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Are you a true gentlemen?

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I am so good at holding doors open that I have actually procced the comment "You are a scholar and a gentleman" from people entering doors I hold open more frequently than I have actually opened doors (to buildings, not to like, cars or something).

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In their eyes that is not the way a gentleman acts at all~ In your eyes it was very very gentlemanly but...

What if you get in trouble for bringing this topic back up as well? Oh I see you already considered that

Edited by Freohr Datia
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A house-sitter once called my cat a loverboy. He can be very friendly.

Somebody once hold me to stop holding a door open because they didn't want me to be "that guy" holding it forever as more people came through

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I'm a gentlemen because I don't patronize women. I'd rather slam a door in a lady's face than open it for her.

Because being courteous is so patronizing.

I hold doors open for everyone.

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A house-sitter once called my cat a loverboy. He can be very friendly.

Somebody once hold me to stop holding a door open because they didn't want me to be "that guy" holding it forever as more people came through

But holding it open foreva is how u combo.

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But holding it open foreva is how u combo.

but holding it for someone still far away from a door but staring at them intently at the eyes sharing your intent that you indeed are to hold this door open for them and as such they must run to the door or else face your wrath

it is one of the simplest passive agressive ways

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Because being courteous is so patronizing.

Lumi thinks so. :Knoll:

That said... Being a gentleman is overrated. I'd rather be some kind of thing that is similar yet isn't.

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Bullshit, I open doors for everyone unless I'm carrying so much stuff I have to open doors with my foot. I just think courtesy shouldn't be extended only to women. Are men so base that they do not deserve equal courtesy? I should not think so.

Edited by Zhuge Liang
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Bullshit, I open doors for everyone unless I'm carrying so much stuff I have to open doors with my foot. I just think courtesy shouldn't be extended only to women. Are men so base that they do not deserve equal courtesy? I should not think so.

You mentioned that you hate it when people open/hold doors open for you.

Or am I just remembering incorrectly? Most likely yes.

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You're remembering it VERY incorrectly. I thank people when they open doors for me, it's just common courtesy. And damn it's really nice when I don't have to open doors with my foot when I'm carrying a fuckload of stuff. I merely dislike it when, the courtesy is not extended towards all people being close to that same door one goes though, but merely a subset of people based on their gender or whatever.

Methinks it is also possible that you're just ascribing a stereotype of those of my kind onto my person

Edited by Zhuge Liang
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