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Is my Roy RNG screwed?

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Extremely screwed over

HP is 1 above average

Str is 5 below average

Skl is 2 below average

Spd is 3 below average

Lck is 5 below average

Def is 2 below average

Res is 2 below average

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1 point HP blessed, 5 points strength screwed, 2 points skill screwed, 3 points speed screwed, 5 points luck screwed, 2 points def screwed, 2 points res screwed. So yeah. Pretty badly screwed.

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That Roy is terrible...blink.gif

He's at Base Strength.

Only Gained 3 Speed.

Only Gained 3 Luck.

IKR, this Roy disappoints me so much [EVEN FROM JUST SEEING IT] I'm gonna play some Smash Brothers Melee to wash away the memory of this

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IKR, this Roy disappoints me so much [EVEN FROM JUST SEEING IT] I'm gonna play some Smash Brothers Melee to wash away the memory of this

Where Roy is equally as terrible. XD

And yes, that is just sad. Wow, I can't explain how utterly screwed that Roy is... oh FE6.

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Speed was the biggest issue. By chapter 17 he was being two, maybe three shotted by everything that didn't use an axe, and Lilina's A support (and the crit bonus) was the crutch he frequently needed. Bolting raped him, of course.

Come to think of it, he makes a pretty good Bolting lightningrod, assuming he doesn't get zapped more than once a turn.

Edited by Rambo M
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Christ, FE6 growths.

His growths are even that bad

Besides at least your Roy gained strength, mine never gain any

Edit: A Roy that didn't gain lots of Luck and Skill? Unpossible! If it's one thing Roy's good at it's getting lots and lots of useless Skill and Luck

Edited by Psycho Silver
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Speed was the biggest issue. By chapter 17 he was being two, maybe three shotted by everything that didn't use an axe, and Lilina's A support (and the crit bonus) was the crutch he frequently needed. Bolting raped him, of course.

Come to think of it, he makes a pretty good Bolting lightningrod, assuming he doesn't get zapped more than once a turn.

At least your Roy can take a hit. That chapter in where you have to fight Murdock was hell. Roy got one shoted by nearly all those damn Wyvern Knights.-_-

Edited by Gold Knight
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If the other characters you were using turned out really well or even noticeably above average, I'd say that everyone stole Roy's RNG luck. :Roy:

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I thought it was bad when my Roy had 10 strength at Lv. 20. I remember when i Played Chapter 22 with him, He sucks, even with a Silver Sword...

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  • 4 weeks later...

Well, at least you have some luck. XD But seriously, you should use Roy more so that his strength could go up. Strength is 9? That's pretty weak-- Maybe you should level him up to 20 so that he could get a little bit more strength...

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