Seto Kaiba.

You are an incredibly powerful and skilled duelist, as well as one of the most successful businessmen in the entire world. You have rebuilt Kaiba Corp. from a militaristic monopoly to an internationally successful gaming company. You and your brother run the company together, but it is your strong arm and quick mind that keep the technology in the company advancing.

With all this money and skill, you are not the best. You have failed to defeat Yugi Moto in a legit duel, and have decided to use your resources to better yourself. You have put on the world's largest dueling competition, and are also one of its top competitors.

Because of your immense wealth and power, and the fact that you host your own tournament, you have the ability to negate the lynching of one of the participants. However, this uses up the majority of your available resources, as you are hosting the tournament on a blimp, and cannot land. Also, you cannot use this ability to protect yourself.

You are One-Time Governor. You may post in thread "Who do you think you are? I run this tournament, and I alone control the destiny of its competitors!" You will cancel the lynch of any player other than yourself, and end the day phase immediately.

You are allied with the Town. You win if all threats to the Town are eliminated.

Semifinal Day Duels begin now, bringing Phase End to 48 hours from now, or 1400 GMT -6, 8/3 (3:00 pm Eastern US, 2:00 pm Central US, or 12:00 pm Western US).

Begin Day 3 everyone.

And fyi, it's LYLO again.

Edited by Elieson
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