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Fire Emblem 7 Marcus Under Probation Draft

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chapter 13 - 7/20 turns

is it bad that i killed guy

chapter 13x - 7/27 turns


chapter 14 - 10/37 turns

oh god i suck

chapter 15 - 7/44 turns

defend map

Edited by CT075
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Lets do this, also random lol Female!Tactician WHY NOT


Ch 11 6/6

The usual strategy

Ch 12 6/6 some lucky Eliwood crits and some Matthew dodging and killing gets me in the nice 6 turn timeline.. ah yes Hector did stuff too of course xD

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3. All Gaiden Chapters except 22x and 26x are required to be visited. 22x and 26x may be visited at the player's discretion, and don't count towards the total turncount up to 20 turns taken per chapter.

how do we get 19xx without lyn mode


chapter 17 - 11/63 turns

i suck at fe7

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chapter 17x - 3/66 turns

lowen owns everything

chapter 18 - 3/69 turns

see above

chapter 19 - 6/75 turns


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Ch 13 11/23

I had to take this one slow as Matt and Hector could only take so much damage before their vul's ran out

Hector tanked Guy and hit him making him retreat away so I was home free, Eliwood took the north path solo

Ch 13x 7/30

Matthew took the left and got some Str, Eliwood took the south right, Hector the north with Marcus and Oswin choking the points they needed to block as meatshields

Ch 14 10/40

Hector charged the middle, Matt cleaned up what he left behind, Eliwood protected the tent until the peg knights came. He and Matt took them on while Hector one shotted stuff.. Meanwhile Erk helps a little before dying

Stats [click to enlarge]

post-5281-009252100 1343274711_thumb.png post-5281-068605000 1343274730_thumb.png post-5281-003276000 1343274747_thumb.png

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SHIN, you better lead my units to victory! First chapter I've only got Lord MU, but then second chapter I get Fighter MU AND another Lord MU, so it's all good.


SHIN's luck is high, this strategy is bound to work.

Chapter 11- 6/6 turns


He's a speed demon on land!


Hector solo could use more helping Hand Axes, but as you can see, going marvelously. Also I sold the Silver Lance for 600 gold, what you gonna do about it?

Chapter 12- 6/12 turns


Maybe he'll cap it so he'll be able to tank those Valkyries in Cog Of Destiny in HHM.


Please game....why must you do this to me.




This plan looks perfect nothing could..




That HP really helps so much.


I hate you, game.




That was a good showing too, Dorcas.


I decided to screencap my turncounts so you'd know I wasn't cheating although actually it's pointless because I could be cheating in so many other ways so fuck it, this is the only screen caped turncount.

Chapter 13- 7/19 turns


OK, you can be the father of the children of any women that happen to join our army, Hector. Preferably one with Pursuit though, Continue will only last for so long (although you've been proccing it a lot lately)


Getting better!


Dammit Dorcas, you ruined it.


ALMOST SHIN level is decent enough, but I'd like real stats. I blame Dorcas.


I hate you.

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Whycan't my people stop sucking?


You think you can defeatme? The man known as IRON HECTOR? What a bunch of fools.


The village gotdestroyed in the end, but I think I learned a valuable lesson.

Should have drafted Guy.

Chapter 13x- 7/26 turns



Is this the beginning ofa beautiful new relationship I see before me?


I'll take that SlightlyBetter Than Shin level!


Hector is back in mygood graces again.


Pro Positioning 101- Thepositioning that takes the least positioning is the position that is the mostpositionable.


Wow, Erk has more DEFthan Lucius will ever get in his entire lifespan.




Eliwood must crit forthe 7 turn.

Chapter 14- 7/33 turns


Risk is my favouriteboard game.




Fuck yeah, who saidfighters were bad against mercenaries? Besides me, I was right at thetime.


Man Hector, you'rebrilliant.




My team just gotamazing.

(I had more pics but Photobucket and Irfanview are pieces of shit so whatever)

Chapter 15- 7/40 turns

Well, it's nice to know not only are Photobucket and Irfanview awful, but so is this board's formatting.

