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Starting Genealogy of the Holy War....help?


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Misteltoe, Balmung, Tyrfing, Narga

[spoiler=serious questions]actually, is there a Talk event for Celice to Palmark? I've never checked.

Secondly, is there any hint to roll Julia over to Velthomer? I've never payed attention.

EDIT: Dio informs me via Steam that there's a pretty explicit hint to get Julia to Velthomer.

not that it really matters since you get half of those (one automatically even!) and that's basically enough.

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He's saying to not give a crap and stuff, which will thoroughly bugger the newbie!

As if FE4 is a difficult game to begin with. Basically you're saying to have everything on your mind per chapter, which is SO smart.

Not really.

If you PLAYED the game, you'd know it's true. In personal experience, I once nearly got Patty fucked by the boss's fenrir in chapter 7, but after a few tries with the RNG, the boss went for Lakche instead. Might be a bad example, but at least the RNG can be dealt with, unlike in other FEs.

As for not getting characters? I'm pretty sure you can tell if a character can be recruited or not.

Inheritance? That's not even really an issue, as Baldrick said, if you pay attention.

Pairings? When in doubt, have Celice get all the EXP and solo if the other characters suck. IF they can be screwed.

EDIT: Sorry about this, Sirius.

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I sincerly feel bad for the person who started this thread.


Crash, Integ agreed with Sho's post because he said it was dead on. Integ said go no-holes barred into FE4, and you make that sound like a death sentence

For arguements sake, if you get a brand new video game you've been waiting Forever to play, would you wait for a week for people to have info on it or go into it blind?

4) Plus general FE screwings.

Because you can't get FE scrwewage in any other game that can mess you up.

I've had Shin (FE6) get hit by a 1%, did that screw anything over, no. My Kyle had 13 Defense as a level 20 Great Knight, does that screw anything up, no. General FE screwages are not a problem provided you can plan for anything to happen.

example: If someone has a 49% hit chance, I would go for it even if that person would kill the attacker, but a 58%, not so much. always be prepared for the worst is basicly what I am trying to say.

I'd say more' but I am tired and not in the mood to derail this thread anymore than I should.

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Nice going. This thread got completely derailed like my "How should I start fe5" thread

Can we please stop this foolish fighting that Crash started and just give advice like the POOR THREAD STARTER ASKED FOR?

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[spoiler=serious questions]actually, is there a Talk event for Celice to Palmark? I've never checked.

Secondly, is there any hint to roll Julia over to Velthomer? I've never payed attention.

No idea, I'll check a bit later. Alvis says he's giving something to Palmark related to Sigurd, and Palmark does mention Celice by name, but it may not be obvious to a first-time player. How competent are Aless/Shanan at killing Alvis?

If you conquer Velthomer, Levin or whoever says to get Narga, you need the Empress's circlet.

Julia has a Circlet in her inventory.

I guess if you don't think to kill Manfroy first, you're screwed, but who'd not think of that?

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No idea, I'll check a bit later. Alvis says he's giving something to Palmark related to Sigurd, and Palmark does mention Celice by name, but it may not be obvious to a first-time player. How competent are Aless/Shanan at killing Alvis?

If you conquer Velthomer, Levin or whoever says to get Narga, you need the Empress's circlet.

Julia has a Circlet in her inventory.

I guess if you don't think to kill Manfroy first, you're screwed, but who'd not think of that?

Ares can do it, but Shanan is just heavens no.

Anyway, bedtime for me. No more bickering, guaranteed.

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Crash, stop. Just stop. Are you one of those people who buys a walkthrough for a brand new game and the plays through the game page by page? If everyone followed guides everytime they played a game no new strategies or ideas would ever be learned. (Some game guides are god-awefully bad.)

Crash, your "advice" is the worst I've ever seen.

To the OP, Just play the game. When the game first released in Japan thousands of people played the game blind and thats how games are meant to be played. Discovering a secret >>>> than reading about one. Go ahead and look at pairings but as far as I know they arent super important and you most likely wont fully understand them until youve played the game. If you are having a ton of trouble then you might want to look at a guide, and if you do beat the game without trouble, then you can look at all the guides and secrets to see what you missed and see what you discovered on your own.

Good luck and have FUN, its just a game. The secrets are for the 2nd playthrough.

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Ares can do it, but Shanan is just heavens no.

Anyway, bedtime for me. No more bickering, guaranteed.

