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What video game has the worst fanbase?

Gold Vanguard

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There are a lot of horrible fan bases like Final fantasy, sonic, pokemon, but there are two fanbases that are even more annoying.

Zelda: Pretty much every Zelda game is between very good at worst and completely awesome at best, but the fans still complain about every little thing.

Super smash bros: The only one that actually turned their anger at me. I can remember they called me woman hater because I commited the horrible crime of not liking Crystal from star fox.

I never understood why people hated the fire emblem fanbase. I think its a nice group. The only problem I have seen is that sometime everyone jumps on a noob who has a different opinion.

Edited by Sasori
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There are a lot of horrible fan bases like Final fantasy, sonic, pokemon, but there are two fanbases that are even more annoying.

Zelda: Pretty much every Zelda game is between very good at worst and completely awesome at best, but the fans still complain about every little thing.

Super smash bros: The only one that actually turned their anger at me. I can remember they called me woman hater because I commited the horrible crime of not liking Crystal from star fox.

I never understood why people hated the fire emblem fanbase. I think its a nice group. The only problem I have seen is that sometime everyone jumps on a noob who has a different opinion.

From outsider point of veiw ,FE fanbase are nut.

We are whine about everythings. Old school hate newer FE, New fan hate old FE, GBA fanbase hate every non-GBA FE and inside GBA fanbase there are another sub-fanbase who warship FE7 and hate FE8(and vise versa) etc etc

the list go on and on and on.

Oh and don't start to talk about tier-list, outsider view it as the most retard things ever.

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Zelda is pretty bad, yeah.

Nothing can match online games though. Click into any Dota2 video on YouTube and you are guaranteed to see Dota and LoL fans trying to slice each others' throats.

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Sburb and Sgrub.

Sburb and Sgrub.

Sburb and Sgrub.


Also I don't really like the Final Fantasy fan base that holds FF7 on a very high pedestal, but this comes naturally to me as a Suikoden/Shin Megami Tensei fangirl. Final Fantasy games are fantastic but I think they're overrated here. Well not so much anymore thanks to Lightning and her dumb brigade

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There is no such thing as a good video game fanbase.

Adding onto this, every fanbase for everything is the worst fanbase. There is no exception. Every other answer to this question is wrong.

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Adding onto this, every fanbase for everything is the worst fanbase. There is no exception. Every other answer to this question is wrong.

Even Kirby fans?

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i actually enjoy select call of duty games

This topic is about fanbases though, plenty of people enjoy the series they've nominated.

Online, I've heard Sonic fans are just nuts. But talking with, you know, real life people, many people consider Fire Emblem fans just... jeez. Autistic out the wazoo, to quote one of them.

Which is a pretty horrible thing to say, really. :/

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There is no such thing as a good video game fanbase.

I think the Fire Emblem fanbase is good.

To everyone reading this message: continue to be awesome, unless you are Snowy, in which case you could afford to try a little harder.

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I agree with Biggus Bossus and Hikachan.

Even Kirby fans?

Yes, to reiterate Hikarasuman. I've had first-hand experience with them so I can safely tell you that they're awful.

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This topic is about fanbases though, plenty of people enjoy the series they've nominated.

For once Crash is actually right, shockingly. I think the CoD fanbase as a whole are a bunch of sugar-chuggin' 'tards (not all that bad comparatively) but I still played the crap out of CoD4 way back when.

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From outsider point of veiw ,FE fanbase are nut.

We are whine about everythings. Old school hate newer FE, New fan hate old FE, GBA fanbase hate every non-GBA FE and inside GBA fanbase there are another sub-fanbase who warship FE7 and hate FE8(and vise versa) etc etc

the list go on and on and on.

Oh and don't start to talk about tier-list, outsider view it as the most retard things ever.

I blame Endgame and Marthkoopa.

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FE's fanbase as a whole is not deplorable at all. Just this end of it. :P:

FF has a pretty awful fanbase.

Kingdom Hearts...dueagh.

Zelda's fanbase is...debatable. I know, im in the middle of it every day. Usually its pretty relaxed but then hairbrained schemes happen and lame arguments break out because lame.

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Sonic's fanbase, because there are a lot of whiners who think classic Sonic is the best and some who think the Next-Gen Sonic is better than the classic one. I like both tbh.

It's completely natural to see critics to a game, but saying something like "Sonic 4 is absolutely terrible, Sonic has no future" or "Sonic Generations is bad and doesn't do it's job, to the trashcan with it" is too extremist in my opinion.

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It's completely natural to see critics to a game, but saying something like "Sonic 4 is absolutely terrible, Sonic has no future" or "Sonic Generations is bad and doesn't do it's job, to the trashcan with it" is too extremist in my opinion.

I see the first two frequently, but the only complaint I've ever heard about Sonic Generations is that it's too damn short. And I can agree with that.

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I see the first two frequently, but the only complaint I've ever heard about Sonic Generations is that it's too damn short. And I can agree with that.

And that why we have DLC.

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Breath of Fire fanbase getting along very well.

They know BF is a dying breed, so everyone should be stick together.

Theres a fanbase left for that? I thought they were all scattered to the winds and stuff.

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And that why we have DLC.

You mean the one Casino Night Pinball thing you can only get fron preorders (AFAIK)? Yeah, that's not much, I don't think Generations is getting much more, if anything, in the way of DLC. Hacking is looking promising though with the Generations Unleashed project, I'm looking forward to that.

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