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Chapter 14 - 9/41

The good side to this is that Hector is consistently getting speed, at least. Rebecca killed Erik for exactly 4 damage (but got a crappy level up. That's okay, she's doing well) while Eliwood and Guy took care of the south. Couldn't get iron blade village, but got vulneraries.

Chapter 15 - 7/48

Standard defense chapter. Couldn't kill Sealen because a certain SOMEONE kept on missing. **glares at Hector**

Chapter 16 - 9/57

Kent did quite a bit in his one chapter of being free. Sain and Lyn helped clean up stuff as well and get villages, while Wil shopped. The drafted crew stormed up to Bauker and beat him up. Hector misses too much. -_-

Chapter 17 - 12/69

I DON'T EVEN KNOW HOW. Let's just say I got very lucky. Recruited Lucius, who did one thing the entire map.

Chapter 17x - 6/75

I think I always get 6 turns here. Must learn to minimize my 17x TC. In other news, Lucius and Rebecca were helpful here. Guy tanked pirates while Hector killed Pascal and Eliwood did stuff. Recruited Canas for his stuff.

Unit     Level    HP   ST   SK   SP   LC   DF   RS
Hector   18.18    36   14   10   11   11   17   06
Eliwood  14.23    29   12   13   12   14   10   05
Rebecca  11.94    26   09   12   12   10   03   04
Guy      13.67    29   08   17   18   07   07   01
Lucius    04.92    18   08   07   10   02   01   06

This is the best Hector I've had in a while. Guy needs strength. Rebecca's offense is fantastic, but she literally cannot take a hit. Without Marcus in early game, my units are higher-leveled than they should have any right to be. (Except Lucius.)

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"Fuck yeah, who saidfighters were bad against mercenaries? Besides me, I was right at thetime."

Sharpy-Fuck yes, 10 spd Dorcas in ch15

Sharpy-So pro

Refa-He'll never hit 'em

Sharpy-He's doing alright, he just hit a bunch on EP.

Sharpy-Why don't you do something funny, like say he'll gain speed.

Refa-Stop hyping bad axe users

Sharpy-HE just gained speed.

Refa-................are you sure Shin programmed a 70% luck growth on you?

Sharpy-Almost done with ch16, super Dorcas assisted Hector in raping the north end.

Sharpy-And hit the mercs for a 2HKO

Refa-There's this thing the rest of us have, called crit chances

Sharpy-Yeah? so?

Refa-Your ltc skills are shit, but got replaced by luck.


Sharpy-Dorcas is a real man, those little boys called Raven and Guy aren't.


Refa-Remind me why harpoon hypes bad axe users again

Refa-I mean, he even said that Dorcas does alright against swordies

Sharpy-You know

Sharpy-I forgot about recruiting Erk and Lucius

Sharpy-But Super!Dorcas is so much fun to abuse.

You forgot?

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"Besides me, I was right at the time"

learn 2 read

Also that never happened (well, me saying Dorcas is LAME did happen), you just made it all up. So forgery is added to counts of ignorance (which is blissful apparently).

I could tell because I would never put that many periods next to each other. EGREGRIOUS I SAY.

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"Besides me, I was right at the time"

learn 2 read

Also that never happened (well, me saying Dorcas is LAME did happen), you just made it all up. So forgery is added to counts of ignorance (which is blissful apparently).

I could tell because I would never put that many periods next to each other. EGREGRIOUS I SAY.

I did indeed say that IMO, Dorcas is a decent mid-round pick.

And lookie here, Marcus-Less drafts and now everyone wants good earlygame.

Like say, Lowen, Oswin, Guy, or DORCAS.

Haha, oh well.

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Of course, the tier list/what Shin and I said was built around MARCUS being free for early game soooooo...

He is pretty good in Marcusless though, I'll give him that.