I'd think Shanan could use lover/double(triple with Laylea?)charisma/leadership star supports to minimalise Alvis's hitrates. On my super!Lakche run I managed to get Alvis's hit rates on her with Balmung down to a measly 7, and while Shanan might face a bit higher hitrates from Alvis since Lakche did cap speed there, it wouldn't be that much. Throw him the speed ring temporarily if that'd help.

Provided the person isn't trying to go for draft speed I think this is achievable anyway. Not exactly optimal, but it's possible.

Though if Shanan does get hit he's offed unlike that particular Lakche who had a 5 HP buffer against Alvis anyway.

But yeah, really, just get to the next castle like Shin said. Your lords are pretty damn good (understatement of the century) and hell even if you miss really good stuff like Holsety it's not life-threatening. Stuff like Holsety makes the game easier, but it isn't necessary for the completion of the game. As for pairings, just go with the flow. Even if some of the predestined/faster pairings aren't "optimal" they're still pretty damn good, and won't take long to make. Bad children or even substitutes won't really affect you much due to the quality of fixed characters in this game so just go with the flow, really.

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Continue works on Alvis, since Nihil only blocks sword skills. Shan does 8x2 with a 60% chance of making that 8x3 and 36% chance of making it 8x4 at base before factoring in Great Shield. Shan is likely not at base.

I think I might've thrown a str ring on Lakche too for a 4hko or something I don't remember though she did have max str/spd so it was like 62 mt to his 40 defense and like a 72% chance of Continue after a speed ring since I was maximising her chances against every boss on that particular run.

But I mean if you give Shanan the same stuff I gave Lakche, and provided that he is adequately leveled I'd say a 5-6hko wouldn't be out of the question, Aless can probably go first and then Shan finishes or something. Like I said it isn't optimal but it is doable should you not have obtained Tyrfing.

Edited by Zhuge Liang
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how do you fuck yourself over unintentionally in fe4


i am legitimately curious

"omg! claudeXayra is literally the most kawaii desu pairing ever!"

"oops patty got killed by a dark mage on turn 1 of chapter 7 because i forgot to move her!"

Then again you still have a crapton of solid units no matter what you do so yeah. :U

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I'm pretty sure the Swordtwins out of Claude as a father are still decent units if you overlook the whole movement thing. It's not like Astra doesn't exist and at least Lakche both has guaranteed inheritance and uses Ayra as a base so anything a father gives her is piling on top of Ayra's stats. They're the least of your worries as far as fucking up pairings goes.

So yes, TC, don't worry about Ayra's pairings in particular. Even the worst of Ayra's pairs still makes the swordtwins fine to use.

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I started reading the middle pages, then I got bored. FE4 is a lot to take in, but you don't need to go crazy with all sorts of guides. The odds are that none of them will make sense and you're missing out on the fun. Most kids work well enough any way. It's only losers like Claude!Patty and Jamka!Arthur which are completely useless.

A few words of wisdom;

- Use everyone, even chumps like Noish can come in handy.

- Like Cam mentioned, check for talk events.

- Take advantage of turn-by-turn saving.

- Don't worry about pairings, you'll get an idea of who likes who from the dialogue.

- Maybe check the secret events page of SF.

I did FE4 pretty much blind on my first run, all I checked were the Hannibal and Ayra recruitment methods. Best of luck, and have fun.

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Oh my. It seems I started quite the commotion around here! That was not my intent, so I apologize.

To answer some of this thread, I do know a bit about the game, as reading about it was all I thought I could ever do once upon a time. I do know there are two generations, and I'm told by my friend I will "love/hate" the twist. I know something of the pairing system, as it was what my friend warned me about, so that's what I've been focusing the most on. I've tried to keep spoilers to a minimum, but I do know name of people from reading pairing guides.

That said, I 'think' I know the pairings I'm going to try for. (I apologize if I get the name misspelled from translation differences).

Aideen x Midir

Ira x Lex

Lachesis x Beowulf

Sylvia x Claude

Fury x Levin

Brigid x Holyn

Tiltyu x Azel

If I am understanding my notes right, nearly all of these pairings give Pursuit, and inheritance isn't too big of a problem (Lex needs to kill a guy with a sword, or something?). I need to keep an eye out for conversation hints about pairings to see if that changes my mind (as I didn't read those kind of spoilers) but stat wise, these pairings made sense. I think. As long as I watch the conversations, keep these pairings in mind, and watch for events, I should hit MOST of the stuff I want to do, and I can read up on what I miss on this site. With any luck, I can start this thing and not feel pressured. I appreciate all the advice, and again, apologize for the bickering that I inadvertently caused.

