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Xenoblade Mafia - Game Over


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Shinori, remember that it was Kaoz/Elie that visited Bizz (Core's watcher target), and they flipped town. ;/

So probably scum watcher/tracker/whatever

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PS this game was fucking awful after D1 and I had no motivation to post, hence forfeit. Sorry Blitz.

Wasn't worth trying to continue playing the game because (a) didn't care and (b) most people alive hate me as a player (Shinori, Manix) and would be biased toward lynching me even if I voted a counterwagon.

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Blitz was overrun by Mechon. He has been killed.

Dear Blitz,

"It means that which eliminates impure life--impure life just like you."

You are Lorithia.

You are a disciple of Zanza, manipulating the High Entia from your role as the leader of the High Entia's Research Department. You invented the Hauves so that the people of Bionis could fight the Mechon Army. However, when it is revealed to Prince Kallian that Dickson is working with Zanza, you also reveal your betrayal and transform the remaining pureblooded High Entia into Telethia.

During each cycle, you may respond to your role PM with "Cycle X - Scout USER." You will send out a Havres squadron to watch over USER, learning all who visit him.

You are allied with the Immortals. You win if all threats are eliminated.

Xin Li has been drained of life, killing her.

Dear Xin Li,

"They will judge me not in life, but death!"

You are Egil.

You are the leader of the Mechon Army. You are old enough to have witnessed the battle between the Mechonis and Bionis, and know what really happened. As a result, you know all about Zanza and intend to stop him. To this end, you created the Faces, Machina created from the bodies of Homs, so that the Monado would have no effect on them. Also you are a quote machine--every line you make is amazingly awesome.

Once per game, you may respond to your role PM with "Cycle X - Send the Mechon Army after USER." You will send the entirety of your Mechon army after USER, including the Mass Produced Faces. This will kill USER.

You are allied with the Mortals. You win if all threats are eliminated.

"Just as I suspected. It appears that I was mistaken to grant free will. However, all will soon be over. The Telethia will exterminate all life on Bionis. I will then create a new world, just as I have done many times before!"

"We will not allow it. We cannot! We will stop you!"

And so you did.

Dear RapierPrims,

"Using one's power to change the world--that is a right possessed only by gods."

You are Zanza.

You used to be a human scientist. That was until you performed an experiment which reset the universe. After that, you and your assistant, Meyneth, became its gods. You created the beings of Bionis as friends, but upon realizing that you would eventually cease to exist, you enacted a plan to reabsorb the life forces of Bionis and restart the universe many times over. To this end, you created the Telethia to snuff out life forms that existed outside the passage of fate.

During each cycle, you may respond to your role PM with one of the following predictions:

"Cycle X - NUMBER overlap with USER's fate." If NUMBER is identical to the number of people visiting USER this cycle, you will unlock access to an inspect.

Once per game, you may respond to your role PM with "Cycle X - USER is a mere cell from my body." Since USER is a mere mortal, you know all there is to know about him. You will obtain USER's entire role PM.

"Cycle X - USER1's fate intertwines with USER2's." USER1 cannot be a member of the Immortals. If USER1 visits USER2 this cycle, you will unlock access to a hitman.

You may respond to your role PM with "Cycle X - You have become insolent." This cycle, your kill cannot be stopped, as you are an unstoppable god.

"Cycle X - USER will serve as my food." If USER is lynched, you will unlock access to a hook.

Once you make a successful prediction, you may not attempt to predict it again. However, if a prediction fails, you may attempt it again. Abilities unlocked from predictions can only be used once each. Additionally, you may only use one unlocked ability per cycle.

You are allied with the Immortals. You win if all threats are eliminated.

And with that, the peoples of the Bionis and Mechonis could finally live in peace to forge their own path towards the future. The Mortals win.


Dear EtherShinori,

"Born into a world of strife!

Against the odds,

We choose to fight!

Blossom Dance!"

You are Dunban.

You are a soldier and the hero of the First Battle of Sword Valley. You are capable of using the Monado but extended use takes a great toll upon your body, as evidenced by your crippled right arm. You are a father figure to your younger sister Fiora and her friends Shulk and Reyn. Also, you are totally awesome in combat and have amazing lines.

During each cycle, you may respond to your role PM with "Cycle X - Dance with me, USER!" You will use Battle Eye on USER, causing the Lock-On status. This in turn forces USER to target you with any actions they perform this cycle.

You are allied with the Mortals. You win if all threats are eliminated.

Dear Camtech,

"Sorry, not interested in that future."

You are Fiora.

You are Shulk's childhood friend and love interest and Dunban's sister. After Dunban was nearly crippled by overuse of the Monado, you took care of him. You are killed early on by Metal Face, but are given a new lease on life (and a haircut) when Vanea implants Meyneth's soul into your body. A majority of your damage is done by your autoattack thanks to Speed Shift making it twice as fast, but I give you other arts just because your battle quotes are great.

If you are killed at night, you will be salvaged and reborn as a Machina, hosting the life of Lady Meyneth.

You are allied with the Mortals. You win if all threats are eliminated.

Dear Jedi,

"Be safe, my Hom Hom friends."

You are Chief Dunga.

You are the leader of the Nopon of Frontier Village. You make prophecies, although Riki accuses you of making them up on the spot. When the people of Bionis formed a united army against the Mechon, you lead your people in battle.

You have no special abilities.

You are allied with the Mortals. You win if all threats are eliminated.

Dear BigBangMeteor,

"I want you to kill Egil."

You are Miqol.

You are the leader of the Machina on the Fallen Arm. You are Egil and Vanea's father and are huge. People's reaction to the later always amuses you. You, like the rest of the Machina, think that Egil is mad and request that Shulk and friends put him down.

You have no special abilities.

You are allied with the Mortals. You win if all threats are eliminated.

Dear Levity,

"You are a hypocrite. Just like me."

You are Tyrea.

You are a member of the Bionite Order and daughter of the First Consort. You failed to assassinate Melia, a filthy half-breed, in the High Entia Tomb. Later, in the only voiced sidequest in the game, you begrudgingly accepted her after she helped you put your mother, who had been transformed into a Telethia, at peace. You are also a half-breed, although most would not guess so due to your long wings.

You have no special abilities.

You are allied with the Mortals. You win if all threats are eliminated.

Postgame should be up soon, whenever I get a chance to talk to eclipse.

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Wait a minute ... so, I'm dead, but Blitz WAS an Immortal, so I got him ... and the others lynched Prims correctly, so ...


By the way ...


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fun fact

i did in fact know that i wasn't really deathproof

also was prims amnesiac or was rapier just what or like huh?

pfft i can't believe that line wasn't uttered the entire game @skim

Edited by CT075
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Dear Prims,

"No! You wouldn't! Lorithia!"

You are Kallian.

You are the prince of the High Entia and a full blooded High Entia. As a result, the Telethia gene in you is completely active, which resulted in you becoming a mindless slave when you were betrayed by Lorithia.

You know that 4 members of the Mortals can target, but don't know how many or how often.

Your job as a mindless slave is to eliminate impurities. As a result, if Zanza were to die, you will take his role PM, causing it to be hidden from the public. Afterwards, you will gain all of Zanza's abilities.

You are allied with the Immortals. You win if all threats are eliminated.

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pfft i can't believe that line wasn't uttered the entire game @skim

I was saving that for when/if I got killed. :P

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For some reason, now I'm feeling hyper like I was at the beginning of the game. Since it's over, I suppose no one will mind if I go



Edited by Xin Li
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