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dorcas sucks

give me lowen any day

chapter 19x - 5/80 turns

probably could have cut it closer if lowen hadn't missed


dat lowen

chapter 20 - 8/88 turns

wasted a turn getting legault

chapter 21 - 4/92 turns


surprisingly enough, he's still decent as a joining unit in c21

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Tbh I don't find that scummy and I think I understand what he's doing but I'll let him explain himself.

chapter 22 - 4/97 turns

lowen and marcus just rush pascal

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Ch 15 7/47

Hector protected the hall, Eliwood sat on the throne and guarded [with some help from Hector which endangered Matthew] it also got some nice lvl ups, Matt nearly died but managed to get the silver axe and steal another thief's lockpicks.

Ch 16 9/56

Hector and Eliwood go right, Matthew gets the village, Kent, Wil, Lyn and Sain shop and clean up and overall? Great level ups I mean Kent and Lyn both got STR! Also eff the Peg.Knight that killed Eliwood with a javelin after he got hit by 4 others in my first attempt

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Chapter 18 - 4/79

Eliwood, Rebecca, and Lucius charged at Zoldam while Hector did a little shopping and Guy held off pirates on the right. Rebecca and Eliwood are looking awesome. Guy, get some strength!

Chapter 19 - 9/88

For the first time, I realize that Guy has the same con has fucking Rebecca. I don't want to talk about this chapter. Hector continues to be "the misser". At least everyone (but Guy) got good level-ups here.

Chapter 19x - 8/96

I suppose it's going all right, although Guy is kind of stuck at 8 strength and making me mad. Rebecca is probably going to promote soon.

Chapter 20 - 7/103

Had to drag Lyn's worthless ass to this map. Eliwood is being "Elitank" at the moment. Hector killed Darin and reached level 20. Recruited Legault with Lyn. Seized on turn 7.

Unit     Level    HP   ST   SK   SP   LC   DF   RS
Hector   20.00    37   14   11   12   12   18   06
Eliwood  18.51    32   15   15   13   15   13   06
Rebecca  17.51    31   12   15   15   13   03   05
Guy      18.27    34   08   19   20   09   07   02
Lucius   11.93    22   11   10   14   03   01   12

I just realized how strength-screwed my Hector is. Guy's strength is :facepalm: . Rebecca is remarkably offensive, but I think she's still at base defense. Eliwood is a bit slower than I want him to be, but surprisingly good. Lucius needs to gain more levels, fast.

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Chapter 21 - 5/108

Deployed Florina because I want to shop and Legault for stealing Hero Crest for Guy. Hector got the restore staff village. Guy finally got a point of strength! Rebecca had some bad luck with poison weapons. Lucius killed Oleg. Eliwood is amazing.

Chapter 22 - 7/115

Used rescue-drop cleverness to recruit Rath on turn 2. Also recruited Heath for the heck of it. Hector and Rebecca and Guy charged down with Rath, while Lucius and Eliwood kept Ninian safe. Rath got the boss-kill. Eliwood hit level 20.

Chapter 23 - 6/119

NPC Pent is retarded. Cost me at least a turn. WHY COULDN'T YOU HIT JASMINE WITH THUNDER INSTEAD OF ELFIRE!!!!!

Guy and Rebecca promoted, by the way.

Unit     Level     HP   ST   SK   SP   LC   DF   RS
Hector   20.00    37   14   11   12   12   18   06
Eliwood  20.00    34   16   16   14   16   14   07
Rebecca 20/01    37   15   18   18   14   06   07
Guy      20/01      41   12   20   20   10   09   03
Lucius   20.00    27   14   12   18   03   01   15
Ninian   02.73    14   00   00   13   10   05   05
Rath     12.56    29   11   11   11   08   08   03

Lucius will promote at chapter 24 base.

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chapter 25 - 8/108 turns

could've easily done it quicker if it weren't for marcus nearly dying due to never proc'ing speed ever

chapter 26 - 11/119 turns

i was done on turn 7 but >defend map

priscilla and eliwood and dart promoted, priscilla is 2 above her magic average

i'm happy

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