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A couple of notes on what you wrote:

Those pairings will serve you just fine. Don't worry terribly hard about getting the Silver Blade with Lex (if you remember, good; if not, boo) since all it means is Skasaher doesn't have to sling an Iron Sword for exactly one chapter. Pursuit is great, but it isn't the end-all of all pairings ever. For now, aiming for Pursuit is an excellent thing but don't fall into the "IT DOESN'T PASS DOWN PURSUIT = IT SUCKS" routine that still goes on occasionally. Please.

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Don't worry about it, you didn't cause the kerfuffle. Those pairings are pretty standard and serve you well. Don't worry about Lex, his son will come with an Iron Blade, which is more than enough to break stuff.

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"omg! claudeXayra is literally the most kawaii desu pairing ever!"

"oops patty got killed by a dark mage on turn 1 of chapter 7 because i forgot to move her!"

Then again you still have a crapton of solid units no matter what you do so yeah. :U

Ayra's children will still eat mooks for breakfast anyway.

Also, nearly all pairings are good. If not, then they're alright. Don't worry about it. =P

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I started reading the middle pages, then I got bored. FE4 is a lot to take in, but you don't need to go crazy with all sorts of guides. The odds are that none of them will make sense and you're missing out on the fun. Most kids work well enough any way. It's only losers like Claude!Patty and Jamka!Arthur which are completely useless.

A few words of wisdom;

- Use everyone, even chumps like Noish can come in handy.

- Like Cam mentioned, check for talk events.

- Take advantage of turn-by-turn saving.

- Don't worry about pairings, you'll get an idea of who likes who from the dialogue.

- Maybe check the secret events page of SF.

I did FE4 pretty much blind on my first run, all I checked were the Hannibal and Ayra recruitment methods. Best of luck, and have fun.

I have to agree with Shin here. Only thing I'd add is make two save files because you can't restart chapters and make sure to use the arena. Anywho just go for it. FE4 has huge replay value so try new things everytime.

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Hehe, I'll try not to be a "PURSUIT = GOD~!" person. I didn't know what to aim for, and the guides I was using generally recommended that for newbies. Being a newbie, I figured it couldn't hurt to try. Plus, if I did it right, everyone but Lex has no problem passing on items. If I ever play it a second time, I'll try different pairings but who knows when that could be.

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Well, for whatever it's worth your plans are remarkably close to what I did for my first playthrough and I finished it, so you should too!

I don't remember who I paired Lachesis and Sylvia with, though, and I'm pretty sure I paired Tiltyu with Alec. I also didn't use any of their kids.

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Well, for whatever it's worth your plans are remarkably close to what I did for my first playthrough and I finished it, so you should too!

I don't remember who I paired Lachesis and Sylvia with, though, and I'm pretty sure I paired Tiltyu with Alec. I also didn't use any of their kids.

Nothing quite like NoishxSylvia... Corple had more defense than magic!

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Alright, I thought of two questions that (hopefully) won't cause as much distress. One of the tips I've seen is use everybody. That seems quite contrary to the norm, and I'm not sure what to think of it. Wouldn't it make more sense to train a handful of characters, specifically those who pass down stats to their kids? Is there really enough experience to go around to use everybody?

Second, after spending so much time on pairings for Gen 1, I realize I don't have any pairings for Gen 2. I can guess why it's not as important, but won't that make a difference too?

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FE4 has enough enemies to go around, no deployment limits, and its arena system is actually pretty good since you can only go 7 rounds per character per chapter. Characters like Sigurd, Cuan, Ayra, Levin should almost never have problems clearing the arena ever bar RNG screwage, and other characters should be able to clear it if they're adequately leveled, as well. Clearing all 7 levels of the arena would net an average of extra 2 levels or so (4 with Elite) at the beginning of the chapter. The max level is 30 with no reset on promotion, unlike the usual 40 levels (20/20), so not as much exp is needed, either. So yeah, definitely enough exp to go around.

And Gen2 pairings are pretty much do whatever since all it does is give some +avo/hit bonuses (like another charisma but single-target basically) and gives a 20% critical boost similar to siblings. There's a few pairs that gives you some extra stats at endgame if you want that, but it's not super important anyway. It's nowhere near as important as Gen 1 since there's no third gen.

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